rycbar5 · 9 years
Questions that STILL need answered on PLL
Questions that STILL need answered—–in no particular order
1. Who was in Ali’s room with either a blonde wig or blonde hair, that Spencer saw in S1? 2. Did Mrs. D and Jason know that Ali was alive while she was missing? 3. Who else’s body was buried in the yard, is it really Bethany? 4. In the 3.24 ending who did we see pulled out of the grave the night Ali went missing ( besides Ali)? and who pulled them out! That most certainly wasn’t Mrs. Grunwald that pulled the person out, this person had bright red nails, so who was it? 5. Why did everyone have the same yellow top on that night? 6.Why would Ian commit suicide? 7. Why did Ian want to kill Spencer that night at the Bell Tower? He said it was for Melissa, why would that be? 8. What did Maya know? 9. How was Wilden working alone putting Aria in the crate on the train etc. when we heard a girl and saw another QOH’s? In fact he was arguing with her that he didn’t want to push the crate off the train… 10. Was Melissa really the other Queen of hearts like Mona said? We saw Wilden with someone so who was it. Also there were supposedly 4 QOH costumes bought or rented so… 11. Was there more than two ppl dressed up as the queen of hearts the night of the Halloween train? 12.Why would Wilden put Aria in the crate? 13. Who did Aria stab with the screwdriver? 14. Could Cece be Bethany instead of Charles? I know that MK said Cece is Charles, but we’ve been lied to before and it’s funny how the people that would know the truth are now dead. Also we saw Bethany’s drawings that show Mrs.D in the same outfit that she had on when Cece was supposedly at Aunt Carol’s and it’s funny how MK will not say if Cece transitioned from male to female or explain how Jason saw Cece with Melissa the night Ali disappeared. Also think of all the stories of how Mrs. D took Bethany out etc. so is it possible that Cece is still playing the game and pretending to be Charles? or that Cece has split personalities and that one of them is Bethany? Maybe she was never put back in Radley as Charlotte but was put back in as Bethany! 15. Why did Mrs.D say “Never turn your back on a Hastings”? 16. Did Bethany actually draw the drawings in her sketchbook or did someone draw them and give them to her? What did the drawings mean? 17. Who did Spencer hear scream outside the barn the night Ali went missing S1E1? We never heard or saw Ali scream. 18. How did Cece learn archery? 19. How did Cece have access to a morgue? 20.How did Cece get the body that she put in the barrell from a medical school or wherever they said? How did she even get access to the medical lab? 21. How did Cece get Sara? 22. Why did Cece say Mona helped her get in and out of Radley, but Mona said it was the other way around? 23. Why were we told we had seen BW without her mask in S4 when Dre Davis didn’t come into the show until season 6? Are we counting that flyer/bulletin of missing SH? Surely not! 24. Why did Cece decide to date Jason instead of just befriend him? 25. Whose things did Maya throw out that were supposedly Ali’s in s1? 26. Why was Ali’s grave dug up in s3? 27. Who drugged Emily to dig it up and why? 28. What did Garrett mean when he told Spencer medical records didn’t lie? 29. Who took the picture of Ali the night she disappeared? 30. What was in the bag that Ian gave to Jenna? 31. Where did Cece learn her hacking and combat skills? 32. Who was the person that Toby saw at the Lodge before he was knocked out? 33. When Melissa said those bitches are gonna be at the lodge, was she talking about the girls? 34. Why did Jenna, Melissa, Shana, and Wilden want the girls at the Lodge? 35. Who hit Toby over the head that night and threw the NW lighter down? Was that Cece, Sara, or someone else? 36. Why the rushed wedding between Melissa and Ian? Was it for an alibi and if so what did they need an alibi for? 37. Was the story that Melissa was pregnant and going to get an abortion in Cape May but miscarried on the way true? 38. Why did Ian meet up with Ali in a hotel in cape may if Melissa had just miscarried? 39. What was on the videos that Ali stole from Ian and why were the videos made? 40. Was the NAT club behind the videos or someone else? 41. What was the purpose of the NAT club ( just to dim young girls?) and why are so many of the members now dead? 42. Who all was Ali dating the summer before she came up missing? 43. Was Ezra really board shorts? If not who was? 44. Who was beach hottie? 