He was learning, slowly but surely, how things worked outside the jungle. Clothes were a must, because laws dictated so, so Edel kept telling him. So every time he left the house, he had to wear the constricting, uncomfortable bits of cloth that made him feel too hot. Yet Edel had failed to realize that the feline-featured male was a wanderer and he'd made off on his own. Of course, eventually, he grew tired and cold and the weather was poor and he remembered that when Edel got the attention of people, he knocked. Something about it being polite.
The woman that answered was the most brightly colored person he had ever seen, all pale skin, gold hair and sky blue eyes. His red hair had turned maroon from the rain and it was hard not to instinctively drop onto all fours as he was used to doing with his body type.
She asked if he needed 'help' and he had to think about that word.
"Yes. Cold. Hungry. Tired." he spoke simply and the accent his voice carried made his words thick. "...lost."
✢ //Wandering kittybae got lost and curious???? Idk.
Send me a ✢ for my muse’s reaction to seeing yours standing on their doorstep soaking wet in the rain.
– The sound of someone knocking on her door disturbed Lux from where she had passed out on the couch. Groaning as she sits up, she blinks, rubbing her eyes as she turns her head to stare at the time. It was about five in the evening, she had fallen asleep with a pile of books next to her, and one laid on her chest. Setting it down she pushed herself off the couch and briskly walks to the door, opening it only to be greeted by a stranger soaked to their bones. Wind pushed in rain and the chill of it made Lux shiver. 
“Are you alright?” Lux questions, not sure why the stranger was here. “Do you nee help?” She tilts her head as she wonders why they were here. 
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Slinks outside and flops on the grass, curling up to enjoy the sun.
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//catnip is a powerful thing.
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Home | Important | Headcanons
League of Legends OC
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Okay with NSFW of all sorts.
Up for anything from funny stuff to serious and gritty.
Totally not furry.
o wo
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Edel watched with curiosity as his new housemate examined the room. He was more than aware of Hazel’s.. inexperience with anything involving the indoors. It was easy to make the comparison of his own wonder when he’d first ventured this far from home, though for the other jungle dweller, it must be an even bigger culture shock. Still, Hazel seemed to be handling it well..
A relieved sigh left the witch, followed by a small chuckle when the sound of purring hit his ears. “Yes, home,” he confirmed, reaching to place his hand atop the thick crimson hair. “Although, I still haven’t really figured out where you’ll be sleeping.. The couch is an obvious option, but I’d really like to get you a bed.” Edel gave his head a little scratch then headed toward the couch, eager to sit after all the trekking he’s been through recently. He patted the spot beside him.
The feral man remained as he was, sitting against Edel's legs and giving a louder purr when he felt the gentle pressure of Edel's hand against the top of his head. Ears twitched absently, the low rumble in his throat a constant and soft hum. Being indoors was strange, he was used to his only shelter being the trees and foliage of the jungle and here, everything was clean, foreign and smelled odd.
A long tail switched back and forth as golden hues flickered about the room, then went up to the witch's face. He didn't know the word 'couch' but he understood 'bed'. Hazel wasn't particularly picky in where he slept, considering he had curled up in bedding of leaves and sticks so an actual bed as Edel referred to would be a new experience. He tipped his head to gaze at the door. "Sleep outside?" he questioned, settling on his legs a bit more comfortably and leaning his head against Edel's thigh. "Murr..."
"Alright, Haz.. here we are," Edelweiss urged the feline featured man up the stairs, into his home. "Make yourself at home!"
Hazel was tentative, fine muscle playing along his body as he moved with liquid grace, still refusing to use the bipedal methods of walking that most humans did. He moved as though there were muscles in places that his human companion didn’t have, slinking up the stairs and into the house to be bombarded by new sights and smells. Pointed ears were alert, twitching every now and again as a fluffy tail swished absently at thigh level.
Edel’s home smelled of plants, lots of plants and other things and the ailuranthrope curiously slipped in more, strands of crimson red spilling along bronze shoulders. “Home?” he repeated, voice soft and low with a thick accent. He knew what home meant and he settled down on his legs, sitting in much the manner a true feline would as he surveyed the house. And when he was content, he would sidle back up to Edel and lean into his legs, purring faintly.
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"Alright, Haz.. here we are," Edelweiss urged the feline featured man up the stairs, into his home. "Make yourself at home!"
Hazel was tentative, fine muscle playing along his body as he moved with liquid grace, still refusing to use the bipedal methods of walking that most humans did. He moved as though there were muscles in places that his human companion didn't have, slinking up the stairs and into the house to be bombarded by new sights and smells. Pointed ears were alert, twitching every now and again as a fluffy tail swished absently at thigh level.
Edel's home smelled of plants, lots of plants and other things and the ailuranthrope curiously slipped in more, strands of crimson red spilling along bronze shoulders. "Home?" he repeated, voice soft and low with a thick accent. He knew what home meant and he settled down on his legs, sitting in much the manner a true feline would as he surveyed the house. And when he was content, he would sidle back up to Edel and lean into his legs, purring faintly.
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