sacrialege-archive · 9 months
hi we're still a wip but we're archived!! @sacrialege
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
hi we're still a wip but we're archived!! @sacrialege
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
u guys know how much info is in my character's docs pages so...... do we want to move that info over to the carrd completely or just link back to their current doc pages?
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
should we keep verona, bride of dracula?
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
women with fangs!!!!
women!!!!! women with knives!!!!! women with guns!!!!! women who commit acts of violence!!!!
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
"Have you been up all night?" ( for Richard from Zoe @insomniiatic)
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Already, it had been a long fucking day. It was barely 5:00AM, of course, but Richard had just recently gotten home. He's sitting at the kitchen table with a big, steaming cup of coffee in his hand—knuckles raw and bloody—and a tired smile is aimed Zoe's way when she snaps him out of his foggy thoughts. "Yeah," Richard answers with a sigh, and then all of a sudden his eyes crinkle with worry, and his brows furrow. "Ah, shit... Did I wake ya? —Rosie still down?"
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
Louis' eyes seem to soften as soon as her scent hits him. He recognizes something in it, something that hints at familiarity. In just a single second Louis decides that she will be no prey or pawn in his game; but he is still curious, and that often meant danger in different ways. "You need not apologize…" Louis smiles at her, then, seeming a little more relaxed than he had been, and he's careless in the way he turns from her to settle his back against a tree with a sigh, like the space was made for him. His hands busy themselves with the feel of the earth beneath his palms, but his attention is all on her. "Perhaps I was a bit... quick to judge. — What are you seeking from my woods, then, if you are not lost?"
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if hope was to admit to a fault, it would be her overwhelming confidence in her power as the tribrid. it's perhaps that overconfidence that leads her into the situations she finds herself, like this one. really she hadn't thought much of running into someone, her assumption being these woods empty or abandoned. her intent had been to run in her wolf form in an attempt to chase off the anger and tension sitting on her shoulders.
she can feel it, the non-human aura that surrounds him. age accompanies him like a second skin, carried in his eyes. there is an air of familiarity in him, a reminder of the family that remains. "no, not lost." she feels more at home in the woods than in any city, though she's sure that has something to do with spending most of her childhood in the bayous of louisiana. "sorry about private property— i didn't know."
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
'IT'S JUST MYSELF TALKING TO MYSELF ABOUT MYSELF,' jack sparrow + verona, SCREAMIGNGGGG IDK WHY i thot of this dynamic but bye
"Oh, of course," Verona says with a fanged smile as if it's the most common of things to say. She seems to understand. "So long as you've solved your dilemma." She shrugs, as if she, too, has taken advice from herself. There are worse people to give advice, after all.
Verona laughs suddenly, seeming to dance softly over to Jack, feet hovering inches above the ground. When she stops in front of him, she rather dramatically drapes herself across his lap, the glass of liquor in her hand managing to remain unspilt; shown out to him in offering. The clawed fingertips if her free hand smooth through the hair at the back of his head, lips pursed as if she is lost in thought, some faraway yearning. "Is it fun, sailing?" she suddenly asks, "It's so rare for us to go. Something about traveling with a coffin of dirt. — Tell me, Jack, do you have space for a coffin on your ship?"
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
"Oh, is that what would happen?" Vincenzo asks, a warm, eager smile against his lips. It's clear she the challenge excites him. With raised eyebrows and a barely-there caution, Vincenzo makes a show of slowly moving his finger from the trigger and pointing the gun away from them both before absently tossing it a few feet beside him, all while his eyes never leave her own. He makes a come hither motion with his fingers. "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, sweetheart?"
Open to: anyone (m preferable), mutuals and non mutuals
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“Honey, put the gun down. I don't particularly enjoy having it pointed at me, and we don't want you to get hurt.” She said in a sweet tone, her head held high, showing no fear. If it came to it, she had other ways to convince them.
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   …
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how .
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings , or bracelet , etc .
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ’ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something .  feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts for muses who just love to flirt. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary) 
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"Let me distract you."
"Let's misbehave."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."
"I'm putting you on my to-do list."
"I'd look good on you."
"Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."
"Do you have a name or can I just call you mine?"
"I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?"
"You're even more beautiful than yesterday."
"Shouldn't you be in my bed?"
"Trouble never looked so goddamn fine."
"You're a bad idea, but I like bad ideas."
"Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension."
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
"You're a shy little thing, aren't you?"
"Let's flip coins. Head, I'm yours. Tails, you're mine."
"Smile is the second best thing you can do with your lips."
"Your lips would look so much better on mine."
"You know we should save some water, shower together."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel."
"I'll do anything for a woman with a knife."
"The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me."
"I just want you to be happy! And perhaps a little bit naked."
"I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours."
"Are you cake? 'Cause I want a piece of that."
"Your shirt has to go, but you can stay."
"You owe me a drink because when I saw you I dropped mine."
"You must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day."
"Maybe making out for a few minutes would help us figure things out."
"Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you."
