sacrilegiious · 2 years
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dawns  entire  attention  was  directed  on  her  phone,  even  though  she  could  remotely  hear  somebody  yelling  in  one  of  the  studios.  ridiculously  unprofessional,  if  one  were  to  ask  her.  but  they  didn't  and  she  was  only  waiting  for  when  it  would  be  time  for  r.a.d.  to  hit  one  of  the  other  studios.  they  were  in  the  very  finishing  stages  of  the  recording  for  their  first  full  studio  album  with  revolution  and  re-recording  the  final  bits  and  pieces  that  hadn't  been  approved  yet.  anyway,  whatever  was  going  on  in  that  studio  wasn't  her  problem,  that  was  until  the  door  opened  and  spilled  out  a  young,  frustrated  looking  woman.
startled,  dawn  watched  her  sit  down  and  blatantly  doing  a  line  of  coke  right  in  front  of  her  eyes.  sure,  drugs  were  supposedly  part  of  the  rockstar  lifestyle  but  she  hadn't  seen  somebody  do  cocaine  in  broad  daylight  at  revolution  records  thusfar.  before  she  could  even  form  another  thought  though,  she  apparently  fell  into  the  long  line  of  people  the  other  seemed  to  be  angry  at.  raising  her  eyebrows,  she  watched  the  outburst,  wondering  if  she  could  just...  leave  but  it  was  seemingly  too  late  as  they  were  already  directing  their  attention  back  at  her.
"  can't  say  i  do  relate  to  potted  plants  much,  no.  "  she  replied  dryly,  raising  her  eyebrows  a  bit.  on  the  other  hand,  maybe  she  would  if  she  did  cocaine.  "  however,  if  you're  already  feeling  the  connection,  it  might  be  nice  to  put  it  upright  again  ?  maybe  even  put  some  of  the  soil  back  in  ?  "  tapping  on  her  phone  a  couple  of  times  in  order  to  finish  off  the  email  she  was  writing,  she  hit  sent  and  returned  her  attention  to  the  other.
"  so,  roxie  velour  of  the  band  monarchs,  do  you  always  do  coke  while  throwing  a  tantrum  in  your  label's  hallway  or  is  today  a  special  occasion  ?  "
Open Starter!
Location: Outside of the studio at Revolution Records
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"And I told you the damn lyrics in that part of the song was fucked and I'm going to fix it whether you like it or not! It's total shit! I've gotta sing this shit! The song is about leaving bullshit behind not drowning yourself in life's sorrows! Grow the fuck up!" Roxie yelled at one of her bandmates as she stormed out of the recording studio, slamming the door behind her and knocking a nearby potted plant over out of anger with her foot and screaming out of frustration before leaning against the wall and sliding down it, sitting on the floor.
Roxie reached into her pocket and pulled out a small vial of coke. She put a bit on the back of her hand and snorted it before closing the vial and putting it back in her pocket. She then looked up just in time to see someone else in the hallway looking at her.
"Oh look, Roxie Velour in the hallway snorting cocaine after yet another argument with the band Monarchs... Oh what a low she's fucking hit! Go on ahead and judge me, come on I know you want to. Everybody does. But you know what? Fuck everybody! And fuck that asshole in there who doesn't know what good fucking lyrics are!" She yelled as she got up and opened the door to the recording studio, briefly putting her middle finger up and yelling into the room before she slammed the door again, turning back to the person with her in the hallway.
"They're a bunch of fucking assholes." She said before she looked down at the potted plant she had knocked over.
"Sometimes... I feel like this plant. Knocked over... completely fucked. You ever feel that way?" She asked as she sat down on the floor of the hallway again, gazing at the plant and then at the other person with her in the hallway.
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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where  did  it  come  from  ?  genuinely  a  fair  question,  though  there  wasn't  much  of  an  answer  to  it.  "  don't  know.  it  rhymes  ?  "  it's  more  of  a  question  in  itself  rather  than  an  answer  but  that  was  the  best  he  was  going  to  get  out  of  her  right  now.  hearing  that  he's  been  having  the  same  struggles  in  regards  to  turning  down  any  of  the  free  food  options  made  her  laugh  a  bit,  as  she  puts  another  hand  full  of  popcorn  into  her  own  mouth.  she  really  should  stop,  but  the  temptation  was  too  much.  "  we  can't  let  all  the  snacks  go  to  waste,  right  ?  if  you  look  at  it  like  that,  we're  being  rather  responsible  adults  about  all  of  this.  no  food  waste  on  our  account  !  "  that  was  entirely  sound  reasoning,  it  even  convinced  herself  the  more  she  thought  about  it.  food  waste  truly  was  horrendous.  tapping  a  foot  on  the  ground,  she  takes  a  look  around.
"  water  ?  you  mean  that  stuff  that  contains  zero  sugar  ?  "  grinning  a  bit,  she  pondered  that  question.  "  honestly,  i  don't  remember  but  i  do  doubt  it.  who  would  pick  water  if  you  have  all  the  drink  options  in  the  world  ?  "  now  that  she  said  it,  she  did  see  how  it  might  be  a  health  hazard  though.  "  what  about  you  ?  can  i  invite  you  for  a  drink  of  water  which  is  also  free  ?  "  already,  she  was  guiding  them  over  to  a  stall  that  offered  drinks.  "  once  we  got  rid  of  this  popcorn  somehow,  we  should  play  some  of  those  games.  see  if  i  can  win  any  of  them  with  my  shaking  hands.  "
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sunny  bunny.  he  can't  tell  if  he  hated  it  or  not.  either  way,  that  was  definitely  a  nickname  he  hadn't  heard  before.  she gets points  for  originality.  with  furrowed  brows,  he  turns  around  towards  the  voice  calling  out  to  him.  he  spots  beyza,  oversized  popcorn  bucket  in  hand  while  racing  towards  him.  suddenly  the  strange  new  nickname  makes  a  little  bit  more  sense. "okay where'd? sunny bunny come from?" he teases. most would probably ignore that. not sunny.  she  offers  him  popcorn  to  which  he  happily  accepts , taking a big handful for himself.  "thanks. hm. hadn't tried the popcorn yet. "  he  says through a  mouthful  of  popcorn.  "same."  well,  not  the  parents  never  buying  him  fair  food  part.  if  anything,  his  parents  were  all  to  eager  to  shut  down  sunny's  complaints  with  a  pile  of  cotton  candy.  "they  just  keep  handing  me  stuff  when  i  walk  by.  it'd  be  rude  to  turn  them  down,  y'know. "
sunny  reaches  for  another  handful  of  popcorn. a  laugh  escapes  sunny  watching  her  hand  shake,  "you're  literally  bouncing  off  the  walls."  he  teases.  "just  curious,  have  you  had  any  water  in  the  past  hour  or  so?"  granted,  neither  has  he.  perhaps  it'd  be  a  good  idea  for  both  of  them.  
