s3ptiplier-off-main · 5 years
Wakes up first: Mark, he’s the early bird
Sings in the shower: Both of them!
Makes breakfast every morning: Mark!
Is the first to think about adopting/having a child: That’s tough - maybe Sean? He’s talked about wanting kids before. They’d both be good dads!
Gets sick the easiest: Oh we KNOW this is Mark like that’s just a fact. Poor boy always gets sick somehow :(
Loves to cuddle: They’re both cuddlebugs :)
Falls asleep on the couch while they’re watching a movie: Probably Sean! 
Is super clingy: Oh 100% Mark lmao
Send me a ship and I’ll give my opinion on these headcanons for them :)
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 5 years
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 5 years
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oh shit. had to doodle this thing. I wanna write this au so bad  ಠ_ಠ
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
For everyone who wanted the old intro back, here you go. You even get a wapoosh
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
“toppa da moooooooornin’ to ya phoOM”
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
this is an anti-cartoonjunkie and pro-bottom-mark blog if u disagree go home
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
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Friendos pointed out that there’s too much art of kitty!Jack and puppy!Mark that has sinny undertones (including seme/uke-ish stuff, ew) so I decided I wanted to fix that.
There’ll be more later! Just ran out of motivation rn lol.
@septiplyer @septipliermyheart @henrik-von-schneeplestein @s3ptiplier-off-main @septiplier-appreciation
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
Never Empty - Chapter 3
@septiplyer @septipliermyheart
Having had a sudden craving for Pokémon again thanks to Chloe, Seán poured some hours into a new game of Silver, making it from the to his fourth badge before stopping to get up and outside, just so he didn’t feel like a lazy piece of shit. And also because his eyes were aching from the lack of sleep. Should he sneak in a nap, or tough it out and go to bed early? Because tomorrow was going to be a long-ass day. Orientation. Blech.
The daytime was still plenty warm enough that he changed into a tank top before heading out. The sun gave him a small perk in energy, as did the presence of a handful of other people he assumed lived elsewhere in the complex. Some on bikes, some jogging, a pair on the tennis courts, another pair playing fetch with a pair of dachshunds (whose names were Ginger and Presley, Seán overheard). Leaves on the trees overhead gradually acquired yellow on the edges. A small handful were sprinkled here and there on the ground.
…Ah. There was Mark over in the distance, jogging towards him. Still, it was only… two in the afternoon, if he remembered right? Why was he off work so early?
‘Feel free stop by and chat if you want!’
…Well. He wanted to. Seán gave him a wave and a “Hey, Mark!” and got a weak, exhausted smile and wordless wave back. Heavily panting and drenching his NASA shirt in sweat, Mark collapsed onto the first empty bench he saw and guzzled half his water bottle in about three swigs.
“You doing okay?” Seán asked.
Mark nodded. “Yeah. Just gotta… sit awhile.” He plowed through nearly all the remaining water, gasping between swallows. “I’ll be fine.”
Seán took a seat next to him, trying his best to push past the stink. “You’re pretty active, huh?” he said in a less-than-stellar attempt at conversation.
“Yeah. Try to run and be outside…” Pant. “…as much as I can.” With the first bottle drained, he moved on to the second one.
“I used to, but I kinda dropped off lately.” Seán lowkey hoped the conversation would go in the direction it felt it was going.
”Yeah, it’s taken me a couple tries and fails to stay motivated to be active. And my schedule had to change after Chloe came along. Can’t do my early morning runs like I used to.” He took another drink, and let the words hang in the air for a moment, Seán nodding in understanding… but deep down, dreading the fact that he made neighbors with one of those people. Those overly-joyous Morning People. The ones who actually enjoyed getting out of bed at the ass crack of dawn, the sworn enemies of Night Owls like himself.
A woman’s voice behind them interrupted his thoughts and Mark’s next words by laughing at Presley the Dachshund for apparently tripping over his own sausage legs, which Seán and Mark both giggled at.
Seán felt an extra pang of joy from hearing the pure, deep timbre of Mark’s laugh, and from the little crow’s feet that formed at the corners of his eyes. That… was sudden. And kind of unnecessary.
Don’t get excited, dumbass, he commanded his (currently very disobedient) brain. He’s your arch-nemesis. And a married dad.
“But anyway…”
“Yeah?” Seán asked, mildly jolted.
Mark didn’t notice. “I don’t know how well our schedules would line up, since I’ve got kinda weird hours, but if they do at all…” His voice perked up. “…we could be workout buddies.”
Don’t get excited! “Yeah, that could be fun!” Dammit. Caving to his deep-seated desire for affection and contact again.
“Great! So let’s see… I’ve got the next three days off…”
…What did I get myself into.
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
Never Empty - Chapter 1
@septiplyer @septipliermyheart
Home, sweet home.
It was the mantra Seán repeated to himself each time he climbed up the four smooth pavement steps to his new townhouse. To help him adjust to the radically different environment - though, in all honesty, he didn’t much need it. Living in a city, with neighbors, was brand-new territory and he loved the prospect of the greater hustle and bustle, the greater chance of meeting someone new on any given day. Thus, despite having been a lonesome country boy his entire life up until this point, he was quick to emotionally settle into his new home. His true home.
