saastrac · 2 years
BigSpy Review | A must-have #1 Ad Creative Tool | Start Free
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Table Of Contents
What is BigSpy?
How does BigSpy work?
BigSpy Key Features
BigSpy Pricing Plans
BigSpy Pros
BigSpy Cons
Are you looking out for a social media spy tool? That too for Facebook Ads, then you have landed at the right place. Let us look at an ad intelligence tool today, BigSpy. BigSpy is known for its clarity filtering, core analysis, and intuitive design. These features should make you eager to experience BigSpy today.  
BigSpy not only assists in drawing innovative revelations for your marketing campaigns but also manages to analyze rival’s ad strategies and understand what is working for them that might work for your ads.
Let us dig quickly into the details of BigSpy to discover its features, pricing, and pros and cons.  
What is BigSpy?
Digital Marketing tools like BigSpy are a boon for various internet user genres who wish to market their service base to a broad audience.BigSpy boasts of being the best utility tool and a one-stop solution for ads across multiple social media platforms.
Its manifold utility can handle multiple elements of digital business like getting inventive ads created, spy on competitor activities across numerous platforms, and track their performance.  
BigSpy integrates with various social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, PinterestAdMob, Yahoo, and Youtube. Such mobile device integrations help users to access and run their ad campaigns on the go.
They also help users obtain product reviews, ad insights, and daily performance trends as inspected by the platform spy data and intelligence. BigSpy is the ultimate solution and a must-have tool for digital marketers for unearthing their competitor’s ad secrets and having a limited budget plan.    
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How does BigSpy work?
BigSpy website user interface is easy to use and friendly such that it is accessible to any beginner. The platform works similar to any social media platform with many filters based on age, location, gender, and many more as per your preference.
Ad Spy
This one feature comes in handy most of the time. You will be able to find many social media platforms on the dashboard. You can enter the keyword you wish to analyze. Also, the advanced filters let you refine your search based on country, language, etc. Once you insert any keyword, BigSpy returns the number of results within the time searching.
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The Detailed Insight also gives you the complete demographics and information on viewer age, gender, location, etc.
Ad Idea
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This part helps you to get ideas regarding the text of your ads. There are various filters and advanced searches. You also have the provision to sort by Comment, Like, and Share. The analytics part also returns the ad’s rank value on different social media platforms.
Top Charts
Top Chart is a new feature added in BigSpy presenting different social media platforms. Ads can be analyzed based on Top Charts, Industry Type, etc. There is also an advanced feature option available.
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The Ads Count returns all the ads generated by the advertiser during a specific period, along with the ad trends, performance, and industry rank.
The last part is important for tracking ads as it works with Featured Ads, People Tracked, and My Tracked.
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The Featured Ads refines featured ads with good performance to access popular ads.
The People Tracked feature lets you access ads that have the most number of tracks by people that is quite helpful in understanding the advertising trend.
My Tracked part features ads that you are interested in. The ads you have clicked get stored in the tracked ads.
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BigSpy Key Features
The vital segment of any platform is its features and functionality. BigSpy holds a wide array of incredible features that are helpful for all digital marketers and internet professionals. Here are a few utilities that can be listed.
Picking Correct Ads
BigSpy lets you advertise and its search element allows you to search the most viewed ads people have tracked. This is the most important aspect popular everywhere that portrays your brand, service, or product. The platform’s credibility adds to choosing to trend or winning ads at proper intervals.
Social Media Platform Integration
BigSpy is a multidimensional platform that integrates with the top social media platforms. You can gather insights on any of the platforms from Instagram, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, or YouTube before starting your ad campaign. This eliminates any guesswork as you get to discover numerous rival ads and analyze their real-time performance across different social media platforms.
Huge Ads Database
The digital business mainly comprises competitor research and market analysis as its essential aspects. BigSpy’s huge database lets you discover millions of ads before you run an ad. Accessing competitor ads makes you understand what works for you and what does not. It is most helpful in eliminating unending tests and complex product research.
Self-Tracking Facility
BigSpy helps in tracking our own as well as rival ad performance. This comprehensive feature lets you get the analytics of ongoing campaigns along with its tracking. With this, you have detailed analytics of your competitors, easy to understand market trends, customer expectation, and their response to various types of ads.    
Strong Search Process
BigSpy has a powerful search engine that is fully automated and impressive to be used by any creatives with plummeting features compiled of age, gender, and location. These filters direct you to unearth the date specifics and affiliate offers.
The ultimate search engine allows you to filter ads by your fav items, industry, CTA, country, date, and time to specifically show the best running ads of the day.
Advertising Innovation
BigSpy gathers inspiration from collected ads that help you pursue what those ads rank always. This is the reason why marketers are prompted to track the most demanded ads by users in the market.
In-Depth Analysis
BigSpy also offers accurate ad trends, analysis, and ranking. Here, you get a glimpse of the ads used by your competitors that are ranking for them that are helpful to promote your services and products.
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BigSpy Pricing Plans
BigSpy offers free and paid plans. The free plan, though with limited access, is useful to test the important features. The free version isn’t enough to test higher demands but is still robust.
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Appropriate plans can be chosen depending upon who you are, maybe an online marketer, corporate business personality, etc.
The paid plans include,
Free – $0
BigSpy offers 5 queries daily with 1 seat.
Basic – $9/month
It Offers 20 queries daily with 1 seat.
Pro – $99/month
It Offers unlimited queries daily with 1 seat.
VIP Enterprise – $199-$499/month
BigSpy Offers new intelligence priced according to seats.
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BigSpy Pros
Easy to use interface
The simple, yet intuitive BigSpy dashboard is easy to use for both beginners and experts. You do not need any technical expertise to start using the tool.
Ads Analysis
With the availability of a vast database and required compiling, BigSpy provides deep analysis and a simple filtering process. You can access the marketing data of the ads and give you the insight to make improvements in your ads for much better returns.
Technical Support
The all-around technical support team is of great help with the chatbot available to help you in distress. The post-sale free guidance and consultation for any snag are much helpful.
Technical Tutorials
The complete set of audiovisual tutorials are a guide to the right path with references to solutions for many glitches faced during the research process. These top-class tutorials are something to look for in case of any technical assistance.
BigSpy Cons
Restricted Free Access  
Though BigSpy offers free access, it is pretty limited to test any real-time data. Many of the functionalities are not accessible to free members.
No money back policy
The platform offers several compelling features to invest in. But, there is no process to refund the money paid in case of dissatisfaction.  
Considering the overall features of BigSpy, it is one of the best Facebook ads spy tools available in the digital market. BigSpy features make it a top-notch choice to spy on competitors, understand strategies that work for them, and accordingly build great ad campaigns for themselves. The platform is highly recommended to marketers keeping in mind the vital elements.
You can start with the free plan and start with registering on the website. Once you feel convinced with the working process of the tool, you can further upgrade to higher-paid plans for much better satisfaction.
This brings us to the end of the review and attempts are made to cover all the crucial points in this review. If you wish to add more points, do let us know in the comments below.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 2 years
Oribi.io Review 2021 + 10 Days Free Trial: Is It A Good Replacement For Google Analytics?
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Oribi analytics platform review! Well, we believe most of you here are digital marketers or somewhat related to the online promotion of products and services on websites and are well aware of this beautiful tool. But for those who are new to Oribi, let me put up a question right in front of you.
If you have a website already, you must have firmly linked to Google Analytics. It is one of the most reliable, widespread, and dominant analytics tools currently. Now, the question is, do you wholly depend on Google Analytics?
But this might be a little tricky to answer for those who have not unfolded the power-packed features and an easy-to-use dashboard to track their website activities. Oribi offers more actionable insights and shares an excellent competition to Google Analytics in the run.
Well, to support the above claims regarding Oribi and to make you clear about switching to a better analytics platform despite having a good bond of years with Google Analytics, we present to you the most honest review of Oribi.io 2021. So, let us roll right in and explore every bit of the Oribi web analytics platform.
All-Inclusive Oribi.io Review
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For a digital marketer, tracking the website analytics is pretty significant. And due to this reason, this review post becomes way more relevant to you as we claim to have in hand a better analytics platform than Google Analytics. As there isn’t much information related to Oribi by far, we have intended to provide you with the best guide possible.
Oribi is fundamentally a business analytics intelligence software. They aim at enhancing the medium-scale businesses significantly by providing all the power-packed features, top graded optimization with leading-edge technology to its users.
Oribi profoundly concentrates on the following:
It has a closely linked team with impressive ideas. It was brave enough of Oribi to launch something already available in the market. And also when it is running under the name of one of the top-notch companies from around the globe. Hence, it made sure to outstretch its extraordinary features to extend a fair competition to Google in the run.
Remarkable Features Of Oribi.io
Google is one of the most comprehensive platforms worldwide. Hence, for marketers to trust a comparatively small enterprise becomes more challenging. And this is the reason Oribi decided to come up with the most outstanding features, which makes it compete with Google Analytics with extensive data of integration.
Hence, you must dive right in and check out the features of Oribi.io in detail to present a firm conclusion.
Obtaining website analytics can be daunting. So, lets us identify how Oribi makes it easier:
1. Insights & Trends
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Get Clear Answers, Without The Heavy Lifting
When all the data gets piled up, marketing insights and analytics come in for the rescue. Oribi lets you explicitly recognize the ways to convert these data into actions.
Oribi lets you connect with the latest marketing trends and provides you with detailed insight to help you create an impact on your audience.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Get actionable insights to drive results
Understand trends and be ahead of changes
No BS, only the information you need
2. Event Tracking
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No Developers Required
Oribi has a pretty uncomplicated dashboard. And it does not require any prior technical knowledge to get started with it. You remain independent of professionals as it keeps track of all the buttons and pages your audience visits.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Track and compare multiple campaigns by their UTM
Define your conversion goals without any code
No maintenance – Events are updated dynamically
3. Funnels and Correlations & More
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Optimize For More Conversions
If you are receiving good traffic on your website, you would unquestionably wish to keep going with the same. Hence, Oribi consistently optimizes your website and makes you recognize the trends that work for your brand and the ones that do not. So, by following the same, you can create content to drive more traffic every day.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Uncover where you lose prospects, even across domains
Reveal which events drive conversions
Never miss anything with Oribi’s insights
4. Marketing Channel Analysis
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Invest In The Right Channels
In this competitive world, no one wishes to invest in any incorrect channel. Hence, Oribi guides its users with every step by indicating the content which can make the most profit.
Oribi helps its users identify and acquire the most engaging channels having a high conversion rate.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Evaluate how each channel contributes to your goals
Stay on top of new referrers and spot opportunities
Track and compare multiple campaigns by their UTM
5. Visitor Journeys
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Pinpoint specific Behaviour
When several visitors land on your website, it becomes daunting to count on everyone and understand their pattern. But with Oribi, you can recognize and track the interests of your audience network. And above all, Oribi helps you identify the reasons which make the user bounce back from your website without conversion.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Follow single visitors across different sessions and multiple domains
Use Oribi’s smart filters to look into journeys of specific segments
Connect email addresses to match journeys to your top prospects
6. Reports
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Share Your Best Results
Oribi provides you with a complete customized report which you can share with others. You do not need to work hard to track all the prospects to extend a report. Oribi records every move you make.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Get ready-made, beautiful reports to share your results
Customize the look, logos, and data you want to include
Schedule your reports to be shared automatically
7. Marketing Attribution
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Connect All Touch Points
If you consider multiple social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, all of them have various touchpoints, which create hassle while dealing with all of them at once. But with Oribi, you can connect with the different touchpoints at ease.
Uncover all touchpoints involved in a conversion
Choose different models to evaluate your activities
Define the right acquisition strategy for all your goals
Hence, these features make the Oribi platform stand one step ahead of Google Analytics. And on the bottom line, we can say that the users do not need to hassle with the marketing activities when they have Oribi.io to assist them.
Oribi.io Pricing Plans
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Oribi has 03 different subscription/pricing plans. Let us have a look at them in detail.
Business Websites
Pricing Plan: $630/Mo
It Includes:
Track Up to 3 Domains
Channel Analysis
Automated Event Capturing – Unlimited
Visitor Journey and Email Capturing
Webinar access
6-Month Data History
Funnel Optimization
Custom Reports
100% support
Analytics Bootcamp
1:1 Onboarding
Ecommerce Shops
Pricing Plan: $540/Mo
It Includes:
Track Up to 3 Domains
Channel Analysis
Budget Planning
Custom Reports
6-Month Data History
Funnel Optimization
Automated Event Capturing – Unlimited
Visitor Journey and Email Capturing
1:1 Onboarding
Marketing Agency
Pricing Plan: $900/Mo
It Includes:
Unlimited Customers
Channel Analysis
Budget Planning
Custom Reports
Export Unlimited Events to Facebook, Google Ads & More
Advanced User Management
2 Years Data History
Funnel Optimization
Automated Event Capturing
Visitor Journey and Email Capturing
Export Unlimited Smart Audiences
White Labeling & Custom Design for Your Reports
1:1 Onboarding
You can also contact the Oribi team through [email protected].
Does Oribi.io Offer A Free Trial?
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Oribi.io is a platform to compete with Google Analytics with all its extraordinary website analytics features. So, to make sure the audiences reconsider the platform before concluding, Oribi provides a 10 days free trial to everyone out there.
So, apart from acquiring all the outstanding features, Oribi believes in letting the users closely interact with the tool to have no questions before upgrading the platform.
How To Set Up Oribi.io?
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We have come across the features of Oribi.io, so let us have a look at the procedure to set up the platform. It is a user-friendly platform that can get configured by following the below-mentioned steps.
Also, the tool will ask for submitting various information about the project on which you are working to make sure to provide you with the functionality which will suit you perfectly.
The Sign-Up Procedure
To get started with the Oribi platform, follow these steps:
Step-1: Click on the official website link: https://oribi.io/ and get started with the free trial.
Step-2: Sign up with your pre-owned Google account or explicitly mention your email Id and password.
Step-3: Mention your website domain name. After upgrading your subscription, you can insert multiple domains altogether.
Step-4: Oribi will ask you to mention the number of users you expect to visit your website, which will show up in the pricing plan.
Step-5: Lastly, insert your mobile phone number when indicated by the platform.
Now that you have completed the signing-up process, you need to configure the Oribi platform according to the niche of your business. Hence, the users will have to describe their business projects and its types on the platform. Also, the tool will ask you to mention the leading targets of your business.
Opportunities And Obstacles With Oribi.io
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Oribi is an all-in-one web analytics platform that works wonders for businesses following any niche on the eCommerce platforms. Also, gaining the analytics is always helpful, even if you have merely 10 visitors showing up on your website or thousands of potential customers checking out the site.
Let us roll in and check the advantages and disadvantages of switching to Oribi.io in brief.
User-friendly interface
Oribi dashboard is easy to navigate
Tracks all the required website insights and displays the metrics on the platform
Benefits in quick decision making and ensures higher conversion rates
The setup procedure takes longer than usual
Pricing plans can be more flexible
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Should You Switch To Oribi.io In 2021?
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Oribi is an all-in-one marketing analytics tool that cuts down your efforts on manual configuration. Hence, it helps the new business owners and the professional ones to receive website traffic insights and enhance their conversion rates without involving any professional.
The entire Oribi system is pretty uncomplicated to use with a powerful dashboard to navigate easily. Also, the features included are entirely automated, so you do not require any skills to get started with the tool.
On the other hand, it might look a little expensive, but if you truly understand the need for a website analytics platform for your business that is better than Google Analytics, you might not mind the price.
So, with this, we come to an end of our take on Oribi business analytics intelligence software review. Is there something on which we missed out? Do you wish to add something more to our review? If yes, feel free to mention your suggestions in the comments below!
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
MobileMonkey Review – The World’s Leading OmniChat Platform for Successful Digital Marketers
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 Table Of Contents
How to use MobileMonkey?
