saasnic · 1 year
The Vital Role of Salesforce Admins: Ensuring Optimal Performance and Data Integrity
– Briefly introduce Salesforce as a powerful CRM platform widely used by companies.
– Highlight the significance of the admin role in managing Salesforce and ensuring its smooth operation.
– Emphasize the importance of regular audit checks to maintain data accuracy and security.
I. Understanding the Salesforce Admin Role:
A. Definition and Responsibilities:
Explain the primary responsibilities of a Salesforce admin.
Discuss their role in customizing, configuring, and maintaining the Salesforce platform.
Highlight their crucial role in user management, security, and access control.
B. Key Skills and Qualities:
Explore the essential skills and qualifications of an effective Salesforce admin.
Discuss the importance of technical expertise and familiarity with Salesforce features.
Mention the need for strong problem-solving, communication, and project management skills.
II. Ensuring Optimal Performance:
A. Configuration and Customization:
Explain how admins configure Salesforce to align with business processes.
Discuss their role in customizing fields, workflows, validation rules, and automation.
Highlight how these configurations enhance efficiency and streamline operations.
B. User Support and Training:
Discuss how admins provide ongoing support to Salesforce users.
Explain their role in training employees on Salesforce usage, best practices, and new features.
Emphasize the impact of a knowledgeable admin in maximizing user adoption and productivity.
III. Safeguarding Data Integrity:
A. Data Management and Security:
Highlight the admin’s responsibility in maintaining clean and accurate data.
Discuss their role in data import/export, data deduplication, and data quality control.
Explain how admins set up security measures to protect sensitive data.
B. Regular Audit Checks:
Stress the importance of periodic audits to ensure data integrity.
Discuss the role of admins in conducting audits and reviewing data accuracy.
Mention the significance of identifying and rectifying errors or inconsistencies.
IV. Best Practices for Admin Success:
A. Continuous Learning and Certification:
Encourage admins to stay updated with Salesforce’s evolving features and best practices.
Discuss the value of Salesforce certifications in enhancing their skills and credibility.
B. Collaboration and Community Engagement:
Emphasize the benefits of networking with other Salesforce professionals.
Discuss the resources available through the Salesforce community and user groups
V. Partnering with SaaSnic Technologies for Admin Support and Training:
A. Admin Training and Certification:
Introduce SaaSnic Technologies as a trusted Salesforce partner with a decade of expertise.
Highlight their specialized admin training programs tailored to meet specific business needs.
Discuss how their training sessions enhance admin skills and prepare them for Salesforce certifications.
B. Admin-on-Demand Services:
Explain how SaaSnic Technologies offers flexible admin resources on-demand.
Discuss the benefits of accessing skilled admins when additional support is required.
Highlight the advantages of reducing overhead costs and ensuring uninterrupted Salesforce operations.
C. Expert Guidance and Consultation:
Emphasize the value of partnering with experienced Salesforce consultants from SaaSnic Technologies.
Discuss their ability to provide strategic guidance and best practices for Salesforce implementation.
Highlight how their expertise can optimize Salesforce usage and drive business growth.
D. Customized Solutions:
Mention SaaSnic Technologies’ ability to tailor solutions based on unique business requirements.
Discuss their expertise in customizing Salesforce configurations, workflows, and automation.
Highlight their commitment to delivering scalable and efficient solutions for long-term success.
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saasnic · 1 year
How Can CRM Solutions Help to Build Your Brand
CRM Offers Consistency
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This is an undeniable fact that in today’s technologically progressive era, the business market is extremely competing. To survive successfully in such a vying business market, you need to stand out from the crowd by making an impressive brand value. Building a brand value for a business is not a piece of cake! It is a pretty much lengthy process. It not only engages the sales or the marketing department but involves each entity of an organization as well.
You might know the CRM software as a tool that can track as well as manage leads effortlessly. However, a potent CRM software is capable of more than that. Here, in this article, you would get a detailed guide on how dynamic CRM solutions can benefit your business and can help you to build a strong brand value.
CRM Offers Consistency
One of the most crucial steps in the process of brand building is offering the customers remarkable consistency. All the facts that you publish or say about the brand should keep its consistency across all the channels and platforms. Any small amount of disparity in the fact can hamper the brand value. With the help of a potent CRM solution, you can easily track all type of communications between the customers and your business. If all of your business channels become able to send out notifications and alerts to the masses at the proper and right time without making any fault, that would not only bring your business prospects but obviously would increase your business brand value.
