sablemae98 · 5 years
i dont really… WANT… to leave tumblr. ive been here since 2011
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sablemae98 · 5 years
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sablemae98 · 5 years
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sablemae98 · 5 years
I just. I don’t like this view of “millennials vs Gen Z”. This is NOT supposed to be a competition of who got fucked over the most and who’s “actually fighting back”.
Millennials are fighting back just by surviving in a job market where the minimum wage doesn’t cover the living cost. Millennials are awesome at “killing” the diamond, golfing and napkins industries. Millennials are using the internet to make sure things that corporations want to keep in the dark are exposed. They’re open LGBTQIA-friendly business, they’re supporting each other with online donations so everyone can survive this shitty economy.
And the Gen Z kids? The Gen Z kids are rad. I remember a post about something like the millennials making a collective promise to never become a disenchanted generation that only criticizes the next one and I want to point out that this “millennials vs gen z” trend is trying to do exactly that: split us apart. Prevent millennials from being the older siblings that teach the younger siblings to throw a good punch and turn them into the annoyed adult complaining about “those kids” on their lawn. We are the two groups that grew in a connected world of information. We are two very unique generations.
I think that it’s our duty for us millennials, as a disrespected, underpaid, very angry generation to stand up by our younger siblings, and fight together the oppressive systems that brought us all to this point.
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sablemae98 · 5 years
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I am actually losing my mind over this
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sablemae98 · 5 years
I wanna make a podcast called “I Should Have a Podcast” where profoundly unfunny men pitch me their terrible podcast ideas and if they bring up serial killers or D&D, I get to taze them.
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sablemae98 · 5 years
There’s nothing punk, radical, or revolutionary about aphobia
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sablemae98 · 5 years
i… fucking… love…. wamen
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sablemae98 · 5 years
concept: all normal checkouts are replaced with self-checkouts but instead of losing their jobs the cashiers now get to sit on top of lifeguard chairs and periodically throw wine glasses at me like dracula while i buy my goods
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sablemae98 · 5 years
him: what that mouth do girl ?
me: speak 4 languages but none of them well
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sablemae98 · 5 years
You’re healing every time you
get out of bed because there’s something you’re excited about.
don’t think about people who left.
clean the clutter in the room and dishes in your sink.
smile at yourself and random people.
do something kind and out of the blue to make someone happy.
work out or meet with friends even though you have no energy to.
calm yourself down when your thoughts race.
remember to drink water.
don’t dwell on things you can’t control.
do things good for yourself, even though you have no motivation.
tell yourself that you’re growing from this, and you won’t feel like this forever.
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sablemae98 · 5 years
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sablemae98 · 5 years
Can you imagine being a dog and living in a house with your family and thinking life is all good and fine, minus when your family sometimes makes angry noises at you for reasons you can’t figure out, and you’re just enjoying life as a dog - chewing up shit, chasing squirrels, barreling around on the leash - and then one day Cesar Milan shows up to emotionally terrorize you
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sablemae98 · 5 years
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sablemae98 · 5 years
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sablemae98 · 5 years
Ok so this is a bit of a read but I’m over the moon excited.
A few months ago I was on eBay looking at killifish eggs and I came across a listing for a type of killi I’ve never seen in the US before. It was only 15$ and free shipping for 30+ eggs, so you can bet my cheap ass bought those immediately. And i figured if it was a scam, I was only out 15$.
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That’s the fish that made me risk it all 👆🏼 Anyways, the absolute latest date they were supposed to come was April 24th and of course, nothing came. I waited 2 weeks and still, nothing. So I emailed the guy and he apologized and gave me a refund. I was bummed but at least I wasn’t scammed.
Last week however!!!! The little dudes showed up!!! And they had come all the way from freaking RUSSIA. I checked the eggs and they all were eyed up! So I emailed the guy to let him know they came and they looked ready to hatch (even though they’re not supposed to be ready till August), and he told me to hatch them and to keep the money as an apology for them being late 😭
So Sunday night I put them in water and I woke up to 10 little wigglers!!!
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My little Russian dirt baby. They’re so obscenely tiny. A little guy is in the red and his egg shell is in blue. There’s still quite a few eyed up eggs in the peat so I’m drying them and rebagging tonight to try again in a few weeks. So yeah, a probable scam was a complete success and there’s a man in Russia who owns my heart.
Ordered some sketch rare fish eggs off eBay and even tho they arrived super late, I was able to hatch 10 little men.
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sablemae98 · 5 years
If you’re 18+ and you’re European today is most likely your voting day, so go vote ily!!
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