MobileMonkey OmniChat for Social Media Messaging Marketing Tool
MobileMonkey For Instagram
MobileMonkey for Agencies – Agencio
MobileMonkey for In-House Marketers – FunnelPro
MobileMonkey for SMBs – SMBots
MobileMonkey is one of the best chatbot software mainly used for chatbots on websites, SMS, and Facebook Messenger. This OmniChat platform assists in marketing, sales, and customer service platforms designed for B2C companies. It lets digital marketers build powerful chatbots to interact with the customers, grow the contact list, segment the audience, and boost conversions.
Its unique products are built for Instagram, Agencies, in-house marketers, and SMB owners. MobileMonkey offers the OmniChat platform that is a revolutionary patented chatbot marketing technology. The exclusive features include,
Multi-platform Chatbot Builder
You can write a single copy of content that perhaps be used on every chat platform.
Unified Chat Inbox  
It is a cohesive chat inbox for all the customer communications through chat.
Instant Communication
This tool enables chatting with customers directly on messaging apps that they are already using.
MobileMonkey strikes a perfect balance between its simplicity of usage and its speed. The OmniChat tools let you get more leads and then sales. It also helps in building customer relationships and guaranteed lead generation.
MobileMonkey boasts itself as the World’s Best Facebook Messenger Marketing Platform. While this may sound like an overstatement, we need to find out if it stands up to the mark. In this MobileMonkey Review. Let us find out more about its ease of use, features, pricing, and a few more elements to help you make a better decision on exploring MobileMonkey by yourself.
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How to use MobileMonkey?
The SignUp process of MobileMonkey is hassle-free and easy. It requires few details like your name, email, password, your company name, website and phone number. The best part is you are not required to enter in your credit card details. Once you login with your credentials, you will be directed to the dashboard where all the details are neatly placed and easily understood even by a beginner. You can start building a chatbot with the available widgets and automatic functionalities.
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Once you start with the chatbot building, you will find the Dialogues tab where you can add the dialogues or set the default dialogue.
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Next is the Q&A part where any user message does not match with the Q&A then the bot will send a no response.
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The Automation Rules customizes the message sent when any validation fails and if you uncheck a message then validation will be skipped for that type.
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The Inbox tab helps to put a chat widget on your website to start a conversation with the website visitors.
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The Campaigns section helps create a Chat Blaster and build Drip Campaigns.
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Leads tab searches audiences from your contact list and has an option to add any new audience to the list.
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The Integrations part lets your website integrate with Zapier and other third party integration platforms as per your needs.
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With all the functionalities, you can also view your chatbot analytics and apply strategy to optimize for better efficiency and stability.
MobileMonkey OmniChat for Social Media Messaging Marketing Tool
MobileMonkey comes with four products for various social media messaging marketing tools that can be made use of according to the users. Firstly, the platform is a Facebook messenger platform so, to connect elsewhere, you have to in the first step apply to any of its products only by signing up with Facebook.
MobileMonkey For Instagram
MobileMonkey has introduced the official Instagram tools in its Beta version for better engagement and message volume scalability. You can apply for the Instagram message tools using Facebook signup.
With MobileMonkey’s Instagram messaging tools, you can,
→ Get Instagram Automated Welcome Message
→ Automatically reply to Instagram DMs
→ Get Automated FAQs for Instagram
→ Auto Reply to comments on posts with Instagram Comment Bot
→ Auto Reply to Mentions on Instagram Stories.
Important Features
Round-the-clock presence for audience and customers
With the tools Instagram utility, you can stay in touch with people, products, and services. The uninterrupted answer service provides authenticity and efficiency to sell, support, and engage with customers.
Maximize organic engagement
Real-time DM replies perhaps can be added to Instagram comments, mentions, and more to increase meaningful engagement followers, customers, and future customers.
Grow your audience
You can also use various other tools like SMS and email lists to give opportunity for community growth and open up lines to reconnect with your audience on demand.
Enhance content visibility
There can be immense enhancement of content visibility in the feeds of customers who mention and message to your business account. Autoreply helps boost your customer reach by increasing shares, comments, and mentions of your brand by your followers.
Drive traffic to other platforms
Activate your sales funnels by turning your Instagram traffic into web traffic. The platform’s sales and conversions are increased by sending Instagram audiences and leads to the website or sponsor’s area.
MobileMonkey for Agencies – Agencio
The platform has been designed to grow your agency by facilitating messaging across your client portfolio. This chat integrated platform delivers top ROI for clients with fewer resources and time. The ultimate conversion hub for SMS, live chat, Instagram, and Messenger accelerates lead generation, automates engagement, and decreases cost per acquisition for clients across India.
Important Features
Uniform customer communication inbox is to view and reply on Instagram, SMS, Web Chat, and Facebook.
Client hub
Servicing your client’s complete advertising and chat marketing campaigns in a single workplace.
You get varied permission levels for your clients and agency.
View the chat analytics throughout the bot builder, audiences, campaigns, and reporting tools.
Integration and Support
Support via live chat in Agencio. Media like Instagram, web chat, SMS, and Messenger can be auto-integrated with email platforms, CRM, events, webinars, and more webhooks, API, and Zapier.
Agencio Pricing
Agencio offers three messaging plans that suit your team.
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Boutique Agency Edition – Starting at $112.13/month with an annual plan.
Offers to connect up to 10 clients, 100,000 send credits, 200,000 contacts, and one user.
Full-Service Agency Edition – Plans and pricing on request
Can connect up to 20 clients, 200,000 send credits, 400,000 contacts and 2 users.
Powerhouse Agency Edition – Plans and pricing on request
Provides 40 clients, 400,000 send credits, 800,000 contacts and 5 users
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MobileMonkey for In-House Marketers – FunnelPro
FunnelPro is an OmniChat Marketing Platform for advertisers and B2C marketers. The paid and organic campaigns launched in the very active marketing lead generation and re-engagement channel from a streamlined platform that lets you and your team create intuitive automation builders, integrations, and analytics to tie your efforts to ROI.
Important Features
The marketing platform assists in re-engaging cross channels, generating leads, boosting sales automatically, along scaling up quality B2C leads.
Instant Engagement
A meaningful connection is established with customers and leads who interact with your brand across famous social and messaging channels including, Facebook, Instagram, website chat, and SMS.
Generate Leads
Capture and qualify leads who send inbound queries to your business.
It is easy to target your audience through Instagram and Facebook Ads with paid media integration that helps launch and optimize outbound messaging campaigns.
The Zapier integration allows sync leads from Instagram, Facebook, and web chat to other marketing platforms like CRM, email, etc.
Lead Management
The leads list can be grown, automatically nurtured, and re-engaged via opt-in messaging channels like Messenger and SMS.
Discover your campaign efficiency with conversion reporting and audience segmentation tools.
FunnelPro Pricing
FunnelPro offers three plans for companies with more than ten employees and $2 million (US) in annual revenues.
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Startup Edition – Starts at $44.25/month with an annual plan
This plan is a streamlined marketing automation platform with a single multi-channel inbox, 6,500 send credits, 3000 contacts, and a single user.
Enterprise Edition – Starts at $93.38/month with an annual plan
This multi-channel chat marketing solution for customer support and marketing teams provides a single multi-channel inbox, 20,000 send credits, 10,000 contacts, and five users.
Multi-Location and Franchise Edition – Pricing plans on request
The pricing for this plan can be customized where you get a multi-location, multi-channel customer chat, and marketing solution with a successful partner.
MobileMonkey for SMBs – SMBots
SMBots is the lead-generating customer support live chat platform for B2C business owners that can capture leads, answer customer service inquiries and grow your business with automated messaging.
Important Features
Live Chat Inbox and Mobile App
The OmniChat enabled customer inbox allows live chat with customers on your Facebook, Instagram, SMS, and website from one single place. The platform’s SMBots support mobile apps for Android and iOS that enable multi-channel customer communication platforms wherever you go.
Chat Menus
The comprehensive navigation help customers find and connect with the help they need quickly.
Follow-up and Lead Notification
This element sets up instant alerts when conversations need follow up like valuable sales conversations and business opportunities.
Automated Customer Support
Take help from the 24/7 instant support and program answers to frequently asked questions.
Ads Integration
Initiate the number of conversations and automatically redirect leads to our target audience with the help of ads on Instagram and Facebook.
Business App Integration
Your leads and customer contacts from MobileMonkey are synced to other CRM and marketing tools to boost automation in your different business software.
SMBots Pricing
SMBots comes in three pricing plans useful for qualified small businesses with less than ten employees or less than $2 million (US) in annual revenues.
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Free Forever Edition – Sign up free at $0/month
Start an instant chat with leads and customers with 1-multi-channel inbox, 1000 send credits, 500 contacts, and a single user.
Operator Edition – Starting at $14.25/month with an annual plan.
The plan is better than the live chat platform that consists of a single multi-channel inbox, 4000 send credits, 2000 contacts, and one user.
Engagement Edition – Starting at $44.25/month
With this, sell more and serve great with one multi-channel inbox, 6,500 send credits, 3,000 contacts, and one user.
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Advantages of MobileMonkey
The interface of MobileMonkey is clean, neat, and gives a good overview. It provides a wide range of elements to build your chatbot and is equally easy to add custom fields and tags to the users.
The drag and drop feature makes it simple in the setup process. The OmniChat widget is a powerful element in MobileMonkey that other chatbot software does not provide. The tools consist of built-in live chat integration that is a vital integration of chatbot software.
MobileMonkey can be integrated with Zapier very easily. The tool provides good analytics to improve your chatbot. It also offers multiple channel support to set up your chatbot.
Disadvantages of MobileMonkey
They do not integrate with any of the e-commerce software. It is only possible through Zapier integration. It is not possible to carry out any optimization testing like the A/B or split test in MobileMonkey.
The other drawback is you cannot use conditions in your chatbot flows. It is also not able to make use of AI to make improvements in answers by your chatbot. It is not possible to build a chatbot in multiple languages at the same time.
Also Read,
ActiveChat Review | Versatile Chatbot Platform | Start your 14-Day Trial Today
SocialPilot Review | Ultimate Social Media Posting Tool | 14-Day Free Trial
Vyper Review | Great Tool for Social Media Campaigns and Giveaways | Get Started for Free
Final Verdict
MobileMonkey is a remarkable tool and the best chatbot software with many products to explore. It offers the potential functions of Facebook Messenger that are huge in its attributes. It provides the entire features range you need to build your chatbot. We have tried to cover as much information as possible in this MobileMonkey review.
So, would you think of buying MobileMonkey to build your chatbots?
Definitely yes!
Take some time to dive into the tool and once you are satisfied, you can pick a product that works best for you.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
SE Ranking Review – Excellent All-in-One SEO Software for Agencies
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Table Of Contents
Starting Up
Key Features of SE Ranking
Benefits of SE Ranking
SE Ranking Price Plans
Merits of SE Ranking
Demerits of SE Ranking
Search Engine Optimization or SEO comprises an immense range of actions and multiple parameters. SEO in itself is a vast subject that consists of numerous subcategories in it. SEO is one of the largest and a vital element in a marketer’s work life. There are many aspects involved in SEO and there are various software, apps, services, and tools available that are meant to help marketers implement SEO strategies to their business most efficiently and.
SE Ranking is a Home page” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>cloud-based all-in-one SEO tool package to manage and effectively run SEO campaigns and perform various actions like comprehensive site audit, website ranking, competitor analysis, keyword research, and many other things. This tool is most suitable for small businesses who choose to perform SEO on their own to check the SEO parameters as well as for digital agencies and online marketers.  
In addition to the standard SEO tools, SE Ranking provides a few more extra services like the Lead generator and White Label which are useful for business owners and agencies. Let us check how this works and what all it offers.
Starting Up
The vital role of any SEO tool is to check your website performance, track keywords that can affect your site and finally make sure that your strategies work in sync with the latest trends and rank top in any search engine. Home page” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>SE Ranking is a tool that intends to provide accurate and updated ranking that can be monitored and optimized at regular intervals.
STEP 1 – To start with SE Ranking, you can try the features with the 14-day free trial. All you need to do is to initially start with signing up with your name and password. Once you sign up, you will be navigated to the dashboard where you can find all the SEO features, track and monitor your rank in real time. If you have your website ready then you can begin with tracking and analyzing your site.
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STEP 2– To track keywords, you need to initially enter the website URL with the Project name and Search range  The entered websites will be added to the database.
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STEP 3 – Next, add keywords manually in groups that need to be tracked for your website. There is also a provision for Keyword Suggestions, add keywords and find search volume. You can also Suggest Keywords for your website.
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STEP 4 – Next, you can add the required Search Engine and the relevant Country, Locations and Google Interface language. Along with this, you can also include the Google Map results and Track Google Ad rankings.
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You can choose between Yahoo, Yandex, Google Mobile, Bing and Youtube.
STEP 5 – Once you are done with keyword search and adding search engines, you can next search for your website competitors, track their ranking position changes. This way, you can understand the results of their promotional activities and compare with your website.
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STEP 6 – Finally, you can track the website statistics and analytics service. This way, you can connect popular statistics and analytics services to your account.
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Key Features of SE Ranking
As already learned in the overview, SE Ranking contains all necessary tools for running a successful SEO campaign with few other required elements. Let us now see the important features that make these tools more robust.
Keyword Rank Tracking
SE Ranking boasts of maintaining a cent percent accuracy that can track keywords in major search engines like Bing, YouTube, Google, Yandex, and Yahoo. Keywords can be tracked by locations and monitor traffic for both mobile and desktop versions on Google.
It is also capable of tracking SERP ranks along with Google Ads positions, Maps and also tracks your competitors’ progress. A maximum of five competitors can be added side by side with your data to obtain visibility data based on your keyword score.
On-page SEO Checker
This provides a detailed report on the level of optimization for any search query. Every time a report is generated, there is a checklist available with which you can work on the optimization work of your SEO. The main parameters analyzed are Header tags, Link Analysis, Domain Characteristics, Usability, Title and Meta Description, and various others.
Website Audit
Here, the audit aspect crawls every page of any website you want to audit and calculates the site with some parameters like Link analysis, Image Optimization, Website Health and Domain Overview, Usability, Meta tags and headings, and Parameters per Page.
Your site is constantly under review by enabling automated reports and scheduled rechecks. This is to ensure that your website is performing well and also protect your site with limited restrictions on analysis, controlling crawling speed, limit request numbers and pages to scan.
Backlink Checker
The backlink check again gives a full list of domains you want to search. Each backlink is checked for, Server Location, Social Popularity, API, Backlink URL, Alexa Rank, External Links, etc.
Home page” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Backlink checker works for competitor analysis that discovers what competitors are doing and disavows any link that may be harmful to your SEO. They are quite accurate and allow you to find new backlinks without any delay.
Backlink Monitor
This feature will let you import a list of your backlinks manually or automatically so that you may filter out whichever is unnecessary and come up with the exact backlink list. Even here, you may disavow bad links that may be harmful to your SEO with few clicks.
Page Change Monitor
This monitoring tool comes in handy when you want to get alerts when there are changes made to the website. It mainly monitors, Links, Content, on-page audit, comfort, scheduled checking and reporting, and grouping and select monitoring.
This information gives you complete transparency in the changes that may harm your SEO and lets you drop relevance and score which can happen because of illicit changes in the page.
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Benefits of SE Ranking
SE Ranking can be helpful in various aspects and can be applied to multi-scale projects. Using this tool, you can easily analyze your website for various parameters. No doubt, the benefits aren’t limited to only these many, there are many advantages of using SE Ranking.
Organized Social Media Management – SE Ranking provides some unique tools that are special for some SEO platforms. It helps you to take control of your social communication and publishing tools and monitoring options. With this, you can boost the social media ranking rate of engagement with ease.
Advanced Marketing Operations – The platform consists of some B2B features that allow users to alter their platforms. With this, you can also improve the complete marketing operations. The White Label lets users personalize SEO offerings. The API ability offers an extension of functionalities of the platform as per business needs.
Enhanced Competitive Edge – SE Ranking lets users monitor, disavow backlinks, filter, find the long tail and short tail keywords, optimize their content quality and track rankings accurately. There is also an SEO/PPC research tool that allows you to discover competitor’s keywords, paid and organic search.  
