s1nn0hh · 3 hours
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the very rare phenomenon of a volcano producing vapor rings/volcanic vortex rings. Mount Etna today (April 5, 2024) by Boris Behncke
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s1nn0hh · 4 hours
need to replay mother 3 again i think i need to experience that life ruining game once again. for gits and shiggles
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s1nn0hh · 4 hours
Fruits & Vegetables Ask Game
🥝 - I feel the need to protect you 🥥 - Chill vibes 🍇 - Would feed ducks by the lake with you 🍈 - One of the best blogs I follow 🍉 - Cool, calm, and collected 🍊 - Soooo talented 🍋 - You seem bitter 🍌 - Chaos Demon 🍍 - People need to put some respect on your name 🥭 - I'd really like to be friends with you 🍎 - Popular AF 🍏 - A little tart but still sweet 🍐 - Soft vibes 🍑 - Will kick someone's ass if necessary 🍒 - Probably a great kisser 🍓 - Big Brained AF 🍅 - Gender Envy 🍆 - BDE 🥵 🌽 - Corny but we like you anyway 🍄 - You grow on people like a fungus 🥑 - Let's make toast! 🥒 - Great sense of humor 🥦 - Let's take a walk through the woods 🥬 - In love with you tbh 🥕 - Marry me rn or I'll fight you with this carrot 🥔 - I just think you're neat 🧄 - Life of the party 🧅 - I'm so glad we're friends 🌰 - Let's cuddle by the fireplace together 🥜 - Have a peanut
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s1nn0hh · 6 hours
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Robert Smithson (American, 1938-1973) - Untitled (Archangel Michael and the Dragon) (1960)
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s1nn0hh · 6 hours
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s1nn0hh · 7 hours
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s1nn0hh · 7 hours
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s1nn0hh · 7 hours
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Steps leading up to Villa d'Este. View from Tivoli near Rome.
by Peder Mørk Mønsted
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s1nn0hh · 7 hours
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Peder Mørk Mønsted (Danish,1859-1941)
A Cottage Garden with Chickens, 1919
oil on canvas
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s1nn0hh · 7 hours
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s1nn0hh · 7 hours
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note 2 scan 2
i.d : ai momori
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s1nn0hh · 7 hours
thought about my dad-rai idea from not too long ago and i figured i may as well share my thoughts on how to make it at least *somewhat* compelling, given all the complexities i already mentioned.
for the sake of convenience, im gonna have to deviate slightly from how the shadowy edgy guy was handled and dealt in pmd2, because the way he was presented in there gives me night terrors.
okay, so, heres the thingy. instead of darkrai fleeing through a convenient spur-of-the-moment time passage, palkia creates a fake passage that will essentially lead him to a trial for his acts. darkrai takes the bait when he thinks that "haha i won fuck all of you" when palkia has him played for a fiddle.
darkrai walks into his newly prison in confusion where palkia + cresselia basically act as his trial for his soon-to-be punishment. after a mutual agreement that "yeah we're gonna have to kill you. buh bye" cresselia has a moment of sudden clarity where she decides that he actually doesn't deserve to die. shock ensues and darkrai ravishes on her temporary decision but is immediately dumbfounded when she suggests that he will set off to live in Treasure Town, stripped of his powers (or the ones that will at least cause harm to those in his surroundings) and live alongside h&p (with the consent of the two for Obvious Reasons). if he ever tries to wreck havoc again, cresselia will immediately haul his ass to palkia and a fate much worser than what they had originally planned for him will be decided.
darky is set off in his new home and he has to hold onto every ounce of patience to ensure he won't beat the hell out of those two kids that beat him once now that he is in his unwilling roomy position, and for the time being he learns how to cooperate, how to at least try and contribute on his part no matter how much whiney he'll get. over the course of time, he slowly learns to become more and more down-to-earth (and more tolerable) but at the same time he feels like he misses something. he glances over to h&p and sees how much they care for one another, how their patience and love persists even when everything is/was piled against them, and he is quick to find out what he has been missing all along.
someone to love and appreciate. someone to be there by his side or at least listen when he was at his lowest. and whereas emptiness slowly turns to shame, shame slowly turns to guilt as he realizes just why he did all of That. simply put, loneliness. years of hatred and shuns from others over what he was shaped him to be what he is, and he feels quite terrible for putting the kids (and specifically hero) through hell just because of his own bitter feelings.
time goes on, and darkrai feels a strange sense of.. belonging. that he is finally where he was supposed to be all along. and while h&p truly value him as a newly found friend and teammate, he sees them as.. family. during one of the trio's outings, they're ambushed. and darkrai is immediately on the pull. to protect those he cares about. maybe its guilt, maybe it's the desire to fix a long time-permeating mistake, but no. he finally found someone who cares about him, someone he cares about even more. those two showed him everything, and as their father, he will do everything that it takes to make it up to them.