45. Was Ali pregnant and if so by who and what happened to the baby? 46. Were those diaries that Mona had really Ali’s? 47. Why didn’t Ali ever tell the girls who she was dating or that she was friends with Cece? Why is Ali keeping so many secrets? 48. Was Melissa pregnant by Ian after they got married or did she fake the entire pregnancy? 49. If Melissa was pregnant was Ian the father, if not who was? 50. Why did Melissa continue to pretend to be pregnant if she did miscarry Taylor? 51. Why did Bethany call Marion a goody two shoes? 52. Why was Marion in Radley? Was it really just depression? 53. Who was the blonde girl that Dr.Palmer told Toby to stay away from? Cece? 54. Why was Eddie lamb trying to get in touch with Ezra? Why did he have a bad feeling about Wren? 55. What happened to Eddie Lamb? 56. Who attacked Emily in the green house? Cece? 57. Was Toby really protecting Spencer? 58. Why was Toby in London? 59. Why did someone make Toby appear to be dead, tattoo and all? And who was the dead person? 60. Right before Mona is kidnapped she tells Aria that Ali lured Bethany to her house the night Ali disappeared. Is this true? Does Ali really know Bethany? Was this false info? How did Mona learn this? 61.Why did Cece put Mona in the trunk? 62.And why did she take baby Jesus and replace it with the Mona doll in Emily’s manger scene? 63. Who did Ali say “I know you wanna kiss me” to? Ian? It appeared that way but then neither one of them seemed into eachother by that point so could it of been someone else? 64. The kissing Rock video, what did it show in its entirety? Why two different versions and all the different edits? Was it fake or real? And what was its purpose? 65. Who killed Mrs.D ( if that was in fact Mrs.D) and why? 66. Who is Dr. Sullivan’s son? 67. Why was Maya staying with Noel? 68. Who grabbed Maya in the video at Noel’s cabin? 69. Is Andrew really adopted or was Ezra lying? 70. If he is adopted then who are his biological parents? 71. Who is Andrew’s uncle that supposedly owns the orchard? We saw paperwork showing that someone in the Dilaurentis family owns an orchard, Is it the same orchard? 72. What did that lawyer that worked for Mona and/or Varjak say to Ezra? 73. Why were Shana and Jenna afraid of Melissa? 74. Who was the blonde girl at the zoo reptile exhibit? Just a person to throw us off? 75. What’s with the number 214? It was a room number, Garret’s badge number, and a locker combination so what Is its meaning? 76. Why was Mona meeting with Jenna and Shana? 77. What is Bethany young’s connection? 78. Is Bethany young even her real name? Why was she in Radley? 79. Who was the person with Mona behind the frosted glass at the salon/spa in the ending of episode 5.3? 80. What is the Sara Harvey connection? 81. Who pushed the girl at the frat party, who was the girl that got pushed, and what happened to her? 82. Who was Ali with at that frat party, when she wasn’t with the girls? 83. Did Cece really get kicked out of college or have to leave because she hit Ali in the head? Did she blame Ali and the girls for getting kicked out or having to leave college and if not why would her roommate tell Aria that? 84. What is the purpose of the Carasimmi group? 85. How did Charles have time to transition to Charlotte/Cece when she’s 15 months older than Jason and those surgeries take years and she showed up looking like a full fledged girl his senior year, meaning she would only be around 18-19 and you can’t have those surgeries legally til you are 18? Did she go out of the country as a teen for the surgeries? 86. How did Cece have masks and stuff in the Dilaurentis house yet no one that lived there realized it? 87. Why were Sydney and Jenna dressed like twins? 88. Could Jenna see the whole time she has been back in Rosewood and if not when did she start back being able to see? 89. What did Jenna give Shana at the park and what was she supposed to do with it? 90. Why is no one investigating Ian’s suicide note? 91. Why was Alison afraid of Paige? 92. Why were there scratches on Alison’s bedroom door and on the door of the room at the sorority house where Ali supposedly hid out? 93. Why did Ali say and what did she mean when she said there’s not enough locks to keep out Jason and his friends? And why was she crying at Spencer’s house? What happened? 94. Also what did she mean or what was her purpose of telling the girls that Jason had a problem with doorknobs? 95. Why was Jason standing at Ali’s bedroom door staring at her when she came home after being hid out for years? 96. What did the whole bad apple thing that Ali told Spencer refer to? 97. Why did Jason tell Spencer not to trust their father, Peter Hastings? 