ryljmo · 3 years
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ryljmo · 4 years
For those of you who follow me on Instagram, you’ll know from my lives I’m all about healthy eating and going gluten-free. Also, for those of you who follow me, I don’t just make pizza!
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ryljmo · 4 years
Blimey, I was just out, getting some groceries and some gelato because, well, I have been quite the good boy recently and deserved the treat and … kapow, rain everywhere. I have to admit I don’t quite fancy my pineapple-coconut ice cream all watery. Anyone else get caught unawares by the sudden rainstorm? I definitely look like a drowned rat now. Or a retriever that jumped in puddles. 
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I would say ‘welcome to the east coast’ but, it seems you’ve already been in town for a while! I think one of New England’s most endearing qualities is the weather. And, the leaves during the fall.
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ryljmo · 4 years
Oh god. That’s just it, they’re cute until they throw their little tantrums like that. I think Max probably things the same about me in the ice cream aisle, “maybe if I try and speed through it, she won’t fill the cart up with even more”
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I’m with you on that: I feel like I too, need a caution around the ice cream section. Typically though, I’ll go for vegan stuff. Has he ever been successful in not getting you to fill up the cart?
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ryljmo · 4 years
At least life is very colourful around your daughter, is it not?
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It most certainly is. She brings me nothing but joy. I went on a true journey to bring her into the world, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat.
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ryljmo · 4 years
I see you’re enjoying the joys of motherhood, sweetheart. 
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Oh, I would definitely not say they are the joys. She’s a terror. We’ve reached the actual terrible two’s. Please be on stand-by for my rescue flares.
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ryljmo · 4 years
I see right through you, Jen. I’m not sure, what would you like me to make for you?
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I don’t know, what are you in the mood to make?
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ryljmo · 4 years
The puppies name is Charlie. Buckleys always been an angel, what are you talking about? I’d look great with gray hair and you know it.
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How and why didn’t I remember that? Did you tell me his name? Oh, come on. He can be a menace!
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ryljmo · 4 years
what can i say i did an english literature degree before i went into and acting school so it might be that shinning through a little. But what can i say all my mindset on the town is solely based on visual factors so far, who know what i’ll think when get settled into town life, i’ve always lived in big cities so this will be a big change. He’s hoping i think i’ve outgrown the crazy clubbing liffe got to leave it behind. Nice to meet you Jennifer you been here long?
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Yes, I think you’ll find this will be quite the step. Even if you haven’t fully outgrown it, there are a few places around town, and just outside, or a short trip to Boston, where you can party and go clubbing! It’s my pleasure, great to meet you, too. I’ve been here a few years, yes. I recently moved to a different part of town, though, just so my daughter could be a little safer and I could monitor her in the back yard.
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ryljmo · 4 years
More like the puppy – Buckley is an angel. At least I get to be a silver-fox? Or at least I hope I do. It’s what women like, right?
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What’s the puppy’s name again? I feel like you told me but, I can’t remember. Buckley has matured then, if you’re calling him an angel now. I don’t know, I can’t picture you with actual gray hair.
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ryljmo · 4 years
That’s probably why my hair is starting to become gray. They’re both misbehaving today.
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And, then toss Buckley into that equation, and I’m sure that’s more than starting to become gray, right?
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ryljmo · 4 years
Don’t believe it. I have to deal with two strong willed daughters. Not sure how I’m going to survive it. 
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Two who are very close in age. That’s gotta be tough, I feel for you.
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ryljmo · 4 years
Can I? I don’t believe you, love. You’re the most stubborn person I know. If she doesn’t get my looks then at least she gets some of my personality. Aye, she’s going to be as strong-willed as her mum.
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Yes, you can be. We’re saying that like it’s a bad thing. Having a strong-willed daughter is probably only going to be bad for us, but for herself, it’s going to be amazing. 
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ryljmo · 4 years
If I crashed into you at the supermarket the other day and it looked like I did a hit and run in the cereal aisle, I apologize. I did not want my two-year-old to see the cupcakes on the shelf because she likes to pull the cases off and toss the sprinkles everywhere.
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ryljmo · 4 years
Aye, she is. But I don’t think she gets the stubbornness from me. Just the grumpiness. It’s the Irish in us. Fifteen? Think it’s going to go on a bit longer than that, love.
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You can be stubborn, too, you know? I know I am stubborn. Okay, most of it. She gets most of it from me, but, there’ll be a little something in there from you. Oh man, longer than fifteen?
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ryljmo · 4 years
@ryljmo​ Arielle has been in a right mood today – refusing to even pick up her toys. She’s a stubborn wee lass. I blame you.
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It can’t all be my fault, she’s also your child, Colin. But, she is two years old, she’s at the danger age for tantrums. Now she’s started having them, she won’t stop until she’s around fifteen.
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ryljmo · 4 years
So apparently this is the place everyone has slowly been taking over, i have to say now I’m officially here i can see why, i got a place by the beach and i have never done that before. Most the recent years I’ve lived in London, other then visits to friends in LA, but I’ve found my new reading spot on my deck watching the waves crash, definitely more peaceful than having to keep my windows closed on hot days to block out busy traffic sounds. Hi royal residents I’m Gwilym.
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I feel like you just summed up the town to perfection, are you a realtor in disguise? Perhaps a fiction writer, coming to scope out locations and find somewhere peaceful to finish the last few chapters? Royal is certainly different to London and L.A., I hope you find it relaxing here. Welcome to town, Gwilym, I’m Jennifer.
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