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
but a cute supernatural-y sort of plot where one muse is a regular person who is trying desperately to prove that the supernatural exist - phone recording everything, going out late at night into their small town’s too-big forest, pulling all-nighters for research, maybe going so far as dabbling in blood rituals - and the other muse is some supernatural creature trying desperately to keep them safe. they’ve known each other for a short while - a ran into b in that forest after they fed, perhaps ? - and a has clung to them since. and the more a whacks the hornet’s nest with their big stick ( so to speak ), catching the attention and aggravation of much more powerful beings, b is now caught up in feelings ( romantic or platonic, either way ! ) for this hyperfixating, overexcited, terribly emotional human who is so driven to prove there’s more out there that they’re willing to risk never seeing it all to show it.
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
open to anyone! character info in source. a short thing, in which louis wants to feed on a lover/friend/etc.
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"Shh, don't be afraid," Louis nearly croons, head tilted as he watches them from across his study. He makes no move to worry over them, by all accounts seeming carefree in the way he stalks around the room, circling them like a predator sizing up its prey. But that isn't quite all it is. "I have never hurt you, have I? I won't now." And it sounds almost like a promise, even coming from the lips of a monster. He's thirsty, and their scent is so familiar, so sweet, "I just want a taste…"
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sacrialege-archive · 9 months
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Criminal Sentences, Vol. 5
(Sentences from various sources for criminals and/or dangerous muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Did you really think you could call up the Devil and ask him to behave?"
"Have you ever known me to be intimidated?"
"I'm going to hunt them down and kill them."
"You think I'm the Devil?"
"Your lies have killed more men in a day than I have in a lifetime."
"Don't try to threaten me. I've watched presidents die."
"Tell me, did you pay in money or blood?"
"Are you here to kill me? Because I have to admit, I find the possibility very exciting."
"Don't judge me by your standards."
"Are you threatening me?"
"Do you know how illegal it is for us to have this stuff?"
"When a frog eats a fly, it's not murder. It just is."
"Don't unlock doors you're not prepared to go through. "
"What was she doing right before she died? Was she pleading for her life?"
"As long as I'm with you, no one will ever hurt you."
"No one would kill you. You're just a little puppy dog."
"Consider every wretched hive of depravity and murder in this city my place of business."
"Have you ever tasted blood?"
"You set me up!"
"Were you under the impression that you were dealing with a nice man?"
"Ah, you're alive. That's unfortunate."
"You seem to be mistaken about the amount of control you exercise over this arrangement."
"You’ve never had the stomach for our business."
"I know who you are now. I know what you are."
"You're in no position to question the terms of our arrangement."
"I don't want to kill you. I want to hire you."
"I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help you."
"I expect you think I'm awful."
"You just made the worst mistake of your life."
"I hear you've been interfering with my work."
"What happens when people figure out that we came in here and cut up a body in the middle of the night?!"
"You won't leave here alive."
"You can't kill me, but I can kill you."
"You look at people and see puzzles. I see games."
"I'm not the one going round and poking my nose into places where it's liable to get cut off."
"You know, some of the best murderers are women."
"You're the most dangerous man alive. Not because you believe in your actions, but because you believe these actions are all which life allows you."
"You are really upsetting me on several levels."
"It is a rare advantage to know a killer's mind - to know his greatest weakness."
"If he's such a threat, why not eliminate him?"
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sacrialege-archive · 10 months
i suddenly thought of that one ep of tvd where elena finds out stefan is a vampire and now i’m craving a plot where either louis or laurent are involved with a human romantically and for whatever reason he’s keeping his secret from the other. one day, they find out somehow, maybe catch him feeding or doing something supernatural, and i want all the angst that comes with it!! running from the monster but he’s not just a monster, he’s someone they love(d), too. i want the fear mixed with the love, the certainty they’d had in him versus the doubt of the monster they’d just learned of. in seconds they’d gone from thinking he’d never hurt a hair on their head and now he’s suddenly a killer. a person responsible for lives being ended, and how many? hundreds? thousands? but he can’t let them run off with this new information, not until he has a chance to explain (and maybe not even then)—it risks exposure. so now he’s having to elicit fear to keep them there, to keep the secret, but he’s also having to prove to them he won’t hurt them. and how the hell do you do both at the same time?
give it to me, thanks
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sacrialege-archive · 10 months
some   may   be   nsfw   and   /   or   be   triggering.   
01    :     TOUCH .
❝ i love this [ FABRIC ], it feels satisfying. ❞
❝ your touch. it leaves me breathless. ❞
❝ your touch is unlike any other. ❞
​❝ have you ever felt anything more comfortable? ❞
❝ feel this. what does it feel like to you? ❞
❝ i wanted to see what it felt like. ❞
​❝ touch it. i dare you. ❞
​❝ you felt ice cold when i touched you. ❞
​❝ you feel warm to me. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of [ FABRIC ] against my skin. ❞
​❝ i would never touch anyone else. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of your hair between each of my fingers. ❞
​❝ don’t you dare touch me. ❞
​❝ i want to feel your lips against my own. ❞
​❝ i can feel your pulse. it jumped. ❞
​❝ let me give you a massage. ❞
❝ you feel like home to me. ❞ 
02     :      TASTE .
