s-so · 4 years
According to Jung Individuation means becoming a single, homogeneous being, and, in so far as ‘individuality’ embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one’s own self. We could, therefore, translate individuation… ‘Self-realization.’”  Individuation Process is essential for a healthy functioning personality (Collected Works of C.G. Jung: Volume 7, Carl Jung)
Or in easy words:
Individuation can be defined as the achievement of self-actualization through a process of integrating the conscious and the unconscious
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s-so · 4 years
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Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was one of the pioneers of modern depth psychology and psychoanalysis.  Born near Basle, and working mostly in Zurich, Switzerland, he first became a physician and then entered the emerging field of psychoanalytic psychiatry.  
Through his personal experience, his work with patients, and copious research, Jung developed ideas and methods of inquiry that have deepened and broadened our understandings of personality, psychodynamics, and the shaping energies of social history.
Over time, his ideas and methods of investigation have profoundly influenced the humanities, the arts, psychotherapy, religious studies, and many other fields. Many of Jung’s concepts have entered the mainstream of our language and culture: complex, archetype, persona, shadow, introvert, extravert, typology, the collective unconscious, and others.
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s-so · 4 years
It's a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest forms of human ancestors and supposed to be present in the collective unconscious.
Jung conceived of the psyche or one’s total personality, as composed of a conscious and unconscious realm. The unconscious realm he split into the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious.
The personal unconscious is largely composed of repressed elements from one’s personal history, while the collective unconscious is composed of instincts and archetypes which are common to all human beings. Archetypes can be viewed as evolved cognitive structures which influence emotions, Jung conceived of the psyche, or one’s total personality, as composed of a conscious and unconscious realm. The unconscious realm he split into the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. The personal unconscious is largely composed of repressed elements from one’s personal history, while the collective unconscious is composed of instincts and archetypes which are common to all human beings. Archetypes can be viewed as evolved cognitive structures which influence emotions.
It is spread into two more:
1. Personal unconscious is where there are repressed elements from one's personal history
2. Collective unconscious is where there is a collective unconscious and is composed of instincts and archetypes composed of all human beings.
They can be viewed as evolved cognitive structures which influence ones thoughts and behaviors and emotions, they provide structure to one’s psyche and it functions optimally and then there exists a harmonious balance between these parts.
According to Carl Jung, a very few behave optimally. Most of us suffer from imbalances in our parts of personality and suffer from inflation over expression conscious while other parts suffer from deflation and underdevelopment where they lack proper expression in consciousness. Imbalances often led to the development of neuroses and a lack of vitality in life.
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s-so · 4 years
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Who is Barbra Kruger?
Barbara Kruger is an American Conceptual artist known for her combination of type and image that conveys a direct feminist cultural critique. Her works examine stereotypes and the behaviors of consumerism with text layered over mass-media images. Rendered with black-and-white, red-accented, Futura Bold Oblique font, inspired by the Constructivist Alexander Rodechenko, her works offer up short phrases such as “Thinking of You,” “You are a captive audience,” and “I shop therefore I am.” Like multimedia artist Jenny Holzer, Kruger uses language to broadcast her ideas in a myriad of ways, including prints, T-shirts, posters, photographs, electronic signs, and billboards. “I'm fascinated with the difference between supposedly private and supposedly public and I try to engage the issue of what it means to live in a society that's seemingly shock-proof, yet still is compelled to exercise secrecy,” she explained of her work. 
(anonymous, 2020) 
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s-so · 4 years
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“Supreme” is an American skateboarding shop and a brand started by James Jebbia in New York City in April 1994. The brand is was concentrated around skateboarding culture and later went into the spotlight due to its use in hip hop and rock cultures as well as today’s youth.
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s-so · 4 years
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Studium and Punctum in Camera Lucida:
Roland Barthes uses the concepts of semiotics by Ferdinand de Saussure who described the connections between the object the signified and its linguistic representation such as a word, the signifier a new meaning is added which is the signified. But according to Barthes it’s not arbitrarily.
Arbitrarily: on the basis of a random choice or a personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
What is Studium?
Studium is the element that creates an element that creates interest in photographs/photographic images.
It may also indicate historical, social or cultural meanings extracted via semiotic analysis.
Whatis Punctum?
It’s an object or an image that jumps out within a viewer within a photograph.
It may exist along with stadium but it may disturb it “creating an element which rises from the scene” and unintentionally fills the whole image.
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s-so · 4 years
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Roland Barthes
Who is Roland Barthes?
Roland Barthes was a French literary theorist, philosopher, critic, and semiotician. His' ideas explored a diverse range of fields and he influenced the development of many schools of theory, including structuralism, semiotics, social theory, design theory, anthropology, and post-structuralism.
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s-so · 4 years
What is “Bourgeoisie”?
The middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.
In Marxist contexts: the capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production.
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s-so · 4 years
A person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration.
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s-so · 4 years
What is a sign?
It’s a mark having a conventional meaning and used in place of words or to represent a complex notion.
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