rylhiddleston · 4 years
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Happy Birthday, young man ( @soutterlytaron!)
I thought this might be a fun one to sit and educate the twins with - and yourself. Who doesn’t love Sir David Attenborough? He’s a national treasure!
Keep eheheing
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
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Happiest of birthdays to you, @justmaxirons!
I heard in passing that you fancied a return to the theatre stage. While it probably isn’t quite the return that you have in mind, it will at least give you some practice and maybe some laughs too. 😆
- Tom 
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
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It probably isn’t the type of unicorn you had in mind, but at such short notice it’s the best I can do. He needs lots of love, care and attention so look after him!
- Tom @royalmiller
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
Psst, in that case just dont be honest. Its a bit cute, isnt it? Tom-Dad I mean? Aside from the fact that it makes me think of Tom-Kat and Tom Cruise making an ass of himself jumping up and down on that couch. I am all for that, lets see how you organise a unicorn for Marlie, I’ll sit back and enjoy the show
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It’s a bit cute, there’s no way of denying it. I didn’t even think of bringing Tom Cruise into it, now you’re ruining the innocence of Marlie’s nickname for me - wrong Tom! Ah, see, you’re doubting me because I have something in mind... Hopefully I’m able to execute my plan and keep her quiet for a couple of minutes at least.
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
A rat in Cambodia has just been given a gold medal for bravery for sniffing out landmines - and all I think is: what have you done this week?
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That’s reallty interesting, actually. I didn’t know rats would have those kind of capabilities? But at the same time, a rat won a gold medal and I’m feeling a little left out. Perhaps they should be giving them to the US and UK government too for being massive fuck ups. I’m here in Atlanta doing my Loki thing - it’s all quite strange. How did you spend your week, Max?
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
Not without a compass at least, or some GPS device that isn’t a phone, since we’re clearly secretly ninety-seven and not able to use them. Please, man, of course you are! Come on, you know where to find us. Mack’s mixing drinks tonight, so make sure you don’t have an early call tomorrow morning.
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And to think that you laughed at me when I suggested it. Thing is, I’ll happily admit I’m a ninety-seven year old at heart. Nope! Day off tomorrow, the early call times come next week. Not so sure how I’ll keep up with the two of you, but a guy can try.
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
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‘But mostly the stuff that I meet in my life is very generous and benign. So it’s all good.’
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
I’d consider going hiking with you again, but… nope. Do you want to hang out anyway, @rylhiddleston​? Just to feel a little closer to home in this Atlanta enclave of ours. 
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I think all hiking trips are off for the foreseeable future, and probably for the safe side too. Am I cool enough to come and hang out with you, and maybe Mackie? I’m not so sure. 
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
Brilliant, the answer is always brilliant darling. You’ll hand it to me? Would you want her to call you that, I think that is very much up to you! I think the current market is a little bit void of unicorns…
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I think it’s a little bit of both, in all honesty. You love to sit and watch me suffer. If she wants to go with Tom-Dad, I’m not going to be the one to break her little heart. It might be worth looking into, you know? Just in case. Maybe we can pull some strings and find something.
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
How do you spell dumb? || Sebastian & Tom
Sebastian turned to Tom, one eyebrow arched in both question and silent amusement. “And, Indiana Hiddleston, do you happen to have a compass and a map handy?” he asked. Their hiking route had been easy enough, pretty straight forward actually, not to be missed, and yet, somehow, they had missed it. He wasn’t quite so sure how, but perhaps it had been them deep in conversation that had led them too far into the woods. And now they were standing just a few metres from a crossroads, and neither path had been used in a long time, it seemed. What Sebastian couldn’t quite remember was whether a hill had been in the trail map they had consulted at the start, but perhaps he had just missed it. “What does your phone say?” If they actually got a signal here, under the wide, leafy canopy, it would be a wonder, but hope died last, right? At least they had enough water and snacks to get through for a while. Provisions were the one thing neither had forgotten so easily. “Does your phone have a compass? I know iPhones are supposed to have them, unless you deleted it off your phone…” It would serve them right, if that had happened. They were two idiots standing in the woods, with no clue how they got there and even less idea of how to get out of their predicament. The least he could do, while waiting around, was looking around - and picking strawberries. At least those were mighty tasty this time of year. Sebastian started to laugh as well, because this was really like them to set out to do something and get lost doing it. “Okay, what does your phone say? Left or right? Or are we taking our chances?” It was still pretty early in the day, and apart from them putting their steps in, they wouldn’t loose too much, would they?