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
— for @glcws.
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"  hey  !  wait  up,  sunny  bunny  !  "  her  voice  rang  clear  over  the  crowd,  as  she  speed  walked  over  to  the  friend  she  had  just  spotted.  was  that  what  she  usually  called  him  ?  no.  it  was  what  had  come  out  of  her  mouth  right  now  though.  so  far,  she  had  gone  on  every  ride  that  was  remotely  kid  friendly  with  ayla,  eaten  a  concerning  amount  of  sugar  and  soaked  in  the  rare  rays  of  sunshine  that  seemed  to  personally  grace  the  aniversary  celebrations.  truly,  this  whole  party  was  so  cute,  bey  couldn't  help  but  thinking  she'd  do  it  the  exact  same  way  if  she  had  an  aniversary  and  money  like  this.
sidling  up  to  sunny  now,  she  held  out  the  bag  of  popcorn  she  was  holding  to  him.  "  want  some  ?  "  it  had  seemed  like  a  good  idea,  getting  this  giant  bucket  of  popcorn,  at  first  but  she  soon  realized  there  was  no  way  she  was  going  to  manage  eating  it  all  by  herself.  "  i  keep  taking  all  the  food  i  see,  since  my  parents  would  never  buy  me  food  at  a  fair.  my  inner  child  craves  it  but  the  body  is  weak,  i  am  afraid.  "  holding  out  her  hand  to  show  it  shaking,  she  laughed  a  little.  "  i  don't  think  i've  experienced  such  a  sugar  high  in  quite  some  time  now.  "  
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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yasemin yazici as naz yaman
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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 "  i  am  absolutely,  fully,  100%  certain  i  don't  mind  whatsoever.  "  beyza  assured  mini,  a  broad  smile  on  her  face.  she'd  realized  through  the  couple  of  interactions  that  the  other  could  be  a  bit  timid  in  social  interactions,  even  if  there  was  absolutely  no  reason  to,  like  right  now.  after  all,  she  had  offered  to  do  mini's  makeup  again  if  the  other  ever  felt  like  there  was  an  occasion  she'd  want  some  professional  help  for.  it  reminded  her  a  bit  of  when  she  had  been  new  at  the  label,  so  nervous  about  getting  along  with  everyone.
"  putting  aside  that  fact  that  you  look  absolutely  beautiful  just  like  that,  i'm  more  than  happy  to  help  you  with  a  little  confidence  boost.  and  i'm  doing  makeup  as  a  job  because  i  love  doing  it,  so  get  in  here,  love.  "  stepping  aside,  she  opened  the  door  to  her  room  a  bit  wider.  "  this  room  doesn't  have  a  vanity,  so  just  sit  down  on  that  desk  chair  and  we'll  make  do.  it's  also  absolutely  flower  free,  so  we  should  be  safe  on  that  front  as  well.  "  
walking  over  to  her  luggage,  she  took  out  the  minimal  professional  makeup  kit  she'd  taken  with  her,  suspecting  that  something  like  this  might  come  up.  it  always  did,  somehow.  "  so,  how  did  you  get  here  ?  did  you  find  somebody  to  hitch  a  ride  with  or  drive  over  yourself  ?  "  
@sacrilegiious / beyza kilic
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" Are you sure you don't mind? "
Mini wrings her hands in front of her, a nervous habit she's been trying to ditch for years. She forces her arms back to her sides, willing them to stay there. Maybe she shouldn't have added an extra espresso shot to her latte this morning — her fingers shake minutely as she clenches them into easy fists.