It Differentiates the Brand
You already know that in today’s scenario, if you can’t offer something special, something unique to your customers, surviving in the competing business market becomes pretty much tough. Hence, while offering any service or any offer to the customers, you need to make sure that you are offering it with the right personalized touch. How can you do that? Well, A dynamic and effective CRM software can give you a detailed insight into each customer’s preferences that would help you to understand them better. Thus, you can reach your customers with more personalized touch.
CRM Helps to Grow Brand Evangelists
The better your relationship with the customers, the better your business can grow. You need to understand that the customers are the most important aspect of any business to become successful, to flourish. Apart from accumulating new customers, retaining the existing customers is equally important. As an effective CRM software can give you a better overview of customer’s preferences, it becomes easier for you to interact with the customers. You can instantly give them a solution to their respective queries. If the customers become satisfied with your products and services, the loyalty rate increases along with the brand value of your business.
Thus, a robust and potent CRM solution can help you to transform your business and lead it to the path of success making sure your brand value boosts in the market
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saasnic · 1 year
Benefits of Using CRM
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It refers to the technologies that companies use to manage the customer interaction. Focusing on improving business relationship with a customer, CRM handles all the information of a client.
CRM software –
It handles client’s information and document into a single CRM database. The main function of this software is to record customer interaction on workflow. It handles the workflow process like calendars and alerts etc. It gives the ability to analyze performance within the system.
What is the common feature of CRM?
Contact center automation-
It is used to discover various aspects of a contact center agents. It’s automation assist in resolving customer issues. This software is used to simplify the customer service processes.
Marketing automation –
This automation had the capability to automate the task which is repetitive. It is used for sales and business.
What are the benefits of CRM?
Maximizes up & cross selling –
This system gives a customer a benefit of up-selling. It is a process of giving the client quality products. It allows cross-selling with the process of offering products to the customer. It is performed on the basis of their previous sale. It focuses on maintaining the relationship between the customer and business. It is all about interacting with customer and getting an overview of what they want and need to buy.
Increases customer revenues-
It is used to increase the revenue of a company in great extent. CRM helps to improve the customer revenues. It is a product that ensures that the product promotion reached to a different set of customer.
Better internal communication –
These CRM tactics help us build a better communication. It shares customer data between various departments. It will help to increase the company’s profit and it also enables to provide better service to a customer.
Enhances customer relation-
CRM provides better satisfaction to the customer. It helps in increasing customer loyalty and decreasing customer anxiety. It deals with the process of servicing and selling of products to the customers. It also provides a better understanding of the customer by understanding their issues.
Optimizes the marketing business-
CRM helps to understand the customer’s needs. It helps to analyze the correct time for marketing the product to a customer. It will also give an idea about the most profitable customer group. It helps to analyze the correct customer group which will give profit to the business.
Help the sales team in closing deals faster–
It facilitates the gaining of the most rapid and efficient customer information. An organization that had implemented CRM had found a drastic change in its business. It enhances customer interaction with business people. This helps to fix the deal earlier.
Simplifies the sales process-
CRM provides a good and effective communication channel. Expanding of technologies like website and voice response helps in in-building customer relations. This software provides a rapid response to all the inquiries of customers.
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saasnic · 1 year
What Is Blockchain Technology? How Does It Work?
Blockchain could be a technology that guarantees to basically modification however we have a tendency to share information, obtain and sell things, and verify the genuineness of knowledge we believe each single day — from what we eat to who we are saying we are. and since it will facilitate all of this in secure, efficient, and clear ways that across many alternative domains, the results will be transformative — every business, government, and individual can benefit.
Blockchain can drive profound change across a range of industries and sectors, reimagining the way we do so many things.
Such is blockchain’s promise that Gartner predicts it’ll end result in $176 billion in delivered commercial enterprise cost via way of means of 2025, and $3.1 trillion via way of means of 2030. Yet blockchain is likewise a complicated technology, and lots of businesses are locating it difficult to liberate its complete cost, given complexities round networks, records models, companion adoption, and abilities gaps among their employees. By the use of a blockchain as a type of connective tissue among specific decentralized records stores, matters can get surely interesting.