98. What does Mona know on Ali and Ali know on Mona that Mrs.Grunwald was referring to? 99. What bad things have the Hastings and the Dilaurentis family done that Ashley Marin hints at? 100. Why did Ezra think Mrs.D was A? 101. Why was Mrs.D sneaking into Spencer’s house staring at her? 102. Who’s number is 2154693561? ( tippi whistled the number and we’ve seen it several times) is it Cece’s? 103. Who did Jason pay the fifty grand to? 104. What kind of information did they give Jason in exchange for the 50 grand? 105. Who owns the old blue mustang? 106. How did Wren get to be a doctor at such a young age? Or is he a doctor? 107. How did Wren end up working or volunteering at so many places of importance? 108. Why did the dollhouse have a poster that said love thy neighbor like Wren? 109. Why did the dollhouse have a poster of three skeletons like Wren? 110. Why did A have a piano like Wren’s? 111. Why did Mona tell wren she stopped trusting him when she found out where his loyalties lie? And what did she mean by that? 112. Who did the lil boy in the doll shop see? He said a couple, guy and girl, with dark hair..who was that? 113. Who gave Ali the anklet? And what was its significance? 114. Where did wren get the drawing of the family and why did he only color in the red jacket? Who did he call while doing that? 115. Was there a reason Wren misspelled diagnosis? 116. Who attacked Ali in the Halloween episode wearing the baby doll mask? 117. Why was there a Radley car outside the house? 118. Who were the twins in the Halloween story? 119. If Cece is A then why was she at the Hastings caressing Spencer’s hat in a s5 A ending? 120. Why did Tippi say Hello Board Shorts to A if A is Cece? 121. Why did Cece turn herself into police? 122. What is the significance with Cindy and Mindy? Or is there any? 123. What were the 2 things in seasons 1-2 that Mona did not do? Did Cece do them? 124. Who took the stuff from Mona’s original lair? Cece or someone else? 125. Why was Shana helping wren move? 126. Why was Jason hugging Mona in season 2? What was the deal with that? 127. Who was Mrs. Grunwald talking about when she told the girls one of them had been touched by the one Ali fears the most? Is that supposed to be Cece? That doesn’t make sense considering they’ve all had the same interaction with Cece! 128. What does miss Aria your a killer not Ezra’s wife mean? We know it meant Maya knew but did it have more significance than that? 129. How old was Wilden? In one scene Hanna says he was c/o 1996 and in another he supposedly was a couple of grades ahead of Melissa who was class of 2005, so what is his real age? 130. What was on page five? 131. Why, if Cece is A, did they have a man in the black hoody at times? We could tell it was a male’s physique, what’s up with that? 132. How long did it take Cece to build the dollhouse? Did she build it herself or have help? If she built it when did she learn to do that? 133. How did Jenna know Alison at the Halloween shop? Did she already know about Alison before she moved to Rosewood? If so how? If not when did she learn of her and by who? 134. Who was the girl in the mask/dress at the Halloween store in the webisodes? 135. Why did Radley close? Who owns it? 136. How did Bethany know to wear the same outfit the night Ali went missing? Who left Ali the note to wear it too? 137. Why did Mike have 18 grand in his bank account? Where did he get it and why? 138. Who was Mike leaving candy for? Cece? 139. Why did he steal the liars blood? 140. Who is Cyus Patrillo and how does he fit in? Also why was Mike meeting him? 141. Why is Ali scared of the painting “the isle of the dead”? 142. Was Shana’s death just forgot about? 143. Where is Meredith? 144. Why were the pictures of two blonde kids in Aria’s family album? 145. Who was Melissa talking to the night Ali disappeared on the phone when she said do I have to call 911 to get ahold of you? 146. Where was Mona’s mother at after Mona’s funeral? 147. Where was Jason really at when he told he was at rehab? 148. What does Ali know on Noel? What are his secrets? 149. What happened to Jason to injure him when Mona was helping to bandage him in season 2? 150. How is mrs.D connected to Bethany? 151. Who was Melissa talking to the night Ali disappeared,that Jason thought was Cece, and what were they talking about? 152. On the tapes that Spencer and Mona found at Radley of Bethany talking, were those real or fake? If they were real what did she mean by mrs d had an affair with her father? Who are her parents? And what did she mean by “I can make plans to”? Who was she calling an evil bitch? 