sabrinang · 3 years
Concept Pitch
‘Stamption’ (stamp station) is an interactive promenade activity which allow visitors to immerse themselves in the indigenous history of the site while taking away a souvenir in the form of a stamp. Digital elements including QR codes and AR technologies will be utilised to access hidden images and the stories behind.
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sabrinang · 3 years
Feasibility, Sustainability & Enduring Significance
The concept applies ‘light touch’ approach to endure sustainability, enabling to deliver in the next 1-3 years and fall within budget by reusing and repurposing existing timbers and materials. The timber will use to build the installations while the promenade will remain and repurpose nautical infrastructures and shipping materials to preserve the industrial and historic aesthetic.
My project can deliver on multiple occasions around Brisbane. With different stamp design based on the story or history behind the regions, people can have their Brisbane stamps collection. ‘Stamption’ is possible to withstand the test of time with the root of educating the aboriginal learnings to the public.
In terms of environmental sustainability, the body of the installations will reuse and repurpose old timber in Northshore. Each stamp installation will consist of a solar-powered LED light. The light charges during the day and automatically turns on at night, so that the installations are still readable and noticeable in the dark while the promenade will be lightened up as well, giving a glamorous river view at night.
In terms of economic sustainability, the QR code will direct to a website where visitor can choose to make donation on the donation page. Some of the profit will go to support and maintain the indigenous culture while the rest of them for installation maintenance.
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sabrinang · 3 years
Audience Engagement, Ethics and Diversity
Community engagement is a fundamental process to attract and involve stakeholders and communities’ opinion and participation. It offers an opportunity to start conversations between the place and the public (Hes & Hernandez-Santi, 2019). ‘Stamption’ aims to improve the diversity of audiences and increase visitation to Northshore with highly engaging interactions. Meanwhile, it aims to raise opportunity to the public to acknowledge and pay respect to the indigenous culture.
The demographic set from aged 12-65. This group of people are students, working adults and retiree who are in middle class, living in the hustle and bustle suburbs. The key stakeholders are the local community, local customers, government, sponsors, functional departments, competitors and vendors.
Target audiences are destination visitors who are locals, interstate or international visitors. The local visitors will be the Brisbane families, young professionals and empty nesters. They have a high sense of belonging as Queenslander and proud to share the beauty and history of Queensland with others. While the national and international visitors value cultural experiences and are looking for a destination that is ‘Instagrammable’ and ‘Top 10 things to do in Brisbane’. They follow the recommendations on the internet and are active on social media where they will share the place they have been to.
Hes, D., & Hernandez-Santin, C. (2019). Placemaking fundamentals for the built environment. Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9624-4
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sabrinang · 3 years
The combination of the industrial aesthetic promenade and interactive installations enable visitors to engage with and draw attention to Northshore’s distinctive features. Inspired by the Artforce Brisbane, I wanted to connect people to Northshore by adding art feature. A set of vertical stamp installations will place along the promenade, aiming to use collectable stamps to bring ingenious stories to the community creatively and innovatively.
Another inspiration from the creative QR codes at Miffy Exhibition, I wanted to adapt this idea for Northshore to create highly engaging user interactions. QR codes and AR technologies will be utilised to create an interactive journey, allowing visitors to access hidden images and the stories behind them.
Based on the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning, ‘Stamption’ provides highly engaging and encouraging interaction to the audiences with the focuses on story sharing, symbols & images, land links and community links. The design of the stamps and QR codes will feature unique motifs - symbols or images created by the aboriginals. The idea aims to educate aboriginal learning to the public in a more engaging way.
In order to encourage the visitor to visit or re-visit Northshore to engage with my project, the promenade would develop as an ‘instagrammable’ and relaxing place which surround by plenty of shade, seating and greenery. Northshore would be the best place for visitor to slow down their pace and enjoy the glamorous Northshore’s river view along the promenade.
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sabrinang · 3 years
Responds to the Site & Client Brief
In response to the site, the concept brings connection with Northshore and its indigenous culture to the public by activating the historical maritime wharves into an interactive promenade with a set of stamp installations along. Cultural and historical values will be added to Northshore through educating aboriginal learnings and the preservation of the nautical elements. 
’Stamption’ reflects the objectives, vision and brand of Northshore successfully. It is an expansive engagement that allows visitors to immerse themselves in a winding waterfront of adventure by walking along the promenade and discovering indigenous culture. Besides, it is a long-term development strategy and creates opportunities and spaces for tourism, creatvices arts and innovative enterprise.