Common features include:
Records hold on Associate in Nursing exceedingly in a very digital ledger. Blockchain are often wont to record and write in code any variety of group action involving an exchange, equivalent to the transfer of funds or the possession of property.
A distributed ledger that maintains a dealing list. The list of transactions is replicated across variety of computers in nearly real time, instead of being hold on on a central server.
A peer-to-peer network that maintains the dealing records. The ledger’s solely accessible to a network of partners, who share the work of change and maintaining it.
No intermediaries within the peer-to-peer network. there’s nobody purpose of management or central authority, and no third-party mediators (lawyers or banks, for example) are involved.
Verification via cryptography and digital signatures. Cryptography and digital signatures are accustomed prove participants’ identity and attest transactions.
Blockchain in action
Let’s take a glance at another samples of however blockchain works in practice. a number one tending supplier presently depends on electronic medical records to supply hospitals and doctors with pertinent health info concerning new and existing patients. However, those records are typically incomplete or missing information. With blockchain, doctors, hospitals, insurance providers, patients, and additional will move to look at and update medical histories in an exceedingly unified ledger. Blockchain makes it simple for healthcare professionals to view and update those records, and for patients to urge a comprehensive view of their entire medical record — leading to a trusted, simpler, and quicker method for any patient who needs to transfer between institutions.
Benefits of blockchain
To assist solution this question, let’s take the instance of Company ABC, which — like many legacy commercial enterprise networks — shops its statistics in a couple of locations and formats. It’s additionally crucial to the agency that the integrity of its transactions with its outside companions can without problems be validated.
More sturdy security.  as a result of knowledge is secured victimization fashionable approaches resembling cryptologic keys, blockchain networks are a lot of resilient to data change of state and cyber-attacks.
Faster, cheaper transactions. Blockchain databases don’t need ancient third parties love banks and lawyers to evidence transactions — that role is stuffed by the technology. By eliminating the requirement for intermediaries, businesses will contour their processes and cut back costs.
Greater transparency and traceability. as a result of each network member during a blockchain info has access to the complete database of transactions and their history, they have the benefit of time period transaction-level assurance. Such systems may be abundant easier to audit.
Blockchain for CRM
Combining blockchain technology with client relationship management (CRM) systems offers businesses some way to considerably enhance existing workflows, and build trustworthy partner networks that stretch CRM. Blockchain will facilitate to increase trust, transparency, and traceability in each customer interaction, yet as break down business boundaries and information silos.
Let’s take a more in-depth look into however blockchain technology will facilitate a CRM system attain such things. firms like the following:
A a lot of economical thanks to gain a 360-degree read of the customer. as a result of blockchain relies on a distributed network architecture, knowledge silos break down. instead of multiple copies of a customer’s details ending up duplicated across various systems, all applications have access to only one set of records. As a result, firms will cut back redundancy and increase responsiveness. Also, CRM-based platforms can mixture more discourse and elaborated data concerning participants and its merchandise and feed the blockchain business network with richer information.
Enhanced security. On a blockchain, every bit of code is protected with powerful cryptological tools, which boosts security. In addition, information records are irreversible. No transactions is erased, therefore data can’t be tampered with.
Richer insights. because the quality of knowledge insights into client activities usually improves with scale, blockchain’s decentralized network approach will offer whole ecosystems of companies during a blockchain network with deep insights into their customers’ preferences and expectations, in close to real time.
Data quality and accuracy. knowledge integrity is essential in any scheme wherever system updates are vulnerable to human error or negligence. Combined with alternative technologies akin to the web of Things, a blockchain-based CRM resolution will facilitate businesses harvest a lot of unjust insights from their data, while not the necessity for human intervention.
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saasnic · 1 year
What is the online CRM solution and how it works
SaaSnic Technologies has always been on top of the list when it comes to providing business CRM software to comply with the needs of various businesses and processes. SaaSnic Technologies’ CRM software solution for companies is not just software. It has transformed the weaknesses of traditional business database management tools into its strengths. The system aims to automate your business routines systematically, while reducing the operational costs, consequently to maximize the company’s profits.