❝ i love the taste of you. ❞
❝ i can never forget that taste. ❞
❝ fair warning, it does have a bitter taste. ❞
​❝ no offense, you just aren’t my taste. ❞
❝ can i have a taste of that? ❞
❝ i have yearned for the taste of your lips. ❞
​❝ that tasted pretty good actually. ❞
​❝ it just left a really bad taste in my mouth so no thanks. ❞
​❝ nothing taste better than chocolate. ❞
​❝ i’ve got something you might want to taste. ❞
​❝ i will forever savor that taste. ❞
​❝ blood has such a metallic taste. ❞
​❝ my taste buds are mad at me after eating that. ❞
​❝ how’s it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? ❞
​❝ you didn’t even taste it. ❞
​❝ trust me, you’ll want to taste this. ❞
​❝ i think it has a bit of bitter sweet taste. ❞
❝ so you tasted it, did you like it? ❞
03     :      SIGHT .
❝ i see you. ❞
❝ i’ve never seen things so clearer than i do now. ❞
❝ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything. ❞
​❝ how can you see anything? it’s pitch dark. ❞
❝ i’ve looked close enough and i see you for what you are. ❞
❝ please, just look at me. ❞
​❝ stop staring at me like that. ❞
​❝ get that light out of my face. ❞
​❝ it’s so bright outside today. ❞
​❝ what’s wrong? what did you see? ❞
​❝ you’re scared, you must have saw something. ❞
​❝ what i saw, you’ll never believe me. ❞
​❝ i’ve never seen you before. ❞
​❝ have we seen one another before? ❞
​❝ you see me for what i truly am. ❞
​❝ i didn’t see anything. ❞
​❝ did you see that? ❞
❝ i can’t believe my eyes. ❞
04     :      SOUND .
❝ shhh, i just heard something. ❞
❝ did you hear that? ❞
❝ what is that sound? ❞
​❝ i missed the sound of your voice. ❞
❝ do you hear me? stay away from me. ❞
❝ i hear you, loud and clear. ❞
​❝ i’m sorry, what was that? i didn’t hear you. ❞
​❝ i’ve heard that sound before. ❞
​❝ you didn’t hear anything at all? ❞
​❝ can you hear what they’re saying? ❞
​❝ aw, i love the sound of music. ❞
​❝ i never said i could hear them. ❞
​❝ wait, hear that? something is coming. ❞
​❝ i could hear screams … ❞
​❝ i heard you all the way upstairs. ❞
​❝ you didn’t just hear that? that sound? that noise? ❞
​❝ trust me, you’re going to want to hear this. ❞
❝ please, just hear me out. ❞
05     :      SMELL .
❝ what is that smell? ❞
❝ i have missed your smell. ❞
❝ you smell nice. ❞
​❝ it’s unlike anything i’ve smelled before. ❞
❝ i smell the food cooking from here. ❞
❝ do you smell that? ❞
​❝ how are you able to smell that? ❞
​❝ no offense but it really smells. ❞
​❝ it’s starting to smell. ❞
​❝ tell me, you’ve smelled this before. ❞
​❝ i know that smell, it’s the smell of lies. ❞
​❝ i can smell you from here. ❞
​❝ are you smelling me? ❞
​❝ i missed the smell of your hair. ❞
​❝ i need to step away, get some fresh air. ❞
​❝ do you smell that? that’s the smell of freedom. ❞
​❝ i could never erase your smell. ❞
❝ i can smell the fear on you from here. ❞
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sacrialege-archive · 10 months
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Concerned Sentences, Vol. 2
(Concerned sentences from various sources. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"You are flesh and blood! You have feelings!"
"Can I help? I want to help."
"You look like you're carrying the weight of the world."
"Why are you frowning?"
"You look sad, when you think no one can see you."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"We both know what this is really about."
"The world won't stop spinning if you take a day off."
"Have you been up all night?"
"You need to relax more. You're going grey!"
"Please, don't take any unnecessary risks."
"Have you ever thought about what 'enough' looks like for you?"
"Those things will kill you."
"When was the last time you took a break?"
"Why do you worry about me so much? You're not my mother!"
"Keeping it all inside you isn't going to make it disappear."
"Are you sure you want to do that? Once you cross, that line, there's no going back."
"It is a stupid idea and I know that because you came up with it after drinking half a bottle of scotch!"
"You're stretching yourself too thin."
"I'm not trying to be nosy. I'm just concerned about you, that's all."
"Whatever you've done, you can't run away from it forever."
"You don't have to prove your worth by running yourself into the ground."
"Must you always sacrifice your happiness for your sense of duty?"
"Who the hell do you think you are, interrogating me like this?"
"You are holding yourself to an unreasonable standard."
"Are you okay? Have you got a headache again?"
"You've always been a hell of a risk-taker but that was dumb and careless!"
"So nobody else knows about this?"
"What good can you do if you're dead?"
"Have you always felt the crushing weight of responsibility upon your shoulders?"
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