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sabrinang · 3 years
Project Budget
Promenade landscaping costs:
Spray-on concrete footpath: $50-$75 per square metre (https://hipages.com.au/article/how_much_does_concreting_cost#How%20much%20does%20concrete%20cost?*)
New plants and retaining wall: $3,000 (https://www.localagentfinder.com.au/blog/guide-gardening-landscaping-costs/)
Planting new trees and shrubs: $3,500 (https://www.localagentfinder.com.au/blog/guide-gardening-landscaping-costs/)
Outdoor entertainment area for installations: $5,000 (https://www.localagentfinder.com.au/blog/guide-gardening-landscaping-costs/)
Stamp installation costs:
Dynamic QR codes: $14.65 USD per month (https://www.qr-code-generator.com/pricing/)
LED solar light: $12 per each (https://www.bunnings.com.au/arlec-black-led-solar-garden-path-light_p0181780)
Website costs:
Conversion-focused business website: $3,000 to $6,000 (https://www.webalive.com.au/website-cost/)
Website domain name: $50 per year (https://www.webalive.com.au/website-cost/)
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sabrinang · 3 years
Inspiration - Artforce Brisbane
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Artforce Brisbane is a community art project that allows local artists and residents of all ages to turn Brisbane’s traffic signal boxes into art, aiming to bring colourful stories of local communities to the street.
Inspired by this creative project, I wanted to connect people to Northshore by adding art feature. A set of vertical installations will place along the historical maritime wharves that enable visitors to interact with.
Lily, L. (2021). It started as an anti-graffiti initiative and now artists are lining up to make their mark in Brisbane streets. [Image]. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-19/qld-art-brisbane-drive-by-galleries-traffic-signal-boxes/100013696?fbclid=IwAR2bEUG7ACIFUB5JUTtHU3pirQ_UM00e6cSraYVVK6LKbKU4HU8IlXab5fM
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sabrinang · 3 years
Inspiration -  Miffy Exhibition, QUT Art Gallery
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Inspired by the creative QR codes at Miffy Exhibition, QUT Art Gallery, I wanted to adapt this idea for Northshore to create user interactions. QR codes and AR technologies will be utilised to create an interactive journey, allowing visitors to access hidden images and the stories behind them. 
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Based on the 8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning, 'Northshore Stamps’ creates highly engaging and encouraging interaction to the audiences with the focuses on story sharing, symbols & images, land links and community links. 
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The design of the QR codes will feature unique motifs - symbols or images created by the aboriginals. The idea aims to educate aboriginal learning to the public in a more engaging way.
QAGOMA. (n.d.). INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN ART. [Image]. https://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/learn/collection/indigenous-australia
QUT Art Museum. [@QUTArtMuseum]. (2020, November 26). Go on a ‘A day out with Miffy’ this weekend!. [Image attached] [Facebook]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/QUTArtMuseum/photos/pcb.10158542116881885/10158542114471885/
8 Ways of Aboriginal Learning. (n.d.). https://www.8ways.online/ 
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sabrinang · 3 years
Relevant Theories
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System thinking is an approach to analysis the deep roots of complex behaviours or problems in order to predict and adjust the outcomes precisely (Arnold & Wade, 2015).
Interconnectedness, everything is reliant upon something else and often a complex array of other things to survive (Leyla, 2017). It helps to start thinking of the purpose of the project, story that the project is going to tell and how it can connect Northshore, the Brisbane River and the indigenous culture together.
Feedback loops, to observe, understand and intervene through reinforcing and balancing the loops (Leyla, 2017). It helps to reflect the idea and modify the concept of the project.
Causality, a cause and effect concept which helps understanding the way things influences another, and often results in a new thing (Leyla, 2017). It helps to think of how to engage visitor to visit or re-visit Northshore and the project.
Arnold, R., & Wade, J. (2015). A Definition of Systems Thinking: A Systems Approach. Procedia Computer Science, 44, 669–678.  https://www-sciencedirect-com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/science/article/pii/S1877050915002860?via%3Dihub#bibl0005
Leyla, A. (2017). Tools for Systems Thinkers: The Six Fundamental Concepts of Systems Thinking https://medium.com/disruptive-design/tools-for-systems-thinkers-the-6-fundamental-concepts-of-systems-thinking-379cdac3dc6a 
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sabrinang · 3 years
Brief History of Northshore
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Northshore was known as ‘Mooroo-mooroolbin’ or ‘long nose’ or ‘Hamilton sandbank’ once consisted of sandbank, river and swamp. Aboriginal people resided near the banks of the river opposite a large sandbank where they can get rich supply of natural resources. The indigenous community also made good use of the geographical features, crossing the river at low tide as pathways. (Sophie, n.d.)
Sophie, M. (n.d.). KKB285 Creative Enterprise Studio 2: Hamilton Wharves History - Northshore. https://blackboard.qut.edu.au/bbcswebdav/pid-8894449-dt-content-rid-37620078_1/courses/KKB285_21se1/Northshore%20History%281%29.pdf
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sabrinang · 3 years
Concept Inspiration - Eki Stamp
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Rubber train station stamps, known as eki stamps, is a free collectible rubber ink stamp which is found at many train stations in Japan. It features unique motifs of the station’s surrounding area. The stamp acts as a souvenir for customers, tourists and railway enthusiasts of their railway trips.
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There is a stamp collection book for people to collect the stamps while a stack of loose papers are on every train station for people to use for stamping.
