ryujilz · 4 years
I'm LOVING the conditional legend chatter they've added. 😂
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ryujilz · 4 years
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Heard this dialogue a few days ago while playing Bloodhound! Are they a joke to you, Respawn
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ryujilz · 4 years
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New concept art from The Making of Operation Chimera
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ryujilz · 4 years
fuze sounds literally 23, 25-26 at MAX
Ok so if you heard Fuze's voice before you saw his age, how old would you have guessed he would be? I'm asking because I see a lot of people saying that he sounds pretty young and I struggle with tones of voices so idk.
I’m far from being an expert in judging people’s age by their voice, but yes, Fuze sounds pretty young, imo. In fact, I would have said he was younger than Glaz, not the other way around đŸ€”Â Â 
 What do you guys think?
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ryujilz · 4 years
a writer who writes the most fucked up “dead dove: do not eat” problematic pairing and fully tags and warns for the content they create will always be worthy of more respect in my eyes than people who call others weirdos because of who they ship. This is because a writer who writes disturbing things but gives me plenty of warning about them has demonstrated, regardless of what happens in the fic, that they value the consent of real people, and that they value my consent to see such content and will always offer me the option to avoid or withdraw. On the other hand, a purity cultist who demands I explain my trauma and exactly why I might be drawn to dark content, regardless of whether they’re the purest fluff writer to ever write, has demonstrated a lack of respect for my boundaries and the attitude that they are entitled to whatever they want to take from me. 
There are a lot of things that bother me about purity culture, but I think the most disturbing is that it clouds the very definition of consent, and then teaches this confusing version (you must consent to deep dives into your trauma and how it affects you for the benefit of strangers who have already decided you’re a bad person, and not consenting to that automatically makes you an abuser, also no one can consent to reading or thinking about disturbing content ever because thinking about it means you want it irl) to young, vulnerable, and often traumatized individuals, thus making it harder to understand their trauma and easier for them to ignore the real warning signs of abuse (like demanding that you agree with the abuser otherwise you’re literally the worst and most harmful person ever) because it teaches that abusers only come in one type, and that all abusers are “nasty shippers”.
This is especially dangerous because real life abusers teach their victims that the abuse is happening because the victim is a bad, evil person. One of the diagnostic criteria for PTSD is literally “Places undue blame on themself or others for what happened”. Teaching traumatized people that consent is a luxury only “good” people are allowed to have is incompatible with support for abuse survivors. tl;dr a writer who tags “dead dove: do not eat” has demonstrated respect for the necessity of consent. A purity cultist who sends anon hate has demonstrated a lack of respect for consent. 
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ryujilz · 4 years
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Kiki’s Delivery Service is one of those movies that I feel any aspiring artist should see. The struggle of Kiki in this movie is one that ANYONE who wants to further themselves goes through, that transition from taking what you love to do to something that you make a living off of.
As artists we have all been in the place where Kiki is. That place where we can’t draw anything right, can’t paint anything right, can’t sculpt anything right, that place where everything comes out wrong over and over and we begin to question if we’re actually good enough for the talents and skills that used to come to us like second nature when we were just using them for fun. That place where we want to give up because we suddenly can’t ‘fly’ like we want to, because everything seems too difficult to do that. 
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t there, just because it isn’t working right then and there when you want it to be. If you can always fly, then it wouldn’t make those times when you did as special. It isn’t necessarily easy to grow up, nor is it necessarily easy to live with the artistic struggle of losing inspiration. But you can’t just throw up your hands and say ‘No, I can’t do it anymore’ because you’ll NEVER fly if you do that. 
You gotta wobble before you stand. 
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ryujilz · 4 years
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ryujilz · 4 years
Things that are canon in Rainbow Six: Siege
The word on Tachanka’s ballistic shield,Â â€œĐ›ĐŸŃ€ĐŽâ€ (pronounced: lort), is the Russian word for “Lord.”
Valkyrie was in training to become an Olympic swimmer, until her arm was broken in a car accident.
Mute thinks Vigil is “Too quiet.”
Ying believes that Fuze has a disregard for civilian lives. This led to an altercation, which was broken up by Ash.
Castle can speak English, Latin, Spanish, and Korean.
Ying and Echo were in a romantic relationship for a year. In their break-up, Ying broke Echo’s drone.
Due to their collaboration, Echo has a friendly rivalry with Dokkaebi. Echo is the only operator who is not affected by Dokkaebi’s hacking.
Dokkaebi’s given name, Grace, is a reference to American actress Grace Kelly.
Doc monitors Finka’s condition.
CapitĂŁo lost his eye when he was taken hostage.
The only member of Team Rainbow that Vigil trusts enough to confide in is Blackbeard, his former trainer.
Zofia is a mother.
Zofia and Ela have special lines if one kills another. The killer also gains 10 points to their score for “Sister Rivalry.”
Tachanka and Finka drink and flirt.
The X-KAIROS is the result of a collaboration between Thermite and Hibana.
Mira was the lead engineer for the development of Tachanka’s ballistic shield.
