saarism · 4 years
Chapter 1. About Saarism
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I will try to write as clearly as possible, because that is the meaning of this article.
Saarism is the absolute, which has many branches, the center of which is a single divine Essence. (I will cover this topic in more detail in the article about the manifestations of the Essence of the World.)
Saarism is a direction of thought, mind and soul that leads to self-knowledge, self-identification in the world of things, awareness of their powers and abilities, their study, improvement and application to achieve their goals and complete spiritual development.
In short, Saarism is a set of Teachings about the World that will help people understand its mechanisms, as well as learn to extract knowledge from everyday life. The world by Saarism from the point of view of the teachings of Animacotrix, consists of inner and outer spheres of Existence. All levels of the Universe are divided into spheres. The number of spheres depends on the number of living beings who have a transcendent divine essence developed to an infinitely indefinite span of space and time, i.e., not limited by time and matter in every moment of impermanence - these are Demons and Deities.
Saarism as a whole is a great Teaching about spirituality, about new moral and aesthetic ideals, about self-development and self-improvement, written by otherworlders.
Saarism is a creation built on the beauty of forms and the perfection of the soul, its dynamism and constant interaction with other souls and forms.
Saarism is the Doctrine of creation and the creation of the continuity of ideas, actions and outcomes, focused on creating beautiful and beyond reason.
Saarism is not built on existing religions and teachings of people, it is an incomprehensible image of the World Order, which acquired features and meanings when it was formed into a system of Unearthly Knowledge.
Saarism purposefully studies the Cosmos, Matter, the Order of Things, spiritual potential, the physics of worlds, biology and structure of living creatures, the whole Reality, the aesthetic aspect of which is reflected through creativity.
Saarism reveals the meaning of existence of everything, has answers to many questions, reveals the essence of beauty and helps to know real things, as well as teaches a person spirituality and the discovery of their own hidden potential.
Saarism faith
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Saarism is partly a belief based on the principles of Natural Unity and co-existence of all living creatures in a favorable environment for the development of the Essence, and it is also a belief that offers knowledge of Natural Gods, Deities, Demons, Entities and all kinds of life forms and creatures from a different side than the human one.
In short, the belief of non-humans.
This is a way to display the power of Knowledge obtained not on Earth, but in their worlds and abodes, their presentation and demonstration, in order to produce a kind of"exchange of Knowledge and experience". They can be exchanged by all those beings who have the ability to transfer Knowledge in the form closest to the understanding of other beings.
Book texts, audio messages, and video files are a way of presenting Knowledge, a mediocre form of communication designed to bring it closer in understanding.
Before the beginning of Saarism on Earth, there was already the knowledge of non-humans, which became the basis for the promotion of a new faith and new traditions.
Traditions themselves support the incentive to change. This is, perhaps, the most non-conservative system of views on the Universe from an unusual side for human perception.
Saarism as the direction
In Saarism as the direction of exist not of the dominant groups. All social groups of people can be part of this trend and propagandize the views, Knowledge and faith of Saarism as a tool for philosophical and consolidating purposes. This is necessary so that every person who is aware of himself as another being Knows that there is a place for him in this world.
Saarism as the direction is a way of communication all beings identify themselves as otherworlder.
Since saarism reflects certain views, It has its own thinking and ideology, which may differ greatly from the thinking of existing religious groups and denominations.
This is a normal phenomenon and morally justified, given the differences in the views of the representatives of these societies themselves. Saarism as a trend does not call for cruelty towards other social groups, individuals, or confessions that do not agree with the ideology of Saarism or any of Its teachings. After all, this is a manifestation of their own unconscious attraction, due to distrust of their Knowledge. I will not give examples of this, because it would be a rather large wall of text.
Saarism also does not call for violation of laws and regulations, and should not contribute to the negative impact of people in relation to different social groups.
In Saarism as in the direction have the structure of the provision of Knowledge.
The Manifesto and Foundation of this structure is the teaching of Animacotrix (stands for "spiritual beauty") - its representatives and founders are Diorion Arh Lucimus and Anogiast Demon Dominus.
In the direction Saarism can join and share their knowledge of other  Otherworlder. Here Saarism becomes a kind of platform or Foundation for the freedom Teachings.
Animacotrix begins this direction because it contains a large amount of Knowledge about the World, inherited from its representatives.
I Know that there are people on Earth who cannot, for some reason, write something of their own and present it to the public. Here you will be able to create your own Teaching, communicate with representatives of others, and learn new things about the World.
Saarism is a point which can intersect a lot of roads here, everyone can find a place.
Saarism as a religion
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Saarism as a religion does not have a clear system of rules and laws, since it is a dynamic religious institution. It does not contain a system of subordination, division into classes and groups.
Saarism as a religion is a free, multi-threaded and multicommunicative group that fulfills and integrates the will of creation and creation. Saarism different from the existing religious schools specific provision of Knowledge, the dynamism of traditions, interests and ideology against the whole World.
Saarism as a religion is aimed at reconnecting with Nature, showing love for it and love for oneself, for Life in all its diversity.
This is propaganda for the rejection of militarization, from the use of weapons that bring pain and death to the Living, this is a religious protest against militancy and human reckless consumer behavior against not only themselves, but also life around Them, this is a protest against the creation of dangerous technologies for the planet and the use of nuclear weapons.
Saarism is supposed to be an open community, which can be joined by any person who is aware of himself as a different being to promote his Knowledge.
Saarism does not have a clear system of rules and obedience.
Saarism offers the freedom of information and protection of the rights of participants to its use and organization.
Saarism as a collection of Teachings about the World based on the teachings of Animacotrix.
Saarism both the direction and the informal religious organization founded in 2019.
The founders and members of Diorion Arh, Anogiast Demon.
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