Improved Search Engine Optimization – SEO is a vital part when you want an online presence. For this, SE Ranking offers robust SEO tools that can be arranged based on the usage of your operations. You even get to explore various functionalities like page change monitor, backlink tracking, keyword grouping, etc. Beginners in SEO can avail best SEO guidelines and best practice SEO checklists with the assistance of which they can venture into new SEO strategies.
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SE Ranking Price Plans
SR Ranking three main plans, Optimum, Plus, and Enterprise.
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Optimum Plan is a very basic plan starting at $31 per month. This is suitable for business personnel who handle their SEO and marketing in-house and includes 250 keywords, 10 websites, monitors 5000 backlinks, check backlinks for 20 domains, on-page checker for 150 pages, keyword grouper, marketing plan, custom SEO reporting, social media analytics and management and subaccounts. This plan does not include any B2B feature, monitor pages for changes or API, and white labeling features.  
Next is the Plus Plan, rated at $71 per month. The plan is great for professionals and agencies and it lets you monitor an unlimited number of websites, monitor 25000 backlinks, audits 15,000 pages, check backlinks for 100 domains per day, on-page checker for 450 pages, along with entire features of Optimum Plan. This plan also includes B2B and white labeling features but does not include API
Finally, the Enterprise Plan starts at $151 per month which includes an unlimited number of websites, a website audit for 25000 pages, monitors 75000 backlinks, checks backlinks for 300 domains per day, on page checker for 750 pages. It has all the features of the Optimum and Plus plan with an addition of API features.
If you wish to explore the ultimate features of SE Ranking then you can go ahead and try the 14-day free trial.
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Merits of SE Ranking
√ The tool is highly accurate and affordable
√ You get all the tools to manage marketing campaigns
√ Consists of many social media management tools
√ Available plans suit both beginners and experts
√ Professional reports can be easily generated
√ Marketing checklists help in reaching the top of your marketing campaigns
√ API and White Labelling features for professionals and agencies
√ Data representation is clear for reading with diagrams and graphs
Demerits of SE Ranking
√ Social Media Management tools are quite basic compared to some social media management platforms
√ Need to pay more for accessing additional tools and features
√ Audit reports are generated very slow
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Now, we already saw the features, benefits, advantages, and disadvantages of SE Ranking and we are now much clearer about its performance. But, one thing is for sure that it offers good value for money and excellent for small scale businesses. But, is it recommendable?
Certainly, yes!
Home page” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>SE Ranking offers great value for money as it includes all features of an SEO toolkit. In addition to all, it also provides attributes like white label reporting and social media management tools that make SE Ranking stand apart from many other platforms.
As SE Ranking is a unique tool, it can replace other platforms because of its all-in-one feature required for any project. The robust tools make it possible to work on a single platform using effective features and get efficient results at the same time.
SE Ranking is one of the Home page” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>trusted SEO tools for digital marketing agencies. So, you need not search for any other platform and get the entire process done in a single package within your budget.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
ActiveCampaign Review | Extraordinary Email Marketing Tool for B2B and B2C Marketers | Start Free Trial
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ActiveCampaign is one of the best campaign management software that is simple, reliable, and can perform all the functionalities of any email marketing software. The most important feature of any email marketing software is its automation and autoresponders based on certain conditions that assist automate lists and manage contacts.
The conversation is another feature that helps send targeted messages straight to your website visitors and optimize the overall customer experience and create sales funnels for more conversions.
With the entire activity and information in a single place, you can find a complete view of sales and marketing performance.
Ease of Use: Important Features of ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is a free marketing automation software that offers a free trial, and you can sign up from the website. You need to give some basic details like your email address, phone number, etc. Once you complete filling in the details, you can log in with the registered email address and password.
Once you log in with the details, you will see the dashboard, i.e Overview of its functionalities and features. At the core of ActiveCampaign is its comprehensive email marketing functions. Its attributes branch out to create a more in-depth experience for yourself and also your customers.
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ActiveCampaign helps us understanding the outcome you can have from your business and ensures seamless interaction and engagement with your audience. Let’s break down its components to understand its working along with its vital elements.
Contact Management
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Collecting detailed information about your customers means understanding audience behavior, their likes, dislikes, etc. With this tool, you can add several custom fields like landing pages and signup forms that collect data the way your business needs. You can also choose every new field like text, dropdown, etc. improves the user experience.
ActiveCampaign is suitable for both B2B and B2C marketers; you can also add extra information on the size and turnover of your business at multiple contact points.
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It is now easy to create a campaign on the type you wish to choose and send it to subscribers. There are various campaigns to choose from,
Standard – This type helps to send a one-time email to segments or subscribers.
Automated – Creates actions that can be used as conditions or triggers for your campaigns.
Autoresponders – Creates emails that can be received instantly by subscribers
Split test – Able to launch multiple variants of the same email
Datewise – Send mails on a particular milestone
RSS Triggered -Emails are sent when there is new content published on the RSS feed.
Once you choose a campaign and select a list, you can then design using any of the available templates.
Email Marketing
The vital function of email marketing is to collect major prospects and send the best ones at the right time. ActiveCampaign offers some crucial variables that you can manage and control to reap better results.
Segmentation list
This is the ability of the tool to segment your audience into different groups to send more target emails for more conversions. This can be done by tagging subscribers depending on how they joined the list.
Collect emails
Once you create listed segments, you can build the next one. ActiveCampaign allows creating of forms in four layouts,
Inline form
Floating bar
Floating Box
Form building is pretty easy using any layout, appearance, or theme that fits your needs. You can also drag and drop the elements on the form to add more details. In addition to this, you can also create landing pages.
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ActiveCampaign Pricing
There are four plans in ActiveCampaign pricing plan from which you can choose one. Amazingly, there is a 14-day free trial option that helps to test the features and make an informed decision to choose the next paid plan.
Every plan includes certain features that are limited to itself. And also, the pricing depends on the number of subscribers you have. More subscribers indicate higher is plan pricing irrespective of the plan of your choice.
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The plans are divided according to the business type,
Let’s look at the various plans and a few features of each plan,
1) Lite
Suited for- For startups and small business
The plan starts at $9/month if billed annually for 500 contacts
Integrates with more than 300 apps and tools
Segments lists and creates marketing automation systems that you can track and monitor
Creates new subscription forms that can collect leads to which you can send unlimited newsletters and emails.
Suited for – Digital marketers who want to scale their business
The plan starts at $49/month when billed annually for 500 contacts
Includes all features under Lite Plan plus up to 25 users for email, support, and chat
Builds customized branded landing pages and forms to collect more and more leads
Keeps track of the leads, and contacts with the help of its CRM tool
Supports SMS marketing along with your email support
Suited for – Business with best lead generation and email marketing features
The plan starts at $129/month if annually billed.
Includes all features in Plus Plan and an additional 50 users for email, chat, and customer support
Uses split automation feature to provide customers and lead with some personal experience.
Live chat widget sends messages from your site using the software
The tool’s AI is used to create content, sending emails, and calculating win probability to boost conversions
Suits Enterprises and agencies looking out for the most power-packed features of ActiveCampaign.
The plan starts at $229/month when annually billed
Includes all features under Professional Plan and unlimited users for email, chat, and customer support
Can receive free designs for newsletters, landing pages, and emails
The mail server domain and custom reporting are an added advantage
On-time help from dedicated account personnel who guides you can get all through the process.
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Advantages of using ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign isn’t limited to email marketing platforms, but it is a holistic marketing automation software with varied options and tools to assist in all digital marketing initiatives.
Powerful Automation
ActiveCampaign is considered a top-notch marketing automation tool that is not only easy to use but also powerful.
Vast Deliverability
This tool is one of the best tools in email delivery that passes the deliverability test.
Systematic Reporting
The Reporting is done in many fields like page visits, geo-tracking, and click-maps. Purchase tracking is another element available on bigger plans of WooCommerce, Bigcommerce, and Shopify.
Free Migration
If you are using a different email marketing software and wish to migrate to ActiveCampaign, then that can be done free of cost in this tool.
The tool offers 24/7 live chat support irrespective of any plan. Messaging system is instant and helpful.
The entire platform of ActiveCampaign is very intuitive and simple that even beginners love its simplicity. There is no need for any pre-requisite technical knowledge.
Disadvantages Of using ActiveCampaign
No free plan
Alas, there is no free plan available but only a free trial. There are other simple tools available if you are looking at cheaper options.
Overpowering features
The available features might be overwhelming if you are looking at simple options. There is much other software that is more simple and easy to use.
More to Read,
AWeber Review- Is it a Worthy Email Marketing Solution?
Sendinblue Review | Incredible Email Marketing Service | Start for Free
SendPulse Review – A complete email marketing software  
Activecampaign review – Verdict
We have now completed surfacing the details of ActiveCampaign and its various functionalities and usability. The Chrome Extension manages your campaigns and leads directly from your Gmail account. You can then assign tasks to your team from your account.
The ActiveCampaign software is one of the customer experience automation platform with the remarkable automation feature that takes the software to the next level. There can be many actions that are executed on your site through live chats and emails. This action keeps the visitors engaged and pushes more conversions.
Probably, at this point, you will have a better insight into the overall value of ActiveCampaign. Learn more about the software or try it free to decide whether this is the one that is best for you.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Sellfy Review – Customizable Online Storefront | Start 14-day Trial | Find Amazing Offers This BLACK FRIDAY
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There are several free ways to find marketing ways but is it as easy as said? The various factors that come into the picture like building a digital site, searching for a network of people to purchase from you, and introducing guest posts or reviews to expand your reach. This takes a whole lot of time and money and at one point in time, you feel distressed at the simple thought of getting into the business.
What if you find a simple tool that can help to turn your social media channel or website into an online store simultaneously sharing your digital products with a huge network who are already searching for products similar to your market.
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Sellfy is one such platform where you can build your storefront, broadcast your products to numerous in your network and also have a chance to post and sell your products. This platform makes your e-commerce process slightly easier with some relaxation to your time and money.
Main Features
Ease of Use
Appreciatively, there is no initial payment, nor any card information required to explore things on Sellfy. The 14 days free trial period helps you understand the platform better. It is very easy to Sign up with basic information and once done, you will be directed to the on-boarding channel that is accessible in the form of a 7-part checklist.
The aim is to explain the steps of creating and customizing the online store along with managing and selling your digital products. On the whole, the entire setup process takes a few minutes and the simple steps make it easier for even beginners to follow them.
Once you start, managing the store is also hassle-free. The dashboard is a mix of simplicity and easy functionality. The intuitive, well-organized, and simple system is equally refreshing and interesting to use.
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The Home Menu is the main screen where you can access all important tracking functions. You can view Subscriptions, Orders, Analytics, and Customers for quick insights.
Next, you have the Products field where you can easily manage your items. You can share the products easily on your social media just with a click of a button. You can embed your Buy button on third-party websites including YouTube and Facebook. This way, you can convert your social media followers to your customers.
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Customizing your Online Store
Sellfy’s default storefront is simple, clean, and organized. You can get started with the customization process and edit your content as well as the layout. The layout’s color schemes can be adjusted along with altering buttons, header, page style, logo, etc.
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There is no scope for advanced customization as the platform is in itself very simple and bland. The max that can be done is to add social media profiles and edit store pages. The storefront comprises the standard web pages seen on any basic online store which includes About, Contact and Terms. Customizing them is very easy and can be done with a single click and pages can be changed or eliminated.
The Store Settings lets you tweak general settings, payment settings, embed options, product categories, email templates, taxes, and invoice settings. You can enhance your online sales with a wide range of decent integrations.
Your sales traffic can be monitored with Google Analytics. Twitter Ads Conversation Tracking analyzes business via Twitter. Facebook Ads and Facebook Live can be integrated for customer engagement. The most important integration is that with Zapier since it provides access to numerous app integrations.
Product Management
Sellfy’s product management is straightforward and the functionalities are self-explanatory that makes uploading your digital items hassle-free. It lets you specify the product price and description along with the item name. In addition to it, you can even add images to make your product page more intuitive. If you wish, you can also add the product keywords in the product description section that can optimize your sales page in the search engine.
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There is no limitation on the number of items you want to sell. The entry-level plan also lets you upload several products. The major point to be noted here is that products should be arranged and placed in their specific categories. The platform has a handy product category of Sellfy lets you organize your digital products like photos, videos, books, subscriptions, etc.
The platform’s ‘Pay What You Want’ improves the conversion rates and lets customers figure out their buying amount as per their affordability. This feature is also important for a subscription-based business as you can retain your customers for a long time giving them the choice to select a fairer rate. The subscriptions here can be automatically renewed on a monthly or annual basis.
Marketing and Promotion Tools
Sellfy includes ultimate email marketing capacities, promo coupons, and product discounts. You even have an option of upselling for your customers. Your marketing emails can be configured to target specific customers grouped on parameters like subscription status, product category, purchase, etc. This is useful to initiate repeated purchases in the future.
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Customer loyalty can be driven by discount offers in the form of codes that can be set once the product is selected. This can also be used in upsells to boost more customer purchases. Upsells are special offers offered to customers intending to let customers purchase supplementary items to what they already have in their cart.
Sellfy lets you build campaigns for your digital products, from choosing the items to devise a discount percentage, date of expiry, and messages. A well-defined call to action helps in boosting the average income per sale.
Payment Options
Sellfy supports only two payment options- Stripe and PayPal. These options can work as these are the most extensively used payment gateways worldwide. Compared to even these both, PayPal is the gateway more dominant than Stripe. Though with certain limitations, both the gateways offer secure and instant digital payment gateways for most credit and debit cards. The customer card information will also be equally secured in Sellfy.
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Even with this, the payment integration is not as simple as you are required to copy Strip’s or PayPal’s API code and paste it into your Sellfy account.
Another notable feature is the monitoring of digital downloads from other unauthorized channels. The platform controls file access by sending unique download links to customers and restricting the download limit to five. Any additional download would be blocked automatically.
Sellfy also maintains a secure environment combining SSL encryption with PCI DSS compliance along with other important security measures. The payment details are also secured by encryption.
Target Users
Sellfy has been designed for users who wish to sell digital products and membership subscriptions. Amazingly, you do not require an e-commerce site and can proceed to sell without creating your website. You just need to embed your shopping cart templates onto third-party websites.
Sellfy can be used to sell any kind of downloadable files such as images, software, audio files, videos, documents, books, and many more. The membership on the other hand can be configured to renew weekly, monthly, or annually.
Sellfy has a very simple online selling approach and the entire framework provides simple to use tools for building and managing online business with any technical expertise. You just need a few minutes to get started with an online store on Sellfy which means that it is for sure a hassle-free experience even for beginners.
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Who should use Sellfy?
Sellfy is recommended to people who sell more than five products. The free trial gives a complete insight into the platform. This works great for sellers who own huge digital libraries and need extra tools for discounting PDF stampings and analytics.
The pricing in Sellfy is simple with no hidden costs or any transactional fees. While there are no free packages, they do offer a 14 day free plan to explore and later upgrade.
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The Starter plan starts at $29, Business at $59 and Premium at $129. To further reduce the subscription cost, you can buy membership at flat 34% discount for annual billing. Therefore, the Starter Plan then can be availed at $19/month, Business Plan drops at $39/month and the Premium Plan at $89/month.
Sellfy Support
Sellfy site has a noticeable FAQ section that is helpful in presale questions. Sellfy documentation is easy to understand with the required items listed. The support team can be contacted only through email support. So, there is no phone support but you can get notified with a paid plan. You can reach out to the support team and learn about the platform through the blog section, Twitter, and Facebook accounts.  