Smaller, narrower, but with multiple floors for plenty of space for all his stuff in the end. By now, with the help of a moving crew, he’d gotten all his furnature and electronics and decoractions and knickknacks settled into place to make it truly his. All he wanted to do those first few days was marvel at how his living room came together in its black and white glory, how his new modern bathroom refreshed his body and mind, and how his bed felt like new under the light of the city sun beaming down onto it.
And it was while he was absorbing himself in the familiar antics of Rick and Morty that he heard his doorbell. Wonder who that was? He paused the show and bounded for front door, pondering the possibility that it was probably just a package delivery he must have forgotten about.
He gently pulled open the door to find a young Asian man, maybe even his same age, with a large fluff of black hair on his head, a small amount of stubble across his jawline, and a soft, pastel-pink hoodie with a Pusheen on a couch above some text reading “Home is where my butt is,” which Seán had to suppress a chuckle at.
With him was a young girl who resembled him, probably his daughter or niece or something, with a baby blue headband pulling back her shorter, scruffier hair. She wielded a batch of chocolate chip cookies cling-wrapped to a paper plate.
“Welcome!” she sang, shoving the cookies up towards Seán.
“Aww!” He took the plate from her hands - warm and rich in that sweet, comforting smell. He beamed the friendliest smile he could at her. “Thank you!”
“We saw you just moved in,” the man said. His thumb pointed to the door opposite Seán’s. “We live right next door and just wanted to say hi.”
Aw, that was so nice of them. “Well, hi there! Seán McLoughlin.” He held out his hand. “But I’m often called ‘Jack’, too.”
The man shook hands. “Mark Fischbach. And this is my daughter, Chloe.”
“Hi,” she said, going for a handshake of her own. God, she was adorable. So was Mark, to be honest. Not too many grown men wore pink Pusheen jumpers. It was a little bit of a contrast to Seán’s own plain black T-shirt, tattered black jeans, and fat black gages in his ears. And those huge tattoos on his arms.
But then again, Seán didn’t have a little girl living with him. And he was honestly a little surprised that he didn’t intimidate her at all. Maybe she saw past that and focused on how friendly his face was? He hoped.
“I think you’ll like living here,” Mark said. “Especially if you like doing outdoorsy stuff.”
“Oh, yeah, I saw this place had an on-site gym and tennis courts and a swimming pool and everything.”
“Yeah, and it’s a pretty safe neighborhood overall, too.”
Chloe rocked back and forth on her feet.
“Plus, it’s right next to the dog park,” Mark added. “We’ve got a golden retriever, Chica.”
Seán grinned. “Aw, I love retrievers!”
Chloe started to bury herself in Mark’s jumper, suddenly seeming to grow more and more fidgety and uneasy. Mark seemed to notice, too, glancing down at her, putting a hand on her shoulder, and changing the subject.
“Well, I should probably let you dig into those cookies while they’re still warm.”
“Yeah, thank you so much for those,” Seán said, mostly to Chloe. “They smell awesome!”
“Feel free to chat if you see us around.”
“Okay.” I will. You’re such a sweet guy. I’d love to get to know you more. “Same with you!”
“Alright, Chloe, let’s head inside.” Mark started to tug her towards their door. “Say bye!”
She waved. “Bye, Jack!”
“Bye, guys!”
With them gone and Seán back in his kitchen, he ripped off the cling wrap and took a huge bite of the first cookie. Melty, gooey goodness filled his mouth. No way was he going to save any of them for later, hell no. Good thing there were only… six of them? Yeah, he could go through them all while he still could.
What nice people. What an adorable man. What an adorable girl.
Seán sure hoped he could spend more time with them in the future.
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
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Posting again cuz it doesn’t even show on my blog sorry
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
for the prompts: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
(so mobile tumblr’s bitchiness forced me to retype out this entire fucking thing on desktop. you guys better like this.)
“Oh, jeez. I’m so sorry, Seán.”
“It’s fine. Hey, you may never know,” he added, shrugging, “it may be important.”
Still, it was rude. This was their day out together, and on the anniversary of the day they met - their “Friendship Day”, so to speak. Though, being in a restaurant like this, it felt sort of date-like. And having his phone out when there was so much for them to talk about and catch up on, and plenty of time to do so while they waited for their food to arrive, was rude.
Mark pulled his vibrating phone out of his pocket, up onto the table and- shit. Oops.
He forgot about that. The fact that he’d changed his lockscreen to one of those “secret” pictures he and Seán took on their first proper hangout together. The goofy pretending-to-kiss-Seán-while-he-contentedly-grins picture.Honestly, Mark wasn’t sure ifSeán kept the copy Mark sent him. But Mark kept it, and all the other fake-romance ones, too. And in the coming days before this special day, he set that old picture of him fake-kissingSeán’s soft and squishy and fuzzy and adorable cheek as his lockscreen. He wanted to kiss it for real.Seán was fucking beautiful inside and out. But how did he tell him that?
