sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Sabka Dentist The Best Dental Clinic In Nerul ✓ Complete Dental Solutions ✓ Affordable Costs ✓ Rated Top Best Dentist In Nerul ✓ Dental Clinic Near Me
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Sabka Dentist The Best Dental Clinic In Nerul ✓ Complete Dental Solutions ✓ Affordable Costs ✓ Rated Top Best Dentist In Nerul ✓ Dental Clinic Near Me
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Clear teeth aligners | Best dentist in bangalore
Aligners are an advanced version of braces. Aligners have changed the perception of patients and modern dentistry
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
What are the pros and cons of Lingual Braces? | Dental surgeon near me
Traditional ceramic and metal braces are durable and versatile enough to be used in most cases. However, as people became more conscious about their appearance, there was an increasing need for aesthetic braces.
Lingual braces are essentially metallic braces stuck on the back or tongue side of teeth, making them less visible. However, unlike traditional metal braces, lingual braces are customized to fit each individual. Lingual braces are also suitable for a few cases that enable placement of brackets, making them case-specific braces.
Can Lingual Braces Treat an Overbite?
While anyone can wear metal and ceramic braces, lingual braces are recommended only in patients whose bite permits them. To wear lingual braces, individuals must have upper and lower bite relationships that accommodate braces. So, people with a deep vertical overbite may not be candidates for lingual braces as they will apply strong biting forces on the brackets, causing them to dislodge.
Results with Lingual Braces
Lingual braces are ideal for individuals who are conscious of their smile. Though earlier lingual braces had minor shortcomings, today, the success rate of orthodontic treatment with them is at par with that of traditional braces. To ensure precise and predictable treatment, lingual braces are fabricated using CAD/CAM machines and robotic wire-bending technology. The technology used in these braces is similar to traditional metallic braces, but the advanced technology gives the orthodontist more control over tooth movement.
Do Lingual Braces Take Longer?
Regardless of the type of braces you choose, orthodontic treatment takes time. But do lingual braces take longer to complete treatment? Compared to traditional metal braces, lingual braces may take slightly longer, depending upon the complexity of the case.
Impression making is a critical step in the case of lingual braces as they are custom fabricated due to the position of the premolars. Lingual orthodontics can be used for all malocclusions but may not be recommended for severe cases of deep bites and overjets due to the lack of space for brackets when the individual bites.
Top Advantages of Lingual Braces
Lingual braces have many advantages that make them a preferred choice for many people:
They are not visible unless someone looks carefully into your mouth. Many people delay their lingual braces treatment for an event or special occasion, but with these braces being well-hidden behind your teeth, you need not worry about them showing up.
Lingual braces are just as effective as traditional metal braces
They are strong and durable and can pull off several complex tooth movements.
Disadvantages of Lingual Braces
Lingual braces have several disadvantages, such as:
They are challenging to wear throughout treatment as they are close to the tongue. It is normal to experience speech problems, frequent tongue ulcers, and extreme discomfort with lingual braces.
Your periodic or monthly orthodontist appointment takes longer with lingual braces than with conventional ones.
Cleaning and oral hygiene maintenance are challenging and more complex with lingual braces. Though you can improve brushing and flossing with lingual braces, it is difficult and time-consuming.
Despite the cons of lingual braces, we can be hopeful that continued advancement in lingual orthodontics will eventually do away with these disadvantages.
Since the disadvantages of lingual braces are more than the benefits they offer, many people refuse to wear them. If you are looking for aesthetic braces that are as effective as conventional metal and ceramic braces, clear aligners are the best option!
Ready to get your dream smile with clear aligners? Reach out to Sabka Dentist for your orthodontist appointment and treatment with SD Align aligners!
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Sabka Dentist The Best Dental Clinic In Dombivli ✓ Complete Dental Solutions ✓ Affordable Costs ✓ Top Best Dentist In Dombivli ✓ Dental Clinic Near Me
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
We have treated more 10,20,000 patients over the last 10 years in our 100 clinics. The experience & expertise of our dentists is strengthened by our competence in data science, technology & managerial proficiency.
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Teeth Root Canal treatment RCT is done when the root area of the tooth gets decayed due to extensive bacteria development For more details call or visit now at Sabka Dentist Clinics
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
What are the Side effects of home teeth whitening kits?