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ryujilz · 4 years
Queen or Thot: Rainbow 6: Siege Ladies
Eliza “Ash” Cohen
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- Fast as Fuck boi
- Face is an illusion, actually lacks a physical head for you to shoot
+ Good at grabbing hostage like 5 secs after the round starts
Designation: THOT
Emmanuelle “Twitch” Pichon
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+ will take out enemy gadgets and cameras to help team, especially shock batteries and mute jammers so Thermite + Hibana can blow open metal walls
+ Good Variety of weapons, including a DMR, Automatic Rifle and Shotgun (as well as a revolver or glock)
+ Mechanical Engineer Genius
+ Actually wears armour
Designation: Queen
Monika “IQ” Weiss
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+ Wears Skinny Jeans into battle rather than spend time changing - absolute power move
+ Can see you trying to wallbang, Pulse.
- clearly designed by Male Gaze (booty)
Designation: Queen
Tina “Frost” Lin Tsang
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+ Dressed for the Occasion (map is in a yacht on a frozen lake)
+ *THUNK* Serves you right for not using your bloody eyes
- contrary to what she says, her gadget serves as a terrible welcome mat for company
Designation: Queen
Meghan J. “Valkyrie” Castellano
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+ tats for days
+ Hold me in your strong arms, senpai
+ consistently has a high pick rate because her gadget is just that damn good
- I know the mp5 is popular among real-life CTUs but did we really need another variant?
Designation: Queen
Taina “Caveira” Pareira
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- Actually a Psychopath
- No really she failed her psych test
- why is she even in team rainbow
+ Knows how to practically suppress a weapon
+ “Remember the basic of CQC”
- Seriously though how was she even allowed in BOPE
Designation: THOT
Yumiko “Hibana” Imigawa
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+ Takes Joy in her work
+ Practical and stylish
- How’s about picking a rifle with a better mag size?
Designation: Queen
Maria “Mira” Alvarez
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+ No Head hitbox? No problem *proceeds to fire bullet hose*
+ only defender with a shotgun as a secondary - power move
+ pretty much a great pick on every map
- don’t break the mirror-aaaaand they have a hole to shoot in to the objective
- Slow as fuuuuuck
Designation -  Queen
Elzbieta “Ela” Bosak
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- Professional soldier, bright green hair
- Disgusting AF SMG
- Incredibly annoying gadget
- Professional soldier, Yoga Pants
- Basically the defender equivalent of Ash
Designation: THOT
Siu “Ying” Mei Lin
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+ Practical and slightly cyberpunk uniform, cool AF
+ canonically hates fuze for killing hostages, speaks for entire playerbase
+ “Where did the hostage go? there was a flash of light and then it was gone!”
- Ubi pls buff flashbangs
- And her LSW while you’re at it
Designation: Queen
Grace “Dokkaebi” Nam
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- will booty call you in the middle of a match
- literally a Korean Troll
- glasses are fake
- probably knows your browser history
+ Gee Grace, how come Ubi lets you have TWO machine pistols?
Designation: THOT
Zofia Bosak
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+ Doesn’t need a nickname
+ practical and badass outfit
+ “the fuck are yoga pants?”
+ wears fuckin Aviators into battle
+ Is a mum and has a proper family and still fights like a badass
+ Ash whom?
+ Can revive herself because fuck you
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ryujilz · 4 years
This is an appreciation post for the fanfic authors who aren’t included on rec lists
For the fanfic authors who don’t get art of their fics
For the fanfic authors who can’t get to 1000/500/100 hits
For the fanfic authors who don’t get comments/reviews
For the fanfic authors who write for small fandoms
For the fanfic authors who write rarepairs or gen fics
For the fanfic authors who get hate for the ships/characters/fandoms they write
For the fanfic authors who write in English despite it not being their first language
For the fanfic authors who don’t write in English
For the fanfic authors who don’t think anyone reads or likes their work
For the fanfic authors who aren’t big name fans
For the fanfic authors who don’t get requests in their inboxes
For the fanfic authors who can’t write stories that are more than a thousand words
For the fanfic authors who only write one ship
For the fanfic authors who are just starting
For the fanfic authors who have been writing fic for years
For the fanfic authors who use fanfic to practice writing
For the fanfic authors who write self-insert fics
For the fanfic authors who write about their OCs
For the fanfic authors who write to vent or cope
For the fanfic authors who are just waiting for their big break
Keep creating, I love you ❀
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ryujilz · 4 years
So many of my mutuals on here I wanna vibe with but i’m shy so i’ll just use my psychic powers to send my love out to ya
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ryujilz · 4 years
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Some doodles for my mutual on twitter
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ryujilz · 4 years
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“together, we can shake the very stars from the sky.”
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ryujilz · 4 years
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Rainbow Six Siege - OUTBREAK by Arman Akopian
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ryujilz · 4 years
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A lot of people were asking us about what is in the canister..
Well, we know what is it, but that information may cost our lif-
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ryujilz · 4 years
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Infection AU // GSG 9
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ryujilz · 4 years
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What’s funny is that both your requests came in right after another, @catapples and anon! Thank you so much for your nice words, too ❀ Don’t worry, I’ll be writing more Bandit/JĂ€ger in the future :) I hope this is to both your liking!! (Rating T, angst/comfort, ~1.3k words)
Keep reading
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