" It's just, you did such a good job with the liner last time, and this party is a really big deal, and I don't want to be the worst looking one out there, and I thought maybe if you did my makeup it would be — well, I'd look more professional, you know? But it's okay if you don't want to, seriously, I know you spend your whole day doing makeup, so like, why would you want to spend this weekend doing mine, right? Um. "
Mini takes a small breath after her word vomit and gives Beyza a shy smile. " Sorry. I'm like, really caffeinated. And nervous. And I think I might be allergic to some of the flowers on display, but that's unrelated. "
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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"  while  i  do  agree  that  you're  right  in  saying  we  should  do  as  we  say,  i  also  feel  like  even  before  the  re-recording  i've  heard  dead  serious  often  enough  to  last  me  a  lifetime.  "  it  being  the  song  that  had  catapulted  them  into  some  sort  of  relavancy  had  meant  it  had  also  been  a  very  constant  comapnion  throughout  the  last  six  months.  seeing  all  the  tiktoks  using  it  alone  had  probably  been  sufficient  and  they'd  had  to  perform  it  endless  times  as  well.  "  and  i  don't  know  about  stevie,  maybe  this  is  why  she's  being  like  that  in  the  first  place.  "  throwing  a  look  back  in  the  rearview  once  more,  a  warm  smile  spread  on  her  features  at  the  sight  of  erika  and  the  purring  and  apparently  not  too  sickly  stevie.  "  i  don't  know,  with  the  way  she's  enjoying  that,  she  might  be  close  to  death.  "  she  joked  lightheartedly,  before  scoffing  at  erika's  suggestion.  "  floor  it  !?  that  is  exactly  why  i'm  in  the  drivers  seat  and  you're  back  there.  "  on  that  note,  her  attention  was  once  more  directed  mostly  on  the  road,  as  she  listened  in  onto  her  bandmembers  opinions  on  the  anniversary  they  were  currently  on  their  way  to.  "  i  can't  believe  they  invited  everyone  at  revolution.  why  would  you  even  do  that  to  yourself  ?  "  she  chimed  in,  a  thoughtful  crease  between  her  brows.  she  admired  renee,  truly,  she'd  just  never  invite  that  many  people  voluntarily.  apparently  being  the  only  one  who  had  been  to  any  kind  of  wedding,  she  shrugged.  "  i  haven't  been  to  a  wedding  in  the  us  yet  so  i  wouldn't  really  know  either  but  also  i'm  pretty  certain  this  is  just  supposed  to  be  everyone  coming  together  for  a  fun  party  ?  maybe  you  shouldn't  talk  to  people  about  how  romance  is  dead  and  marriage  is  an  inherently  sexist  institution.  though,  it  certainly  is.  "
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         acting  nurse  offers  a  thumbs  up  in  response  ,  gaze  shifting  to  feline  in  question  ,  carefully  examining  previously  observed  mood  ,  or  lack  there  of  .  ‘  we’re  all  good  ,  not  quite  her  usual  hissy  self  just  yet  ,  but  she’ll  be  back  in  no  time  .  ’  manicured  tips  caress  behind  source  of  collective  concern’s  ear  ,  earning  a  mild  purr  in  return  .  ‘  i  do  still  think  she  was  off  this  morning  ,  because  she  knew  we  had  plans  and  wanted  to  tag  along  .  the  food’s  gonna  be  so  good  and  she  can  just  tell  ,  her  intuition  is  always  on  point  .  ’  still  valid  enough  reason  and  rather  on  brand  for  the  band  to  bring  their  very  special  plus  one  .  ‘  no  kitty  breaks  necessary  ,  though  ,  feel  free to  floor  it  .  ’  showing  up  with  a  cat  guest  was  enough  of  a  surprise  ,  might  as  well  not  make  an  ill  timed  entrance  in  the  midst  of  vows  being  exchanged  and  whatnot  .  ‘  i  can’t  actually  believe  that  this  is  the  closest  i’ve  ever  been  to  a  wedding  as  an  adult  ,  big celebrations of love  are not up my alley .  ’  puzzled  timbre  rolls  off  tongue  ,  situation  at  hand  ironic  considering  own  circumstances  ,  never  even  set  foot  inside  her  own  wedding  venue  .
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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arthur rimbaud, from oraison du soir, c. 1872
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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"  excuse  me,  why  did  he  invite  me  ?!  for  all  i  know  you're  just  some  weirdo  who  showed  up  here  because  you  can't  stay  away  from  me.  "  she  scoffed,  as  they  were  already  being  dragged  along  by  a  jonnie  who  was,  quite  obviously,  high  out  of  his  mind.  gone  were  her  thoughts  of  this  being  some  kind  of  set  up  -  instead  it  seemed  rather  apparent  that  it  had  most  likely  been  a  mistake.  "  everybody  knows  the  big  dipper,  idiot,  "  she  grumbled.  at  least  she  was  pretty  sure  she  knew  it.  almost  entirely  sure.  like  95%  at  least.  turning  to  sunny,  she  shot  him  a  doubtful  look.  "  fantasize  about  your  hair  ?  like  what  ?  about  ripping  it  out  ?  "  maybe  a  touch  violent  but  what  else  was  new  when  it  came  to  these  two.
dawn  was  so  close  to  simply  turning  her  back  on  this  entire  charade  but  jonnie  seemed  deadset  on  making  it  work  and  dragged  them  along  to  the  docks.  once  they  had  reached  the  boat  of  his  desire,  jonnie  got  halfway  in,  looking  very  much  as  if  he  was  going  to  fall  at  any  given  time.  that  was  certainly  the  only  reason  dawn  held  on  to  the  hand  he  was  stretching  out  in  her  direction.  she  wasn't  usually  one  for  too  much  physical  affection  after  all.  "  not  all  bad  ?  gee,  thank  you,  such  high  praise.  "  voice  clearly  ironic,  she  had  only  just  gotten  a  good  grip  on  jonnie  when  he  was  already  slipping  away  again,  falling  on  his  ass  in  the  boat.  now,  there  was  not  much  that  would  make  dawn  laugh,  but  this  sight  ?!  she  couldn't  help  it,  laughing  alongside  jonnie,  who  was  apparently  also  more  so  amused  than  hurt.  however,  this  was  also  her  last  opportunity  to  ditch  on  this  entire  ...  event.  and  she  truly  did  want  to  but  her  resolve  was  slightly  stifled,  both  by  the  concerning  way  jonnie  was  handling  the  boat  and  his  words  about  them  being  afraid  of  boats.  she  wasn't  afraid  of  boats  (  maybe  of  the  swans  on  the  lake...  a  little  bit  )  but  was  she  really  going  to  run  away  from  getting  on  the  same  boat  as  sunny  ?    she  had  been  invited  here  after  all  and  while  she  hadn't  been  very  excited  about  it  in  the  first  place,  wouldn't  it  be  too  ridiculous  to  let  sunny's  presence  deter  her  from  this  ?!  
