s0277284-blog · 6 years
Topic: the future of humanity between poor and rich nation.
One of the biggest problem Humanity facing, for me is poverty. poverty inside a poor or rich nation, or poverty between poor and rich nation. It need to be a big concerning and challenging problem, the world face. Because poverty devalue humanity, make illiteracy rates Higher, bring more diseases, easy for the poor nation to be in conflict, more corruption inside the poor nation, poor infrastructure, in the rich nation it bring more homelessness the effects of poverty are immense.
 let's tackle the problems of poverty first because all my life, I have been around poverty  so I know poverty much for more better.                    
 OK!   to talk about poverty in the third world especially in Africa without bringing some of the reason African are poor is not to expose the all true. 
For me the biggest reason Africa are poor today is because of the evil of slavery, colonization, and independence follow by exploitation of Africa, with African leaders and the west. Good African leader who wanted to help is people, was kill in “ Coup d’etat.” with the western power, they wanted an African leader who are willing to sell in nation. Those reason make Africa not to be able to fully develop.
And the other big reason Africa still poor is corruption, that is one of the biggest problems in Africa politic. Most of the African corrupt politician are surrounding with the family member or people with the same tribe.                       
Since inside each African nation, there are multiple language, each nation speak (in Africa they are call tribe).Each language (it can be more than 200 languages, for one nation) depend on the area or part one come from, those of the same part, many time share the same language, they are the same tribe. that’s how the politician put one tribe against another one, So they can be in power for long time, you are to divide them, so you be in power forever.
It can be part of the reason conflict start in Africa, and many time last for long time. And the president (King) Well-financed and well-equipped, the military forces so they can do, he dirty job for him. For a little protestation against it corrupt government, he send the military forces to beat or kill any little, protestation.                                                                                                             And many time no, or little money is finance on social services such as education, so the majority of the population do not know how to read or write. That allow the citizen to be corrupt on election time, take that bag of rice and vote for me, I will be there to help you, they never come back when they elect.
Diseases are one of the big problems, that destroy or kill many peoples, water-borne disease, are one of greatest killer in Africa. Especially the infants and young children it cause most of great problems.
there are not enough good drinking water, stemming from mixing sewage and drinking water supplies.
diseases like malaria, tuberculosis, tapeworm and dysentery still killing a lot of peoples, especially among the young.                                                                     There are poor infrastructure, that make clean potable water, hard to be around. 
the problem are even worse in the growing cities in Africa, by the same time the number of millionaires in Africa are increasing and people living less than $ 1.25 a day are about one third (1/3) of the African population which are around 1.3 billions.
the problems  on the side of the richest Nation, especially in the US, the richest nation in the world are one the worst for inequality between poor and rich. From the us census bureau claim that “ America scored badly Compared to other western countries on all measures of poverty.”
Poverty rate in 2016 was 12.7 percent.                                                                    Blacks (27 percent) Hispanics (26 percent) and white Americans (13 percent)
One  of the biggest problem in the west concerning poverty is I think homelessness, is a tragic Form of poverty.
According to a 2007 survey by York university centre for housing policy homelessness was found to be increasing in “ Sweden, Canada, The U.S, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.”
According to the Guardian, two countries where there are no homeless people, Jordan and Cuba. Both are countries with serious problems, economic and soaal. But there are a strong family culture that will not allow homelessness. A cultural Lessons are some of the hardest for other countries to learn from, but they are advance nation they can learn, if they want.    
With the immense negative effect, poverty pose to humanity. If rich nation wanted sincerely to help poor nation as equal partner, to face that challenge of solving the world poverty problem, we will learn from each either and everybody will be better or humanity will pay the price.                    
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s0277284-blog · 6 years
Topic: how to achieve success from poor Family background?
Coming from a poor nation, with a poor family. I have been thinking for that topic for a long time, how I will  be able to help myself ? so I can help other people in real need. for that reason I have read a lot of self help book, from Napoleon Hill  ( law of success), to Malcolm Gladwell (Outliers).
success have a lot to do with, in which family you grow up in, nation in which you grow up in, develop nation offers more opportunity.      
Inside a develop nation, the environment in which you grow up, plus your race is another factor that count. life in the poor nation, most poor people lack of everything in life, but do not live under stress, the family structure is very strong, that make a happy living. But the lack of opportunity, specially school opportunity make it difficult for any real success, but many people are able to do it good without any education. 