153. Has Alison ever met Bethany Young? If not, who wrote and planted the note in Ali’s attic? Cece? If so why would she do that? 154. In fact who planted the stuff in Ali’s attic and why? Again was that Cece? 155. How did Ali get the scar on her leg? 156. How did Ali get her arm broke when she was two? 157. Who took the pictures of Aria that Jason had? Did Ali really take those, did Jason, or someone else? And why did they take them? And how did A get those later on? 158. What did Spencer put in Ali’s coffin? 159. Why, if Cece cared about Ali did she set her up for Mona’s murder and pay people in jail to beat her? Why did she send her a video of her burying their mother and write I buried her just like I watched her bury you? So it’s ok for Cece to be cruel to Ali but she got mad at the liars for not being upset enough that Ali was gone? 160. Why did Ali and Melissa have masks made of themselves? 161. Why was Melissa’s riding helmet at the place Mrs.D took Bethany to ride her horse? 162. Who did Ali get into the car with outside Hector Lime’s? 163. Why was Ali going to hectors asking for money? 164. What happened to put Cyrus in the burn unit and who was In the bed in the burn unit? Also where Is he now? 165. Why did Jason act strange watching the video of Mona and why did he say it could be my sister and clarify that it could be Ali? The detectives don’t know he has any sisters besides Ali so why clarify? 166. Who is Varjak? 167. What was with the carnival theme in the dollhouse, what’s with candy, pizza, popcorn, flowers (especially roses), magic,masks, compasses, ice cream, the colors red/black/yellow,pig, literary/movie references, vintage items, etc. and how does any of that tie to Cece? 168. Who were all the black hoodies in the park in New York? Who set that up? 169. Who all was on Mona’s team? 170. Was there and is there still an A team? Was the A team Mona’s team? If not how many teams are/were there? What are the purposes of the teams? 171.how did Cece have her picture taken for a yearbook at a school she didn’t even attend and get them to put Prom Queen under it? 172. Why did Cece need a visitors pass to visit Mona when she was already a patient at Radley? Why would Wren make it for her and why would he pretend not to know that Cece was a patient there? Surely he, being a doctor there, knew Cece ( being in a mental ward) could be dangerous and I thought he cared for Spencer yet he didn’t warn her. And why did he lie and say Melissa called Cece thinking she could help Mona? 173. Who’s body was in the body bag on the train? 174. Why did Toby hit Lucas on his skate board? 175. Why was Toby driving the same vehicle as Cyrus? 176. Why can mrs.marin see the ghost girl? 177. Why was it that when we would see A that we would sometimes see a brown braid hanging out of the hoody? Was Cece wearing a brown wig or was that even Cece? 178. Who was the guy that knew Emily when she was chasing red coat and then we never seen him again? What was the point of that? 179. Ezra’s research, what does he know? And why didn’t he use it to help the girls? 180. Who was Alison spying on in Brookhaven? 181. Why did Ali have Vivianne Darkbloom as an alias and wear a brown wig? 182. How did Ali get all these fake IDs and passports? 183. Who did the bloody bandages in Jason’s trash belong to? 184. Who’s blood was on Ali’s bracelet? 185. why did Cece try to kill Jason and Emily on the elevator? And where did that picture go of Ali on Wilden’s boat? 186. How did Jason get out of the hospital so fast and where did he go when his mom said he couldn’t stay at aunt Carol’s? 187.Where is Holbrook? 188. How did he and Ali know eachother and for how long? 189. How did Holbrooks father know who Ali was? 190. What did Nate mean when he said to Jenna I know you saw me girl? 191. What is Charles/Cece’s obsession with war related things like gas masks, airplanes, etc.? We even see drawings of these things at the Carissimi group headquarters, why? 192. If Bethany is dead then who drew all the drawings in the dollhouse and Carissimi group? 193. Why would Mrs.D allow Cece to date Jason? Even if Nothing happened and Cece knew, Jason didn’t. Why would she allow Cece to go with them to the Cape? why didn’t she pull her aside and tell her to make up something? 194. Why did Cece go from wanting to kill the girls and then having the chance and not hurting them? 195. Why was Cece more obsessed with Ali than Jason when they are both her siblings? 