⇒ The entire interface is well-organized, neat, and remarkably simple to use
⇒ Sellfy enables your online store to embed with third-party platforms
⇒ Provides satisfactory email marketing tools
⇒ Can accommodate an unlimited number of products
⇒ The default system is mobile-responsive and SEO friendly
⇒ Comes with tracking and monitoring analytics for precise insights
⇒ Supports both Stripe and Paypal payment options
⇒ The platform is optimized for sales of digital items and membership subscriptions
⇒ There is no need to own your website to proceed with selling
⇒ Can set up a full-fledged online store without a domain name
⇒ Payment can be processed in more than 20 currencies
⇒ Payment gateway is secured by SSL encryption and PCI DSS compliance
⇒ Sellfy can be integrated with Facebook live chat, Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, Twitter Ads Conversion Tracking and Zapier
⇒ Sales can be boosted using Sellfy’s upselling, cross-selling, and discount tools
⇒ Sellfy offers a 14-day free trial without your credit card information
⇒ There is no tool to set up and manage affiliate programs
⇒ Limited website customization capabilities
⇒ The number of app integrations is very limited
⇒ Supports only two payment gateways
⇒ Only two week trial period after which one of the premium plans has to be purchased
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Final Thoughts
If you ever wish to set up an online store real quick then Sellfy is the best tool to try out. Though it falls short of some advanced features of other platforms like Shopify, SamCart, or maybe any other, it does not require a sharp learning curve or requires higher annual costs. The open-handed 14-day free trial is a great way to explore the features of Sellfy!
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
ActiveChat Review | Versatile Chatbot Platform | Start your 14-Day Trial Today
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Table Of Contents
The Elements
User Interface
Website Widget
Templates and Cloning
ActiveChat is the ultimate chatbot software for building a chatbot for your Facebook Messenger, SMS, Telegram, and website. The tool focuses on the conversational design and comprises numerous tools for seamless business integrations.
ActiveChat is a sophisticated visual chatbot development platform. There is great flexibility in bot design and the platform is easy to use for even those who do not have prior chatbot experience. The platform is equally powerful to achieve most complex business goals.
ActiveChat provides visual conversational designs and organized decision trees by just dragging and dropping. You can add dialogues, images to your chat scenarios. Some of the interesting features of ActiveChat are,
Visual builder
Website chat widget
Facebook Messenger
Multiple channels
SMS autoresponder
Keyword detection
Website tracking
Roles and teams
Live chat
Advanced integrations
Live chat groups
10 agent seats included
Conversational AI
Advanced analytics
API access
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The Elements
ActiveChat provides all the Chatbot attributes required to build your chatbot. What makes it terrific is the validation of user email addresses, dates, and emails. The only thing lacking is the location sharing and Vertical Lists.
User Interface
The User Interface has an intuitive and simple dashboard showing the chatbots that you have created. ActiveChat makes use of the visual flow builder when you start to build a chatbot. With this, it becomes easy to create a chatbot flow and connect messages. You can select any of the elements and drag them in the flow builder and then connect this element with others using arrows. You also have an option to test your Chatbot in the same interface itself.
Whenever there is any interaction with your chatbot then you can easily view the conversations and the related user information. It is also possible to assign tags and certain custom fields to users you can filter almost every element in your chatbot flow. You will also be able to segment users with custom fields and tags and send broadcasts to only specific segments of users of your choice.
ActiveChat lets you send sequences and broadcasts to a particular user or a segment of users. You can use conditions also along with it. Here, again you can filter every element in your chatbot using custom fields and tags. You also have the option to create a chatbot in any language but it isn’t possible to easily translate your chatbot to another language.
It is possible to identify keywords with ActiveChat. Furthermore, they have a Dialogue flow integration where you can grab the intent of the user and utilize the Entities.
With ActiveChat, you can put a chatbot on your website, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and even send automated emails making an omnichannel chatbot experience for your users.
There will be no extra charge to send emails to your subscribers as it can be integrated with your own website/email server. You can also send SMS’s to your users with Twilio as it can be integrated with your chatbot.
​The most important integration of the chatbot is its built-in live chat. ActiceChat cannot be integrated with Zapier and Integromat. However, it can be integrated using a JSON webhook. Another amazing feature is the ActiveChat integrations with Google Sheets and Google Calendar.
You can attract more people to your chatbot by connecting Facebook Ads to your chatbot, building landing pages, creating QR codes and custom URLs to your chatbot. Unfortunately, you cannot use the one-time notification, auto-reply to Facebook comments, or create buttons to your chatbot.
Website Widget
ActiveChat has a pretty advanced website widget. You will be able to send tailored messages to the user based on their current URL. However, instead of this, you will be able to check the number of page visits with which an extremely tailored message can be sent to the user.
Analytics are extremely important as they show your chatbot’s performance and help you to improve elements in your chatbot. But, Activechat provides minimal analysis of your chatbot and gives options to just see the number of users and user growth.
With this, you will be able to integrate WooCommerce and Shopify with your chatbot. You can even make a purchase directly from the chatbot. You can also make a webshop within your chatbot using the Visual Flow Builder.
With the chatbot, you can add products to your cart, show products, cart, and create orders. Then, you can send the payment link within the chatbot so that users can pay directly through it. That makes an extremely impressive eCommerce integration.
Templates and Cloning
18 pre-designed templates can directly be installed to build your chatbot. It is also possible to duplicate your chatbot elements and chatbot flows to speed up your chatbot. But, there is no option to customize the templates and share them.
There is no preference to optimize and perform A/B testing.
ActiveChat consists of a database that has extensive documentation, video tutorials and provides customer support through email and live chat.
ActiveChat provides a free trial for 14 days to test the complete features.
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The Team Plan will cost $33/month (if paid annually). This includes many features, 1500 chatbot users per year, and one live agent.
The Company Plan will cost $1249/month (if paid annually). This includes all features of the platform, 1,000,000 chatbot users per year, and 10 live chat agents.
1.Very simple platform to use
2.Several bot templates
3.Several bots channel
4.SMS bot
5.Easy visual setup
6.Able to send the mass broadcast
1.Can be extended to some more channels like Instagram and Whatsapp
2.User Interface can be more attractive
3.No follow-up or segmentation
4.Slow customer support
5.No Zapier support
6.No RSS/feed integration
Read Also,
SocialPilot Review | Ultimate Social Media Posting Tool | 14-Day Free Trial
Vyper Review | Great Tool for Social Media Campaigns and Giveaways | Get Started for Free
ActiveChat has a good interface and several chatbot elements, can add custom fields/tags, segment your users, send campaigns and broadcasts. It also comprises of Dialogflow integration, put your chatbot across multiple channels, has built-in live chat,consists advanced website widget and the best e-commerce integrations.
The only lacking element is the Integromat/Zapier integration and the determination of chatbot analytics to further make improvements in your chatbot. Considering your requirements, advantages and disadvantages, you can decide on the chatbot software that suits your needs. ​
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​Originally Posted On:SaasTrac
SaasTracis one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Sendinblue Review | Incredible Email Marketing Service | Start for Free
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The importance of email marketing can only be understood by an e-commerce store owner as it is one of the best online marketing techniques. Sendinblue is a user-friendly and popular email marketing service that is web-based, specifically beneficial for small to medium-sized organizations and enterprises.
Sendinblue offers remarkable tools and templates, utility kits specifically designed for email campaigns, marketing automation, design and strategies, SMS and transactional emails.
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How Sendinblue works?
Sendinblue is fundamentally an email marketing platform that allows users to build engaging and mobile-friendly beautiful emails with the help of tools and services that have been specifically designed to perform unique tasks and processes. The solution lets scheduling and automation marketing campaign process, allows pre-testing of the deliverables before sending the email campaigns to the target audience.
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Sendinblue sends transactional emails with the SMTP protocol through the API. The contact management attributes let users import/export contacts, collect forms, categorize email lists, and many such efficient functionalities. Sendinblue platform also provides real-time analysis of campaigns, performance reports that include key statistics like click-through, open rates, etc. The platform empowers small companies and non-profit organizations to attain sustainability with their target marketers.
Sendinblue is a complete email marketing tool that benefits non-profit organizations and companies to build sustainable relationships with their target markets with the help of email campaigns, transactional and SMS messages. The software comprises a range of features including,
Social Media Marketing – The tool allows you to incorporate your marketing strategies and campaigns to many social media services and platforms.
Google Analytics Integration – Allows the tool to integrate Google Analytics with Sendinblue software solution giving more insights on the campaign.
Simple Import/Export – The individual contacts and email lists can be easily and quickly managed.
Contact Manager – A complete functional contact management system lets users manage their contact list from a single location.
Autoresponder – This important feature lets users auto respond to some queries raised by clients or customers on their contact list.
Easy to use email editor – The easy-to-use email editor lets create professional engaging and responsive emails.
Opt-in, Opt-Out Forms – The sign-up forms are dynamic consisting of advanced features like captcha verification and data auto-population. There is also an option for your leads to choose specific mailing lists they would prefer opting.
Bounce Management – The tool provides logs of soft and hard email bounces in which hard ones get automatically blacklisted.
List Management – You can manage your mailing list depending on user demographics, behaviors, and lead scores. The multi-parameter filtering tool lets you segment systematically if you are handling several leads at once.
Personalization – messages can be personalized using many flexible ways before sending them to your leads.
Email Automation – This tool provides dynamic and powerful email automation functions. The workflow editor lets you target leads based on web behavior, on-site actions, and contact data. You can also test them before activation.
Multilingual – Sendinblue comes in six different languages.
Transactional Email – Users can set their system to send transactional emails that may contain purchase confirmations, receipts, etc. Through SMTP.
Email Templates – By default, the software provides 65 different types of pre-designed email templates for ready usage.
Integrations – The platform can be integrated with various third-party software including patent, CRM, marketing, and e-commerce. The tool can also be integrated with Zapier.
Landing Page Editor – This is useful while creating special landing pages. You can either choose to ground up or simply capitalize on the already available templates and make your work much easier.
Support – The support team is helpful via live chat, phone, and online messaging systems. There is also a helpful knowledge base available for important guidelines and useful tutorials that answer most of your doubts and queries.
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Sendinblue offers various affordable pricing plans that can suit an organization or an individual company. The pricing starts from a free plan and three paid plans accordingly.
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The FREE plan comes with an unlimited contact list and the ability to send 300 emails per day.
The LITE plan is perfect for new marketers priced at $25/month with a monthly email volume of 10,000. Users can avail of features added in Free Plan and you also have no daily sending limit and excellent email support. The add ons with this plan offers A/B Testing, a removable Sendinblue logo, and view advanced statistics.
The PREMIUM plan gives the best solution for marketing professionals priced at $65/month with a monthly email volume of 20,000. Features from Lite+ are included in this plan including marketing automation, Facebook ads, landing pages, multi-user access, and all-around telephone support.
The ENTERPRISE plan is specifically made for marketers who wish to experience more out of Sendinblue. You can get a customized quote as per your requirement. Features include everything in Premium Plan and you get customized email volume, prioritized email sending,20+ types of landing pages. There can be 10+ users using the account, customer success manager, lots more elements to explore.
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1.Sendinblue email automation functionalities are flexible and powerful.
2.Free plan can be used to generously send 300 emails per month.
3.There is an unlimited contact list available on every plan
4.The strong inbuilt CRM app is provided for tracking customer lifecycles.
5.The Premium Plan comprises extra landing page builders for the creation and review of landing pages.
6.Sendinblue plans are reasonably priced compared to other competitors.
7.Free plan also supports email automation and contact management functionalities.
1.The templates are outdated and needs to be built from scratch or use custom HTML design
2.Supports a limited number of integrations.
3.Autoresponders and mergers have limited functionalities.
4.Web applications are sometimes slow when loading some pages.
A look at the latest softwares,
SendPulse Review – A complete email marketing software
MailerLite Review | Effective & Simple Newsletter Software
GetResponse Review: The Most Comprehensive Advanced Email Marketing Tool
Finally-Is it a good choice for email marketing?
After looking at the features of the tool, Sendinblue can be boasted of some very clever options to accommodate marketers to optimize their email campaigns, including personalization, segmentation, advanced email automation, professional landing pages, and flexible forms that in turn assists in increasing conversions.
The automation features may still be far from other tools like MailChimp and ActiveCampaign, but it does suit small-sized business and non-profit organizations. Their generous free plan and paid plan starting from $25 for 10,000 mails are one of the cheapest in the market.
Looking at the overall features of Sendinblue, they are undoubtedly quite impressive. You could consider trying the free plan, and if you like it, you may end up using this sophisticated marketing automation in your budget.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Webflow Review – An Exceptional Website Builder| Forever FREE
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Webflow is a website builder that has attracted a lot of attention. But how nice is it? For whom designed? How much this software costs? I am going to address all the above-mentioned questions, But, let’s start with the basics first –
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Most of the people refer to Webflow as an online toolkit for building websites. It’s a great combination between the classic content management platform and conventional website builders like WordPress. It is indeed one of those exceptionally SaaS platforms with the professedly specific target market.
Getting Confused?
This review post created to wave off that confusion. Considering the various components which Webflow offer including, CMS, Designer, eCommerce, Hosting, etc. you will also get answers to questions for anyone considering this platform.
The primary principle of WebSocial is so-called “smart codelessness”. Alternatively stated, it aims to provide a desirable balance between customization capabilities and code fewer processes of site-building. Also, you can monitor many of your website’s attributes without operating on the correct source.
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Surprisingly, this platform does not lock you out of the cycle of coding. It still uses fun software to help you thoroughly customize your page, without actually confining yourself to any particular submission platform.
Are you feeling interested to know more?
Alright, hang around because this review post of the Webflow enables you to reach all the major components associated with this platform. Read out the essential features of Webflow, customer support, pricing, and the associated pros and cons.
Webflow moved ahead to the path of success with this mantra – “If you can imagine the ultimate outcome, you can bring it to life.”
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This simple, yet versatile web-based drag and drop tool mainly developed with the principal focus on the designers and regular people. This tool will help them easily create responsive, flexible and powerful websites and applications better and faster without any special coding skills.
But that’s not all. The site builder was also systematically integrated with a CMS framework for seamless management of the entire ecosystem.
The platform is consistently integrated based on the framework of the Content Management System, which helps in seamlessly managing the entire ecosystem. They are also looking forward to capitalizing on some of the core functions, which include:
Web Hosting
Editing, etc.
Though this platform serves as an alternative to WordPress, it claims to be much simpler than this. As having said that, WordPress considered being one of the simplest and the best and simplest CMS platforms available on the internet today.
So, will Webflow able to take the challenge? Let’s check it out!
Salient Features
Inclusive Ease Of Use
One thing that could impress you right off the bat is the overall versatility or flexibility of Webflow.
For example, the website designer doesn’t come with the rigid site construction framework that is available in many other “user-friendly” options. In other words, you can choose any template of your choice here.
Although that considered to be an easy option as there are limited customization capabilities for pre-designed themes. But this website builder allows you to start with a completely blank canvas and build your site from the ground up.
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Not only this, Webflow is designed to facilitate complete responsiveness and mobile-centric adaptability. Moreover, it also provides various designing features which include the tiniest website elements. Typography, which has numerous possibilities to accommodate, including Typekit, Google Font, and your own custom font.
Webflow, in particular, does not restrict you to its system. At any time, you can conveniently export Javascript, HTML, and CSS from your page to a third party website.
In case you are working on different projects simultaneously, then you should be able to arrange and control them directly from the dashboard display. With the project options, you can add them in folders, share, duplicate, and edit them. All the projects are available with a different set of array settings, which includes external service connections, SEO, code integrations, backups, websites, etc.
Though the only downside is the complex framework that is available with it. Newbies can find it a little difficult to try out the latest features of Webflow. However, it becomes easier and easier with more websites you work on.
These people also offer a complete set of useful video tutorials, which helps in providing valuable guidance in case you face any issues. But if that doesn’t turn out, you can always contact the customer support team, who I found to be quite responsive.
On the whole, people who are having the most manageable time using this platform are probably HTML and CSS coders. Similarly, on the other hand, non-coders are also most likely to gain great results just by footing well after a couple of hours on this platform.
Also Read :
Why Choose Wix as a Free Website Builder | An Honest Wix Review?
WebFlow Hosting
The hosting function provided by this platform works on the policy – “Start building for free, add hosting to go live.” In simple terms, you are allowed to start creating your website on a free Webflow subdomain. You can then pay for one of the Webflow hosting packages to connect the website to a custom domain name.
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One of the best plans to gain complete advantage of the hosting services is the basic plan. It allows us to provide hosting for some simple site with less than 500 form submissions and 25,000 monthly visits and at a minimum cost of $15 per month or $12 per month billed yearly.