But the lack of a lot opportunity such as education, healthcare, job and politician corrupt, make it very hard for the regular poor. Plus there are any government help program for the poor, on this poor nation. So the poor is very different than the poor in the USA.  
Even those race have big part to do with, why there are many black american poor, family structure from slavery and the individualism system are another reason. Most poor immigrant tend to do better because I think they bring they culture with them, in the beginning of the life in the U.S, they tend to live together, help each either, watch each either and support each either  until one is better off to live by them-self, most of the time they are couple and both are working. And the couple limit the spending habit until they by an house. And when they get kids they make sure they raise them most of the time, the way they were raise up, and in most case, their kids tend to do better more than the parent. 
poor or rich nation, strong family structure are very important to raise a good kids.
As in Africa, the Italians have strong family structure. I live there in Italy, I know. Here in the US I will say the family structure are mostly weak. That make it hard on the kids grown up.                                                                                               OK let me come back to my topic to accomplish both success, education and money, as an individual coming from a poor family and a poor nation. I will say is one of the most difficult goal to accomplish.     
  As everybody know, even if you do everything right for anyone to succed you make a lot of sacrifice, you are humble, you are courageous and a hard working guy, success is still not guaranty to you.
But you can not give up or run away if you want to succeed, you have to push until the end.                                                                                                            But by traveling and reading, I learn little. For success to be maybe possible, anything or most thing you have to be better at, you need to start doing that thing at a very early age. you want to built the kids an habit of wanted to keep doing, with the habit  keeping doing, and then come perfection. Like Malcolm Gladwell say, you need to put at least 10,000 hours minimum, to be good at what you are learning.    
 For me  that mean, anything you want to be better at, it require long hours of training and dedication, and that is the only way success can be maybe guaranty to anyone.
And if I was able to do something or accomplish something with my life, I count put in practice that theory from Where I come from. 
I will like to built me a center, where all musical instrument will be inside, plus drawing and African art culture. Since Where I come from, there are few street kids. they will be expose to those musical instrument, drawing and art. Each of them with select what he will please to do, and with the supervision of an adult, who have little knowledge of those instrument and before practicing everyone of those kids have to be expose, at least one hour daily of reading book, before the practice can start.                                                                                                    the reading will be mandatory, that will be another way  for them to be expose to literature. 
the same kids will be expose to all sort of sports in the afternoon. Where I come from the law is relax, you can do that type of staff. My object is to start with the street kids, and if it go as I have plain, I will bring it, to all kids.
To be able to help anybody specially the kids, as Napoleon Hill have done by study the life of successful people of is time in the book “ law of success” my research will be base on the life, of the people of poor family background, who was able to have both success, education and money. With that study, I plan to write a book detailing how they were able to make it, with that, I can use the example to help people, and everybody else who wanted can learn from they life. And one of my big focus to help in life will be the young girl, because where I come from, with little resource, the parent tend wanted to spend on the boy. I will do the reverse, the need of the girl will come first before the boy. and everything I will do, I will put the girl in priority .  
For me real development in Africa will be in big part a participation of the female in Africa, for so long, they have been put at side by the dishonest politician. I wanted to bring my part of the Change, IF is not possible, It will be with a big fight.                                                                                                                         With it rich resource, people of Africa have been known and have poverty, since slavery, colonization, exploitation by the west and now the African politician together with the west still loathing Africa. that create a huge poverty with the mass. the problem will be solve with different policy maker.
I have been thinking for a long time, how to be able to help myself. So I can contribute a little bit of the mass desperate people from where come from. Including rich nation must of the world population live in poverty, in  the poor nation, the case is even worse. Poverty affect human evolution as a whole. so what we all can do as a human being, to solve together that challenge.      
