ryanurzi · 6 years
prompt, but necessary love letters
in no particular order.
KK- You already know most of this, but I just wanted to put some of it in writing. It still baffles me that we can talk about nothing for so long. It’s like a never ending episode of Seinfeld.  Your phone calls keep me sane and your instagram memes keep me grounded. Even though we’re a couple hundred miles away, I don’t think we’ve ever been closer. “Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Listens” This is going to take you far. Even though we won’t be together this summer, we have to keep each other motivated. Thanks for being such a great friend.
JW- To my oldest friend, I’m so glad that I kicked you in the shin in 3rd grade. Thanks for sticking with me through my chump years in middle school. Even though we’re far apart now, I have no doubt in my mind that we’re going to be friends forever. When we hang out, all my stress melts away and I feel like I can just be that goofy kid I used to be. You’re the most honest and genuine person that I have ever met. Thank you for holding me accountable and telling when I’m being an idiot. I can say without doubt that I would not be who I am today without you. Thanks m8. Much love (PS. The Dream Killers will soon return to their former glory)
JM- Dear Mr. Sir,
You’re probably never going to read this because I don’t think you ever check your phone, but in the event that you do, know that I really appreciate you man. It’s so incredible that we can go months without talking while I’m away at school and then come back and pick up right where we left off. You’re an incredibly hard worker and one of the most talented people that I have ever met. If you can make it through three years of digital imaging, I’m positive that you can do anything that you want. Wherever you end up, I know that you’re going to change the world.
JR- Lemme just uhhh, appreciate you really quick. I’ve really really missed you this year man. I get so nostalgic every time I think of last summer. All the time that we’ve spent together has been so much fun. You’re kinda like my November. I can’t wait to see you again
LH- Damn buddy, what a time it has been. Just about every good memory that I have from 7th grade forward has you in it. Project W, turning off the Xbox on round 30 of Nuketown Zombies, plotting to kidnap Taylor, small groups on Wednesdays, senior sunrise, Yosemite, Long Beach. So crazy to think how far we’ve come. From chumps in middle school to now being people who are actually doing things with their lives. Weird to think about. Thanks for being there for me man.
LS- Wow. Crazy to think that we met only a couple months ago.  You’ve been so honest and open and kind and helpful and I can’t thank you enough for that. Your hugs kinda hurt but it’s so worth it to be your friend. I have so much admiration for how genuine you are with everyone that you meet. I aspire to be the kind of friend that you are. Short in stature, but big in heart. Thanks for the good times this semester and I very much look forward to this summer.
ATG- Homie, I’m so glad we met this year. It’s only been two weeks, but I already miss you like crazy. You’re one of those people that I feel like I could talk to forever. I don’t think I’ve ever told you this, but you really inspire me. You’re so incredibly talented, but you’re also one of the most humble and down to earth people I’ve ever met. I feel like every time we hang out, I learn something new. Thanks for all the laughs, quotes, and music recommendations. Our nights out were definitely the highlight of this last year. I’m gonna miss you this summer, but next year is gonna be one hell of a time. We’re gonna get true jedi on every level of Lego Star Wars. Mark my words MF. Talk to you soon, ya beepis.
A葛涵 G- To be completely honest, I don’t really know what to say here. All I know is that I wanted to write one of these for you. Whenever I see you on the sidewalk and we shoot the shit, I just get kinda happy. I realize how weird that sounds (I don’t mean it to be), but it’s true. When we hang out, I feel like I can say dumb shit and make stupid jokes and have someone that gets it. It makes me feel like I’m home. I really appreciate it. Keep rockin’ the double baseball hats and instagram polls.
MS- I’ll start by saying thank you for helping me get the internship because it means more to me than you know. I’ll follow that up by saying thank you for handling everything with housing so well. That was definitely the most stressful thing that I had to deal with this year and I’d probably be sub-letting a bush from the Morlan bunny if it wasn’t for you. But also, thanks for being such a good friend this semester. You’re an incredible guy and getting to know you has been an absolute pleasure. Working with you and living with you is something that I’m sure will be a highlight of our college experience. Next year is going to be our best year yet.
JY- I feel like I can’t say anything here that won’t sound whack as f00k, but hey #timesup amiright. Your cow milking skills are unparalleled but your sandwich eating could use some work. Seriously though, thanks for being such a bro. You don’t know it, but you’ve really helped to remind me to not take everything seriously and to have a good time above all else. I’ve had a great time this semester and I have no doubt that next year will be even more incredible (especially since we’re all sleeping in the same room). Pound it.
CVA- I’m convinced that you’re the only person in the greater Los Angeles area that can rock a peacoat in the summer. But in all seriousness, I’m so glad we met this year. There’s never been a time that we’ve hung out that hasn’t been loads of fun. I am beyond excited for next year and the years to come. It’s gonna be so much fun living together next year, even though it’s only gonna be for a semester. Thanks for being a friend this year and thanks for catching me when I fall ;)
SB- 1st off, thanks for giving me this idea. I remember when I saw you post this on your page and thinking to myself that I had to do that for my friends. That was such a genuinely nice thing to do. I’ve never really seen a guy do something like that before. It really made me realize how great of a person you are. I seriously don’t understand how you stay so humble because you are one of the smartest and most talented people I know. It’s also still so crazy to me that you were in LOK, but I’ll keep it on the dl. I can’t wait for next year man. It’s gonna be the time of our lives.