Not only the custom domains, but there are also some extra features which are provided by this tool –
Free SSL certificate
Advanced SEO
Some of the other benefits of leveraging Webflow hosting include:
Webflow hosting based on decentralized infrastructure operated by renowned cloud providers such as Amazon CloudFront and fastly.
Webflow hosting provides an additional CDN (Content Delivery Network) at zero additional cost. It accelerates the delivery of content to site visitors far from the position of your primary server.
Provides SSL compliance certificate for free to ensure that each site adheres to the current standards for web encrypted communications.
Webflow hosting based on more than 100 data centers spread across 6 continents, letting you choose a server that is nearest to your chief traffic source.
It provides a shorter loading page as compared to the standard HTTP websites.
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Webflow Designer
The website builder and the design tool is given a fancy name as Webflow Designer, which provides a unique twist to the entire website creation process.
It provides a balance between the worlds of coding and non-coding. Users who do not have the advanced coding skills will take advantage of the intuitive DIY side of the website builder. Instead, on the other hand, experienced programmers, designers, and organizations will benefit from the complete freedom of choice that comes with the programming side of the Webflow site builder.
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Therefore, you can consider it as a hybrid site builder. Apart from this, some of the specific features of this platform include:
Languages like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS coding easily handled by website-builder. Web developers expected to like the code creation features of their visual designer, which saves the trouble by line writing code.
The next thing which sets this Designer apart from others is its exceptional approach to editing the visual things. As here the canvas is designed to provide you with an easy to use way to tweak the elements of your page, with the versatility provided by HTML and CSS. For example, placing a square requires you to add a new “part” or “box” and then build a “set” location.
Well, Webflow Designer seems designed to serve professional web designers along with developers in the first place as well as their agencies.
Final Words
Webflow is one exceptional, high-end website builder for freelancers and designers. Several features like Databases, integrations, databases, several layout edit modes, identificators, integrations, template code export, etc. make it one of a kind platform.
The blended force of its Hosting, Designer, E-commerce offers, and Editor/CMS is massive. This website builder has also the most exquisite tailor-made website development setups. The 24*7 support team makes every single process smooth and easy.
In short,
Simplicity Level – (simple)
Progress in Learning – Mid (before you think to jump in and create something, you need to first watch the available videos and understand every terminology)
For Consumers (Perfectly suitable)
For Designers (Perfectly suitable)
For Developers (Perfectly suitable)
Time taken in the Development process (Quick)
Whitelabel – For businesses and agencies who carry out the payment.
In-built templates – Yes
Pricing Plans – Low
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Your Thoughts?
I am thankful to you for taking the time from your busy schedule to read our analysis of Webflow. Was this review helpful? Do you have something to add, or do you disagree with some points? Let’s discuss in the comment section given below.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Oribi.io Review 2021 + 10 Days Free Trial: Is It A Good Replacement For Google Analytics?
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Oribi analytics platform review! Well, we believe most of you here are digital marketers or somewhat related to the online promotion of products and services on websites and are well aware of this beautiful tool. But for those who are new to Oribi, let me put up a question right in front of you.
If you have a website already, you must have firmly linked to Google Analytics. It is one of the most reliable, widespread, and dominant analytics tools currently. Now, the question is, do you wholly depend on Google Analytics?
But this might be a little tricky to answer for those who have not unfolded the power-packed features and an easy-to-use dashboard to track their website activities. Oribi offers more actionable insights and shares an excellent competition to Google Analytics in the run.
Well, to support the above claims regarding Oribi and to make you clear about switching to a better analytics platform despite having a good bond of years with Google Analytics, we present to you the most honest review of Oribi.io 2021. So, let us roll right in and explore every bit of the Oribi web analytics platform.
All-Inclusive Oribi.io Review
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For a digital marketer, tracking the website analytics is pretty significant. And due to this reason, this review post becomes way more relevant to you as we claim to have in hand a better analytics platform than Google Analytics. As there isn’t much information related to Oribi by far, we have intended to provide you with the best guide possible.
Oribi is fundamentally a business analytics intelligence software. They aim at enhancing the medium-scale businesses significantly by providing all the power-packed features, top graded optimization with leading-edge technology to its users.
Oribi profoundly concentrates on the following:
It has a closely linked team with impressive ideas. It was brave enough of Oribi to launch something already available in the market. And also when it is running under the name of one of the top-notch companies from around the globe. Hence, it made sure to outstretch its extraordinary features to extend a fair competition to Google in the run.
Remarkable Features Of Oribi.io
Google is one of the most comprehensive platforms worldwide. Hence, for marketers to trust a comparatively small enterprise becomes more challenging. And this is the reason Oribi decided to come up with the most outstanding features, which makes it compete with Google Analytics with extensive data of integration.
Hence, you must dive right in and check out the features of Oribi.io in detail to present a firm conclusion.
Obtaining website analytics can be daunting. So, lets us identify how Oribi makes it easier:
1. Insights & Trends
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Get Clear Answers, Without The Heavy Lifting
When all the data gets piled up, marketing insights and analytics come in for the rescue. Oribi lets you explicitly recognize the ways to convert these data into actions.
Oribi lets you connect with the latest marketing trends and provides you with detailed insight to help you create an impact on your audience.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Get actionable insights to drive results
Understand trends and be ahead of changes
No BS, only the information you need
2. Event Tracking
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No Developers Required
Oribi has a pretty uncomplicated dashboard. And it does not require any prior technical knowledge to get started with it. You remain independent of professionals as it keeps track of all the buttons and pages your audience visits.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Track and compare multiple campaigns by their UTM
Define your conversion goals without any code
No maintenance – Events are updated dynamically
3. Funnels and Correlations & More
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Optimize For More Conversions
If you are receiving good traffic on your website, you would unquestionably wish to keep going with the same. Hence, Oribi consistently optimizes your website and makes you recognize the trends that work for your brand and the ones that do not. So, by following the same, you can create content to drive more traffic every day.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Uncover where you lose prospects, even across domains
Reveal which events drive conversions
Never miss anything with Oribi’s insights
4. Marketing Channel Analysis
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Invest In The Right Channels
In this competitive world, no one wishes to invest in any incorrect channel. Hence, Oribi guides its users with every step by indicating the content which can make the most profit.
Oribi helps its users identify and acquire the most engaging channels having a high conversion rate.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Evaluate how each channel contributes to your goals
Stay on top of new referrers and spot opportunities
Track and compare multiple campaigns by their UTM
5. Visitor Journeys
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Pinpoint specific Behaviour
When several visitors land on your website, it becomes daunting to count on everyone and understand their pattern. But with Oribi, you can recognize and track the interests of your audience network. And above all, Oribi helps you identify the reasons which make the user bounce back from your website without conversion.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Follow single visitors across different sessions and multiple domains
Use Oribi’s smart filters to look into journeys of specific segments
Connect email addresses to match journeys to your top prospects
6. Reports
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Share Your Best Results
Oribi provides you with a complete customized report which you can share with others. You do not need to work hard to track all the prospects to extend a report. Oribi records every move you make.
Oribi.io Lets You:
Get ready-made, beautiful reports to share your results
Customize the look, logos, and data you want to include
Schedule your reports to be shared automatically
7. Marketing Attribution
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Connect All Touch Points
If you consider multiple social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, all of them have various touchpoints, which create hassle while dealing with all of them at once. But with Oribi, you can connect with the different touchpoints at ease.
Uncover all touchpoints involved in a conversion
Choose different models to evaluate your activities
Define the right acquisition strategy for all your goals
Hence, these features make the Oribi platform stand one step ahead of Google Analytics. And on the bottom line, we can say that the users do not need to hassle with the marketing activities when they have Oribi.io to assist them.
Oribi.io Pricing Plans
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Oribi has 03 different subscription/pricing plans. Let us have a look at them in detail.
Business Websites
Pricing Plan: $630/Mo
It Includes:
Track Up to 3 Domains
Channel Analysis
Automated Event Capturing – Unlimited
Visitor Journey and Email Capturing
Webinar access
6-Month Data History
Funnel Optimization
Custom Reports
100% support
Analytics Bootcamp
1:1 Onboarding
Ecommerce Shops
Pricing Plan: $540/Mo
It Includes:
Track Up to 3 Domains
Channel Analysis
Budget Planning
Custom Reports
6-Month Data History
Funnel Optimization
Automated Event Capturing – Unlimited
Visitor Journey and Email Capturing
1:1 Onboarding
Marketing Agency
Pricing Plan: $900/Mo
It Includes:
Unlimited Customers
Channel Analysis
Budget Planning
Custom Reports
Export Unlimited Events to Facebook, Google Ads & More
Advanced User Management
2 Years Data History
Funnel Optimization
Automated Event Capturing
Visitor Journey and Email Capturing
Export Unlimited Smart Audiences
White Labeling & Custom Design for Your Reports
1:1 Onboarding
You can also contact the Oribi team through [email protected].
Does Oribi.io Offer A Free Trial?
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Oribi.io is a platform to compete with Google Analytics with all its extraordinary website analytics features. So, to make sure the audiences reconsider the platform before concluding, Oribi provides a 10 days free trial to everyone out there.
So, apart from acquiring all the outstanding features, Oribi believes in letting the users closely interact with the tool to have no questions before upgrading the platform.
How To Set Up Oribi.io?
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We have come across the features of Oribi.io, so let us have a look at the procedure to set up the platform. It is a user-friendly platform that can get configured by following the below-mentioned steps.
Also, the tool will ask for submitting various information about the project on which you are working to make sure to provide you with the functionality which will suit you perfectly.
The Sign-Up Procedure
To get started with the Oribi platform, follow these steps:
Step-1: Click on the official website link: https://oribi.io/ and get started with the free trial.
Step-2: Sign up with your pre-owned Google account or explicitly mention your email Id and password.
Step-3: Mention your website domain name. After upgrading your subscription, you can insert multiple domains altogether.
Step-4: Oribi will ask you to mention the number of users you expect to visit your website, which will show up in the pricing plan.
Step-5: Lastly, insert your mobile phone number when indicated by the platform.
Now that you have completed the signing-up process, you need to configure the Oribi platform according to the niche of your business. Hence, the users will have to describe their business projects and its types on the platform. Also, the tool will ask you to mention the leading targets of your business.
Opportunities And Obstacles With Oribi.io
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Oribi is an all-in-one web analytics platform that works wonders for businesses following any niche on the eCommerce platforms. Also, gaining the analytics is always helpful, even if you have merely 10 visitors showing up on your website or thousands of potential customers checking out the site.
Let us roll in and check the advantages and disadvantages of switching to Oribi.io in brief.
User-friendly interface
Oribi dashboard is easy to navigate
Tracks all the required website insights and displays the metrics on the platform
Benefits in quick decision making and ensures higher conversion rates
The setup procedure takes longer than usual
Pricing plans can be more flexible
Read some more,
Mobile Phone Tracking Software: SpyFone Review 2021
ShortStack Review 2021 : Boost Engagement on Digital marketing Platforms
Should You Switch To Oribi.io In 2021?
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Oribi is an all-in-one marketing analytics tool that cuts down your efforts on manual configuration. Hence, it helps the new business owners and the professional ones to receive website traffic insights and enhance their conversion rates without involving any professional.
The entire Oribi system is pretty uncomplicated to use with a powerful dashboard to navigate easily. Also, the features included are entirely automated, so you do not require any skills to get started with the tool.
On the other hand, it might look a little expensive, but if you truly understand the need for a website analytics platform for your business that is better than Google Analytics, you might not mind the price.
So, with this, we come to an end of our take on Oribi business analytics intelligence software review. Is there something on which we missed out? Do you wish to add something more to our review? If yes, feel free to mention your suggestions in the comments below!
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Sellfy Review – Customizable Online Storefront | Start a 14-day Trial Today!
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There are several free ways to find marketing ways but is it as easy as said? The various factors that come into the picture like building a digital site, searching for a network of people to purchase from you, and introducing guest posts or reviews to expand your reach. This takes a whole lot of time and money and at one point in time, you feel distressed at the simple thought of getting into the business.
What if you find a simple tool that can help to turn your social media channel or website into an online store simultaneously sharing your digital products with a huge network who are already searching for products similar to your market.
Sellfy is one such platform where you can build your storefront, broadcast your products to numerous in your network and also have a chance to post and sell your products. This platform makes your e-commerce process slightly easier with some relaxation to your time and money.
Main Features
Ease of Use
Appreciatively, there is no initial payment, nor any card information required to explore things on Sellfy. The 14 days free trial period helps you understand the platform better. It is very easy to Sign up with basic information and once done, you will be directed to the on-boarding channel that is accessible in the form of a 7-part checklist.
The aim is to explain the steps of creating and customizing the online store along with managing and selling your digital products. On the whole, the entire setup process takes a few minutes and the simple steps make it easier for even beginners to follow them.
Once you start, managing the store is also hassle-free. The dashboard is a mix of simplicity and easy functionality. The intuitive, well-organized, and simple system is equally refreshing and interesting to use.
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The Home Menu is the main screen where you can access all important tracking functions. You can view Subscriptions, Orders, Analytics, and Customers for quick insights.
Next, you have the Products field where you can easily manage your items. You can share the products easily on your social media just with a click of a button. You can embed your Buy button on third-party websites including YouTube and Facebook. This way, you can convert your social media followers to your customers.
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Customizing your Online Store
Sellfy’s default storefront is simple, clean, and organized. You can get started with the customization process and edit your content as well as the layout. The layout’s color schemes can be adjusted along with altering buttons, header, page style, logo, etc.
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There is no scope for advanced customization as the platform is in itself very simple and bland. The max that can be done is to add social media profiles and edit store pages. The storefront comprises the standard web pages seen on any basic online store which includes About, Contact and Terms. Customizing them is very easy and can be done with a single click and pages can be changed or eliminated.
The Store Settings lets you tweak general settings, payment settings, embed options, product categories, email templates, taxes, and invoice settings. You can enhance your online sales with a wide range of decent integrations.
Your sales traffic can be monitored with Google Analytics. Twitter Ads Conversation Tracking analyzes business via Twitter. Facebook Ads and Facebook Live can be integrated for customer engagement. The most important integration is that with Zapier since it provides access to numerous app integrations.
Product Management
Sellfy’s product management is straightforward and the functionalities are self-explanatory that makes uploading your digital items hassle-free. It lets you specify the product price and description along with the item name. In addition to it, you can even add images to make your product page more intuitive. If you wish, you can also add the product keywords in the product description section that can optimize your sales page in the search engine.
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There is no limitation on the number of items you want to sell. The entry-level plan also lets you upload several products. The major point to be noted here is that products should be arranged and placed in their specific categories. The platform has a handy product category of Sellfy lets you organize your digital products like photos, videos, books, subscriptions, etc.
The platform’s ‘Pay What You Want’ improves the conversion rates and lets customers figure out their buying amount as per their affordability. This feature is also important for a subscription-based business as you can retain your customers for a long time giving them the choice to select a fairer rate. The subscriptions here can be automatically renewed on a monthly or annual basis.
Marketing and Promotion Tools
Sellfy includes ultimate email marketing capacities, promo coupons, and product discounts. You even have an option of upselling for your customers. Your marketing emails can be configured to target specific customers grouped on parameters like subscription status, product category, purchase, etc. This is useful to initiate repeated purchases in the future.
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Customer loyalty can be driven by discount offers in the form of codes that can be set once the product is selected. This can also be used in upsells to boost more customer purchases. Upsells are special offers offered to customers intending to let customers purchase supplementary items to what they already have in their cart.
Sellfy lets you build campaigns for your digital products, from choosing the items to devise a discount percentage, date of expiry, and messages. A well-defined call to action helps in boosting the average income per sale.
Payment Options
Sellfy supports only two payment options- Stripe and PayPal. These options can work as these are the most extensively used payment gateways worldwide. Compared to even these both, PayPal is the gateway more dominant than Stripe. Though with certain limitations, both the gateways offer secure and instant digital payment gateways for most credit and debit cards. The customer card information will also be equally secured in Sellfy.
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Even with this, the payment integration is not as simple as you are required to copy Strip’s or PayPal’s API code and paste it into your Sellfy account.
