s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 8 | Activity 1 | Exploded Axonometric
An axonometric drawing is a drawing in which the lines of sight are perpendicular to the plane of projection, and the object is rotated around one or more of it’s axis to reveal multiple sides. 
In an axonometric projection, the components of the object are separated by distance or suspended in surrounding space to show the relationship or assembly of various parts.
Key Characteristics:
- The object’s parts are usually separated at an equal distance apart.
- An exploded view is usually shown from above, and in architectural drawings, the exploded parts are most often stacked on top of the drawing.
- In most exploded axonometric drawings, the exploded pieces are connected with dotted lines to make it clear how the pieces fit together.
Line weights are not as important in axonometric, or exploded axonometric drawings compared with other forms of orthogonal drawings as the angle of the drawing allows for the viewer to see really easily what parts of the object are closer and further away.
Notations can be used to give the viewer an insight into what materials each part is made from, particularly if the drawing has not been rendered. Symbols can be used to give an indication of which way the drawing is facing in relation to compass points as well as indicate where the elevations/sections/details are in instances where those have also been drawn.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Activity 2 | Exercise 04
The idea/feeling behind this collage was to create an space that felt like being on holiday in a warm, beach city. I have used a lot of my own imagery from holidays I have been on to create this indoor/outdoor area where the rock formations act as a structural boundary of the space. I have also created the collage in a small square of the page to give the feeling of ‘looking in’ through a window into the space.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Activity 2 | Exercise 03
Using different textures from my print outs I have tried to give dimension and form to my model. I think it was fairly successful overall, but I think the area with the ‘scales’ was most successful as the original image had a lot of light and shadow which I could use to mimic the light and shadow that was in the original image of the model. 
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Activity 2 | Exercise 02
By cutting the original image of my model up I have tried to recreate a new form. I don’t think this was 100% successful as the original model had a lot of line work and in the new image not all the lines connect making the form a little confusing to the eye.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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 Week 9 | Activity 2 | Exercise 01
Manipulating my scaled photocopy images of the one model photo by folding and cutting. While this composition isn’t successful (in my opinion) at resembling anything ‘interior like’ I still really like it as an overall image. It reminds me of Tamara De Lempicka’s 1929 painting, ‘Autoportrait in a Green Bugatti’, in both composition and dark colour pallet/tone.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
I like using Pinterest for my research as I find that it's a really good way to search multiple sources on the one site. I find it helpful to draw ideas from existing works from different areas of art and design as I can apply those processes to my own work in order to discover what I like and what works for me and my style.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Homework | Image 04
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Homework | Image 03
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Homework | Image 02
Monochromatic Cohesion. 
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Homework | Image 01
A labyrinth of arches that challenge the idea of indoor/outdoor space.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Daily Drawing | Week 6
To get more experience drawing in rhino, this week I decided to attempt recreating the floor plan to the front section of my house and then play around with recreating the floor plan with some minor alterations.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Daily Drawing | Week 6
Drawing of a room in my house - Fine liner, Copics and coloured pencil
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Daily Drawing | Week 6
Digital drawing of a bedroom - Adobe Illustrator line, pen and fill tool
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Daily Drawing | Week 6 
Drawing of a room in my house - fine liner and coloured pencil
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
Week 9 | Activity 1 | Grattage
Grattage is a surrealist painting technique that involves laying a canvas prepared with a layer of oil paint over a textured object and then scraping the paint off to create an interesting and unexpected surface.
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Activity 1 | Frottage
Frottage is a surrealist and ‘automatic’ method of creative production that involves creating a rubbing of a textured surface using a pencil or other drawing material.
Image: Le Fleuve Amour, Max Ernst, 1925
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s3626720-blog · 5 years
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Week 9 | Activity 1 | Photomontage
A photomontage is a collage constructed from photographs.
Images: Pablo Thecuadro
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