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s0277284-blog · 6 years
Com 140- Blog Post #8
The Film “ Chi-raq.”                                                                                                  (I love the movie).                                                                                  
Spike Lee’s Film “ Chi-raq”. Produced by Spike Lee and Co-written by lee and Kevin Willmott. The film is a 2015 American Satirical Musical Drama. The film set in Chicago, Focuses on the gang violence prevalent in neighborhoods on the city south side.                                                                                                        In the film play, the woman of Chicago’s south side suppose to withhold sex until the man in their lives stop the gang violence.                                                          Since Lee announced in early 2015 that his next film would be tackling the sensitive topic of black-on-black crime on Chicago’s south side and he will call the film “ Chi-raq.”  the whole controversy started, he received backlash from local resident. Even Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel speak against “ I was clear that I was not happy about the title.”                                                                        But the local resident prefers somebody from Chicago to make a film about Chicago and can call it “ Chi-raq.”                                                                          
 For me, my position is it do not matter who want peace and put light about those Black-on-Black killing. This as been going on for longtime, we never hear or see somebody do something, if it require an outsider of the city that also good. When the film was released a few month later, a lot of Chicagoan’s were not over the rage. And Lee’s still titled Chi-raq, the object was to treat the issue of gun violence in Chicago with satire.                                                                    He was not sit well with some locals that the film was not showing well with  what’s really was going on in Chicago and Chi-raq was not define enough in the movie, for them. 
  But with all the controversy about the film, and lee say because “ We wanted to save  lives. “ Lee pressed on ; Chi-raq was ready for its December release.  Lee also sincerely believes Chi-raq can lead to positive dialogue between Chicago and his neighborhoods. “ its Frustrating,” Lee admits of the backlash. Lee also say “ people didn’t have the understanding that satire does not be little serious subject matter.” But it good to notice that, most of the film outspoken critics did not seen the entire film. So for me they are pissed off about it for no reason. Lee also held an open auditions in June in the city’s Englewood neighborhood to make involve the local community; They saw some of the poignant moments, of  the film. Lee says “ As a whole we got love and respect from the community.” Lee also use some locals for the film consultant, and lee also say “ not just from the African-Americans.” 
 After they finished filming, he’s still coming back and fourth to Chicago and Lee say “white people were approving the title,” and they were saying, “ spike, keep the title !’ ‘spike, I’m coming to the film.’  ‘Spike, Thank you for doing this film.” But the reason a lot of  people were oppose to the film it’s because they say, Lee did not reach out to the right people,the one who create and popularized the movement. And the believed that the tragedy of the community were Co-opted for entertainment value. On my opinion I Spike Lee did the right, to tackle the Black-on-Black crime on Chicago neighborhood.           
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s0277284-blog · 6 years
Com 140- Blog Post #8
The Film “ Chi-raq.”                                                                                                  (I love the movie).                                                                                  
Spike Lee’s Film “ Chi-raq”. Produced by Spike Lee and Co-written by lee and Kevin Willmott. The film is a 2015 American Satirical Musical Drama. The film set in Chicago, Focuses on the gang violence prevalent in neighborhoods on the city south side.                                                                                                        In the film play, the woman of Chicago’s south side suppose to withhold sex until the man in their lives stop the gang violence.                                                          Since Lee announced in early 2015 that his next film would be tackling the sensitive topic of black-on-black crime on Chicago's south side and he will call the film “ Chi-raq.”  the whole controversy started, he received backlash from local resident. Even Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel speak against “ I was clear that I was not happy about the title.”                                                                        But the local resident prefers somebody from Chicago to make a film about Chicago and can call it “ Chi-raq.”                                                                          
 For me, my position is it do not matter who want peace and put light about those Black-on-Black killing. This as been going on for longtime, we never hear or see somebody do something, if it require an outsider of the city that also good. When the film was released a few month later, a lot of Chicagoan's were not over the rage. And Lee’s still titled Chi-raq, the object was to treat the issue of gun violence in Chicago with satire.                                                                    He was not sit well with some locals that the film was not showing well with  what’s really was going on in Chicago and Chi-raq was not define enough in the movie, for them. 
  But with all the controversy about the film, and lee say because “ We wanted to save  lives. “ Lee pressed on ; Chi-raq was ready for its December release.  Lee also sincerely believes Chi-raq can lead to positive dialogue between Chicago and his neighborhoods. “ its Frustrating,” Lee admits of the backlash. Lee also say “ people didn’t have the understanding that satire does not be little serious subject matter.” But it good to notice that, most of the film outspoken critics did not seen the entire film. So for me they are pissed off about it for no reason. Lee also held an open auditions in June in the city’s Englewood neighborhood to make involve the local community; They saw some of the poignant moments, of  the film. Lee says “ As a whole we got love and respect from the community.” Lee also use some locals for the film consultant, and lee also say “ not just from the African-Americans.” 