I wanted to adapt the stamp collection idea for Northshore, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the indigenous history of the site while taking away a souvenir in the form of a stamp.
Claire, V. (2016). The Design Nostalgia of Japan’s Train Station Stamps. [Image]. https://hyperallergic.com/249783/the-design-nostalgia-of-japans-train-station-stamps/
Hugh, D. (2020). Japanese Seasonal Play A Prehistory of Pokémon GO. [Image]. https://www.journalofplay.org/sites/www.journalofplay.org/files/pdf-articles/12-3-Article-3-Japanese-seasonal-play.pdf 
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sabrinang · 3 years
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sabrinang · 3 years
Inspirations - Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong
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Avenue of Stars is one of Hong Kong’s iconic sights along the waterfront of Tsim Sha Tsui. It is located next to the historic harbour and is a place that people can overlook the glamorous and luxurious harbour view. It was originally modelled on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame, with celebrity handprints and bronze statues of celebrities to honour important figures in Hong Kong’s film industry. It is also a celebration of the city’s artistic offerings and elemental aesthetics. (Hong Kong Tatler, 2019)
The site has plenty of shade and seating with lush greenery around. These facilities and elements are what Northshore is lacking of which I wanted to include them along the wharves, so that people can enjoy walking along the wharves even under the sunny weather.
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To allow visitors engaging the story and vision behind the site, the site has included digital elements such as QR codes and augmented reality technology to create interactive experience for visitors. They can access biographies of artists and watch clips from their films by scanning QR codes on the handprints and statues with their smartphones.
It inspired me to utilise these digital elements (QR code and AR technology) to create interaction while acknowledging people the historical stories behind Northshore. People can also access the hidden images throughout the walking journey along the wharves.
Hong Kong Tatler. (2019). 5 Things To Know About The New And Improved Avenue Of The Stars. https://hk.asiatatler.com/life/5-things-to-know-about-new-and-improved-avenue-of-the-stars
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sabrinang · 3 years
Inspirations - Instagram Pier in Hong Kong
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‘Instagram Pier’ is a public cargo pier located on the waterfront of Sai Wan, Hong Kong. It is well-known by the public because of its unique open views of Hong Kong’s skyline. Originally a container terminal, industrial elements such as cargo dock and bamboo poles have become a popular attraction and location for photographers and Instagram users.
The pier locates far from the busy city district, but due to the train station opened up nearby, it became more accessible. It reflects that transportation is one of the important key to attract more people to visit the site. If Northshore is more accessible, people would more willing to come over even on weekdays. 
I think the maritime wharves has potential to attract people looking for photo opportunities and people living in the neighbourhoods.
Olivier, L. (2017). Sunset and Selfies: Welcome to Hong Kong's Instagram Pier. TIME. https://time.com/4687692/instagram-pier/ 
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sabrinang · 3 years
Case study - Barangaroo
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‘Arrivals and Departures’ was a public art project developed by Esem Projects in 2015 at Barangaroo, Sydney. The installation was to celebrate and acknowledge the maritime history of the area as a working port by using creative arts practice to combine heritage interpretation and digital design to tell stories to the local (Sarah, 2018).
The concept of using physical shipping containers is very inspiring. Inside the containers, they displayed and projected a collection of historical documentary films and photos. It interpreted the complex social, industrial and environmental history of the site as a maritime precinct. I think it is a great idea to reach out to the audiences who are interested in artistic installation while giving an opportunity to engage a wide range of audiences to immerse themselves in the maritime history for the first time.
Esem Projects. (n.d.). Esem Projects created an art installation entitled Arrivals & Departures for the October Barangaroo Welcome Celebration at Barangaroo Reserve. [Photograph]. https://www.esemprojects.com/project/arrivals-departures/
Sarah, B. (2018). Creative placemaking: Arrivals and departures. https://www-taylorfrancis-com.ezp01.library.qut.edu.au/chapters/arrivals-departures-sarah-barns/e/10.4324/9781315104607-5
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sabrinang · 3 years
Brainstorming ideas
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My idea is to activate the historical maritime wharves into an impactful and historical ‘Northshore promenade’. The idea was inspired by the indigenous community using the natural low-lying river crossings as pathways in the past. Instead of river crossing, I want to embed the idea of ‘walking along the river’ by redeveloping the maritime wharves.
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The Northshore maritime wharves have a strong industrial and historical aesthetic which I want to preserve by keeping the infrastructures such as speed bump, marine fender, pipes, cargo docks and cargo ship if possible.
During the site visit, I observed that the wharves area was the first area I could see when I was traveling by ferry to Northshore. I think first impression is important since it gives expectation to people of how Northshore looks like. Having an impactful overview can show the characteristic of Northshore before arriving and create a sense of relationship between the Northshore and the Brisbane river.
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sabrinang · 3 years
Northshore Map
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Long distance walking from the Shed to the Tank, no shade and greenery around the area.
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