MZ- First off, oh my god. Second, you are actually the nicest person I have ever met. I genuinely do not understand how you always stay so positive. I get tired just being around you; I can’t imagine being you. You have this special way about you that makes it impossible to be in a bad mood when we’re in the same room. It makes me feel like I’m at home when we’re together. You’ve been a great fraternity mother and an even greater friend. Even though we had to say goodbye the other day, we’ll be back together soon.
SM- Honey, I don’t even know where to start this one. I never would have guessed that we would have been this close. You spill the tea a little too much and I’m still not 100% positive that you don’t want to shag all the pledges, but it’s ok. You’re a perfect example of striking a balance between working hard and playing hard. This semester would have been a completely different story if it weren’t for you constantly inviting me out. You’re extremely dedicated and extremely talented while also being one of the most genuinely fun people that I’ve ever met. I can’t remember the last time a came across someone that cares as much about their friends as you. You’re so nice and caring that in retrospect, I don’t see how we couldn’t be this close.
MC- Ummm, yeaaaa… sir? I remember when we first met. I thought you were just super nice and outgoing for o-week and I was like, “Hey, this person is pretty cool.” And then we started hanging out and you were still super nice and outgoing and I was like, “Wow. I really respect this person.” There are very few people that I know that can be super nice all the time and super honest all the time. I feel like most people are one or the other but you are somehow both. Thanks for being such a consistently good person and sorry for calling you names (but let’s be honest, that name is just too perfect). It was and will be an absolute pleasure, forever and always.
AC- It still kind of blows my mind how well we get along despite how vastly different we are, but at this point, I don’t question it anymore. Thanks for teaching me how to cube and thanks for giving me an excuse to watch old movies all the time. Thanks for making me laugh and attempting to motivate me. Even though we don’t hang out as much as we used to, it doesn’t mean that we didn’t have some great times this past year. Thanks for being my friend when few others would be.
AO- What can you say about a girl like you… It’s been truly incredible getting to know you this year. You’re so nice and funny and talented and I definitely don’t deserve to be your friend. I know that I’m a total flake, but thanks for sticking with me. I’m gonna try to forget the terrible formal that I took you to, but our countless trips to Disneyland will be one thing from last year that I will remember forever. Even though we won’t be bumping into each other at the caf anymore, this friendship is far from over.
LM- You were the first person at Chapman that I really clicked with. I remember the first night that we met. We were at someone’s housewarming party on the third week of school and we left and talked on that backyard porch for a couple hours about dumb shit. I know that it was just dumb shit but that meant a lot to me. I was a little worried when I got here that I wouldn’t fit in but that made me feel at home. Thanks. We had some really good times this year and we’re gonna have some more this summer and next year. If you ever need anything, you know who to call.
JI- You are truly one of a kind. You’re also the cutest MF at Chapman. I’m kind of in love with you man. Thanks for being such a gracious host this semester and thanks for being such a great friend. You’re one of the most fun loving and genuine people I’ve ever met and I can tell that we’re going to be friends for a long long time (especially if my SSN is still hung up on your wall).
NP- M’lad. I am seriously so happy that we met this year. I really appreciate how enthusiastic you are. You bring new energy into every conversation that I have with you. I feel like I learn something new every time we talk. I just really enjoy being around you. And I don’t mean that in a weird kind of way; I just genuinely enjoy hanging out with you. I can’t wait for next year man. I’m sure that we will have many more good conversations.
AL- Sometimes I forget how long we’ve been friends. It was that one Thanksgiving all those years ago and then countless Tuesday nights and weekends in between. I’m sorry that I haven’t kept in great touch since I’ve been away, but I’m so thankful for all the time that we’ve spent together. Seeing your grad pics the other day made me so happy for you. It was so so so good seeing you the other day. I hope it won’t be too long before we see each other again.
JCG- To be completely honest, you’ve been a really important figure in my life these past few months. Before we met, I hadn’t had an honest, open conversation with anyone in a good while. And the fact that we’ve continued that past the opening stages of our relationship means a lot. Thanks for being that for me. I know that sometimes I speak a little too openly, but the times when we can just sit down and talk about our feelings are some of the most relaxing and relieving times I have at school. I’m glad that we’ll get to continue that this summer and for the rest of our lives. Miss you. Love you. See you soon.
BJ- The 11th hour friend of freshman year. I don’t know how it took us so long to meet but we’re here and that’s all that matters. Damn dude, there’s something special about us. You just get it. You’ve got such a strong creative vision that I know will take you far. I can tell that we’re going to be friends for a very long time. I very much look forward to collaborating with you and getting to know you more in the process. Grand is gonna pop off next year. My door and my line are open at all times. Thanks for being such a broe.
sunday, june 3, 2:55 am
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ryanurzi · 6 years
Year 1 Playlist
(via https://open.spotify.com/user/ryanurzi2/playlist/1aDLoyNcZf0HLaZlUmIB3w?si=6JscgSSKQkmznnEBRDkDJA)
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