Are you thinking about teeth whitening treatment? Well, it is a great technique that can improve the appearance of the teeth and enhances your smile. This simple procedure gives satisfying results. Today, everyone is conscious of oral health and hygiene. With that, there is significant awareness of appearance and beauty. If you have sparkling white teeth, then there is a great charm added to your personality. While teeth whitening procedures are excellent in achieving great results, there are a few side effects that you should know. In this blog, we will discuss a few side effects of home teeth whitening methods. Sensitive teeth may have discomfort.Are you having sensitive teeth? It means you experience pain while eating certain foods or drinks. If yes, then you have sensitive teeth. In Teeth whitening procedures bleaching solutions are applied to the surface of the teeth. You need to make sure that after using this method, there should not be an increase in sensitivity. If teeth whitening treatment increases sensitivity and pain, then it means the procedure is not suitable for you. You should never continue the method if you see these signs. Better, you should meet a dental expert and get proper whitening treatment. It will reduce the risk and increase comfort during the procedure. If there is a tingling sensationDo you feel a tingling sensation or a feeling like a mild electric shock after applying the teeth whitening method? If yes, then it is a warning sign. It means you have some side effects from the bleaching agent. If you experience a sensation after using a home tooth whitening kit, then immediately discontinue the use. You should meet the doctor and take a proper whitening treatment. Your doctor will take the necessary precautions while prescribing a teeth whitening procedure. It will not cause any harm to the teeth and achieve excellent results. Inflammation and bleedingWhen you undergo teeth whitening treatment, you should never experience bleeding or inflammation of the gums. If you feel that there is redness and tenderness in the gums, and you see traces of blood after brushing your teeth, then it is a warning sign. It means the whitening element is causing bruising and inflammation in the pulp of the teeth. There could be cracks or breakage in the teeth, which is causing a problem. You should stop the use of a whitening agent immediately if there is any irritation and burning sensation. It means the bleaching agent is very strong. It could cause permanent damage to the teeth. Sometimes, the teeth get a severe and irreversible impact. You should rush to the doctor immediately and get it treated. Once the inflammation is cured, your doctor will prescribe a suitable tooth whitening agent to you. If your stomach or throat hurtsHome teeth whitening kits may have cleaning agents that will irritate the nose, throat, and stomach. It can cause medical complications if you use it for a prolonged period. Doctors say that you should watch if there is any side effect of the home teeth whitening kit after 48 hours of usage. If you see any alarming signs, Then it is better to stop the usage of a teeth whitening kit and meet an expert for further guidance. You should not rely on home methods as far as possible. Always use whitening procedures prescribed by a qualified doctor. It is better for the teeth. These procedures will harm you and also provide ineffective results. The whitening effect will not last long, and you will have to repeat the procedure.
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Dental implant cost in india
Dental implants in a simple word is a replacement of the real tooth with an artificial tooth. It the treatment where the particular tooth is missing or lost due to accidents or injury, then the gap is filled with an artificial tooth.
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Sabka Dentist The Best Dental Clinic In Dombivli ✓ Complete Dental Solutions ✓ Affordable Costs ✓ Top Best Dentist In Dombivli ✓ Dental Clinic Near Me
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Aligners for teeth - https://sabkadentist.com/clear-aligners-what-will-be-costing/
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Sabka Dentist The Best Tooth Filling In Mumbai Near Me ✓ Complete Teeth Gap Filling Treatment ✓ Affordable Tooth Filling Cost ✓ Dental Filling In Mumbai
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Dental myths about dental braces
Everyone is conscious of their appearance. And we know that teeth play a critical role in it. Properly aligned teeth are a blessing for some people, and they’re fortunate. But everyone is not that fortunate.
Misaligned teeth hamper our personality and smile. In this case, we have to go to a cosmetic dentist. He is the person who knows the methods to align the teeth and make them presentable.
Dental braces are the major tool used for teeth alignment. As there is a drop in the dental braces price in general, more people undergo the treatment and correct their smiles.
Aligned teeth not only improve appearance but also have many health benefits. For example, oral hygiene improves significantly when the teeth get aligned. It is because the toothbrush reaches every corner and cleans the teeth properly.
Also, there is an improvement in speech and pronunciation when teeth get aligned.
Though the treatment of misaligned teeth using braces is simple and effective, still many people hesitate to undergo the treatment. It is because they get confused by various misconceptions prevailing about dental braces.
The fact is that all these misconceptions are just myths. Let’s understand a few of them.
Myth: Braces are painful and awkward
Even if dental braces become affordable, many people do not opt for them because they think it is uncomfortable and painful to wear braces. The mouth aches the entire day.