 After they finished filming, he’s still coming back and fourth to Chicago and Lee say “white people were approving the title,” and they were saying, “ spike, keep the title !’ ‘spike, I’m coming to the film.’  ‘Spike, Thank you for doing this film.” But the reason a lot of  people were oppose to the film it’s because they say, Lee did not reach out to the right people,the one who create and popularized the movement. And the believed that the tragedy of the community were Co-opted for entertainment value. On my opinion I Spike Lee did the right, to tackle the Black-on-Black crime on Chicago neighborhood.           
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
blog post #7
The Topic: Rockford Public Library
Leslie Vano- Information services manger
Cherese McKnight- youth services manager. 
Jean Lythgde- Librarian Assistant.
Willie Mae Walker- Montague library clerk 
I present myself to the interviewers, as a learner reporter from Rock Valley College. Before I started the interviews, we talk mostly about the past the present and the future of Rockford public library.
I choose the topic of Rockford Public Library, for my feature story because I like reading and it is very important for me to share that with other people, and one day I will like to run ( be a owner) of a public library, in Ivory Coast.
I started my interviews in the new downtown Rockford Public Library. We started to talk about the past of RPL with Jean Lythgde, librarian assistant, she told me that “ the Rockford Library reading room started in 1872″. the local citizens raised money and donated books for help. Andrew Carnegie in year 1900 offering a fund for the library building. By 1925, Rockford public library was fully functioning. With the information services manager, Leslie Vano we talk about how the receives the fund, through the Illinois state. Who allow them to manage the RPL, that the get “ 90 part and full time Employees at the downtown branch”. The manger also say everything inside the RPL is free of charge except for printing.  
With the youth services manger, Cherese McKnight “ to introduce the book to the kids is through singing. “ Cherese say to “ you need to make the kids feels good “. I went to the Montague Branch Library, to interview my fourth librarian her name was Willie Mae Walker-Montague library Clerk. She told me the Montague Branch was opened in 1923, that the southwest area of Rockford was by that time predominantly inhabited by the Italians, but now is Spanish, so they get Spanish learning class, for all kids. That Montague branch was one of three building the RPL own, and provide the area activity.                                              Back to the downtown main Library, Leslie Vano’s told me that the RPL started introduce online services in the early 1990. With the world Changing, RPL have provide the latest information available. 
The RPL today provide books, audio books, CDS, DVDs and public assess to computers. With more people turning To e-books for reading, the six branch of RPL have access to wireless technology. that RPL established one book, one Rockford. the RPL maintain a bilingual community reading program. 
All the interviewers admitted that change for the future of RPL in inevitable.          That RPL will continue to be more digital in nature.
As Rockford grows, the RPL will continue to be modern.   
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
Blog Post#6
the happiest moment of my life was the day Nelson Mandela walked out of prison.                                                                                                                      the day was February, 11, 1990 in Cape Town, South Africa. that moment mean a lot for me, because so many people were happy and it meant a lot for enough people.                                                                                                                The day of Nelson Mandela released, I was living by that time in Varese, Italy. I watch the transition in TV, there were a big crowd of people with an explosion of joy.                                                                                                                            Winnie and Mandela, it was then his wife, arm-in-arm each raised a fist in Triumph.                                                                                                                Nelson Mandela who was sent to prison in 1964 for Sabotage, he was convicted and received a life sentence,but was released after 27 years in prison. Mandela spend most his prison term  on Robben island, it was a island fortress.            the reason for Mandela imprisonment, he was fighting the white minority government, the Apartheid regime where the majority of the populations, Black didn’t have right in the land.  But with time, that regime can not keep existing. it have to collapse one day, and that day I think was that period of Mandela released from prison. And by the time Mandela released approaching, apartheid was still the law of the land. but the president de-Klerk was making a big changes to dismantle the racial system. everybody knew by that time their country have to make a big change, but nobody knew where that would lead. the black majority saw Mandela as the one who would deliver them from three centuries of white domination. Many whites feared his release could sparkle a civil war along racial lines. But the release of Mandela was inevitable, fears or hopes. the major parties of the population never heard or seen Mandela, for a past quarter of a Century.
Mandela had since disappeared from view in 1964 after giving four-hour speech at his sabotage trial hew then a young man in his 40, He was a boxer by that time. At his court appearances, he was always well dressed.                                 Mandela spent his adult life, in that Robben island prison. the white government objective was to diminish his reputation, by never released his photos to the public his years of captivity. but Mandela's invisibility make him even bigger, he became mystic person and helped him transform into an international icon. with time that allow the apartheid movement to grow bigger and finally become uncontrollable, and that make the apartheid regime to collapse, and it did.  