some  part  of  her  already  pointed  out  the  flaws  in  that  logic,  as  jonnie  mentioned  about  the  joints  and  his  phone.  she  didn't  care  much  about  the  phone  but  the  joints...  would  certainly  make  this  a  more  tolerable  situation.  with  a  sigh,  she  nodded,  turning  on  sunny.  "  what's  it  gonna  be  ki-sun  ?  are  you  gonna  go  and  cry  into  your  pillow about me stealing your bestie  or  are  you  coming  ?  "  she  asked,  a  slightly  mocking  grin  on  her  lips,  before  she  turned  and  jumped  down  into  the  boat  herself.  a  decision  was  made.  "  you  better  be  sharing  those  joints  !  "  walking  up  to  where  jonnie  was  standing  at  the  steering  wheel,  she  watched  him  with  narrowed  eyes.  "  you  know  shit  all  about  boats,  don't  you  ?  "  
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call  him  a  romantic  sap  —  but,  sunny  loves  big  celebrations  like  this.  granted,  he'd  never  admit  such  a  thing  so  openly.  weddings  and  fancy  vow  renewals  have  a  certain  atmosphere  one  can't  find  at  just  any  old  party.  this is special.  it  wasn't  the  hopeless  promises  of  forever  or  the  overpriced  flowers.  for  sunny,  the  joy  comes  from  the  very  reason  people  seemed  to  gather  at  events  like  these:  to  celebrate  people  they  know.  the  jovial  energy  of  friends  and  other  loved  ones  gathering  together  to  celebrate  someone's  love  is  overwhelmingly  infectious.  it's  beautiful,  even.  conversationally  he  spent  the  majority  of  time  floating  between  both  familiar  and  unfamiliar  face,  the  vow  renewal  seemed  to  only  light  a  spark  in  the  extrovert.  in  short:  kim  ki-sun  is  very  clearly  in  good  spirits  and  the  big  social  event  probably  had  something  to  do  with  that.  that or,  maybe  it's  the  copious  amounts  of  free  champagne  and  the  edible  he'd  had  that  day.
either  way,  there  wasn't  a  better  way  to  conclude  his  day  than  to  fuck  around  on  a  tiny  boat  with  his  best  friend.  8:45.  he  refused  to  forget  the  time  they'd  agreed  to  meet  up.  sunny  spent  the  night  regularly  checking  his  watch  to  make  sure  he  didn't  accidentally  stand  his  jonnie  up  while  wading  through  the  chaos  of  the  evening.  did  he  have  experience  in  boat  riding?  none  whatsoever.  he  hadn't  even  been  near  the  dock  yet  (  when  they  first  arrived,  he  was  more  interested  in  mingling  amongst  crowd  and  the free food  ).  nonetheless,  the  mystery  was  apart  of  the  fun!  now  mildly  sobered  up,  sunny  heads  towards  the  docks  at  around  8:42  —  just  to  make  sure  that  he  wasn't  late.
the  sound  of  the  very  squeaky  grating  (that  he  knows  all  too  well)  comes  from  just  behind  him.  with  that,  his  pleasant  mood  is  siphoned  off.  sunny's  head  drops  with  a  sigh.  he  glances  over  his  shoulder.  as  expected,  it's  dawn.  great.  "you  gotta  be  fucking  kidding  me."  he  groans,  dramatically.  before  he  can  start  complaining,  his  friend's  arm  drapes  over  his  shoulder.  sunny  crosses  his  arms  in  defiance.  despite  his  outward  resistance,  sunny  still  allows  himself  to  be  slowly  dragged  toward  the  boat.  he  knows  jonnie  well  enough  to  predict  exactly  what  happened.  this  probably  wasn't  some  big  masterplan  to  get  him  to  talk  to  dawn.  still,  he  allows  the  other  to  vaguely  explain  himself.  he  deliberately  turns  his  head  away  from  jonnie  as  to  avoid  the  pleading  look  on  jonnie's  face.  seeing such  a  look  would  undoubtedly  soften  sunny's displeased  expression.  "why  does  she  have  to  stay,  though?"  he  whines.  "you can hang  out  with  chipmunk  in  your  own  time.  why'd  you  invite  her  in  the  first  place, anyway ?  you  two  just hang  out all the time ? fuckin... weird.  "  sunny  still  found  it  strange  that  jonnie  could  hang  out  with  dawn  without  finding  himself  in  the  middle  of  a  heated  argument.
" yeah. this  is  a  really  really  dumb  idea,  jonnie.  "  sunny  agrees  with  dawn.  and  that  alone  leaves  a  sour  taste  in  his  mouth.  "oh,  like  you  don't  fantasize  about  my  hair,"  he  childishly  adds  (  to  compensate  for  their  brief  moment  of  agreement  ,  of  course  ).  
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
—  for @silvertonqued.
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"  what  did  we  talk  about  ayla  ?  this  is  important.  "  bowing  down  to  the  little  girl  holding  her  hand,  beyza  looked  her  niece  straight  into  the  eyes,  a  stern  expression  painted  on  her  features.  a  wicked  grin  on  her  lips,  ayla  met  her  aunts  gaze,  the  twinkle  of  mischief  probably  mirrored  in  both  of  their  brown  eyes.  "  we're  not  telling  dad  about  the  big  pot  of  popcorn  we  had.  "  beyza  knew  her  niece  was  to  be  trusted  with  these  kinds  of  things,  she  was  incredibly  smart  for  her  five  years  and  the  two  of  them  starred  as  partners  in  crime  alongside  each  other  all  too  often.  "  exactly  !  maybe  don't  mention  too  much  about  the  darts  game  either.  "  she  mused,  before  using  the  keycard  to  enter  emre's  room,  which  they  had  been  standing  in  front  of.