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s1nn0hh · 9 hours
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Hm Actually. here are two oil paintings i did in the first half of september
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s1nn0hh · 10 hours
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s1nn0hh · 10 hours
thought about my dad-rai idea from not too long ago and i figured i may as well share my thoughts on how to make it at least *somewhat* compelling, given all the complexities i already mentioned.
for the sake of convenience, im gonna have to deviate slightly from how the shadowy edgy guy was handled and dealt in pmd2, because the way he was presented in there gives me night terrors.
okay, so, heres the thingy. instead of darkrai fleeing through a convenient spur-of-the-moment time passage, palkia creates a fake passage that will essentially lead him to a trial for his acts. darkrai takes the bait when he thinks that "haha i won fuck all of you" when palkia has him played for a fiddle.
darkrai walks into his newly prison in confusion where palkia + cresselia basically act as his trial for his soon-to-be punishment. after a mutual agreement that "yeah we're gonna have to kill you. buh bye" cresselia has a moment of sudden clarity where she decides that he actually doesn't deserve to die. shock ensues and darkrai ravishes on her temporary decision but is immediately dumbfounded when she suggests that he will set off to live in Treasure Town, stripped of his powers (or the ones that will at least cause harm to those in his surroundings) and live alongside h&p (with the consent of the two for Obvious Reasons). if he ever tries to wreck havoc again, cresselia will immediately haul his ass to palkia and a fate much worser than what they had originally planned for him will be decided.
darky is set off in his new home and he has to hold onto every ounce of patience to ensure he won't beat the hell out of those two kids that beat him once now that he is in his unwilling roomy position, and for the time being he learns how to cooperate, how to at least try and contribute on his part no matter how much whiney he'll get. over the course of time, he slowly learns to become more and more down-to-earth (and more tolerable) but at the same time he feels like he misses something. he glances over to h&p and sees how much they care for one another, how their patience and love persists even when everything is/was piled against them, and he is quick to find out what he has been missing all along.
someone to love and appreciate. someone to be there by his side or at least listen when he was at his lowest. and whereas emptiness slowly turns to shame, shame slowly turns to guilt as he realizes just why he did all of That. simply put, loneliness. years of hatred and shuns from others over what he was shaped him to be what he is, and he feels quite terrible for putting the kids (and specifically hero) through hell just because of his own bitter feelings.
time goes on, and darkrai feels a strange sense of.. belonging. that he is finally where he was supposed to be all along. and while h&p truly value him as a newly found friend and teammate, he sees them as.. family. during one of the trio's outings, they're ambushed. and darkrai is immediately on the pull. to protect those he cares about. maybe its guilt, maybe it's the desire to fix a long time-permeating mistake, but no. he finally found someone who cares about him, someone he cares about even more. those two showed him everything, and as their father, he will do everything that it takes to make it up to them.
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s1nn0hh · 10 hours
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Maria Calandra (British,b. 1976)
Time of the Zinnia, 2023
Acrylic on linen
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s1nn0hh · 11 hours
today and yesterday's vetted fundraisers. i know a lot of my posts are like this now, but please keep energy - a matter of scrolling or clicking a button for you is one of life and death for these families.
june 5th & 6th:
The Al Rafih family (mother and three children; their father is missing and they lost the youngest child to cancer because they couldn't pay the evac fees) (£2,680/£15,000)
The Abu Musa family of seven ($10,050/$40,000) - @shahdhatem
Iyad Sobhei, his wife, and their eight children (£6,524/£60,000) - @iyadsobhe
Yazan Abu Safiya, his siblings, and their parents, one of whom is sick (€800/€50,000) - @yazanabusaia
Mahmoud Hilles's chronically ill wife and their four children (the family has been separated for 7 years) (€9,099/€15,000) - @hillesmahmoud
Fadi Ayyad, his siblings, and their parents ($6,704/$35,000) - @aymanayyad81
Marah's parents, her three siblings, and their cats (all family members need urgent medical care) (€10,401/€55,000) - @marahsalem
Eman Abdel Rahman and family (they lost her younger brother when their house was bombed) (CHF21,202/CHF38,475) - @emooz-8
please please share and donate in any capacity you can! every small effort counts.
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