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
Blog post #5
The Story are held in New York City-Harlem. I was living in Italy before I decide to come to the USA. In the US the first place, I was living where New York city (Harlem).                                                              
 I was kind like, I have been use to the big city, in Italy use to live in Varese, close to Milan.  
In New York city, I took some English class before started to do little job, like selling newspaper in the street.  After that, knowing little better the city, I started driving my own taxi, call on those days " gypsy" they were a kind of taxi for uptown New York City because the yellow taxi refuse to go uptown.  
I was kind of difficult job to do and also risky, but people have to survive, they have little opportunity left.                                                                                                                                                                                    the time and period were sometime around year 1995, that job give you the opportunity to be around all kinds of human being, like they say " the good, the bad the ugly".                                                                
  I was also surprise by the type of poverty were there, the system have left a lot of people in a deep poverty, peoples were killing each either, for another one owning, the other 50 cent, it was unbelievable.                                                                                                                                                                 So when you took some client, and the found out, that you are new in this country, and you are driving your car, they cannot believe you. A lot of them, ask you how do you did in a short period of time have your own car, do the us government loan you some money. You answer no, and you explain to them how you was able to make it, short answer, you live here, the way we live in Africa, collective living, we share everything from rent, foods and bills. It allows the new comer with few money to be able to save, plus I tell them we lower our life standard the clothes you wear you do not buy foods out, only in case of emergency, you do you own cooking. That where the reason you can progress the way we do.  
sometime a group of three of four young men get inside your car, they start conversing with you, what is your name? Where to you come from? Do you like this Country? And sometime when they get at destination, they just open the door and leave without pay you, and sometime after a long distance. You have to forget and keep going with your life.                                                                                                          
    And many times in conversation, I ask them, do you guy are doing something, working or going to school? They answer back, why do we have to work for some slave wage, or if I graduate from school, me being black, the white system will not employ me. Many time in reply back, at least you are graduate, why do you have to wait one somebody to give you a job, even with the system against you, there are so many things you still can do with your life.                                                                                                                 sometime I drive night time, one time I pick up a young in N.Y (Harlem) to a very long distance in the Bronx, when we reach at destination, I stop, he get up come to the driver sight, I put my window down, thinking he will pay the  fare, he unzip his jacket down, and show me, through the jacket, the hand of his gun and tell me you better go. I drove my car and left.
Driving night time in New York, you are the feeling that a lot of people are sleeping in daytime and function nighttime. There are all kind of activity taking place, in front of the Fast food, there are a lot of beggar, in the street a lot of single female walking by themselves, a lot of men standing around in every corner, night is usually busy but different then day time.                                                                                        
 the life is New city is difficult and very expensive and you need to be vigilant, but you learn a lot by living there.                                                                                                                                                                                            
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
COM 140 - Blog Post #4
the story will be about, the music of one, of the best singer ever live, the legendary Bob Marley, I select the five best of his music I love, Redemption song, no woman no cry, three little Birds, get up-stand up and Buffalo soldier.
I sect the music of Bob Marley because he songs were about emancipation of peoples minds, like uprising, dreams of freedom, exodus, get up-stand up and confrontation. His song were about to wake people up, make them aware about, what was going on around them, the situation in which they were living on and the need to get out of situation that exist for so long.
Bob Marley was born at Nine Mile, Jamaica, the 6 February  1945 on the farm of his maternal grandfather. Bob Marley and friends formed the wailers in 1963 , in 1972 the wailers make a big break out, when they sign a contract with Island Records. Bob Marley was one of first pioneer to introduce the reggae music worldwide. Bob Marley mother was young and black, his father was white and much more older, his father was absent on his live. Bob Marley’s childhood friend name Neville Livingston helping him play the guitar, with later Livingston’s father and Marley’s Mother get involved.
Bob Marley moved to Kington in the late 1950s. He live in trent town, on of poorest neighborhood in the city. He was living in poverty, but with his music inspiration, he was involved on local music Band. A local record producer, liked Marley’s voice and produced  him a few singles, the first of which was “judge not” released in 1962, did not sold well. in 1963 Marley found some few friends, they formed the wailing wailers. in 1964 the new group became the top singers in Jamaica, with the first, “summer down”. They became very popular in Jamaica, but they had difficulty making it financially. So Marley came to the U.S. where his mother was now living.