The Indiana Hiddleston quip from Seb made Tom scoff with amusement. Evidently, it wasn’t the case, or else they wouldn’t have ended up in this situation in the first place. “Of course I don’t,” He grumbled under his breath. Only they could manage to get lost on what was a supposedly simple hiking trail. They’d had to have taken a wrong turn somewhere - and here they were. “I don’t think that it knows, it wants to send us on this giant loop...” He turned the screen around so that Sebastian could have a look - bloody technology. He openly criticised the need to rely on it so much, and was made fun for it more times than he cared to count. In moments like this, he would rest his case. Holding the device up above his head to try and get a signal obviously wasn’t working, so he was open to (and a little desperate) to any other suggestions available. “You’re going to need to tell me how I actually do that...” He had the latest iPhone, Sienna had practically shoved one into his hand one day after watching him with his dinosaur iPhone 5 model for so many years. He didn’t have the slightest idea how to work everything on it, though. It was a gift that was a little bit lost on him. He turned to Sebastian with a sheepish smile once he had opened up the application, the only obstacle in front of him was figuring out how the thing actually worked. He pulled faces at the screen and started to tut and shake his head, like he had originally thought, utterly useless. “Are you going to help me out or carry on picking the strawberries?” He asked, but couldn’t keep his serious expression up for long before he was laughing. Only them. The two idiots of the day. He could already hear their girlfriend’s laughing later on when they recollected the tale. “I give up,” He shrugged and put his phone away. “Let’s take our chances and keep on going. Although, with how our instincts have been so far...” He trailed off and started to laugh. “It will be an adventure at least, come on, let’s see where we end up.” 
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
I think thats what everybody immediately assumes - it makes sense and I might have hoped you’d get a little tiny bit nervous. She actually said two cute little things. First of all she wants to know if she could call you tom-dad, which sounds absolutely ridiculous but the sentiment is cute. Less cute and more demanding, she has asked for a sibling…or a unicorn. 
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I’m trying to decide whether you’re brilliant, or outright mean to me. Tom -Dad -- I’ll hand that one to you, it is quite adorable that she brought it up. Are unicorns particularly difficult to get ahold of in the current market?  I think maybe we should start looking... 
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
I’m not sure if it counts as an ‘activity’, but I really love sitting inside with a book and listening to the rain on the window. It really is one of the most beautiful and soothing sounds out there.
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What’s your favourite rainy day activity? Right now, I’m just watching my kids jump from puddle to puddle, and I’m kind of inclined to just follow their lead…
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
They’re so cute! I’ve never been llama trekking before, but there’s a first time for everything. I’m very excited about having the chance.
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Who is up for some llama trekking? I feel like this could be the moment I fall in love… llamas are so incredibly cute!
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
The older I get the less I want to actually celebrate my birthday. So, starting August 25th 2022 I will no longer be countings birthdays. Just a future reference for everyone. Now, who wants to come over and socially distance and drink?
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I’m with you, I’ve actually decided that after my next birthday I’m going to stop celebrating them too, or counting backwards towards zero each year.
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The older I get the less I want to actually celebrate my birthday. So, starting August 25th 2022 I will no longer be countings birthdays. Just a future reference for everyone. Now, who wants to come over and socially distance and drink?
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
No, not a heart attack, just a tiny little shock maybe. You doing something wrong? That is so unlikely why would you even consider that? Promise, its a very cute little thing. No need to be afraid this time, but I do enjoy this suspense. 
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A tiny shock? I’m going to start having palpitations at this rate. Because - well - when someone asks to talk it’s just what I immediately assume. I’m not a fan of the suspense... So, I think you should tell me what cute little thing Marlie said.
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
Do you want to give me a heart attack? Because that’s what just happened! Don’t do that to be, I honestly thought that for a moment it was serious or that I’d done something wrong. Do I want to know? I’m a little frightened of what you’re going to hit me with, she does have a very vivid imagination... 
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We need to talk. @rylhiddleston​ Ha, I always wanted to say that without anything sad and serious following, did I freak you out for a second? So Marlie asked me something earlier that she wanted me to ask you - are you ready? 
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rylhiddleston · 4 years
I am funny, thank you for acknowledging that! You really, really can’t - not that I don’t like Taylor, she seems sweet, but this was such an odd moment for you? It’s like your life was doing too well, and you had to do something to sabotage it. Mmm, but in this case, they were very practical. Also, we’re in the US, so we’re allowed to indulge. You, if you want, can continue swimming to the shore and wading out to have your Ursula Andres moment in your G.C. shirt. Do these things exist?
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It was a little odd an odd moment, I call it all my midlife crisis - ha. I think we’ve all gotten caught up in a summer romance from time to time. Still trying to get that reputation back a little bit though, believe me. I think  Ursula Andres would do it better than any attempts I could make, she was beautiful back in her day. I’m not sure if they do or not, but it’s worth a look on the internet. If they don’t then maybe I’ve just become an inventor. 
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