saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
I'm not a good person.
Which I guess is sort of my round about way of apologizing for earlier.
It's knee jerk for me to be upset about non-con described in a way outside of "wow rape is disgusting". I tend to avoid fanfiction because of this, since non-con is such a pervasive genre within, and sometimes prompts suggest describing a non-con situation. And I sort of realize people do this without really thinking about it, because there honestly is no such thing in a rape situation where the person just suddenly turns around and says, "Hey, I like this." In fact, for those of us who are raped and do unintentionally feel pleasure, it's horrifying and traumatizing in a different way.
So I dunno. I was informed nothing was posted of that nature but I guess the stuff before hand sort of got to me. I'm prone to misunderstandings, so I guess seeing it described as something "legit" threw me off... and seeing "they say no but you'll make them say yes~" really hurt me. I'm still trying to recover from my trauma. It's been like,12 years since and it still feels way too real sometimes. I dunno.
i guess i'm sorry for being sensitive. i'm sorta stupid like that, I dunno.
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
[[ hahahahahaha. triggers. ]]
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
[[ Reorganizing my room is a pain in the ass ugghhghghgh. -stares at pile of replies I have to get to- ]]
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
Kirby, Left 4 Dead
Kirby: Something that you think is really cute.
"When Lord Zhou Yu smiiiiles~"
[[ I've already used the weenie dog walking with the military. About 98% of my time I find everything my OTP does cute but since it's not fandom it's not worth sharing because HAHAHA CHELS FINDS HER OWN STUFF CUTE HOW STUPIDDD. ]]
Left 4 Dead: Favorite weapon of choice in a zombie invasion.
"Z-Zombies...? Ugh all these weird words! I guess my fans would work. Nothing can beat my fans!"
[[ I actually have a large detailed plan with my sister should a zombie apocalypse come. Shotgun, though. ]]
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
((Earthbound, Yume Nikki, The World Ends With You (could be answered by either Mun, Muse or both. .u. ) ))
Earthbound: Has a video game ever made you cry before?
"Wh-... What's a vih-dee-oh game?"
[[ Heh. Too many games have actually made me cry. Bioshock made me cry, Fallout 3 made me cry, any scary game has made me cry (in fear), Final Fantasy X made me cry... etc ]]
Yume Nikki: Do you keep a journal of your dreams/nightmares?
"Nuh uh! I'm not so good with keeping up journals... I get distracted..." She kicks away another abandoned journal to a pile of others that have doodles and hearts with names in them.
[[ I do. Therapist's orders. It's been really good for my mind though. ]]
The World Ends With You: What do you value the most?
"My Lord Zhou Yu... and my sister, of course."
[[ My sister, my friends, and my original OTP. nngg they are my life.
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
Reblog if you're thankful for your followers.
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
Send me a video game in my ask and I'll answer!
American Mcgee's Alice: Something you like to think of when you're feeling troubled.
Amnesia TDD: Something you'd like to forget.
Assassin's Creed: Something about history you find interesting.
Bioshock: If you could live underwater and become famous, what occupation would you take up?
Cave Story: Tell about a misunderstanding you once had with someone.
Dance Dance Revolution: Go to iTunes, turn on shuffle and give me the first 6 songs you get.
Dante's Inferno: Have you ever lost someone close to you?
Deus Ex: A piece of technology you'd like to see created/improved upon in the future.
Earthbound: Has a video game ever made you cry before?
Ib: Have you ever met a friend in an unlikely place?
Journey: A destination you'd like to visit one day.
Kingdom Hearts: Favorite Disney character?
Kirby: Something that you think is really cute.
Left 4 Dead: Favorite weapon of choice in a zombie invasion.
Lost In Blue: Have you ever felt lost before?
Mabinogi: Tell us something you're really good at!
Mad Father: Something your mother does that you really appreciate.
Mario Bros: Tell us about your best friend.
Mass Effect: Ever had to make a difficult decision?
Minecraft: A type of landscape you most prefer.
NiGHTS: Tell about a dream you recently had.
Okami: Your favorite story from mythology.
Pokemon: Favorite animal?
Portal: Something you like that has to do with science.
Silent Hill: Name 3 fears/phobias.