"  time's  out  !  "  she  exclaimed,  as  they  walked  in.  ayla  was  still  holding  on  to  her  hand  tightly,  her  own  small  hands  feeling  a  bit  sticky  from  the  aforementioned  popcorn.  the  little  girl  knew  where  her  loyalties  lay.  "  we  gave  you  an  hour  but  girls  time  is  over  now  and  more  importantly,  work  time  is  over  !  "  she  levelled  her  brother  with  the  same  stern  expression  she  had  given  his  daughter  just  a  second  ago.  "  yeah,  work  time  is  over.  "  ayla  echoed,  a  habit  she  had  been  picking  up  recently.  as  with  almost  everything  ayla  did,  bey  thought  it  was  adorable.  patting  the  girls  head,  she  pointed  at  the  sink  in  the  adjacent  bathroom.  "  go  wash  your  hand,  güzelim  !  "  she  requested,  using  the  same  term  of  endearment  her  mother  had  often  used  for  her  and  looking  on  with  a  smile  as  ayla  walked  off.  she  loved  her  niece,  loved  seeing  her  grow  up  right  in  front  of  her  eyes.  turning  back  to  emre,  she  raised  her  eyebrows.  "  i  sure  hope  you're  not  going  to  try  and  go  back  on  your  promise  in  order  to  work  even  more  right  now  !?  "  
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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letting  her  gaze  travel  through  the  people  around  her,  bey  felt  like  she  knew  pretty  much  every  other  person.  still,  there  were  some  she  had  never  seen  before,  revolution  records  probably  being  to  sizeable  of  a  company  for  even  her  to  fully  get  a  grasp  on.  rory's  words  mader  her  chuckle,  as  the  brunette  hooked  her  arm  through  beyza's.  "  i  bet  renee  would  be  so  happy  to  hear  she's  fulfilling  your  childhood  dreams.  "  or  maybe  it  were  her  own...  or  taylor's  ?  either  way,  she  herself  was  having  a  great  time  as  well.  skipping  the  cotton  candy,  she  had  went  straight  for  some  churros,  dipping  them  in  chocolate  sauce  as  they  went  exploring,  a  groan  of  delight  escaping  her  throat.  "  okay,  let's  do  ring  toss  than  and  afterwards  i  want  to  go  on  a  ride  in  that  carousel  !  "  pointing  at  one  of  those  old  school  carousels  with  horses  and  a  cars  and,  most  importantly,  a  pumpkin  carriage.  "  i  even  brought  this,  tada  !  "  producing  a  polaroid  camera  out  of  her  handbag,  she  showed  it  to  rory.  "  i  felt  like  it  would  be  a  shame  not  getting  to  take  any  pictures  here.  "
*       ♡     ◞      closed starter      ╱      with @sacrilegiious  .
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there  was  something  about  carrying  freshly  spun,  bright  pink  coloured  cotton  candy  twice  the  size  of  her  head  that  brought  out  an  unprecedented  joy  in  rory    —    nostalgia  perhaps,  although  the  giddy  smile  plastered  onto  her  features  could  likely  be  at  least  partially  attributed  to  the  ensuing  sugar  rush.    “  it  feels  like  i'm  living  my  eight  year  old  self's  dream,  ”    words  slipping  past  her  lips  in  a  sigh,  as  she  reached  to  hook  her  free  arm  through  that  of  her  companion,    “  i  mean,  cotton  candy?  check.  carnival  games?  check.  ”    brown  hues  traveled  around  the  space  absentmindedly  as  her  and  beyza  strolled  along  the  event  space.  at  least  until  a  certain  sight  halted  her  step  abruptly.    “  aw,  ring  toss  is  my  absolute  favourite.  we  have  to  play!  ”
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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   slowly,  evening  was  beginning  to  set  in.  one  might  expect  this  to  be  the  moment  thing  would  become  quiet,  but  the  opposite  seemed  to  be  the  case  for  the  revolution  records  crew.  to  be  fair,  she  had  expected  nothing  less  from  them  after  everything  she  had  seen  in  the  last  half  year  they'd  been  signed  with  the  label.  for  now,  her  plan  was  to  go  check  in  on  stevie  nicks  (  the  cat  ),  give  her  something  to  eat  and  afterwards  find  some  food  for  herself.  she  felt  a  bit  drained  by  the  days  activity,  the  loud  and  cheerful  energy  that  seemed  to  surround  her  the  entire  day  still  sounding  in  her  ears  even  after  she  had  entered  the  quiet  of  the  room  where  they  had  left  stevie  to  get  some  rest.  she  had  known  this  was  supposed  to  be  a  very  happy  occassion,  but  was  the  anniversary  of  the  contractual  manifestation  of  somebody  else's  relationship  truly  such  a  big  deal  ?  
with  a  sigh,  she  rubbed  her  temples.  not  to  say  she  hadn't  had  her  own  moments  of  fun  today.  mostly  time  spent  in  the  company  of  erika  and  addie,  but  times  like  these  made  it  painfully  obvious  that  too  much  social  interaction  drained  her.  after  filling  up  stevie's  bowl  of  food  and  giving  her  some  chin  rubs  (  which  went  mostly  unappreciated  due  to  the  presence  of  food  ),  she  went  to  lay  down  on  the  bed  for  a  bit.  digging  out  her  phone  from  the  back  pocket  of  her  pants,  she  unlocked  the  screen.  they  should  have  turned  it  in,  but  dawn  had  simply  turned  in  an  old  phone  of  hers.  she  was  currently  waiting  for  some  grades  and  there  was  no  way  she'd  give  up  on  checking  them  every  couple  of  hours.  still  nothing,  though.  nothing,  aside  from  a  message  from  jonnie  that  invited  her  to  ...  a  boat  ride  ?  sitting  up  again,  she  frowned  at  her  screen.  jonnie  didn't  know  how  to  drive  a  motorboat,  she  was  pretty  sure  of  that.  driving  a  motorboat  when  you  didn't  know  how  to  do  it  was  rather  dangerous,  probably.  "  fucking  idiot.  "  she  muttered  to  herself  as  she  stood  up,  grabbing  the  big  coat  she  had  just  taken  off  and  leaving  the  room.