196. Why didn’t Jason seem happy when they learned Ali was alive? 197. If Mrs.D bought Cece the same clothes as Ali then why did she tell Emily that she got a call from Radley saying they had her daughter and she rushed there only to find that it was not her daughter it was Cece, dressed head to toe in Ali’s clothes? Being that Mrs.D was on the board and Cece was a patient, why didn’t they recognize her and why didn’t Mrs.D even think it could be Cece? Why did she get on to Ali about it when it wasn’t Ali’s fault? 198. If Mrs.D loved Cece so much then why did she talk so negatively about her to the girls? In fact if Mrs.D knew Cece hit Ali wouldn’t she be concerned that Cece was out hanging with Ali’s old friends??? 199. The night Ali went missing and Mrs.D got a call that made her afraid for Ali to go out, was that about Cece? If so why would Mrs.D be worried considering Ali had spent time with them in Cape May? Was the call to warn Mrs.D that Bethany had escaped if so why did Mrs.D think Bethany would hurt Ali? 200. Why did Bethany hate Mrs.D and Ali and talk about them on those tapes in Radley, yet Ali claims she doesn’t know Bethany? Could Bethany of been talking about Cece not Ali? 201. Spencer has a flashback of the night Ali went missing and she has blood on her face, did she hurt someone or kill someone that night? If not what was that about? 202. Did something happen that the girls do not remember the night Ali went missing? They were drinking and drugged so could something of happened they don’t remember? If not what did Ali mean when she said the four of them knew more about that night than they thought they did? 203. Why was there an email on Aria or Ezras computer in season five about installing a fence? Why would Aria or Ezra install a fence? 204. Who was the person sending texts to Aria signed H? 205. How did Ted end up giving Ashley Melissa’s engagement ring that Ian gave her? Where did he get it? 206. Why was Cece on Ezras payroll? 207. Who did Cece tell she was not coming back to rosewood on the telephone, but later in the same episode we see her eavesdropping at Ezra’s door? 208. How did Cece track Ali down after she found out she was alive? 209. Why did Ezra supposedly have a problem with Ali’s age but not Aria’s? 210. What happened to Pepe and tippi? Does Cece have them? 211. Who had the dog (Pepe) sent to Ali, was Mrs.D really thinking of adopting it or was it sent from someone else? And why did Jason not want it? 212. Why did Jason ( or was it Jason) leave a recording at the Brew on that secret machine saying he let the dog out of the fence? 213. What’s with all the Paris and French references? Was that only bc that’s where Cece was headed and was a clue to her being A or for another reason? 214. When Toby was in London and stopped by Wren’s where was Melissa? 215. Why was Ali blackmailing people for money? 216. How did Cece get surveillance cameras in the girls houses? How did she spy on the girls 24/7? 217. What exactly did happen to the girls in the dollhouse? 218. Who’s suits were in the Ravenswood lair and why was Ezra so mad about it? 219. Who was hiding in that lair watching? Cece? 220. Why did Cece dress as a guy in a tux at the dollhouse prom? 221. Was the Ravenswood lair really Ezras? 222. What did Peter/Veronica find out from the A boxes? 223. Why didn’t Peter and Melissa come home after Spencer was found after being kidnapped? It’s strange that Melissa came home when Spencer was missing and had only went to NY to find Ali but when she had been kidnapped for weeks Melissa didn’t even come home? 224. Who was Ali’s friends boyfriend that pulled a gun on her? 225. What did Mr.D mean when he said Jason didn’t even know what he had put the family through? 226. Why couldn’t Ali remember where the guidance counselors office was when she came back? 227. Why did Ali have 3 full baby albums? 228. Why does Jason have black outs and forget things? Is it only due to drinking? I think not considering he forgot he had a brother! 229. Why did Cece stroke her own image in the Halloween store in the webisodes? 230. Why did Cece buy Emily a gift card from a hardware store? 231. Why did Cece as A use British terms like nosey and Holiday ( instead of vacation)? 232. Did Mrs.D discover the crawl space that someone was hiding out in the basement? 233. Why are there quotation marks around doctor referring to wren on the police board? 234. Why did Cece have a framed picture of Mrs. Grunwald? 235. When did Cece learn to play the piano? 236. Who was Ali trying to get disinherited? Jason? 