Another notable feature is the monitoring of digital downloads from other unauthorized channels. The platform controls file access by sending unique download links to customers and restricting the download limit to five. Any additional download would be blocked automatically.
Sellfy also maintains a secure environment combining SSL encryption with PCI DSS compliance along with other important security measures. The payment details are also secured by encryption.
Target Users
Sellfy has been designed for users who wish to sell digital products and membership subscriptions. Amazingly, you do not require an e-commerce site and can proceed to sell without creating your website. You just need to embed your shopping cart templates onto third-party websites.
Sellfy can be used to sell any kind of downloadable files such as images, software, audio files, videos, documents, books, and many more. The membership on the other hand can be configured to renew weekly, monthly, or annually.
Sellfy has a very simple online selling approach and the entire framework provides simple to use tools for building and managing online business with any technical expertise. You just need a few minutes to get started with an online store on Sellfy which means that it is for sure a hassle-free experience even for beginners.
Who should use Sellfy?
Sellfy is recommended to people who sell more than five products. The free trial gives a complete insight into the platform. This works great for sellers who own huge digital libraries and need extra tools for discounting PDF stampings and analytics.
The pricing in Sellfy is simple with no hidden costs or any transactional fees. While there are no free packages, they do offer a 14 day free plan to explore and later upgrade.
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The Starter plan starts at $29, Business at $59 and Premium at $129. To further reduce the subscription cost, you can buy membership at flat 34% discount for annual billing. Therefore, the Starter Plan then can be availed at $19/month, Business Plan drops at $39/month and the Premium Plan at $89/month.
Sellfy Support
Sellfy site has a noticeable FAQ section that is helpful in presale questions. Sellfy documentation is easy to understand with the required items listed. The support team can be contacted only through email support. So, there is no phone support but you can get notified with a paid plan. You can reach out to the support team and learn about the platform through the blog section, Twitter, and Facebook accounts.  
⇒ The entire interface is well-organized, neat, and remarkably simple to use
⇒ Sellfy enables your online store to embed with third-party platforms
⇒ Provides satisfactory email marketing tools
⇒ Can accommodate an unlimited number of products
⇒ The default system is mobile-responsive and SEO friendly
⇒ Comes with tracking and monitoring analytics for precise insights
⇒ Supports both Stripe and Paypal payment options
⇒ The platform is optimized for sales of digital items and membership subscriptions
⇒ There is no need to own your website to proceed with selling
⇒ Can set up a full-fledged online store without a domain name
⇒ Payment can be processed in more than 20 currencies
⇒ Payment gateway is secured by SSL encryption and PCI DSS compliance
⇒ Sellfy can be integrated with Facebook live chat, Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, Twitter Ads Conversion Tracking and Zapier
⇒ Sales can be boosted using Sellfy’s upselling, cross-selling, and discount tools
⇒ Sellfy offers a 14-day free trial without your credit card information
⇒ There is no tool to set up and manage affiliate programs
⇒ Limited website customization capabilities
⇒ The number of app integrations is very limited
⇒ Supports only two payment gateways
⇒ Only two week trial period after which one of the premium plans has to be purchased
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Final Thoughts
If you ever wish to set up an online store real quick then Sellfy is the best tool to try out. Though it falls short of some advanced features of other platforms like Shopify, SamCart, or maybe any other, it does not require a sharp learning curve or requires higher annual costs. The open-handed 14-day free trial is a great way to explore the features of Sellfy!
Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
What is a Social Proof Marketing tool and Why You Need One: UseProof Review 2021
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Table Of Contents
What is Social Proof Software?
Start by Connecting Pixel to Your CMS
Set Campaigns
Start setting Goals
Launch your Campaign
Recent Activity
Live Visitor Count
Hot Streaks
Conversion Cards
Useproof Pricing
A Social Proof Marketing tool can be the deadliest weapon in your digital marketing arsenal and a must-have for small and mid-sized eCommerce websites. Digital marketing is far more dynamic and competitive in 2021 than it was a decade ago. To penetrate this sort of a market, you need to invest in building your online reputation and credibility.
The present-day buyer needs proof of your competence and providing that is only possible by using a social proof marketing tool to earn their trust and convert leads into customers. In this UseProof review 2021, we will tell you how you can boost your sales with this social proof software and increase conversions at every stage of the sales funnel.
You probably know of the brick-and-mortar grocery store that you frequented a decade ago. Despite having other options, you chose that particular vendor either due to convenience or trust and, at times, both. The online marketplace works similarly, and therefore social proof software plays a critical role in earning the trust of your potential customers.
What is Social Proof Software?
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In the world of eCommerce, there is very little interaction between the buyer and the seller. That makes it difficult for the buyer to make a quick buying decision unless others are recommending it. For instance, while browsing some websites, you may have noticed a count of people who just subscribed to that website’s product or service. If integrated with social media tools, you may even get to see the most recent subscriber’s name and location.
This display of numbers and statistics to convince the prospective buyer is known as social proof. Using Social proof to boost sales is an incredibly powerful marketing tactic and can skyrocket your conversions. It works like a charm for small online businesses that are trying to establish their presence by competing against the large online retailers. It gives the buyer a reason to purchase from you and thereby increases conversions. Let us now explore Useproof, a highly recommended social proof marketing tool.
Start by Connecting Pixel to Your CMS
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To get started with Useproof, you must log in to the dashboard and run the initial set up, which only takes a couple of minutes. You need to copy the pixel from your Useproof dashboard and paste it into your CMS. If you are creating landing pages or squeeze pages, then instead of CMS, you must enter it in that software.
Once this is complete, the pixel from your site starts sending data to Useproof about how many people visited or took a specific action on your website. In case you experience difficulties in establishing a connection, you can get in touch with Useproof’s support team.
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Set Campaigns
Once you are done with the initial set up and connect your website or landing page with your Useproof account, it’s time to start setting up campaigns. You must begin by naming your campaign, and then you would be redirected to a page where you would have to set your goals. Useproof lets you create unlimited campaigns. Each campaign can have a distinct purpose, which you can measure from time to time.
Start setting Goals
Once you have named your campaign, it’s time to start setting your campaign’s goal. It refers to the customization process, which allows you to tell Useproof more about your individual needs. If you sell e-learning webinars, then your campaign’s goal would be to sign the visitor up for a webinar. In the next step, you need to determine the goal category, which could be lead generation, purchases, scheduling an action, signing up for a subscription or a free trial, registration, or only to view the content.
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You need to be very clear about your campaign’s goals because Useproof would show up relevant notifications to compel users to start taking that sort of action. You then need to name your goal, which is basically the expected outcome. You can set a conversion value next to that, which helps you gauge how profitable your Useproof campaign was.
So, if you are signing up visitors for a webinar of $100, then you can set the conversion value at $100. You then need to provide the link to the ‘Thank you’ Page of your website and provide a description for it.
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Launch your Campaign
Now comes the time to start configuring your campaign’s settings, just before the launch. It is where you decide what you wish to show up to your visitors. To begin with, you could set a ‘Traffic holdback,’ which refers to the amount of traffic to whom you don’t want to show up notifications. You can use this to get the most out of your ad campaigns as you can test the response before and after using this social proof software.
Also, as the pricing of this social proof marketing tool relies on your website’s traffic, the holdback allows you to manage your overall costs. Remember, you can use it for multiple campaigns, and this holdback enables you to get the most out of it. Now you are all set to choose what kind of social proof your visitors must-see, and depending on your subscription plan, you can choose from recent activity, live visitor count, hot streaks, and conversion cards. Let us now figure out what each of these does.
Recent Activity
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You can show up the recent actions taken by your visitors through this particular feature and customize it with your product’s name and brand. Until some time back, you could also show up pictures of users or avatars, but that has changed with time. This social proof software no longer allows users to do that due to recent changes in laws and regulations across the globe.
However, you can still add images of maps, a custom image such as your brand’s logo, or a default image. You can use the map to show the location of the user, which we must admit isn’t always accurate. You can further customize this social proof marketing tool to show up a certain number of recent conversions, the period during which these conversions took place, and other rules.
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These options let you display the most relevant, current, and up to date data. Depending on the type of product or service that you sell, you can even choose to retain your customers’ anonymity. After all, nobody wants a personal hygiene product website to display their name. So, if you are into selling such products, you can still make use of this social proof software.
Live Visitor Count
Are you managing a small website or eCommerce store with occasional traffic and wondering whether to use this feature? In our opinion, you should use it because this makes you appear more trustworthy. When a user sees the Live visitor count and knows that other visitors are doing the same, it puts their mind at ease.
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Most users are concerned about shopping online, and if you aren’t selling on Amazon, eBay, or similar marketplaces, then this feature should help you earn some quick online reputation. If you are worried about the Live Visitor Count showing up as ‘0’, then there are ways to avoid that. You can choose to show up the count only when there are a certain number of users on your website. If you set that to two, then unless there are two visitors on your website, the Live Visitor Count won’t show up.
Another cool feature is that you can name your visitors, and for example, if you run a tech website, you could call them ‘Ninjas.’ The Live Visitor count would read something like ‘5 Ninjas are viewing this page” It works exceptionally well for anyone trying to build a brand as they can use this tool to use a term that resonates with their brand and helps them in creating a community.
Hot Streaks
Hot Streaks lets you show up time-based data such as the number of total visitors or sign-ups, which is a definite improvement over the other two features. It enables you to brag a little as you can show more significant numbers.
Conversion Cards
Businesses that wish to create wholly customized CTAs and messages can use this feature. However, this feature is only available with the Business Plan.
Useproof Pricing
In this Useproof review, we must admit that the two sets of pricing plans offered by this social proof software are clumsy. However, we’ll help you make the right choice depending on your business and budget. Useproof classifies its pricing plans into two sets — Experiences and Pulse. Let us now explore each of the two sets of pricing plans.
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Want to send your visitor’s pulse into a frenzy? Try using one of the pulse plans depending on how much traffic your website gets. This classification made based on volume ensures that your site can afford this social media marketing tool and benefit from it.
Annual plan priced at $66 per month
Monthly plan priced at $79 per month
Ideal for websites having under 10,000 visitors
Annual plan priced at $108 per month
Monthly plan priced at $129 per month
Ideal for websites having 10,000 to 50,000 visitors
Annual plan priced at $166 per month
Monthly plan priced at $199 per month
Ideal for websites having 50,000 to 100,000 visitors
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Annual plan priced at $249 per month
Monthly plan priced at $299 per month
Ideal for websites having 100,000 to 300,000 visitors
Custom Pricing – Contact Useproof’s Sales Team
Ideal for websites with over 300,000 visitors
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Experiences is a set of three premium packages — Essentials, Growth, and Scale. Each of these packages is priced differently based on traffic volumes. Experiences packages are for affiliate marketers, influencers, and small businesses that wish to personalize user experience. With these packages, you can customize what different sets of users see, which lets you reduce the number of users that abandon carts or do not take a particular action.
Priced between $399 and $1299
Price-on-demand for websites with over 500,000 visitors
Allows up to 2 Users
Conversion Goals – 5 Max
Priced between $599 and $1599
Price-on-demand for websites with over 500,000 visitors
Allows up to 10 users
Conversion Goals – 15 Max
Unlimited users
Conversion Goals – Unlimited
By the way,Here is how you can
Power-up your Elementor Page Builder with Crocoblock
As we conclude this Useproof review, we would strongly recommend small businesses to invest in pulse. For those who run established businesses and eCommerce stores, using Experiences to personalize CTAs can add a whole new dimension to your website. Your online business can thrive only when you earn the trust of your prospective customers, and this social proof software helps you achieve that.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Fetcher Review: Best Accounting Software For Amazon Sellers|31 Days Free Trial
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If you are an online seller, then you know the difficulties that you encounter when it comes to tracking your sales and profits. Especially, when you are selling through Amazon, one of the most competitive and customer-centric online marketplaces. So, if you have been struggling with elaborate calculations and are looking for a More simplified solution, then hang on.
In this Fetcher review, we will elaborate on how this profit analytics solution simplifies your calculations. After all, with so many platforms to promote your products, calculating your profits is a lot more complicated than it used to be. Plus, there are other expenses that must be adjusted, such as selling commission, shipping costs, taxes, etc…  Things only get worse with returns, refunds, fluctuating commission rates, etc… which again needs to be deducted from the gross profits.
We know that none of it is easy, and if you really want to know your exact profits, you need to dig deeper. To do that, you need an advanced tool and that’s where Fetcher comes in. It is the best accounting software for Amazon sellers. So, if you’ve been spending hours trying to run calculations on Amazon Central or on spreadsheets, then it’s time to unleash the power of technology.
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The Fetcher-Jungle Scout Connection
Amazon product research is synonymous with Jungle Scout, which belongs to the same parent company as Fetcher. In fact, if you use Jungle Scout (which is far more expensive than Fetcher) you do get access to a feature called Sales Analytics. This feature is a bundled freebie that’s made available to Jungle Scout subscribers, without any additional cost. You can find close similarities between Fetcher and the Sales Analytics tool offered by Jungle Scout. So, if you are on a cost-reduction spree, then focus on these two during the free trial, and then decide which one to pick.
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Let us now explore some of the most powerful features that make Fetcher, the best accounting software for Amazon sellers.
Easy Set-up
When you sign-up with Fetcher, it takes less than a minute to link your Amazon Seller account and pull out the relevant data. The easiest way to do this is through Amazon’s API and as soon as you’ve done that, Fetcher starts pulling out the historical data.
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Fetcher thereafter continues to pull out all the recent updates, whether it’s regarding your inventory, shipping, or anything else. You can then use this data to analyze your profits for every product. The coolest thing about this tool is that it also sends you daily emails about your orders and profit so that you know how things are moving.
Know what’s working
Fetcher’s intuitive dashboard covers up all the key points, which helps you understand what’s working for you and what isn’t. These invaluable insights are provided on the basis of sales, units sold, current inventory, costs incurred, etc… Once you know the most profitable products, you can then invest more in those products.
Likewise, you can cut back on products that are not generating enough profits and reduce your overall costs. If you have stocked up too much of it, then you can reduce your storage costs by giving them away as freebies or giveaways. So, Fetcher lets you plan all of this and more through a single dashboard and that indeed makes it the best accounting software for Amazon sellers.
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Inventory Tracking
Once you know what’s working and what’s not, you get a fair idea of how often you need to source the various products.  Also, you need to evaluate whether it’s really worth the time and effort, because some products like apparel may have high sales, but equally high returns. So, before you place any orders to the manufacturers, you need to have detailed insights.
Fetcher provides useful insights that help prevent both overstocking and understocking. Now, this isn’t the easiest thing to do because you need to keep track of so many things — returns, refunds, damaged products and more.
Moreover, while understocking can lead to loss of opportunities, overstocking can push your product’s breakeven, farther away. That’s because if you overstock, you end up paying extra warehousing costs. Although this isn’t something that you expect from a profit analytics software, but Fetcher does provide insights that help keep track of your inventories.
Shipping Fee Calculation
One of the craziest things to calculate as an Amazon seller is your overall shipping costs. If you have been sourcing products from China, storing it in an FBA warehouse in New Jersey and selling it to someone in Dallas, then you know what this means. Again, you need to run calculations depending on the shipping options that you offer.
However, when you use Fetcher, there is little that you need to worry about, because Fetcher does the math for you and calculates the exact shipping cost, on a per-unit basis. What truly makes Fetcher the best accounting software for Amazon sellers is the fact that it also calculates re-shipping costs. Most Amazon sellers find it extremely difficult to calculate the exact profit of their products due to additional shipping costs incurred on returns, giveaways, etc…
Plus, without absolute clarity on the aggregate and individual product-wise shipping costs, you may end up in losses. So, unless you get this one straight, you really cannot calculate your exact profits for a certain batch of products. To make this easier, Fetcher fetches all the data that you need to calculate your profits. As Fetcher also runs the necessary calculations automatically, there is no need for you to worry about using formulae, as in the case of spreadsheets.
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Returns and Refunds
The two terms that most Amazon sellers dread are returns and refunds — these can kill your profits in no time. So, unless you calculate the loss incurred due to returns and refunds and all the costs associated with it, you are most likely to miscalculate your profits. In fact, the inability to manage these two unanticipated costs has ended several successful online selling businesses.