the  docks.  she  had  been  there  earlier  today,  checking  out  the  offered  boat  rides  over  the  lake  that  featured  quite  a  few  swans.  issue  was,  dawn  wasn't  really  all  that  comfortable  with  swans.  she  knew  they  had  nasty  teeth,  she  knew  they  were  just  about  as  willing  to  fight  everyone  as  she  was  herself.  therefore,  she  had  made  the  decision  to  stay  clear  of  the  lake  in  self-preservation.  apparently,  jonnie  hadn't  been  so  enlightened.  when  she  was  just  about  to  get  there,  her  eyes  settled  on  a  figure  who  was  seemingly  also  approaching,  albeit  from  a  different  side.  it  took  her  a  moment,  before  she  made  out  sunny  and  her  frown  immediately  deepend.  with  sunny  now  in  speaking  distance,  she  rolled  her  eyes.  "  don't  tell  me  this  is  jonnie's  idea  of  a  practical  joke  ?  "  they  seemed  to  have  the  same  destination  after  all  -  though  they  shouldn't  get  much  further  before  jonnie  showed  up  himself.  he  seemed  aware  of  his  fuck  up,  though  dawn  wasn't  quite  convinced  it  was  just  that...  a  mistake.  eyes  narrowing  in  on  jonnie,  she  crossed  her  arms  in  front  of  her  chest,  body  language  immediately  signaling  distrust.  "  you  want  to  go  on  a  boat  ride  ?  with  both  of  us  ?  this  idea  is  even  dumber  than  i  was  expecting.  "  her  gaze  flickered  to  the  swans  for  a  second,  though  currently  they  seemed  fairly  peaceful  as  they  swam  around  in  the  lake.  "  what  did  you  think,  that  we'd  all  just  get  on  that  boat  and  star  gaze  in  the  middle  of  the  lake  ?  braid  each  other's  hair  ?  "
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jonnie  considered  himself  to  be  pretty  bright  ,  now  would  anyone  else  agree  ?  probably  not  ,  but  that  wasn’t  gonna  stop  him  from  thinking  highly  of  himself  .  especially  not  tonight  when  he  was  on  top  of  the  world  !  stoned  as  fuck  with  a  little  bit  of  alcohol  in  his  system  he  had  definitely  thought  going  out  on  one  of  the  boats  was  a  good  idea  and  who  better  to  invite  than  dawn  ?  pulling  out  his  phone  ,  which  he  snuck  in  despite  being  told  no  phones  ,  he  scrolled  to  his  texts  with  dawn  ,  not  surprised  she  had  left  him  on  read  with  the  last  message  he  sent  .  looking  back  at  it  ,  he  was  definitely  high  and  definitely  deserved  it  .  
sent  at   8:28  PM  •  JONNIE  ⤻  DAWN  . ✉️  ‣  meet  me  by  the  docksssss  in  15 ✉️  ‣  i’m  gonna  fire  up  one  of  these  boats  and  need  company  🥺
he  was  sure  the  coochie  eyes  would  work  ,  so  with  a  triumphant  smile  he  adjusted  his  shirt  (  it  was  stuffy  and  he  hated  it  )  and  made  his  way  down  to  the  docks  .  it  didn’t  take  too  long  to  get  there  and  realizing  that  ,  he  really  overestimated  the  timeframe  he  gave  to  dawn  .  whatever  ,  he  could  wait  .  with  a  shrug  ,  he  wobbles  onto  the  boat  and  settles  himself  into  the  driver’s  seat  ,  pulling  a  joint  from  his  pocket  and  lighting  it  up  before  taking  a  puff  .  
time  while  jonnie  was  high  seemed  to  pass  slower  than  ever  ,  so  with  the  call  of  his  name  ,  he  looked  up  .  however  when  he  did  ,  he  was  confused  as  shit  …  he  wasn’t  that  high  ,  was  he  ?  because  there  was  clearly  two  people  walking  towards  him  and  he  was  positive  he  had  just  invited  one  .  with  a  quick  furrow  of  his  brows  jonnie  remembered  how  before  he  went  to  grab  a  quick  bite  he  told  sunny  to  meet  him  by  the  boats  at  8:45  …  fuck  they  were  gonna  kill  him  .  stumbling  off  the  boat  ,  he  walked  fast  walked  up  to  them  to  stop  them  from  escaping  the  situation  ,  “  listen  …  ”  jonnie  began  ,  not  even  letting  them  talk  as  he  threw  an  arm  around  both  of  their  shoulders  and  as  inconspicuously  as  he  could  started  dragging  them  towards  the  boat  ,  “  i  swear  this  was  an  accident  …  please  don’t  leave  i’ll  be  so  lonely  and  sad  — you  don’t  want  that  ,  do  you  ?  ”  lip  jutting  out  to  give  them  the  best  puppy  dog  eyes  he  could  .
—  closed for @sacrilegiious & @glcws .
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
—  for @2grunge & @raisinqhells.
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"  is  it  just  me  or  is  dead  serious  playing  for  the  fifth  time  in  like  an  hour  right  now  ?  "  she  turned  her  gaze  on  addie,  who  was  riding  shotgun  and  hence  had  full  control  over  the  aux.  "  i  do  like  our  music  but  if  i  hear  my  own  voice  in  the  end  even  one  more  time  i  might  scream.  "  gaze  is  quickly  directed  back  towards  the  front.  the  road  wasn't  too  populated  at  the  moment,  making  the  driving  easy  -  despite  her  lack  of  regular  practice.  out  of  rad,  they  had  decided  she  was  going  to  take  charge  over  the  company  car  and  get  them  to  renee's  aniversary.  only  after  addie  had  genuinely  considered  whether  they  couldn't  bike  the  distance,  of  course.  in  the  end,  they  had  settled  on  the  electronic  car  they  were  sharing  now.  one  glance  in  the  rearview  mirror,  she  checked  in  on  erika  and  by  extension  stevie  nicks.  not  the  singer,  the  cat.  "  how  is  she  doing  back  there,  rik  ?    do  we  need  a  kitty  break  ?  "  this  morning  stevie  hadn't  seemed  her  usual  angry,  yet  energetic  self  when  they  had  checked  on  her.  to  be  precise,  her  spirits  seemed  rather  down.  out  of  concern  they  had  therefore  made  the  executive  decision  of  taking  stevie  with  them,  just  in  case  something  was  seriously  wrong  with  her.  no  rockstar  left  behind  !  