237. Why did Ali have all the twin stuff in her room? 238. Why would Sara’s family put out a huge bulletin for her when she went missing and now not care when she’s found? Not to mention she was supposedly like Ali, which is super popular, and no one is wondering where she is? Just Claire? 239. Emily said she was missing for two years, but she supposedly went missing right after Ali did? That was three years ago bc if you look at the time line Ali went missing the start of sophomore year, then Aria moves to Iceland for the rest of sophomore year and comes back junior year. We are now at the end of their senior year so Ali would of went missing 3 yrs. ago not 2. Yet Emily tells Caleb that Sara ran away when she was 14, which would mean she’s been missing four years. So which is it 2, 3, or 4 years? 240. Why is Sara so obsessed with taking showers? 241. Could Sara Harvey still really be Bethany Young? 242. If SH is really BY did Cece pretend to be her mom and check her out of the hospital? Could Cece of paid Claire off to pretend that Bethany is Sara? 243. Why is Emily’s mom okay with taking in strangers? Wouldn’t she try to get ahold of SH’s parents to check out the girls story? It couldn’t be that hard considering Pam works at the police station. 244. Was there any significance to the dance the little girl did in Radley basement? If so what was it? 245. Who is/was that little girl whose picture hangs in the basement at Radley? If she were Spencer wouldn’t she have recognized herself and if it was Melissa wouldn’t Spencer of recognized her? Surely their family has photo albums. 246. Why did Leslie Stone have a bunch of fake glasses in her car? 247. Why didn’t the girls ask Mona to ask Leslie what Bethany looks like? 248. Why was Leslie supposed to be at Mona’s families thanksgiving dinner? 249. Who and where is Mona’s father? 250. Who is Mona’s Uncle Ned that taught her card games? 251. Why was Mrs.D sitting front row ( like family does) at Darren Wilden’s funeral? 252. What kind of a parent throws their child in a mental hospital, never visits, and doesn’t care when they child supposedly dies? I don’t care what your child does you are supposed to love them unconditionally. Look at everything Ali has done yet Ken still loves her. So why does Ken treat Jason bad and treated Charles even worse? 253. Why hasn’t Cece already came after Ken? 254. Why did Mrs.D wait til Wilden was dead to come back to Rosewood? 255. Where did Ali go when she was supposed to be going to meet the girls in 6x05 because she was not at their meeting? 256. Did Mona really leave Ali a card in the mailbox? 257. Does Cece own the junk yard that Aria and Clark went to? Because the stuff there looked like stuff she would own. 258. What is Cece’s obsession with Aria’s pink hair? Did she hear Jason say he liked it and was trying to help him out? 259. Why did Cece have pictures of twin girls in the soul room of the dollhouse? And who were they? 260. Who’s birth certificates did Cece have hanging on the wall in the soul room of the dollhouse? 261. Why didn’t Cece put a tracker in Mona? And was she still working with Cece or another A? 262. After Jason/Ashley hook up someone fixes it,or that’s how it appears, so that he runs into Aria, why? Did Cece do that and if so is she trying to set him up with Aria? Also the fling with Ashley gets brought up in court why would Cece do that to her brother? 263. How did Cece learn to read x-Rays? 264. How did Cece learn to insert things in teeth and put trackers in people? 265. Why did Aria get picked on the least of all the girls by Cece/A? 266. What did steamy with Wren, steamy with me, mean? Did Cece date wren? 267. What is Cece’s real name now that she has transitioned? Charlotte Drake or Charlotte Dilaurentis or neither? 268. Why were we told that Ali’s middle name Lauren was a clue? If it was a clue, to what? 269. What were the 7-8 other meanings of the Charles Dilaurentis anagram? 270. Who went into the art gallery and stole Aria’s photo? 271. What is the deal with Leslie Stone? How does she fit in? 272. Why did Leslie say the first she ever heard of Charles name was the night Bethany escaped along with another patient, yet Charles was Charlotte by then? 273. How did Leslie get a college education in Radley? 274. Did Mona go to Radley to steal Leslie’s file or was she sneaking a fake file in? 275. Why did Mrs.D take Bethany riding and buy her a horse, Custard? 276. How did Bethany have drawings of Mrs.D exactly the way she was dressed in Jason’s flashback when he went to Aunt Carol’s? Is Bethany really alive? 