sabeekahxo · 11 months
وقف الزمان امامَها متحيراً والصبرُ من صبرِ العقيلةِ يعجبُ
Time stood before her, perplexed, and patience marvelled at the patience of al-AQilah (Zaynab as).
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sabeekahxo · 11 months
positivity is not...
... the absence of negative thoughts.
it's when you know that negative thoughts can leave just as they come into your mind. they don't need to stay.
you are capable of moving on. at your own pace. you are resilient enough ✨
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
Come See
In shame I have bowed my head The Master of Martyrs, I’ve yet to visit By Hussayn, I have lived and learned In the flame of his existence, I burn Yet his shrine remains unknown to me The birds above him are found more worthy His shrine is my home in these holy nights My heart is far and awaits his sacred invite A gathering of hearts is being hosted  I am left behind like a soldier wounded  I will sacrifice anything for this A whole lifetime of joy and bliss If it means my death on his holy road  Or my last breath at the gates of his holy dome If he is my master and I am his servant Then what kind of servant won’t he let visit? Yet I serve him because I know of his mercy And every year, he blesses me with his ceremonies So somehow even from afar, he let me in I came and saw the horrors done to his holy kin
Come see… come see… even if you have already What Karbala has done to the Prophet’s family
A young girl is paraded in desert and fear Above her is her father’s head on a spear She is in chains and is beaten So she looks at the heavens “O’ Zahraa, I have your bruises! Does this mean death toward me rushes?” She walks and speaks silently to her father Never looking at what is above her Her tears are quick to dry on the sand This sun’s heat is too much to withstand She silences her cries when they whip her She knows her aunt Zaynab is under pressure She holds her hijab tightly around her head “O’Father, come see what they did! O Father, come see me and let me see you By the right of Fatima, I want to come too”
Come see… come see… even if you have already What they did to Ruqaya and how she was set free
A woman in court is fierce and zealous Her voice alone will lift Khybar’s fortress Her hijab is her steel and iron armor You wouldn’t know if it was her or Haydar You wouldn’t know she had just been hit Or that her two sons were just martyred You won’t see her fall apart and crumble Her heart has held tight onto the firmest handle What is in her heart for her to remain steady? Her beloved Imam is beheaded mercilessly Her brothers, sons, and nephews, all killed But her voice is unshaken, breath uninterrupted In battle, she sits next to her Imam-breathless “O Allah please accept this sacrifice from us.” In Kufa, she reminds those with empty promises Of who her brother, mother, father, and grandfather is Of the greatest mistake to ever make And that is to leave Wilayah for comforts’ sake
Come see… come see… even if you have already How Zaynab is the reason for Hussayn’s victory
On the path to Hussayn, you will see a mother Who has no more sons left to offer Her entire motherhood thrived off martyrdom Her selfless Abbas is proof of her wisdom She saw the grace that comes with serving The honor that comes with death and suffering When she asks and begs, “What about Hussayn?” She confirms she gave everything before he is slain She ensures all that she had is now given Nothing is worth having if the Imam has fallen The woman who is a mother to no sons Will assist you in giving with no question The mother of Abbas is your teacher Her hijab is the flag her son raised higher Follow her and she will know your name In you, she will set the love of Hussayn aflame She will teach you his love should come first And that it is his thirst before your thirst
Come see… come see… even if you have already Who Ummul Baneen gave away to her Imam freely
The planes of Karbala have a crimson hue From the blood of Hussayn they create morning dew How has the world watched Hussayn fall thirsty? Near a river that begs for his forgiveness and mercy He prepares his women and children For a journey he knows won’t include him On the ground and ready to be slaughtered Is it his mother or his sister on the hill anchored “Is there no defender to defend our sanctity? Is there no one who will respond to me?” These words are for what we cry and wail And for why our tears will resist and prevail In his his farewell to those crying for water “Be patient and forbear my dear daughter” Bi Rabbil Ka’ba, his success is that of Ali’s And he takes his final breath knowing God sees His eyes on the tents and says, “O’ Allah, my family O’ Allah, don’t let them touch their holy bodies”
Come see… come see… even if you have already How they placed on a spear, the head of Hussayn Ibn Ali
All comfort is forsaken for the Imam’s victory If not, then in your regret lies your misery To be a bystander, a watcher, a forfeiter Who left my Imam and followed my own desire Is the worst hell and the worst prison Because how do you escape your actions? Karbala is now and there is war on truth God has already clarified it for our holy youth They know truth is on the side of the oppressed And it is they who will see that glowing success Whether or not you’ve made your path Wilayah It’s the path taking you to the freedom you’re after It’s the path your Imam has called you for The one he expects you to die for with fervor The Hussayn is here now and his Muslim has come Which of us made promises we have yet to back up? The Imam is waiting for our hearts to awaken So not one more sin or one more transgression This is it, we have all seen what happens When we sit with our hands in our laps
Come see… come see… even if you have already What holy slaughter takes place when we sit idly
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
having an old memory resurface or a trigger come up out of the blue sometimes doesn’t mean you’re not moving forward and moving on. it’s just a part of the process, and it likely won’t ever fully go away because it’s a part of you and your past. but you are still growing and healing.