Currently, there are many sellers who refrain from selling products in categories with higher returns such as apparel and toys. We understand how complicated this can get and therefore recommend using Fetcher to help you calculate all the costs associated with returns and refunds — reshipping, refund commission, etc…
Promotional Expenses
With social media influencers at the forefront of promotional campaigns, you simply cannot ignore promotional activities such as contests and giveaways. Now, this involves several expenses — unit cost, shipping costs, campaign costs, etc… All of this may seem little, but unless you add it up and distribute the aggregate cost across a particular product category, you may not know your net profit. Fetcher helps you do this in less than a couple of minutes, which aids in the decision-making process.
Keep track of your PPC Campaigns
Are your PPC campaigns earning you the desired profits? Again, we stress on the word ‘profits’ and not sales because that’s where most Amazon sellers fail. As an Amazon seller, you probably sell multiple products — some of which are doing quite well and the rest that are not. So, while allocating your PPC budget, you must have this information to make an informed business decision. Now that’s exactly what Fetcher provides.
You can then use these insights to allocate most of your PPC budget towards products that are doing well. Also, you can pull out data regarding how much money you spent on each product, by distributing the overall PPC costs across that product category. Fetcher’s ability to pull out complex data and run intricate calculations makes it the best accounting software for Amazon sellers.
In this Fetcher review, we must admit that Fetcher isn’t just a profit analytics tool but also a profit maximization tool, when used correctly.
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As an Amazon Seller, you run through various phases, but the most challenging one is the initial phase when you are just starting off as an online seller. That’s when you have very few orders and need to closely monitor your costs. The makers of Fetcher completely understand that and have priced their plans accordingly. There are three pricing plans that Fetcher offers, and each one comes with a monthly ceiling, calculated on the number of orders per month.
Also, since the makers of Fetcher are confident that this is the best accounting software for any Amazon Seller, they do provide a 31-day no-strings-attached free trial. Yes, you are under no obligation to link your credit card, so you don’t have to buy a subscription if it doesn’t work for you. Let us now explore the three pricing plans offered by Fetcher, so that you can pick the right one.
Costs $19 per month
Monthly Orders Limit – 2500 orders
Costs $39 per month
Monthly Orders Limit – 5000 orders
Costs $99 per month
Monthly Orders Limit – Unlimited orders
Number of Accounts
No matter which pricing plan you choose, Fetcher lets you connect any number of Amazon seller accounts to it. This allows you to pull out your data from various marketplaces through a single Fetcher account. However, currently, Fetcher supports a limited number of Amazon marketplaces.
Marketplaces supported by Fetcher:
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United States
United Kingdom
Covers useful metrics
Data is the new oil, and without it, you cannot make effective business decisions. So, to help you take your online selling business to the next level, Fetcher puts together a significant amount of data through useful metrics. This includes product breakdown, product promotion costs, warehousing fees, PPC costs, and more.
With so much information at your fingertips, calculating your profit and loss becomes a whole lot easier. However, you don’t have to do that either, because Fetcher does that for you and shows you the exact profit and loss. You can find this in the Profit and Loss Statement on the left-hand side of the dashboard.
Besides the above mentioned features, Fetcher sends you daily email updates about your sales and profits. So, there is hardly anything that you would miss out on. This becomes a necessity for those who have several streams of online income. Also, it is ideal for those who travel often but need to keep track of their e-commerce stores.
What we truly like about this Amazon FBA tool is the fact that you can connect any number of Amazon seller accounts to a single Fetcher account.  So, if you sell in different marketplaces, then you can calculate your costs without spending on another Fetcher account.
In our opinion, this profit analytics tool is ideal for anyone selling on Amazon and struggling with numbers. Fetcher is exclusively designed to help Amazon sellers calculate their costs, at a granular level. Doing the same stuff on Amazon central can be quite a challenge. On the other hand, when you use Fetcher, all the data is pulled out and calculated automatically.
This automated process eliminates the possibility of human error, which may arise if you first pull out data and then run calculations. Once you connect your Amazon seller accounts to your Fetcher account, then the transfer of data happens automatically. So, you can regularly pull out data straight from your Amazon central dashboard and run calculations effortlessly.
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Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Landingi Review | The Ultimate Free Landing Page Creator
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Landing pages can make or break your digital marketing campaigns, and to increase your chances of success, you need a high-converting landing page that provides useful insights. A well-designed landing page can help generate more leads, increase conversions, and take you one step closer to your business goals. If you have in-house resources to do this, then you can save up a lot of money by designing your landing pages in-house. Also, you can further reduce your design costs by using landing page software like Landingi. To know more about this software, lets dive into this ultimate Landingi Review.
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If you are a small business that cannot spend on expensive landing page creators like Clickfunnels, then you could use one of the best free landing page creator – Landingi’s to design your landing pages. All Landingi pricing plans come with a free 14-day trial — the reason why we call it a best landing page builder. However, there are advanced plans offered by Landingi that more substantial more substantial businesses and digital marketing firms can rely on. Most importantly, Landingi is a landing page creator endorsed by Neil Patel, one of the most popular and successful Digital Marketers in the world. So, if you are looking for a best landing page builder that does not require any specialized skills and does the job well, then Landingi makes that possible.
What Is Landingi?  
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Landingi is a SaaS platform that is laser-focused on offering just one service — Landing Page Designing — and they do it exceptionally well. With a high-speed backend that runs on AWS, Landingi is a treat for WordPress users, who often deal with a frustratingly slow backend. Besides that, it eliminates the need to plan the necessary plugins and redirects. Also, to help businesses reduce the costs involved in designing landing pages, Landingi was created.
This marketing tool makes it extremely convenient for businesses and digital marketers to achieve their goals by enabling them to create highly converting landing pages. This landing page creator is extremely affordable and reasonably priced. It also offers a 14-day free trial period, without the need to list your credit cards. Now, this isn’t something that most SaaS products offer, so while Landingi is offering it, you better hurry up and grab it.
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The most exciting thing about Landingi is that the trial period comes without any restrictions, allowing the user to use and test all the features. That indeed makes it a best landing page software like none other. So, if you have limited coding and designing skills, then Landingi can help solve the problem by allowing you to create outstanding landing pages, squeeze pages and opt-in pages that come with a whole bunch of awesome features. Let us now dig deeper into some of the core features of Landingi.
Drag and Drop
Landingi is an extremely easy-to-use landing page software that allows you to drag and drop elements, either collectively or individually. The most striking thing about this landing page creator is the fact that it does not slow down like other free landing page builders. That’s primarily because Landingi runs on AWS, which is one of the most powerful cloud-computing platforms. Unlike other free landing page creators that fear to slow down upon offering the undo option, Landingi does not hold any such reservations. Instead, you can easily click on the undo button or press CTRL Z to undo your previous action. Also, Landingi allows the user to use the right-click function.
Paired Pages
While using Landingi to build your landing pages, there is no need to connect your Opt-in and your Thank You pages manually. If you use WordPress, then you know how painful it is to do this. You need to find plugins for every functionality that you wish to add to your landing pages, ensure that the plugins are compatible with each other and also with your theme and then finally ensure that the plugins do not contain malicious code. It is only then that you can start designing your landing pages and work on the necessary redirects to link them up.
On the other hand, if you use tools like LeadPages to build your landing pages, then you still have to pair the pages together. However, Landingi has many free and premium templates that eliminate this requirement as the Opt-in and Thank You pages are already paired together. So, while using Landingi, you don’t have to worry about redirecting to bridge pages or anything else.
Multi-Device Compatibility
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Ever had trouble creating landing pages that work on all devices? We know that’s a serious roadblock while designing landing pages. Also, it is something that you cannot skip for the sole reason that we live in the Mobile-First era. As a vast majority of traffic comes from mobile devices, your landing page needs to work well on mobile devices.
In fact, we would recommend that you also focus on making your landing pages compatible with tablets as a decent fraction of online users currently make use of tablets. Now that’s not convenient when you use other software for building landing pages and we know that. Therefore, we recommend Landingi, which eliminates the need to design 3 separate landing pages. By using Landingi, you can easily create highly customizable landing pages that can be adjusted by switching between the desktop view, mobile view and tablet view. So, you can easily resize the landing page in any of the 3 views. That means, you can design one landing page and then go ahead and adjust the elements until it is easy to read on that specific platform.
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Fully Customizable
Landingi allows you to create a completely new landing page or to fully customize a chosen template. If you are short on time or have basic designing skills, then it is strongly recommended that you make use of a template. Landingi offers several free and premium templates that you can use for your landing page. Also, you can fully customize the template by adding desired features to it. The coolest thing about searching for a landing page template on the Landingi dashboard is that you can search by keyword. So, depending on your industry, you can choose the one that has the look and feel that you want. Also, you can further classify the landing page templates based on the goal of your campaigns, such as event signup, newsletter signup or coupon download. Again, whichever template you choose, Landingini allows you to customize it completely.
Easy Integration
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Landingi, as we mentioned earlier, focuses solely on landing pages and does that pretty well. This best landing page builder comes with an easy-to-use in-built auto responder for follow-up emails. So, if you simply wish to send in an email to those who take action on your landing page, then Landingi’s in-built autoresponder should suffice. Conversely, if you want to execute more complex tasks then you may want to integrate your existing autoresponder such as Mailchimp or Aweber into Landingi. Doing this is extremely convenient as Landingi allows you to integrate 30+ mainstream autoresponders.
Split Testing
This landing page software allows you to easily split test different versions of your landing pages. This allows you to narrow down the one that’s performing the best. Running split tests on your landing pages is both practical and scientific when it comes to increasing your conversions. This, in turn, helps you earn more returns on your investments.
Undo and Right Click
You hardly come across a landing page builder that allows you to undo changes by using the Ctrl Z function. Landingi not only enables the Ctrl Z function but also enables the right-click function. Simple as it may seem, these two features that most computer users are accustomed to, make this SaaS solution easy to use and more convenient.
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Add scripts conveniently
Landingi allows you to easily add scripts such as Java code, HTML code and more to your landing pages. You can also use custom code like Pexels to keep track of your visitors and their actions. This helps you to further optimize your landing pages and increase the conversion rate. If you are an affiliate marketer, then you know that this could be a game-changer for your campaigns.
Other Features
Landingi allows the user to create highly optimized pages, that can be published with just a click. So, you need not run codes or have any knowledge of coding at all. Plus, all the images are optimized, and you can add-in other SEO elements such as meta content quite easily. So, you can both design and optimize the landing pages from a single dashboard. You can also download the Landingi WordPress plugin into your website, if that is how you prefer to publish your landing pages.
Landingi Pricing
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Landingi is a free landing page creator for the initial 14 days, which is the free trial period. However, after that, you would have to subscribe to one of their seven plans, which includes 4 plans for Businesses and 3 for agencies. The Business Plans offered by Landingi cost $11 for Basic, $29 for Core, $45 for Create and $59 for Automate. These are ideal for small businesses that run promotional campaigns and wish to build landing pages in-house.
The Basic Plan allows the subscriber to have 2 active landing pages and 1 custom domain. However, the Core, Create and Automate plans allow unlimited landing pages. Further, the Core Plan allows 5 custom domains, Create allows 10 custom domains and Automate allows 20 custom domains to be used. While you may use the Basic plan for up to 1000 visitors per month, Core and Create allows 100,000 visitors per month, and Automate allows 200,000 visitors per month. So, depending on the volume of business and your business goals, you may choose one of the 4 Business Plans offered by Landingi.
On the other hand, if you are a Digital Marketing Agency, then we recommend that you use the Consultant, Agency or Agency Pro plans offered by Landingi. The Consultant Plan is priced at $145, Agency at $149 and Agency Pro at $245 per month when you purchase an annual subscription. This allows you to create a landing page that runs on AWS and comes with a free SSL certificate. However, all the prices mentioned are monthly prices that are applicable only when you purchase the annual plans.
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Landingi is undoubtedly one of the fastest and most efficient free landing page creator, that offers reasonably priced premium plans, easy integration, free templates and several other useful features. All of this put together, greatly simplify designing and running promotional campaigns and is most ideal for small businesses. Nonetheless, remote digital marketing consultants and agencies can also largely benefit from the various features offered by this digital marketing tool.
Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
QuickBooks Review 2021: Get 40% Off On Small Businesses Plan
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Over the past decade, technology has outgrown and brought substantial changes in everyone’s lives. Especially for businesses, it has brought so many opportunities and advantages.
With every new innovation, businesses are evolving and polishing their process. A lot of software is already available to help companies streamline their workflow.
And Quickbooks Online is yet another fabulous addition. It’s incredible features and easy to use interface has made it the preferred choice of small businesses.
So , let’s know what exactly this software is, what are its features, and a lot more with clarity in the Quickbooks review post.
What is Quickbooks Online?
Quickbooks is a cloud-based online accounting software developed for big and small enterprises, freelance bookkeepers, and independent accounting firms. It offers robust tools for tax calculation, invoice management, tracking, and sales monitoring.
Quickbooks launched in 2002, and then Quickbooks Online followed 2 years later. Since its inception, the software has grown enormously and currently has more than 2.2 million users. It is one of the prominent names in the field of accounting and personal finance.
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The software offers a centralized dashboard to the users accessing which they can gain insights into the new business trends and organizational performance through KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
With some significant advancements and changes, Quickbooks is also getting updated with more amazing features which include, Project Management and invoicing tools.
Pros and Cons
While Quickbooks offers so many advanced features, the product is still lacking in some areas. Navigational difficulties, long support wait time, and semi-steep learning curve are some of the drawbacks that come along with this software.
Also, Quickbooks Online has again revised its prices, making it a difficult choice for some businesses.
But apart from these drawbacks, Quickbook has also several features that small businesses can look up to. Its inventory capabilities, strong reporting, customizable invoices, multiple currencies, and approx 600 integrations are enticing enough to go for it.
Except for all these features, Quickbooks also has a unique lending platform, Quickbooks Capital, and the latest add-on Quickbooks Live Bookkeeping that can be used to outsource bookkeeping tasks to Quickbooks online accounting experts.
And the best of all, despite having some minor navigational issues, the software is still easy to learn and use.
Quickbooks Online Features
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There are various plans of Quickbook Online, therefore features vary from plan to plan. A lot of deluxe features are reserve for the higher-priced plans. However, some common features are available in all the plans. Let’s have a look at them.
Cloud Accounting
Online Banking  
Multiple Users      
Time -tracking
1. Taxes This feature of Quickbooks Online lets you track the tax amount for all the sales that had made. With the sales tax owed option, you can easily track all the relevant sales, taxable sales, and the assessed tax amount.
Apart from that, you can also track the payments, due amount, and also add an unlimited sales tax rate according to your requirement.
Suppose, if you are creating a new invoice, then you can also add a new tax.
2. Expenses
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Expenses feature to allow you to manage all your vendors and their bills so that you only pay the due amount. You can also save your time by scheduling recurring payments.
In addition to these, you are also allowed to print checks, sort your expenses by date, vendor, or status.
Also Check : Is FreshBooks A Good Free QuickBooks Alternative? -FreshBooks Review 2021
3. Accounting
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The accounting section is the place where you can manage all your accounts, reconcile all your credit card and bank statements.
Currently, with the standard Quickbooks online plan, you can add up to 250 accounts. So, in case you want to add more accounts, you should go for the upgraded plans.
Also, the reconcile feature makes the reconciliation process very easy and painless.
4. Sales
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Using the sales feature, you can track your customers, post payments, and create a new invoice. You can also check the status of all the posted invoices, send a reminder for the due payment and also send the invoice link to your customers with an option of online payment. Overall, you can manage all customer information from the sales screen.
5. Report
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Quickbooks Online also enables you to see how your business is performing by generating customizable reports which can be categorized as,
Business Overview
Expenses and vendors
Sales Tax
What you owe
Who owe you
Sales and customers
For my accountant
After generating, you can save the report, access them in the future, send them to your mails and also export it to Microsoft Excel or as a PDF.
