s3656433-blog · 7 years
200 word reflection
I found that having the studio split into two, the essentials and core, was really beneficial and worked well. The management and business skills I was learning in the essentials class directly helped me when creating design for the core class.
Chris’ take of the food design studio was also something I felt was really beneficial. He focused a lot on brand identity, marketing, and basically working visual communication to promote. The content was very relevant to the design industry and went a level deeper. We really had to analyse and bring out the personality of our festival to influence the design we created for it.
Having 4 weeks for each essential module was the perfect amount, compared to last semesters 2 week modules which were too short. The work completed in this class (although a bit dry) is something that I will benefit from in the years to come and will take into my career. This class showed me that communication design is more than just designing, and having knowledge and insight into what happens when designing is not will make you a more effective designer.
What I particularly enjoyed about the lectures was being immersed in ‘food design’ through being exposed to a plethora of examples by food designers. It did not only serve as a source of inspiration for my own work, but inspired me to want to create work like that.
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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(Photo credits to Andy)
It was really nice seeing what everyone had been up to this semester in the Studio core class, and seeing all our work together in the same space was great. + the weather was amazing too which made the day even better ! 
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
This was one of my favourite Studio 1 outcomes !!
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Rather than a straightforward metamorphosis process, I decided that I wanted to make all the cards connect and have a smooth flow from one card to the other. The purpose of making it this way was so that I could document the whole process of whaling, and I found that this was more impactful in terms of the emotional impact it leaves on those who are viewing it. I wanted there to be a gradual change in the tone and mood from the first few cards as being very peaceful and harmonious to all the tragedy that happens towards the end. 
Though I tried digitally drawing, I found that watercolour was still the best medium because I loved how I could control the opacity and transparency of the paint. Moreover, it also adds a very delicate and graceful effect which worked well for my topic. 
To set the scene of my theme, the first few cards show whales swimming harmoniously together, where a monochromatic colour scheme was used to further create a sense of calmness. The mood and tone of my cards had a big turn on the fifth card where a whale was being captured by a whaling ship. The introduction of the bold colour red evoked tension within the piece and it was also very alarming. The choice of using the colour red was not only to symbolise danger but it was also a link to Japan. 
The next imagery then shows a whale swimming towards a red dot, as though it is being captured by it. Again, this was to symbolise Japan’s involvement with whaling and their refusal to abide a 1986 moratorium set by the International Whaling Commission (IWC), an ‘oath’ different nations take to stop commercial whaling. 
I chose to focus mostly on Japan’s infamous whaling habits mainly because there have been many who protest against it even their citizens. They claim that the small whaling fleet they sent out into the Antarctic Ocean to kill 333 minke whales were for a ‘scientific program’. Hence, on my fifth card, I have the words, ‘fake research’ written on the ship. To further emphasise my views and the views of many who are against it, I included protest signs in the seventh card.
After demonstrating the whole process of whales are caught and then killed, the last metamorphosis stage was to transform it into actual meat that people eat and serve at restaurants. The fancy plate of whale meat on the eleventh card was meant to show how a majestic creature from the sea is sold to become nothing but a food experience. 
I chose to do very detailed illustrations of the whales and the whole process of whaling because I found that a realistic style gives more depth to these creatures and it definitely earns more sympathy because of that. The realism in these illustrations is confronting and could even be described as brutal, which was also what I hope to achieve because I want to impact those who are viewing it and create conversation through my imagery. Overall, I enjoyed making these cards because I found myself becoming more and more passionate about the topic after doing in depth research on it.
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Putting together the final essentials document 
The above images are pages from my document that appear at the start of each essential module.
My entire document has a rather simple, minimalist visual appearance. I chose to do this because I wanted the focus to be on the words more than the graphics.
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Secondary item: Tray/ container which the fish dishes will be served on.
I decided to do this as my secondary item because it is what the festival really needs. Every seller/ vendor will stock up on these little trays which they will sell their fish samplers on. The design, unlike the poster, is black and white. This is because a lot more of these trays will need to be made for the event, and printing in gray scale is cost effective 
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Trying to figure out how this secondary item (take away tray) will work. The size of it, how it will fold and stick together, how the graphics need to be printed on it, figuring out the net, etc. etc. 
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Completed poster design and in situ
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Completed Logo Design! 
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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LOGO work in progress.
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Creating fish scale imagery that will constitute part of the identity of the festival/
- Colour scheme imitates beach colours (blues and sands) as that’s where the event will be held and vibe the festival will have. 
- The event is luxurious which is why the scales use just line, as opposed to color. The thin lines show more sophistication and detail
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
(ESSENTIALS | Production) Brainstorming what’s required for each of the 5 applications
1. Package (1 month)
- The design of (Photoshop)
- Photography of images required by photographer (used for all applications)
- Specialty printer to do test mock up prints
- Sourcing appropriate materials to print onto (manufacturers)
- Photographer to take photos of final package designs for promotion
-  Purchase of new font (used for all applications)
2. Website (3 months)
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Web designer to assist with creating code
- Graphic designer creating composition (detailed layout sketches) and telling web designer what to do. Creating detailed plans for web designer to follow
- Navigation tests to see if everything works and buttons direct user to where they need to go
- Client meet ups every month (stage) of design- initial idea, draft, refined site
- Launch
3. Social Media profiles (2 weeks)
- Muse/ Photoshop
- Creation of new cover photo and profile picture for Facebook page adhering to Facebook image sizes.
- Instagram, twitter, etc. all updated
4. Billboard advertisement (3 weeks)
- Photoshop
- Large scale, logo and branding will be tested at a larger scale
- Specialty printer required to print imagery this large
5.     Delivery truck (3 weeks)
- Photoshop
- Large scale, logo and branding will be tested at a larger scale
- Specialty printer required to print imagery this large, and material suitable for outdoor harsh weather
- Manufacturer required
- Printer to test mock ups at actual size (before printing onto actual truck side)
(Graphic Designers required for all 5 applications)
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Geometric Potatoes by Martin Guixe
Natural potatoes with contemporary shape contemporary potatoes.
2001 Presented in Foodwork. La Sala Vinçon, Barcelona.
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Rough photo shop sketch of fish scale idea- trying to figure out what style/ technique will be the most effective 
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Did a bit of research to see the ways in which other designers/ artists have used fish scale imagery in their work
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Fish scale/ texture imagery to be used on the poster and constitute for the brands personality and visual identity.
Playing around with different methods to see what would be most effective (digital drawing, photography, etc.) [drawing is VERY rough)
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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Another draft- The imagery is way too big and should be much smaller. A fish scale background may be effective in conveying a luxurious feel and that the events FULL focus is on fish. 
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s3656433-blog · 7 years
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The type is more effective placed horizontal as it exudes professionalism and luxury. When it is curved like this along the fish, it appears tacky, cheap and rather childish- which is NOT my events personality. 
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