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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it  was  rather  obvious  that  her  request  was  a  little  overwhelming  for  the  woman,  who  had  been  introduced  to  her  as  one  of  the  new  assistants  a  little  while  ago.  remembering  rather  well  how  it  felt  like  when  she  had  been  new  to  the  company,  she  smiled  at  the  other,  trying  to  perhaps  convey  a  bit  of  calm.  "  yeah,  you  !  i  think  it  would  look  really  good  on  you,  but  you're  free  to  decline  of  course.  this  is  not  part  of  your  job  description.  "  standing  next  to  mini,  she  took  out  her  phone  and  showed  her  a  picture  where  she  had  tried  to  roughly  draw  the  liner  she  was  imagining.  "  it  might  look  like  a  lot  right  now,  but  you  can  definitely  take  it  off  right  after  and  i  do  promise  you  won't  get  any  damage.  what  kind  of  make-up  artist  would  i  be  if  i  damaged  my  clients  skin  ?!  "  tucking  her  phone  back  into  the  back  pocket  of  her  jeans,  she  nodded  at  the  brunette's  words.  "  yes,  exactly.  i  can't  velieve  you  remembered  my  name,  you  probably  met  so  many  people  that  day.  though,  i  am  certainly  not  the  only  make-up  artist  here.  "
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mini startles easily from her daydream, pulled into reality by a question she’s pretty sure she’s heard before from a couple of men in neat suits holding bibles. she’s briefly wide-eyed, wondering if security had just let some random religious group in to wander the halls, before she turns and recognizes the face of a fellow employee. beyza, she’s pretty sure, according to the staff briefing she’d gotten on her building tour two weeks ago - although they’ve yet to meet so who knows if mini’s got her information straight.
“ me? oh. ” mini looks over her shoulder; perhaps beyza is talking to someone else - someone who doesn’t fetch coffee and kiss ass for a living. “really? i don’t wear much makeup - mom always said too much might cause irreversible skin damage so i tend to err on the side of caution, but as long as you promise i won’t develop any lumps, bumps, or rashes that permanently scar me and my face then yeah ! definitely ! it’s, um. it’s beyza, right? you're the in-house make-up artist? ”
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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"  that  bad  ?!  do  i  need  to  get  ready  to  hold  back  your  hair  ?  "  not  that  she  wouldn't  do  it,  despite  being  quite  squeamish.  still,  she  sincerely  hoped  brooklyn's  reference  to  the  infamous  death  of  a  salesman  story  wasn't  actually  literal.  taking  a  sip  from  her  own  dark  chocolate  mocca,  she  grinned  at  her  roomies  next  words,  befor  feigning  a  sigh.  "  you  haven't  actually.  i  think  you  were  already  in  nervous  breakdown  mode  when  i  said  hello  to  you  in  the  kitchen  this  morning.  but,  i  will  take  it  now,  belatedly.  "  leaning  back  in  her  chair,  she  waited  for  her  friend  to  start  telling  her  about  the  extent  of  and  reason  for  her  woes.  considering  the  fact  that  bey  herself  had  never  been  big  into  literature,  however,  she  did  doubt  her  ability  to  actually  help.  "  it  can't  be  that  difficult  to  understand,  right  ?  i'm  british  after  all.  "  taking  one  of  the  papers  from  brooke's  script,  she  tried  to  read  a  couple  of  lines  out  loud  before  putting  it  back  down.  gaze  apologetic,  she  looked  back  up  at  brooke.  "  i  don't  understand  a  single  thing  i  just  read,  i'm  sorry  babe.  i  could  help  you  with  an  accent  though,  maybe  that  would  impress  ?  "  
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  "oh,  it's  really  bad.  night  three  of  death  of  a  salesmen  bad."  she  emphasizes,  referencing  the  night  she'd  come  down  with  food  poisoning  just  before  going  onstage  .  though,  luckily  this  time  she  doesn't  feel  too  nauseous.  despite  her  somber  mood,  clearly  brooklyn  is  ecstatic  to  see  the  other.  at  least  now  she  knows  that  she  didn't  have  to  suffer  totally  alone.  her  roommate's  company  was  more  than  welcomed.  especially  with  the  strawberry  smoothie  she  sat  in  front  of  her.  "you're  an  angel.  have  i  already  told  you  i  love  you  today?"  she  reaches  for  the  cup,  taking  a  long  sip  as  the  other  speaks.  "mhm.  the  cursed  play.  remember  how  i  told  you  i  hated  shakespeare  in  school?  well,  i  was  thinking...  doing  one  might  be  a  good  idea.  all  the  best  actors  have  a  background  in  shakespeare."  she  puts  her  drink  down.  "but,  i  don't  know  what  any  of  this  means,  bey."  brooklyn  begrudgingly  admits.  "what  kinda  of  actress  doesn't  understand  shakespeare?"