5. Banking
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The online banking integration feature of QuickBooks Online allows you to manage all your connected financial institutions, get an overview of each account, and auto-update your statements and transactions. Moreover, you can also connect additional accounts at any time as per your needs.
6. Employees The best feature of Quickbooks is you can track both your employees and contractors. Plus, you can also have complete control over the roles and permissions of your books. Easily invite the person you want to access your book and enjoy seamless collaboration.
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7. Support From bank feeds to product setup, Quickbooks online offers a variety of learning and support resources. Video Tutorials, training classes, and webinars are also available for free.
There is also an online Quickbooks community where you can ask your queries to the other users or even answer their questions based on your experience. Plus, you can also get the product support by directly connecting to an expert.
8. Time -tracking
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This feature allows you to track your employees’ time and billable hours by creating single time activities or time-sheets. You can easily access billable hours of your employees or clients and get them automatically added to your invoices.
However, if you create an activity that is separate from your project, then it will reflect under sales.
Quickbooks online is, no doubt, one of the best online accounting software for small and mid-sized businesses. It is easy to use, affordable, has all the features that an accounting solution should have. However, there are certain things to be aware of before choosing it for your business.
Quickbooks online plans limit the number of users. It means when you choose a plan, you need to have a clear idea of how many people will access the software. Also, remember that your accountants will be considered as a user.
If you are running multiple businesses, then you have to purchase different subscriptions. Quickbooks online don’t allow users to manage multiple businesses in one single subscription.
Once taken, you cannot upgrade the plan. So choose the Small Business plan if your business is growing or you think you might recruit an employee soon.
There is no mileage tracking tool in the Small Business plans, so if you need this functionality for your employees, you have to find an app that integrates with the system.
Pricing and Plans
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QuickBooks Online provides flexible subscription plans to help you make the most of your investment. It offers two plans, one for small businesses and another one is specially curated for accountants. Both are packaged in compliance with the numerous accounting resources you may need for your company.
Moreover, their subscription packages already include regular software updates to ensure that your platform is always in tiptop shape.
Currently, they are offering 30% Off on their small business plan. For more detailed information about the plans and pricing, check out the site.
Start your free trial Now!
Final Verdict
QuickBooks Online comes with a wide range of features and comprehensive accounting tools that small business owners need. The software offers an impressive number of integrations and amazing customer support that makes it a good option for small businesses.
However, many businesses may not be happy with the recent increase in their pricing, but overall the software is worth using.
Originally Posted On: SaasTrac
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Softwares, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product—the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
Demio Review – An Evergreen Webinar Platform | Sign Up for Free !
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Webinars are the most useful and complex method of product marketing. If you possess the relevant content and the right tools then you can host an excellent webinar that helps you gain the appropriate audience. Webinars are useful too,
Provide live demos of your products
Talk about the newly launched product or its features
Reach out to a large global audience
Discussion on customer feedback via live streaming webinars
And a lot more.
There are various reasons to host a webinar and make it a more engaging and fun-filled activity. But, before you start working on your webinar slide, it is important to choose the right webinar hosting platform that fulfills your requirements.
There are several options for webinars available for their ease of use and pricing. Some of these are exclusive webinar hosting providers while some are full-stack marketing automation tools. It is up to the marketer to decide on the requirements, the ease of use, and of course, the budget to set aside. And, one such emerging platform is DEMIO that offers all the evergreen features that are required in webinar hosting platforms.  
Some of them are,
Even Mobile Hosting – This is useful especially when the marketer is on the go. There may be situations when a webinar cannot be attended on your laptop, so in such a situation it becomes easy to attend a webinar using your mobile phone. Demio gives a great experience in viewing webinars on mobile platforms.
Interactivity – Demio ensures a powerful webinar hosting solution that lets you create and host successful highly interactive live webinars. Webinars are successful when there is an interactive two-way interaction between the webinar host and webinar audience. Great features like a live FAQ session and chat room increase the interactivity and engagement level in a webinar.
Scalability – The whole idea of scaling is to start with a handful of audiences and reach hundreds. The ultimate aim is to speak to a huge audience to add new users to your list quickly through live webinars. A cloud-based platform like Demio enables you to scale easily. You can just level up your game and upgrade your plan.
Easy Editing – A professional marketer may host webinars frequently. In such situations, working on new slides for every webinar may seem cumbersome. Here, the editing process comes in handy where you can make changes, add or minus slides to the previous webinar and create a whole new webinar presentation.
Record and Replay – Another important feature in a webinar solution is the ability to record and replay your previous webinars. When you host a webinar, some of your audience would not have been able to attend them and would wish to access the webinar later. In this situation, you can give an option to your viewers to watch your webinar whenever and wherever they can on demand. This way the webinar content can be stored and referred to later.
Track Engagement – A powerful in-built tracking system in a webinar is what makes it a better webinar hosting platform. You can measure your webinar analytics with this tracking system. You can measure your performance metrics like the number of people who attended, reach, the number of viewers who joined and left midway, number of likes and shares on your webinar, and many more.
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Demio Features Set
Join Webinar in a click
Attending a webinar has never been easy as you don’t need to install or download any software on Demio. It can be easily used with a single click. Just right-click on the browser or mobile app and it is good to go with a webinar.
Real-time HD Streaming
Demio webinars provide assured audio and video quality with HD streaming. Users can have a great experience with HD webinar streaming even when you chat or interact live, in real-time, and with zero disturbance or delay.
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Screen Sharing
Screen sharing is important when you want to share and demonstrate important slides. With Demio, screen sharing is easy and the best part being videos and audio slides can be shared directly without switching and continuously.
Branding on Slides
You can use your brand’s logo on your webinar slides and brand across all materials like registration page, slides, email notification landing pages, etc.
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Remarkable Registration Options
The registration page is the face of your brand and interested people will first reach the registration page. Demio builds amazing forms or pages easily in no time. You can even customize the registration pages or use the ones available.  
Auto-reminder Notifications
Your user won’t lose track of any scheduled webinar. Users who have registered for webinars are informed of the upcoming sessions. The reminder notifications can be customized as per your brand or event needs.
For interactive webinar sessions, the following elements can be performed on Demio,
Interactive polls with stats– Makes webinar more interactive and interesting with polls and gets insights and feedback on webinar effectiveness, customer satisfaction, and many more metrics from the attendees. The results act as social proof and your marketing tool for your next webinar.
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Launch Offers and CTA’s – Link your audience list with a freebie, offer coupon code, sign up page, or any other reward URL.
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Share Handouts and Gifts – Demio lets share and download important materials like white papers, ebooks, etc. as handouts and gifts for your audience.
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@Mentions and Gestures – This is the most popular way to get engaged with your audience with emojis and listen to their opinions with gestures and @mention other participants to make the webinar more interactive and add a slight personal touch to make the audience presence felt.
Bring Attendees to Stage – Demio lets the webinar make it extremely interactive by allowing the audience to become the presenter. You can give webcam and microphone access to your audience to come and speak in front of other audiences.
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Private or Public Chat
Demio’s real-time private and public chat feature lets you hold engaging, interactive, interesting, and informative chat sessions with the audience. You can clear your audience’s doubts in a chat session or make it a FAQ session at the end of the webinar.
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Replay and Record Pages
Demio records and adds your webinars automatically in the cloud for later use. Webinars can be downloaded in .MP4 format and can be shared with anyone, anywhere in the world.
Automated Webinars
Demio runs your webinars 100% automatically so that you may concentrate more on core elements and be present online for less time.
Analyze your Campaigns
Analytics, for any campaign, is the key to optimization. Demio is a browser-based platform that ensures your tracking and analytics are to the point. As a user, you can view your webinar performance and make improvements for much better results.
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Demio Integrations
Demio strictly meets the requirements of marketing and advertising verticals. The tool seamlessly integrates with other marketing automation tools. Demio integrates with Ontraport, InfusionSoft, ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, Drip, Aweber, MarketHero, and ConvertKit. It also has a full API with Zapier and is easy to use. This element enables Demio to integrate with a wide range of applications for easy utility.
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Demio Pricing
Demio has four pricing plans billed monthly or annually which is a good value for money. All Demio plans come with a 14-day free trial.
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Starter Plan – $34/month – Perfect for small business and solo entrepreneurs getting started with webinars.
Growth Plan – $69/month – Popular package with more tools, automated events, and custom branding.
Business Plan – $163/month – Ideal for growing companies that need bigger room sizes, and multiple hosts.
Premium Plan – Customized as per needs – Host engaging webinars with dedicated account support.
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1.Very simple and intuitive setup
2.Good audio and video quality
3.Good CTA and polling options to grab audience attention
4.Good entry-level plan
5.Support is good and helpful
1.Not way to help manage your questions and answers
2.Directs to website advertising page after a webinar ends
3.Higher level plans are not enticing enough
4.Hangs in between
Do Check Out,
Linkody Review | An Excellent Tool for Link Builders | 30 Day Free Trial
Wrapping Up
The key focus of any webinar is its content. Webinar hosting platforms can host webinars, live stream a webinar, create landing and registration pages, build a contact list, email, notifications, and perform many more activities.
Choosing the right webinar tool is critical. Demio saves your time, effort and is user-friendly. The automation abilities and the ease of features are used to make your webinar a success. Getting started with Demio is pretty easy, puts everything in order, offers smart integrations, and is entirely cloud-based. So, what else is required in a webinar solution? Give it a try and sign up today! Also, do share if anything is missed out that had to be mentioned…
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Originally Published On: SaasTrac
About The Author
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Software, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product — the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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saastrac · 3 years
SamCart Review | The Right Shopping Cart Solution | Try a 14-day Free Trial!
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If you are an avid Internet Entrepreneur then it is most likely that you pay attention to the shopping carts that people use. There are several platforms to sell your products online, but what suffices your requirement should be chosen among the best ones.
What is SamCart?
SamCart is one such high-end shopping cart for digital marketing professionals. It tends to be a simple, turnkey solution for marketers to sell their products online and generate professional-looking shopping carts. It also integrates with many known email service providers so that you may create high converting sales funnels.
SamCart is a web-based checkout stage that supports conversion-optimized checkout layouts alongside an order bump; one-click upsell, subscription, and installment plan abilities. With SamCart, you can easily run through and complete a checkout page within 30 minutes. It is very easy to use and perfect for marketers who would just set up their shopping cart with minimal fuss.
How SamCart Works?
Below are the basic steps that SamCart helps to sell your products online,
Add a product
Select the payment structure
Select the checkout template
Customize the checkout pages to match your site or brand
Add upsells,bumps,split-test,create coupons,etc.
SamCart Features
The biggest reason for SamCart’s steady growth is the vast features they offer that help online retailers make more money. Whether you run an online e-commerce business or sell any information products, SamCart features help you to make more money and have SamCart pay for it fairly.
One-Click Upsells
An upsell is a strategy that helps you increase the average order value. SamCart makes the process seamless by offering upsells where customers can buy your order in a single click. Upsells assist you to increase the overall value of your sale. You can customize your upsell pages to your liking and assign them to the main product. Customization includes upselling copy, adding videos, and other specifications of what you wish to see on your upsell page.
Check Out Pages
SamCart comprises 18 professionally designed templates that would surely push to convert customers. All templates have trust elements like testimonials, guarantees, security assurances, that give your customers the peace of mind they need to boost your conversions. You can choose a checkout page among the options and can easily customize it by changing the colors of the header, footer, buttons, fields, and custom bullet points to describe the product your customer is buying. All the pages are mobile responsive and also, they have a “sandbox” mode which gives you a preview that everything is working fine before going live.
Cross-Selling Bumps
Cross-Selling is a strategy to sell products that are related to a customer who already owns the product. This is as good as bundling. You can increase the profit and sale when you bundle the main product and the auxiliary products together.
One-Page Checkout
This unique feature allows you to add several different payment options to a single checkout page. The one-page checkout takes multiple payments to a whole new level because it keeps visitors on the same page while they decide how to pay.
A/B Testing
SamCart lets you run live split tests. It lets you change almost any setting you want, so you can test any variation that you feel is right. You can either change the template or remove some fields and more.
Once you have created some variations, SamCart automatically tests between your variations. You do not have to do anything manually until the results roll in. You can navigate to the “AB Test” section in the product’s settings to see how the variations perform. Once you can find a winner, SamCart allows you to easily disable the loser.
The only thing you cannot split-test with SamCart is your product’s price. But if required to do that then you will have to create two different products and run a test between those two products. When you run the A/B testing, you should first test the bigger details and then work down to the minute details.  
Subscription Saver
With SamCart, your subscriptions will be guarded against declined payments and expired credit cards. Whenever a payment fails, SamCart sends your customer an email on your behalf. The email has a link where customers can update the payment directly from their inbox.
If a customer is unable to update the payment information after several tries, SamCart automatically cancels their subscription. SamCart marks them as “delinquent” in your account so you know who they are and you do not try to reach out to these customers.
Affiliate Center
SamCart allows you to create your force of affiliates that will sell your products for you with the Affiliate Center. It automatically generates an Affiliate Signup page for you where others can apply to promote your products. You will get a link to this page, so you can send it out to potential affiliates, post it on your website, or send it out to your email list.
When any potential affiliate fills out your application, they will see a message that their account is a “pending approval” post which you will get a notification that they applied through email. You may choose to either approve or deny the applicant person’s application. You also have an option to automatically accept affiliates if you want. SamCart offers a default affiliate commission of 50%. However, you can customize this payout according to your requirement. You can pay your affiliates a flat rate commission or a percentage.
SamCart Integrations
SamCart allows users to sync with a bunch of tools, including email marketing automation, membership, and payment processing. Once you integrate your shopping cart with your email marketing autoresponder, SamCart will automatically add the customer to your email list. SamCart integrations for some email providers are:
Constant Contact
SamCart is also extended with membership site integrations. SamCart integrates with the following,
WishList Member
Post Affiliate Pro
Digital Access Pass
For users using marketing automation software, tracking tools, and other sales processing, the native integrations would be,
SamCart does not support any Webinar platform integrations which is unfortunate as many users wish to use Webinars to sell their products online.
SamCart is 100% legit and so millions of entrepreneurs and businesses rely on SamCart because of its efficiency and easy utility. The setup process is very easy and quick which allows businesses to spend more time on promoting and selling. The numerous attributes SamCart has made it a valuable tool for selling digital products and services.
SamCart Pricing
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SamCart offers four monthly pricing plans.
$49/month for the Launch Plan
$99/month for the Grow Plan
$199/month for the Scale Plan
$399/month for the Enterprise Plan
The SamCart Launch Plan is majorly opted by online entrepreneurs who are launching their first digital product or physical product. It does not suit subscription business owners or those who want the one-click upsell or payment plan features. These features are unlocked in the next Grow and Scale plans.
The SamCart Grow Plan includes elements that the Launch Plan lacks. It includes many features like customer management, subscription charge reminders, advanced subscription cancellations, and more.
The SamCart Scale Plan is available with Advanced SamCart’s features. It includes all the aspects available in the Launch and Grows plan along with their built-in dunning tool, their Affiliate Center, cart abandonment, built-in A B testing, CRM integrations, webhooks, and priority email & chat support.
The SamCart Enterprise Plan is designed for big companies. This plan provides you with a dedicated account manager, integration setup, and everything you need to get started quickly.
SamCart pricing has a free trial option and a money-back guarantee.
User-friendly platform to see physical or digital products
Incredible checkout experience
Sales funnel functionalities- checkout popups, order bumps, one-click upsells to increase order value
Advanced Stats reporting like Lifetime Value
Easy to create coupon codes
Knowledge base has training resources
Cart abandonment after checkout
A/B Split Testing for Landing page
Built-in Dunning system attempts to update your customer’s payment information upon product/service renewals
Money-back guarantee
Limited payment options- Stripe and PayPal    
No digital sales tax calculation built-in
The affiliate system does not have a tracking ID
Although a SamCart account is a robust monthly investment, undoubtedly it is a powerful platform for any internet marketer. Their easy-to-use interface (new drag & drop editor) allows you to design beautiful checkout pages that will separate you from your competitors. The free trial for 14 days is enough to see if their shopping cart software fits well with your online business!
Originally Published On: SaasTrac
About The Author
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Software, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product — the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space.
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