However, you will be surprised to know that you do not feel anything unusual while wearing braces. You forget them most of the time. They become a part of your life and daily routine.
Myth: Braces are suitable when you are a kid
Again, it is just a myth. The fact is that more than one-third of braces are used by people more than 18 years of age. As dental braces price is getting low every year, more adults are thinking about using them for teeth alignment.
Whether you are a kid or an adult, braces are just right for you if orthodontic treatment is required. Do not get embarrassed by your misaligned teeth anymore. Meet a specialist cosmic dental expert.
Myth: Braces are required for cosmetic reasons only
Do you think that braces are required only if the front teeth are misaligned because they are visible? No, you are mistaken. Indeed, the cosmetic benefits are more when you align the front teeth, but the alignment of the inner teeth is equally important.
Remember, aligned teeth are always healthy teeth. It is because your toothbrush would reach every corner of the mouth when the teeth are correctly aligned. You can floss them well.
Myth: Only when you want straight teeth, do you need braces
People use braces to align their teeth and make them straight. However, it is not only the reason you need braces. They are useful for treating crowded teeth when the gap is uneven or when there is no gap at all.
Braces can correct a range of complex problems and resolve several issues. Orthodontists treat several problems with the help of braces. You need to contact an expert and get the dental brace’s price.
Myth: Any dentist can provide braces
Dental treatment can be obtained from an expert but there are many different types of expertise. Braces are provided by Orthodontists. He is an expert that can align the teeth. You can contact the nearest orthodontist and learn more about the benefits of braces. You should call the doctor and request an appointment.
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
The dental implants cost in India is a little higher compared to the other types of treatments Get the dental implant treatment at affordable price For more details call or visit now at Sabka Dentist Clinics
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
With a team of best dentist in pune , you can get a quality Orthodontic treatment at Sabka dentist in a cost effective way ✓ Complete Orthodontic Treatment in Pune ✓ Affordable Orthodontic Treatment Cost at Pune
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
How to use a Dental Floss Efficiently
Gum infection starts at the gum line and in the spaces between teeth. Flossing on a daily basis is an important element of your oral health care regimen since it helps eliminate plaque from areas where a toothbrush can’t even reach. To brush those hard-to-reach spots, all you have to do is slide some thread through your teeth. While the concept is straightforward, there are a few methods to perfect in order to get the most out of your flossing routine. However, appropriate flossing skill is required to enjoy the full advantages.
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Before reaching for the floss, wash your hands because you’ll be putting your fingers in your mouth. In four easy stages, the American Oral Hygienists’ Union highlights the important principles of correct flossing technique:
1. Wind
Wrap 18 inches of floss around one hand’s middle finger or index finger, whatever you like, and a tiny portion through the other hand’s middle or index finger. (To use your middle finger frees up your index finger for floss manipulation.) That may seem excessive, but you’ll need that much to maintain a clear section in place as you advance from tooth to another. Hold the floss between your thumbs and index fingers, providing a 1 to 2 inch gap. Floss among upper teeth using your thumbs.
2. Guide
Among both your fingers, keep a 1 t 2 inch piece of floss taut. Floss between lower tooth contacts using your index fingers.
3. Glide
Using a zig-zag movement, gradually introduce floss between your teeth. Make sure the floss doesn’t break or “snap” between your teeth. Curve floss along the edge of the tooth, wrapping it in a C shape as you go.
4. Slide
Floss against the surface of the tooth and below the gums, ensuring to floss the rear side of each tooth. Unroll a new piece of floss through one hand’s finger while wrapping the used floss onto the other hand’s finger as you proceed from one tooth to another. Make a guide with your thumb.
This method works with any form of floss, including waxed, unwaxed, sponge floss, and oral tapes. The type of floss you use is a subject to individual choice as long as you follow the proper approach. There are many different sorts to pick from, and you can mix it up to fulfil your and your family ‘s requirements.
When flossing, your main objective should be to clean against each tooth as much as possible to minimize / remove plaque. You should be able to remove the food among your teeth without really considering about it as long as you continue to do this.
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sabkadentists-blog · 2 years
Root Canal treatment/ RCT is done when the root area of the tooth gets decayed due to extensive bacteria development. The dental expert will remove all the pulp area which gets infected and put the necessary suitable material in the area. The material will be biodegradable that can properly suit the dental area. It is possible to retain the tooth with RCT. 
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