From document management to complete business automation, SaaSnic Technologies’ online cloud-based CRM does it all for your business. We offer an intelligently programmed CRM system that can surely be of assistance as it can easily be customized to integrate with your existing business systems.
Document Management, scanning, and archiving are all interlinked and are further integrated with your business CRM. Connectors and database linking are used to allow your document management systems and your existing web-based systems to communicate with each other in a streamlined fashion. SFDC Partners Software provides a web-based interface providing you with the platform to share business documents within your business organization and with the clients too. With features like built-in Customer Portal, the customers are privileged to access the vital information. The portal can also be used to communicate and share records and files with the customers.
SaaSnic Technologies’ CRM is equipped with miscellaneous powerful and time-efficient tools that are dedicated to giving your business a go. We offer a full range of business solutions, including Online CRM Solutions and IT services for your organization to keep you up with the business trends of the market. You can acquire a business CRM for your organization from us today. Contact them now, and they are more than just happy to offer their services to your businesses.
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saasnic · 1 year
Why Salesforce
Salesforce is one of the leading CRM software solutions in the world. It is a cloud-based platform that helps businesses manage customer relationships more effectively. Salesforce CRM is known for its unique features that stand out from other CRM software in the market. Here are some of the features that set Salesforce apart:
Customizability, One of the critical features of Salesforce is its customizability. It is highly flexible and can be tailored to fit the specific needs of each business. Businesses can customize Salesforce to suit their unique workflows and business processes. Customization can be done using custom fields, objects, and workflows. With Salesforce, companies can create amazing customer journeys tailored to their needs.
Scalability Salesforce is also highly scalable. It can grow with your business as your customer base expands. This is because Salesforce is a cloud-based platform that can handle large amounts of data and be accessed anywhere. It can also integrate with other applications and systems, making managing all aspects of your business from one platform easy.
Advanced analytics Salesforce also offers advanced analytics capabilities. It provides businesses with real-time insights into customer behavior and trends. With Salesforce, companies can track customer interactions across multiple channels, including email, social media, and mobile devices. This helps companies make informed decisions about improving their customer experience and increasing revenue.
Mobile capabilities Salesforce also offers robust mobile capabilities. The Salesforce mobile app allows businesses to manage customer relationships on the go. This means that sales reps and other customer-facing employees can access customer data and insights from anywhere, at any time. This helps businesses stay connected with their customers and provide personalized service even when away from their desks.
Collaboration tools Salesforce also offers tools that enable teams to work together more efficiently. The platform provides features like Chatter, allowing teams to communicate and collaborate in real time. This helps teams stay connected and work together more effectively to serve customers.
Security Finally, Salesforce is known for its robust security features. The platform offers multiple layers of security to protect customer data and prevent unauthorized access. This includes two-factor authentication, data encryption, and regular security audits.
In conclusion, Salesforce CRM is a unique and powerful solution that offers businesses a wide range of features and benefits. While it may come at a higher cost than other CRM solutions, its benefits outweigh the cost. By investing in Salesforce, businesses can improve customer relationships, increase revenue, and stay ahead of the competition.
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saasnic · 1 year
Pardot marketing automation
Marketing is one of the important aspects of the business. Without marketing a business operation will fail incorrigibly. It requires many dynamic ideas and up to date knowledge as well as very good networking. With the automation in marketing, this task is eased up incomparably. Marketing Automation basically refers to software platforms able to automate repetitive tasks. The purpose is to achieve greater effectiveness and to measure and quantify marketing ROI. Marketing Automation tools handle such tasks:
Email Marketing and Landing Pages
Marketing Campaigns Management
Contact Scoring
Lead Management and Integration with CRM
Social media Marketing
Marketing Analytics
Now, as we know, the automation often brings about the miss in the personal touch, and the clients do not feel very connected to their service providers. Salesforce has come up with a new tool to solve this problem too.
Salesforce is one of the best CRM companies. It has rolled out several new updates and up-gradation according to the need of business operators all over the world. Pardot Automation is also one of the services provided on the Salesforce platform. This is majorly used as an email marketing tool in order to coincide with the Salesforce campaigns.
Let us understand this by quoting an example.