Bob Marley returned to Jamaica after eight months living in the U.S. He reunited with his friends’ Livingston and Macintosh to form the new wailers. Around this time, Marley was becoming spiritual and developing a growing interest in the Rastafarian movement. He was both religious and political, the Rastafarian get the beliefs from many sources, Marcus Garvey, the old testament, and their african heritage and culture. 
The Ethiopian emperor, Haile Selassie was also seen as a spiritual leader in the Rastafarian movement, the song’s lyrics “war” were taken from a speech by Haile Selassie. 
In 1976, it was an assassination attempt against Marley, for his support of the people’s National party. Marley went to live in London, England, there he released Exodus in 1977.
in 1977, Marley discover cancerous cells is his toe, but refused to have an surgery under Doctors suggestion, because of his religious beliefs. Being in Europe, Marley went for treatment in Germany. 
Bob Marley knowing it get no longer to live, he decided to return to Jamaica for the last time. He did not reach Jamaica, he died in Miami, Florida, on may 11, 1981.
Bob Marley was introduce to hall of fame in 1994, he sold more than 20 million records. He became an international superstar.
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
COM 140 - Blog Post #3
The topic: the person who has influenced me the most in life, who I have never met.
The person who has influenced me the most in life, name was Ousmane Sembene, (born Jan. 1 1923, Ziguinchor-Casamance, Senegal, French west Africa-died June 9/10, 2007, Dakar Senegal.), Senegalese writer and film director known for his historical and political themes.
Ousmane Sembene was the reason for why, I have signed for the mass communication course (career). After I finished with the CNA program, in new jersey and I move to Rockford, ill, after I started working for a few while. I started somewhere in 2006 in rocky valley college with a nursing program after one semester I stopped the program I did not feel that nursing was for me. But for a while I was thinking about what to study next? I thought about study different languages, but I did not think it will be that useful. By those times I always went to the Rockford public library for audio book and biography DVD, that where I Discover the inspiring story of Ousmane Sembene “the father of African cinema”. A film by samba gadjigo and Jason Silverman, I was very inspired by the story of this man.
He dropout out of fifth-grade, because he strikes back at his French teacher who had slapped him. At the age of fifth-teen, he was doing various occupation in order to support his family. He worked as a plumber, bricklayer, apprentice mechanic. During the world war 2 he served in the French army in Europe. After France surrender to Germany, he joined the free French forces in 1942 and landed with in France in 1944.
He taught himself to read and write in French and published his first novel in 1956.
In the 1960s. Sembene developed an interest in cinema and to the Gorki institute in Moscow to study film production.
His film La noire de_ _ _ (1966, the Black Girl from_ _ _) was the first film ever produced by African filmmaker and won the jean Vigo at the Cannes film festival. It was a story of a girl, Diouna, who leaves his own family to become a housemaid in Antibes, France. She commits suicide, and her employees, a white return to Dakar, to explain what cannot explain.
The story of this man, Ousmane Sembene. Film director from Senegal, was very impressive but I never met him.  
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
COM 140 - Blog Post #2
I find this video funny because there are a lot of participation between monkeys and humans. both are imitating each either, on the first clip video the monkey are doing exactly what the guy are making he do it, I find that funny and impressive. after that, there are the little girl and the monkey on top of a tree (playing). and the monkey who are drinking some soda, the little girl get surprise by the monkey watching her. and the monkey who are turning on himself, the monkey who are kissing on the little boy. and the man who are doing, are what the monkey he's doing, are some funny video. And the monkey who are running on his two feet. I find funny the monkey who are doing some push up, and the one on the horse. plus another monkey who are taking shower with is master. plus the monkey who was giving kiss to the dogs, I find that funny, and very funny when  the monkey grub the boy noise. there a lot of funny video clip.   
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
COM 140 - Blog Post #2
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s0277284-blog · 7 years
COM 140-Blog Post 1
Since college prepare, develop your skills need or require for a better opportunity in life in general, have a college degree, I think will be one of the best thing in anybody life.
I personally going to college because I will like one day to be able to produce my own film, since it require a college skills, formation to be able to do that so, I have to get a the college skill.
My objective is one day to be able to help the young the generation in my country Ivory Coast in Africa, It get so many thing to be done in Africa, that even a little participation from anybody count a lot.
I will like to focus on education, kids in homeless situation, in environment (nature), encourage reading etc_ _ _. My movies will be to give values to the African life and cultures.        
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