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sacrilegiious · 2 years
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there  was  that  wise  saying  that  you  should  pick  your  battles,  as  to  preserve  energy  for  the  things  that  really  mattered  but  dawn  had  never  excelled  at  that  one.  to  be  precise,  hardly  had  their  ever  been  a  battle  she  didn't  pick.  fighting  was  what  came  most  natural  to  her  and  so,  even  though  she  should  feel  much  to  exhausted  for  this,  dawn  didn't  avoid  sunny  either.  in  fact,  a  bit  of  self-reflection  would  clearly  indicate  this  as  the  root  of  their  problem,  but  she  couldn't  care  less.  while  this  should  make  her  feel  even  more  like  burrying  her  head  in  a  pillow  and  sleeping  for  three  days  straight,  it  actually  had  quite  the  opposite  effect.  it  was  better  not  to  think  about  that  too  much.  "  me  ?!  obsessed  with  you  ?!  "  raising  an  eyebrow  in  question,  she  looked  him  up  and  down.  "  we're  at  revolution  records,  home  to  musical  legends,  build  by  jean  carlisle  herself  and  you  think  i'd  pick  you  to  obsess  over  ?!  "  pointing  her  spoon  in  sunny's  direction,  she  couldn't  help  herself  from  laughing  at  such  a  wildly  ridiculous  assumption.
the  next  allegation  was  a  bit  more  difficult  to  deny.  for  once,  he  wasn't  entirely  off  with  this  assumption,  she  had  googled  him  to  find  out  his  real  name.  knowledge  that,  since  then,  had  afforded  her  the  joy  of  making  him  seem  very  uncomfortable  whenever  she  used  it.  biting  down  on  her  lower  lip,  she  considered  what  was  her  best  out  of  this  question.  why  had  she  even  done  it  ?  "  so  what  if  i  did,  they  say  you  should  know  your  enemy.  "  a  decent  start,  if  a  little  weak.  hand  gliding  through  her  already  messy  hair,  she  lifted  her  chin  a  bit  further  in  a  show  of  defiance.  now  was  not  the  time  to  let  any  weakness  show.  "  and  i  just  wanted  to  know  if  your  parents  had  really  named  you  sunny  or  if  it  was  your  own  ridiculous  idea.  "  with  those  words,  she  shrugged  and  once  more  her  eyebrows  rose  as  if  to  say  and  what  about  it  ?  she  could  google  him  all  she  liked,  it  had  nothing  to  do  with  any  kind  of  obsession,  information  was  a  critical  part  of  warfare.
fingers  now  drumming  on  the  table  (  doing  anything  except  staying  still  ),  she  had  the  questionable  pleasure  of  watching  sunny  try  to  eat  and  speak  at  the  same  time.  bad  move,  considering  it  didn't  really  make  the  scathing  sarcasm  in  his  word,  the  insult,  land  better.  though,  one  thing  was  to  be  said.  she  definitely  didn't  have  a  squeaky  little  chipmunk  voice.  the  rest,  she  would  take  but  not  that  one.  "  if  i  sound  like  a  chipmunk,  you  sound  like  a  frog  with  a  real  bad  throat  condition.  "  okay,  perhaps  that  was  the  exact  kind  of  middle  school  insult  he  had  been  talking  about.  perhaps,  this  wasn't  her  best  look  but  what  could  she  say,  he  just  brought  it  out  in  her.  "  why  ?  are  you  craving  for  my  company  so  badly  you  want  to  have  tea  with  me  again  tomorrow  ?  i  didn't  expect  you  were  down  so  bad,  though  that  is  what  the  people  on  the  internet  say.  maybe  one  should  believe  what  random  teenagers  on  twitter  say  after  all...  "  
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   there's  a  nagging  voice  in  his  head  that  reminds  sunny  incessantly  that  it'd  be  so  much  easier  if  he  just  switched  tables.  it  crowds  his  thoughts    –    colliding  into  plots  to  steer  dawn  as  far  away  as  possible  and  quiet  fascination  about  the  way  she  twirled  the  spoon  in  her  hand  so  effortlessly  .  but  he'd  rather  die  than  admit  the  latter  (  though  if  he  were  to  try  that  himself,  he  imagined  the  spoon  would've  flown  across  the  room  and  hit  someone  right  in  the  head).  it's  not  lost  on  him  that  the  solace  of  an  empty  practice  room  would  probably  be  better  than  this  back  and  forth.  he's  far  too  committed  to  the  bit  now.  so  sunny  digs  his  heels  into  the  moment  further.
sunny  sighs,  pushing  off  the  hood  of  his  black  jumper  to  expose  a  mess  of  dark  hair.  she  had  a  point.  his  ego  was  a  little  bit  inflated.  the  other's  clear  sarcasm  causes  his  head  to  tilt  curiously,  "i  don't  know...  it  kinda  sounds  like  you're  obsessed  with  me.  maybe  you  really  do  run  a  fan  account."  a  smile  sets  into  his  features,  figuring  this  was  a  nerve  he  could  poke  at  just  a  little  while  longer.  pay  back.  finally.  "that  would  explain  a  lot,  actually.  how  did  you  find  out  my  name  in  the  first  place,  by  the  way?"  he  asks.  publicly,  he  goes  strictly  by  sunny  kim.  even  his  closest  friends  rarely  dare  to  call  him  by  his  full  name.  it  may  be  a  petty  reason,  but  his  full  name  was  reserved  for  people  he  thought  truly  knew  him.  like  his  family.  sunny  has  become  ironically  a  bit  of  a  stage  name   –   a  sheer  barrier  between  outside  opinions  (even  the  good  opinions)  and  his  truest  self.  his  teeth  graze  his  lower  lip,  biting  back  a  smirk.  "did  you  google  me,  dawn?  you  can  tell  me.  no  judgement." the accusation falls from his lips like syrup  –  slow and artificially sweetened.
judging  by  the  way  dawn  leans  into  her  seat,  his  instigating  isn't  pushing  her  away  any  time  soon.  she  appears  to  be  getting  comfortable  –  the  direct  opposite  of  what  he  wanted.  "aw,  come  on.  how  could  i  not?  "  sunny  says.  he  pauses  to  take  a  huge  bite  continuing  to  speak  in  between  chews,  not  at  all  concerned  with  showing  table  manners.  "middle  school  insults,  death  glares,  and  a  grating little chipmunk  voice  all  while  dressed  in  squeaky  leather  pants?  you  are  just  a  pleasure  to  be  around.  not  at  all  annoying."  there's  obvious  sarcasm  in  his  tone.  though,  he  misses  the  irony  in  him continuing to speak to her. "you're not planning to sit here tomorrow , right ? "   
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