Assume that you have an event-specific Salesforce campaign, and you wish to take this event as an opportunity to extend your network. Well, it sounds like one of a herculean task as it is a large scale event. In this scenario, Pardot comes into business as eases up all the manual work. All you have to do is integrate the list of event attendees available on your Salesforce platform into a Pardot drip campaign. This allows you to stay connected to these leads after the event has been ended. This proves as a marketing strengthening tactic..
This is one of the most valuable aspects of Pardot Automation in Salesforce that can generate contact forms that can be further used by the company for expanding their leads in business. It moves one step further as these contacts information can be customized as per the requirement as to what is deemed necessary to follow up with your leads. This can also be integrated seamlessly into a number of websites, for instance, WordPress.
Pardot contact information forms are put up on the company’s Website. If once someone fills out this form on the company’s Website, it can set up the following automated lead marketing process through the Pardot Marketing Automation platform:
Contact information is taken and stored for further use in a dynamic list of website leads in Pardot.
The list of Website Lead is input into the ongoing email campaigning process.
Now, the new lead is automatically sent an email, which can also be personalized to the specific contact information entered. This personalization may include anything as including the first name, company, etc. as per the requirement of the purpose.
You can specify which email to send the new lead based on certain information the person entered. A different email will be sent depending on what industry the lead indicated.
A Salesforce user will be assigned to the lead based on whether the email was opened, the link in the email was clicked, or any other specification you notate.
Thus, Pardot Automation transforms your business by handling the task of digital marketing with much ease. It allows the minds behind the computers to engage themselves in developing strategies than doing such work manually. Pardot Marketing automation handles the
Creation of landing pages and templates
Runs the dynamic and customized campaigns automatically
Adds the Google Adwords connector for better prospects
Automates the Lead Assignment
Generates high-quality leads
Calculates the Company’s’ ROI and also optimizes the next steps for it
It speeds up the whole pipelining of the sales procedure.
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saasnic · 5 years
Customers are the central pillars of any business. Not surprisingly, in a commercial world, retaining customers and expanding business parameters is paramount. Therefore, customer relationships are vital, especially considering the cost of finding new customers.
The process of implementing CRM would be best treated by a salesforce consulting company as a 6-stage process. The process would progress from collecting and processing customers' information to improving your marketing and the overall customer experience.
-         Stage 1 - Gathering Information
Capturing customer information to identify your customers is the top priority.
-         Stage 2 – Saving the Information
A centralized customer database is a very efficient way to store and manage customer information.
-         Stage 3 - Accessing Information
Now that the data is gathered and stored centrally, it must be made available to the staff in the most functional fashion.
-         Stage 4 – Inspecting Customer Behavior
You can now begin profiling and analyzing customer behavior to scheme better sales strategies.
-         Stage 5 - Marketing More Efficiently
Given the analyzed information of customers, now it is easier to cater to specifically tailored needs of each customer.
-         Stage 6 - Elevating the Customer Experience
If the customer problems get identified and resolved quickly, your staff will have constructed a smoother experience for the customer.
1.       Data Migration
One of the biggest challenges during salesforce implementation is data migration: Transferring data from multiple systems and aggregating them into one system.
Dealing with unique ID mapping to duplicate data and adding custom fields to managing access control are sensitive issues that require extreme caution and precision.
2.       System Integration
A solo implementation of Salesforce CRM would have no profound utility; the real benefit of Salesforce can only be leveraged when integrated with other business applications in the organization: On-premise applications, mobile app, cloud apps – the typical elements of a business IT environment.
Therefore, integration of CRM with other applications is a significant challenge and approaching a professional salesforce consulting company is the best option.
3.       Maintaining Centralized Records
Is your team still using Excel sheets and smart phone reminders to achieve targets? Then your CRM implementation has not changed much in your organization.
The main task of a Salesforce consulting company is to provide you with a single primary platform through CRM, through which you can track, moderate and execute all organizational processes.
4.       Team
Cutting edge technology and revolutionizing strategies are redundant if teams can't comprehend the new techniques. Hence, to fully reap the wonders of a CRM implementation in full, data and information have to be provided at every level of your organization.
SaaSnic is an attested Salesforce consulting company that offers a complete package solution for either developing existing Salesforce or implementing a new CRM system.