He shoved the fantasy out of his mind, checking the Concerned Mom text and sending a response back, then set it to silent. But as he went to put it back in his pocket,Seán stopped him.
“Wait- can I see that real quick?”
Mark jumped. “See what?”
“That picture on your phone.”
No. No no no, you may not see that picture on my phone. “Uh, why?”
Seán seemed bewildered at Mark’s defensiveness. Fuck. “I… just thought I saw you and me on it, and I…”
Now Mark’s face was a furnace.
“…Something wrong, buddy?”
Oh, nothing, only that you’re really putting me on the spot and you weren’t supposed to see that and I’m an idiot for ever putting it on my phone in the first place, just ignore it, just ignore me, pretend this never happened, please. “Uh… No.” Against his better judgment, he handedSeán the phone, fingers brushing and sending a rush of tortuous euphoria through his veins. “Here you go.”
Seán pressed the power button and that goddamn precious smile came back. “Aww. You still have this picture? I was kind of worried you might not.”
“I don’t know what happened to my copy. I think I must’ve lost it between getting new phones.”
“I can send it to you again if you’d like.”
“Thanks, buddy!” Buddy. He liked that, but… “Do you have the other ones, too?”
Seán gave a short laugh. “You sure say ‘uh’ a lot.”
“Sorry, you just put me on the spot a little. Uh, yeah, I do have them.”
Seán frowned. “They’re just pictures?”
“Well, it’s just…!” His hands flailed for the right words. “Weird when you know what’s in them!” He caught sight of their food coming towards them. Thank God. Please make this end.Seán handed back his phone, and was it just Mark, or did he let their hands touch again this time?
The interaction played over and over through his head during the silent ride back toSeán’s house.Seán wanted those pictures, right? Why? Did he feel the same way, and was just as scared and awkward about expressing it as Mark was? Or did he detect Mark’s crush and felt uncomfortable with that knowledge, having only asked for them out of total innocence?
He jolted out of his headspace. Oh, they were almost there. “Yeah?”
“You’re gonna stick around for a bit, aren’t you?”
“Uh… if you want me to?”
“Yeah. Just want to hang out in person while I’ve got the chance. You know, since we live so far away and all…”
What happened back there wasn’t too awkward for you? But Mark kept quiet and accepted the fact thatSeán still wanted him in his house. Maybe he didn’t fuck up too badly.
It was indescribable, the scent ofSeán’s home. It may have been a far cry from the log cabin in the woods he once called home, but the smell whisked Mark away to exactly that era. His home smelled like a more innocent time, when the two were merely building a friendship off social media banter and playing games together, when they hugged and tickled and took childish selfies with each other, when they dyed their hair pink and green, when they just… had so much love to give. Before it started to ache.
In short,Seán’s home smelled likeSeán.
“Welcome to my humble abode!” he shouted into the echoing living room chamber with open arms. “Okay, maybe not that humble…” He gestured to the extravagant chandelier hanging from the high ceiling, then turned to Mark, beaming and shouting again, “But welcome to my abode anyway!”
“Thanks.” Unsure of where to go, Mark stood awkwardly in place.
“So…” The lightened mood dissipated. “Do you want to… talk about what happened back there?”
Mark shrugged, moving his gaze to a random spot on the floor. “Not much to talk about.”
“Mark.”Seán took a step towards him. Close, but not in his face. Firm, but non-threatening. “If there’s anything you want to tell me - anything at all - now is the time to do it. While…” His voice cracked. “While we’re still together.”
He knew, didn’t he? He could tell, couldn’t he?
Still fixated on the floor, he forced out the obvious faster than his brain could stop him.
Then, Mark felt those soft, gentle fingers brushing against his own again. His pulse pounded in his temples. And he metSeán’s eyes.
They radiated joy.
They told him it was okay.
“You know…”Seán fully took both of Mark’s hands into his own. “I had a feeling that’s what’s been going on…”
He kissed Mark’s cheek. Shock waves surged through his chest.
“…and it took me a long time to realize that I hoped I was right.”
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
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Married since 2015. _______
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
I cried when jack literally described his time with mark like a fanfiction in that video when he git back from pax lmao, he literally described it like "we said goodbye, shook hands, the elevator doors closing between us" and he was beinf all emo about how he said bye to Mark and i was like I GET IT DEAR LORD I FEEL LIKE IM READING A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL'S DIARY
he met his IDOL let him gush about it like a 13 yr old girl!!!!!!!
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
[submitted by anonymous] HELLO! Here is the clip, https://youtu.be/l7dxMOolVlA and it starts around 16:30 Is there anyway I could stay anonymous though?? __________
hell yeah bro and thank you so much for the vid and the timestamp!!!!!!!! im gonna cry now 
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
Listen...was watching Bob Mark and Wade play monopoly and Bob was selling Mark the green properties and he DEAD ASS SAID "Mark, you like green things right? That's why you and Jack-" And. He. Stopped.
Mark used his thottom energy to silence him
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s3ptiplier-off-main · 6 years
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I think they like to kiss,,,
Hey! So I oopd and I posted to wrong blog oops. Anyways, I’ll post more in at most a week so don’t worry!
@septiplyer @septipliermyheart
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