ryderinthecity · 10 years
Yeah, exactly! I get to just have fun and hang out with my brothers and not have to worry about school.
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I love ‘em too, there’s plenty of time to relax and watch movies and even try to do the movie stuff in real life.
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
Well, I do. Weekends are amazing.
Uh no, 
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
Well, I do. Weekends are awesome!
Im not for sure.
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
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Probably at least five times.
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I don’t know. Have you?
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
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Have I ever mentioned how much I love weekends?
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
That's definitely a plus to it!
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It is it is it is! Best part? The sun’ll be up before me year round!
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
It's been really great! I like getting to spend so much time with them and getting to know them better.
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Oh yeah, you’re living with your brothers now, right? How’s that going?
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
That's awesome! I bet it is.
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That’s great! I’m doing pretty well too; college is so much fun!
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
That's good! My roommate wasn't bad, I mean we weren't best friends or anything, but we got along okay.
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Yeah, it’s been going well… surprisingly well, actually.
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
I don't know. I hope not. It's not that bad. Just bruises and stuff. But Mom knows, he does it to her too. She's just alwasy been afraid he'd take me if she left, but I'm almost eighteen now.
What’s he gonna do fly all the way to New York just to make you go home? I won’t allow it. I let my dad do it for far to long and my brother ended up dead because of it. I won’t et that happen to you. As for your mom… That won’t be easy. Does she know about what he does to you?
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
Dad doesn't like it. He says it means I "don't appriciate everything he gave me" and I'm trying to replace them with the family that gave me away. That's the problem though, Haley. He can. I'm not eighteen yet, not until January. I've got to find a way to get Mom away from him.
That’s ridiculous. What’s so bad about finding your brothers? You know you don’t have to go back if you don’t want to Ryder. They can’t make you.
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
I'll try. You could say that. Dad went through my phone. Found out I met my brothers. It wasn't really pretty for the rest of the time I was there. That's cool, I bet they're awesome!
If you can come up with an excuse then yes. I’m taking Immy to Cali next break but you could still use me as an excuse not to go home. Just say you’ve already had plans made with a friend. Why? Did something happen over summer break? It was pleasant. Spent time with my mom and brought designs to life.
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
Um ... thanks?
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Oh, it’s quite pathetic. But at least it’s pathetic in New York. That’s still better than most peoples’ bests
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
Well, that's good. I hope you guys get along.
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Yep, found her! Or rather, she showed up- not a whole lot of searching involved. 
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
Pretty good. I'm really glad to be back in the city though, back with my brothers. How're you?
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No problemo! So mister senior, how goes it?
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
I like my life in New York. So ... you can think it's pathetic if you want. I don't.
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I didn’t, but nobody on this useless site can post anything worth responding to so I have to reply to something. Might as well tell you how pathetic all your lives are, right?
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ryderinthecity · 10 years
It’s bad because you’re wasting my time with something that’s not even that special. 
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Well, you didn't have to reply.
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