Slender: Do you believe in urban legends?
Tales Runner: Favorite children's book/story?
Team Fortress 2: Your favorite hat or an accessory you like to wear a lot.
The Darkness 2: Do you believe some things are harder to let go than others?
Yume Nikki: Do you keep a journal of your dreams/nightmares?
Persona: What your real self is life?
The World Ends With You: What do you value the most?
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
Xiaoqiao found herself leaning back, her lips pursed as her eyes narrowed as he voiced his impertinence. Though, perhaps, she should have expected it. He was as stubborn as his father after all. She waved her arms dismissively at him.
"Ugh you're such a child," she announced with much nonchalance. "You're as terrible as your father."
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  … Was she daft? Did she really expect him to apologize? Now, there was a first. Though, he was amused that she had the nerve to speak like that to him: Cao Pi, successor to the Hero of Chaos.
But who said anything that he had to apologize?
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"Well, was that all? Very well, I am not sorry for what we certainly did to you or your sister."
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
Standing at the precipice between the nightstand and the ground, Xiaoqiao frowned at the obvious quandary laid before her. It was already difficult enough climbing this far, how was she ever going to get down? Oh why had she suddenly gotten so small? This was ridiculous.
A distressed noise escaped her lips as she began to pace back and forth, considering her options. She could possibly find a way to anchor herself down but... that could go wrong in a billion ways. Was there a way to climb down? There were a few footholds but if she slipped just once...
A cold chill ran through her and she swallowed. Nope... nopenopenopenope.
Another distressed noise escaped her lips, and with a large intake of breath, Xiao Qiao emptied her lungs with a loud and piercing cry. "Can someone please help me?!"
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
She canted her head to the left, a mischievous grin spreading across her lips. "Well we are from opposites sides, aren't we? It's sort of... proper to go about fighting your perceived enemy but..." A small, faint giggle escaped past her lips. "You've been sort of sweet so I don't really feel like hurting you. Heheh -- besides, it would be dumb for a girl to strike you alone in Wei territory."
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"Hm~ Well, if you're getting ill then I'll have to help you, won't I?" She crosses her arms and a very rare and very stern expression crosses her countenance. "Green tea settles the stomach. Can I make you some?"
saccharine-edge started following you
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
(Omg its an Xiao Qiao!!! awws she one of my really is cute girl~♥ although i just got on to see it. you make an good Xiao Qiao. ^^ )
[[ oh my thank you so, so much! I was scared of not being able to do her justice but thank youuu~ I'm so glad you like it. ]]
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
[[♥ gurl]]
[[ Guuurlll...
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
There it was. That smile. She felt the immediate tingles traveling haphazardly up and down her spine, and she rolled her shoulders into the sensation, reveling in it. There was no better sight than seeing Zhou Yu happy, and not just happy, but happy because of what she had done. There was pride to be garnered from such things, and his beaming was like the greatest of rewards in a long line of tireless efforts. What a blessed girl was she.
"Well I've been handling it, Lord Zhou Yu!" she bleated, her eyes gleaming with delight. "Aren't you proud of me?"
Xiaoqiao leaned forward again, relaxing her body against his as she nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck. There was nothing better than just basking in the closeness of him: to smell fresh soaps and bits of parchment in his scent, or to feel the softness of his skin as she brushed her pale lips once or twice across his taut flesh. It was these little things she loved most about her time with Zhou Yu, time enough to catalog every detail and lock it away into precious memory.
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The Beautiful Marigold
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
Send Me A "♥" If You Like My Blog.
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
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I really love to draw them and draw too much am I XDD I sketched this even not over then 10 min LOL
I haven’t finish yet but I wanna to show is that you asked me to draw ?
I will finish this after my lunch XDDDD
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
if u want quality smut, Habbo Hotel is the only answer
[[ yah ok ty i wil do dat. dat is qualty advis. ]]
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saccharine-edge-blog · 11 years
down for the booty. i want the booty. hunting the booty. chasing the booty. casing the booty. getting the booty. beautiful booty. smoking booty. talk to the booty. more booty... FINE booty
Xiaoqiao raises her eyebrow, looking behind her as she begins to spin around to catch a glimpse at said "fine booty."
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