277. Did Cece date Noel Kahn’s brother or was that just insinuated and untrue? 278. Why did Bethany’s drawings seem to represent the D’s family? Is there a reason for that? 279. Did Ali really date Darren Wilden in Cape May? She was 15 yrs old. & he was either 24 years old or 31 years old, isn’t that way too old for her? 280. Who was the doctor Ali told Emily about that could get her birth control? 281. Did Cece date Darren Wilden or want to, as Jason suggested to Emily? 282. How did Shana and all the A’s in the park in 5.1 know A’s outfit? And have exact duplicates? 283. Who’s cabin was Ezra staying at that he had a lair in? 284. Why was there a picture in that cabin of a train with only red colored in like the one Wren was doing? 285. What did Aria say to Mona in the theatre? 286. Who kidnapped Sara Harvey? She was supposedly kidnapped the day after Ali went missing and Cece was back in Radley so who took her? 287. Who was the character in the finale that was supposed to be dead, but wasn’t? Because we were told that we hadn’t seen the last of someone we thought was dead being alive, yet that never happened? Is that coming later on? 288. Right before season six aired in interviews we were told there would be ANOTHER missing girl. Why didn’t that happen? 289. When Ali and Mona see one another at Ali’s crypt, what does Mona mean when she tells Ali that she doesn’t have to pretend to be anyone else anymore? In fact what was that whole conversation about? 290. If Cece has Tippie then why is Tippie calling her board shorts? Doesn’t make sense! 291. Why were the NAT tapes made such a big deal of then that storyline dropped? 292. If Sara was only pretending to be traumatized why write on the wall how many days you had been there? 293. Why would Sara look so pale and like she had been in the dollhouse a long time if she wasn’t? 294. What did Ashley see on the tapes that she threw down the garbage disposal? 295. Who is the parent that supposedly knew the most? 296. How did Cece find out where Ali was when she was in New York? 297. Why did Melissa break the mold of her mask? 298. Why did Cece give Hanna the scholarship? 299. Why did Cece put spikes in Jake’s punching bag? 300. Bethany is supposed to be 5-6 years younger than Charles but on the roof they look almost the same age. Same goes for the video of Charles/Ali/Jason when they were kids, ali and Jason look the same age with Charles a year or two older when in reality Ali is 7 years younger than Jason and 8 years younger than Charles. 301. At the prom in the dollhouse why did Cece want to be prom king and Ali to be prom queen??? 302. How did Cece/Sara get tickets to the RW high prom when neither of them go to school there? 303. Why did Cece rent a tuxedo for the RW high prom? 304. What is Cece’s obsession with Mannequins? 305. Was that even Cece dressed as Charles at the dollhouse prom? If so why did she want to dress as a guy if she is a transgender female? 306. The Ali bracelet, were there 3 bracelets made with Ali’s name on them? Because Ali was wearing hers that night. We saw someone pulled out of the grave, other than Ali at the end of 3.24 that also had on the Ali bracelet, and Bethany had on an Ali bracelet too. Unless Bethany is alive and was who we saw pulled out in 3.24, but then who’s body was found?
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It’s been a dark, overcast week— nice to have a bit of color to brighten things up.
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rycbar5 · 10 years
67 notes · View notes
rycbar5 · 10 years
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454 notes · View notes
rycbar5 · 10 years
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my fave people.
63 notes · View notes
rycbar5 · 10 years
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454 notes · View notes
rycbar5 · 10 years
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💔 unter We Heart It.
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rycbar5 · 10 years
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Emmy Winner Crazy Eyes.
157 notes · View notes
rycbar5 · 10 years
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Laura Prepon | PaleyFest 2014 
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rycbar5 · 10 years
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Hahaha caught😳😂 
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rycbar5 · 10 years
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rycbar5 · 10 years
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3K notes · View notes