sabrinaribenaa-blog · 7 years
honestly so fucking sick of specific men thinking they are so superior to women. The way my housemates talk about women disgusts me and angers me and I cant seem to get down to the bottom of why feminism doesnt effect them and why this topic bothers me so much. I was literally just reading up on feminism articles on tumblr because it interested me and my housemate looked up ‘ anti feminist jokes’ on his phone. its extremely petty and immature and rises me so much im trying to stay calm but it really just gets on my nerves . If i was any other girl, hotter, had bigger tits, i know for a fact they would agree with me to try and get in my pants ive seen this happen before and it pisses me off. I cant say they are wrong in some of the things we argue about. Women wearing minimal clothing for male attention can be correct in some circumstances but it does not apply in all . Im so sick of watching tv shows with attractive women and hearing ‘ ah im only watching this because shes hot ‘ or some smart comment on what she is wearing. im just as attracted to girls as everyone in the room but I dont feel the need to comment on how hot they are just because my self esteem is so low and deep down they comment on them because they know its the type of girl they will never get. stop! sexually!objectifying! women! 
I just want to educate stupid misognyistic men about the topic so much more but i feel like i dont know enough myself and thats why im trying to learn  more about it . I dont want to argue i want to educate
#feminist #misogyny
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