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
*ﺍﻟﺴَّـــــــﻼَﻡُ ﻋَﻠَﻴــْــﻜُﻢ ﻭَﺭَﺣْﻤَﺔُ ﺍﻟﻠﻪِ ﻭَﺑَﺮَﻛـَـﺎﺗُﻪ.*
*"You can give a person Knowledge,but you can't make them think.Some people want to remain unchanged,only because the Truth requires change."*
*_"Self-confidence is important to both your physical health and your psychological well-being. When you believe in yourself you’re more likely to try new things, devote your time and energy to tasks that matter, make good lifestyle choices, and foster healthy relationships."_*...✍
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
this is a reminder...
...that all the negative thoughts that you have about yourself are equivalent to garbage.
throw them out. you don't need them in your journey. where you're going, there's no need for those thoughts.
release yourself from their hold. let yourself free. it's difficult but necessary. be free, be you ✨
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
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One who is in longing does not have an appetite for food, nor does he find pleasure in drink, nor does he find it agreeable to sleep, nor does he find comfort in the bosom of a friend, nor is he sheltered by an abode, nor is he settled in an edifice, nor is he covered by clothing, nor does his state show any stillness. He worships God, night and day, [anxiously] hoping to be able to reach that which he longs for, whispering with the tongue of his longing, expressing what lies in the depth of his heart. Just as God informed about Moses son of ‘Imran in his tryst with his Lord, by saying, “And I hurried on to You my Lord, that You may be pleased.” The Prophet (sawas) elaborates upon this condition [explaining] that he did not eat, nor drink, nor sleep. He did not desire anything of that in his coming and going for forty days, out of longing for his Lord.
Quoted from Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq (as) in Misbah al-Shari'ah
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
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The Prophet ﷺ talking about his wife,
Khadijah رضي الله عنها 🤍
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
“One day, Salman Farsi (ra) was sitting next to Imam Ali (as). Imam Ali (as) offered to show him his station in paradise. Salman agreed, and as Imam Ali (as) placed his hand on Salman’s face, the veils were lifted, and he was able to witness his high station. Then Imam Ali (as) offered to send Salman to paradise for a few moments, so he could physically experience that heaven. With tears in his eyes, Salman refused and said, “Oh Commander of the Faithful, I prefer to be in this world sitting next to you rather than being in that paradise separated from you!“”
— (via baynalharamain)
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
Netflix doesn't cost Rs. 499,
it costs you your time.
Pepsi doesn't cost Rs. 25,
it costs you your health.
Social media isn't free,
it costs you your focus.
There is always a hidden cost.
Remember the Golden Management quote:
"When something is free,
You are the product."
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
I think one of the most beautiful things in life is when you sit down and make genuine du'a to Allah and you can literally feel your heart finding ease. It's like the mountains of worries in your heart suddenly crumble- and you feel Allah personally taking your worries and saying "Whoever puts his trust in Allah; He will be enough for him." (65:3)
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
Mashhad looks so beautiful in Winter 🥺💛
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
getting older is great idk why there’s this lie that “omg as soon as you hit 25 ur life is over and ur old” like no you get older and gain wisdom and confidence and imo you get even better looking as you age, like you learn sooo so much and I still have SO much life left to live, there’s so much left to see in this life :o)
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
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“There is no tragedy like ours at Karbala, albeit the day of Saqifa and how the fire was set at the door of the Commander of the Faithful (AS). And the killing of Mohsin by kicking, is greater and worse because it is the origin of the Day of Torment.”
#ImamJafarSadiq (ع)
Bahjat Qalb al-Mustafa, Vol. 2, p. 532, Nawa’ib al-Duhar p.194. Al-Khasabi, Al-Hidaya al-Kubra, p. 417
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
stop forgiving people who continuously cross the boundaries you set. they’re testing the waters trying to see what they can get away with, finding out how hard they can push you. they want you to give in because they benefit from you not having strong boundaries. they know exactly what they’re doing; don’t tolerate their disrespect.
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
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If you´re searching for that one person that will change your like, take a look in the mirror.
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sabeekahxo · 2 years
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Be humble and never think you're better than anyone else, from dust you are and onto dust you shall return.
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