Our services include:
●    Salesforce Implementation
●    Salesforce Community Portal
●    Salesforce Integration
●    Integration with 3rd Party Solutions
●    Lightning Experience
●    Salesforce.com Site Design
SaaSnic is a forerunner in the domain of CRM consultancy for nearly a decade now. SaaSnic has achieved many laurels and possesses deep expertise in its field, as it has catered to many MNCs till date and has worked on more than 100 projects. It is an established brand that houses offices all around the globe.
As firm believers of quality over quantity, we at SaaSnic never have failed to procure 100% of the client's satisfaction.
Many companies have made SaaSnic their primary choice to help them reach their maximum potential with CRM.
Head over to our website to stumble upon the myriad of ways we can revolutionize your business.
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saasnic · 5 years
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saasnic · 5 years
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Salesforce added new #Einstein #AI capabilities & #Quip in the Service Cloud – Get Everyone on the Same Page – Literally!
With the new AI-powered recommendations, automated routing, and embedded productivity and collaboration capabilities, Salesforce is transforming customer service teams to meet today’s customer service needs. #SalesforceQuipIntegration #QuiponServiceCloud#salesforceQuip
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saasnic · 5 years
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Get Started with Enterprise Territory Management !! The perfect solution for the sales team- No more spreadsheets!#EnterpriseTerritoryManagement #TerritoryManagement#SalesTerritories #salescloud
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saasnic · 5 years
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saasnic · 5 years
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saasnic · 5 years
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Build the trust of your sales team by maintaining clean and accurate data. 
Salesforce duplicate management helps you work toward complying with various data protection and privacy regulations. #Salesforce gives you various tools for managing & tracks your progress in eliminating duplicates. #DuplicatesOneat aTime  #DuplicatesGlobally #DuplicateDetection and #HandlingProcess#CustomizeDuplicat Management  
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saasnic · 5 years
Spark Productivity through Impeccable Service: Salesforce Field Service Lightning
Selling fast comes naturally on Lightning.FSL considers several variables in query management. Specialized equipment, specialist experts, short response times, complex schedules, vast territories to cover, everything is analyzed. And as there can always be unforeseen, the option to schedule a visit in "emergency" mode is also available.
Field Service lightning has 3 main parts that work together to give you a complete field service management solution:
1.      Salesforce Scheduling and optimization from a managed package
It is possible to create a work order directly from a Salesforce query. Nothing's easier! Everything is connected, everything is fluid, and everything is centralized.
      The FSL optimization engine will allow you to optimize your time spent on tasks versus travel time according to your organization’s scheduling policies.
       Get overall view of appointment lists, scheduling actions, a resource availability chart, and an interactive map in the dispatcher console
      Integrate and maintain Salesforce scheduling policies, global actions, sharing tools, and optimization rules with the administration app
 2.      Core Field Service Lightning features:
Enable Field Service lightning in your organization, admins and agents will find the core features:
 Set operating hours, Service Territories, Work Orders, skill sets, and standard  service appointment requirements unique to your organization
    Enable-IT and business to create a Salesforce app to provide mobile access to your mobile workforce
      Track inventory and van stock so your mobile workforce has what they need when they’re at a customer site
      Report and analyze field service data
   Track, Plan & Perform all your field service work, from installations to repairs and maintenance
 3.      A Mobile App For Your Mobile Workforce
    To conclude, we should not forget to mention all the benefits that the mobile application of FSL.
    Displays the map with navigation to the appointment address.
    Displays the name and photo of the contact. Give the option to call, send an SMS or an email to the contact
    Provides context on the maintenance history of an asset. Displays a list of the interventions for the same asset on the appointment.
    Display feed to collaborate with Chatter.
    Presents knowledge articles related to the work order
We could summarize that FSL greatly improves the efficiency of a support department, from acquisition, assignment, implementation, measurement and optimization. In our changing world, there is no need to repeat that the customer experience is the key to success. And thankfully, this customer experience can now rely on Salesforce FSL!
Transform your field operations with the #1 Salesforce consulting partner.
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saasnic · 5 years
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Connect with Field Service Lightning to deliver speedy and efficient on-site service !! Create, update, and view service crews with an all-in-one crew management tool. Help dispatchers work more efficiently in the dispatcher console with custom Gantt icons, improved filtering, and new color-coding options.
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saasnic · 5 years
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