ryunomigime · 7 years
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                              Sideblog of  sengokuspirits                      『 ASK | RULES  & DISCLAIMER | MUSES 』
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ryunomigime · 9 years
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ryunomigime · 9 years
Rate my character.
My portrayal of my character.
How well I stay IC.
How sexy my character is.
How interesting my RPs are.
Also: Please tell me WHY you followed?
What AU(s) you think I should do
Your favorite verse
Your favorite ship (romantic or bro/pack things all acceptable)
A person/blog you think I should interact with that is not your own (and why as a bonus)
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ryunomigime · 9 years
♥ //for Kasuga, if that's okay (the 'fluff special' meme)
ijinosengoku - Send me a ♥  for what my muse will say to yours. 6
No matter for how long he had trained in front of the mirror and just randomly to himself when he was alone, getting to the actual business was still pretty stressful and the more he was approaching to the fatidic moment, the more he was feeling anxious about doing it.
But thinking a little more positively about it, what could go wrong...? 
Meet with the girl was not the most difficult part, it was not the first time that he would invit her for lunch, but this time, he felt much more nervous than usual. However, he knew that now should be the right time, otherwise he was just going to run away over and again.
What could go wrong anyway... just relax...
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 ◅⚾▻“Kasuga... there's something I want to tell you” Get her attention first. He had been silent during the whole break and it was almost time to go back to class. At least he would have an excuse to run this time, though it as not really brave of him to do it this way. “I... I think... I’m falling for you.” Looking at her was pretty hard right now, but it was better to show his sincerity ...and see her reaction at the same time, even though it made him feel like his heart was just about to break free from his chest right now.
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ryunomigime · 9 years
DokuganryunoOshu (opinion thing)
dokuganryunooshu - Send me an URL and I’ll answer the following
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Do I Follow Them?: Of course I do
Why Did I Follow Them?: Because One-Eyed Dragon and swet Mun
Do We Role Play?: As much as we can with this writer’s block but never enough
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: Anytime
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Vampire AU in both sides
A Song For Our Muses: Silver Lining by Hurts
Do I Ship Our Muses?: I do
What I Think About The Mun: Kelly is a very nice, patienteand understanding person and I’m very happy I got to know her not just like a RP Partner.
Overall Opinion: A rally good grip on her character, be it on the funny or serious side.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 
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ryunomigime · 9 years
Trust me ♥
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ryunomigime · 9 years
//-rolls KasugaxKojuro in for the ship meme-
ijinosengoku​ - Ship Meme: Send me a ship and I’ll answer:
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Who wakes up first?: Kojuro would try his best to let her sleep as much as she needs to and prepare everything before she wakes up.
Who is grumpiest in the morning?: Maybe Kasuga, until she is done with her morning routine so she can wake up properly.
Who cooks breakfast?: Kojuro won’t mind doing it more but they probably share the task if they are both awake and ready. One might prepare it while the other get ready too.
Who serves the other breakfast in bed?: This would be the kind of little attention that he enjoys doing every once in a while to help wake up more smoothly
Who suggests the skip work and stay home?: Kojuro is too serious for that
Who falls asleep on top of the other?: Kasuga probably needed some warmth
Who always has to be touching the other?: Since they are both about personal space, they will both wait for the other to invit them to do so.
Who stays up until 2 reading?: If he’s really into it, Kojuro might lose track on time.
Who kisses their partner while they’re sleeping?: Both might do it while being hesitant about it by fear to wake the other, peaceful sleeping face are so tempting.
Who is most adventurous?: It would depends but they probably switch
Who is most protective?: Both in their own way.
Who cares too much?: Kasuga might show it more because she looks more stressed
Who is most competitive?: Both but Kasuga will get all worked up about it in comparison
Who sings in the shower?: Kojuro might be humming, Kasuga probably does to
Who is more likely to get naughty in inappropriate places?: They are way too shy for that.
Rate this ship: 8/10 on my scale
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ryunomigime · 9 years
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Actually I apologize for nothing.
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ryunomigime · 9 years
Name: Dimitri
Nickname: Sanctis
Where do you live: Belgium
Favourite color: Red
Hair length: Short
Hair color: Light brown/blond
Eye color: Green/Yellow
Siblings: Sensitive topic
Current profession: Bartender
Area of work/study: Bars/ Night Clubs
Are you under 18:  No
Do you live at home:  On my own
Music genre:  Rock, Metal, Classic, Symphonic
Movie genre: Thrillers, Psychologic
This or that: bold your answer…
Are you: single or taken? (This is complicated)
Are you: short or tall?
Are you: shy, loud, friendly, quiet or avoidable:
Are you: atheist, wiccan, christian, satanic, catholic, jewish, muslim, mormon, agnostic, jehovah’s witness, or not sure what you believe?
Does your future profession have anything to do with: medicine, law, children, animals, or entertainment? (none)
Do your fears include: commitment, heights, death, needles, the dark, or thunder?
Do you: laugh or stutter when you’re nervous? (both depending to the person/situation)
Do you: chew on pens, bite your nails or shake your leg?
Do you: want piercings or tattoos? (Nothing permanent)
Do you: want to get married eventually, never want to get married or not know if you want to get married?
Do you: want children eventually, never want children or not know if you want children?
Have you ever: kissed someone who’s name begins with an e, t, l, j, m, or d?
Have you ever: smoked a cigarette, smoked a cigar, or done hard drugs?
Would you rather: live in the country or the city? (I don’t care)
Ever dyed your hair: Yes
Are you in love:  Somehow
Does someone like you: Maybe
Last time you really cried: Many years ago
Last person you texted:  ThanEros
Last call to your phone:  ThanEros
Last text message sent to a friend: “Stop being maso, that’s my role” to ThanEros
Have you kissed anyone in the last 31 days: Yes
Who can you go to with your problems: ThanEros, Nechro, Fay
Ever cheated: Not really
Ever been cheated on: Probably
Do you like your body: No
Favourite quote:  Too many
meet the blogger;
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ryunomigime · 9 years
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ryunomigime · 9 years
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ryunomigime · 9 years
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ryunomigime · 9 years
ofgunsandclaws. I love all of the Masamune I have seen in both Fandoms, but it always makes me so happy whenever he comes back with his silly Dragons. They can be so fun and serious at the same time! I’m following their  shenanigans for two years now. So they will always hold a special spot in my heart. –Anonymous
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ryunomigime · 9 years
You are an amazing person both in character and out of character! I love all your muses that I have interacted with especially Kojuro and Kokuryu and Dragon Kojuro and Hiryu. I am always excited to respond you replies and I’m never bored with any of the plots that we end up doing! You really are just too amazing and I hope that we can keep roleplaying in the future! –landoftherisingmuse about kokuryunotamashii
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ryunomigime · 9 years
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by HwangBo Permission given, don’t repost without permission please.
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ryunomigime · 9 years
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ryunomigime · 9 years
💖, 💓, 💌, 💟, 💝, 💗, 💞 at being my right eye -smiles-
dokuganryunooshu - Send me hearts
💖 - I admire you
💓 - You give me feels
💌  - We should talk more
💟 - How are you so cute
💝 - Love seeing you on my dash
💗 - I miss interacting with you
💞 - You’re amazing at ______
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Cute? Who is cute? I have no idea what you are talking about. I agree, we should definitely try to talk more, damn timezones... and I miss interacting with you too, at least my Muses are a bit cooperative on Skype with you. And that one last comment is probably one of the best compliment I could get from you. Thank you so much to bear with me.
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