sacrligium ยท 5 months
&. ๐œ๐ซ๐ข๐ฆ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฆ๐ž๐ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ.
(ย  anย  assortmentย  ofย  dialogueย  promptsย  forย  variousย  crimeย  /ย  mafiaย  /ย  detectiveย  /ย  criminalย  underworldย  scenarios.ย  triggerย  warningย  forย  darkย  themes.ย  feelย  freeย  toย  changeย  asย  youย  seemย  fit.ย  )
โ› i always get paid in the end, one way or another. โœ
โ› maybe you just need someone to tell you what to do. โœ
โ› i donโ€™t think you fully understand the situation youโ€™re in. โœ
โ› rule one: donโ€™t get caught. โœ
โ› i do what people pay me to do. โœ
โ› consider this a professional courtesy. โœ
โ› i want us to be friends. i want us to trust each other. โœ
โ› you thought you could just fuck with us, and we wouldnโ€™t fuck with you? โœ
โ› can we just exchange three words without you pulling a gun on me? โœ
โ› the detectiveโ€™s life isnโ€™t an easy one. but it rarely lacks for excitement. โœ
โ› i donโ€™t have time for distractions right now. โœ
โ› tell me, what was life like on the other side? โœ
โ› so, to what do i owe this pleasure? โœ
โ› how many fights have you been in this week? โœ
โ› you want a silencer pistol? sure, if oneโ€™s on sale. โœ
โ› go ahead. you might as well finish the job. โœ
โ› can i at least buy you a drink? โœ
โ› youโ€™re gonna get yourself killed if you keep this up. you know that, right? โœ
โ› weโ€™re not all savages here, sweetheart. โœ
โ› the only thing thatโ€™s gonna keep you safe in this world is that gun. โœ
โ› iโ€™ll teach you something about punishment. โœ
โ› do we have your allegiance or not? โœ
โ› why is it whenever we see each other, youโ€™re covered in blood? โœ
โ› you wanted the truth. iโ€™ve given it to you. itโ€™s up to you what you do with it. โœ
โ› youโ€™re playing nurse to a killer, you know. โœ
โ› this your idea of laying low? โœ
โ› looks like you could use a bodyguard. โœ
โ› you look great. like a million bucks of real money. โœ
โ› working together again, itโ€™s just like old times. โœ
โ› drink all you want, but we need to stay focused. โœ
โ› youโ€™re like a cockroach i canโ€™t kill. i mean it in a good way. โœ
โ› you eat, or you get eaten. animals call it survival. humans call it business. โœ
โ› i could teach you how to fight, but i wasnโ€™t equipped to take care of you. โœ
โ› i wanted to hurt them for the way they hurt you. โœ
โ› no oneโ€™s worth a bullet between the eyes. โœ
โ› may i have my gun back? โœ
โ› who taught you how to do that? โœ
โ› iโ€™m gonna make you an offer. one time only. โœ
โ› i had it under control. you didnโ€™t need to do that. โœ
โ› you still have to keep up appearances. โœ
โ› the bodies he buried laid the foundation of what we are now. โœ
โ› imagine how quickly you can succeed if you just take what you want. โœ
โ› that wasnโ€™t a punch. if iโ€™d punched you, youโ€™d be on the floor. โœ
โ› the choice to live an ordinary life is no longer an option for me. โœ
โ› i need you to focus on this case. not on me. can you do that? โœ
โ› youโ€™re still an honest person. itโ€™s the rest of the world thatโ€™s gone crooked. โœ
โ› all you need to do is exactly what i tell you to do. โœ
โ› iโ€™ve done things iโ€™m not proud of. iโ€™ve hurt people and iโ€™m going to hurt more. โœ
โ› blood money buys the best art. โœ
โ› everyone who ever helped me is dead. i donโ€™t want that to happen to you. โœ
โ› i donโ€™t kill people. not even scumbags like you who deserve it. โœ
โ› you treat all your ladies like this? โœ
โ› youโ€™re not very good at retiring. โœ
โ› remember who the real enemy is. โœ
โ› youโ€™re one of us now. nobody ever tell you that? โœ
โ› iโ€™m the lucky one who pulled you out of the garbage. โœ
โ› if it were up to me, you wouldโ€™ve been dead a long time ago. โœ
โ› everyone in that room has lived far worse than anything youโ€™ve ever done. โœ
โ› if youโ€™re doing it to help someone, doesnโ€™t that make it okay? โœ
โ› you donโ€™t get to be at the top without making enemies looking to tear you down. โœ
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sacrligium ยท 5 months
@belayadeath : โ that's not the worst thing i've ever heard but it's certainly up there. โž
it was . . . a simple phone call sans bavardage. the issue was rather straightforward: an infamous blackmailer by the name of milverton has taken a liking to antagonize public figures. the professor had no such interest in such parasites, but recognised the risk he implied. it was entirely a matter of time before that snake-eyed beast peered from the corridor with its greedy maw gruesomely wide open, laughing. the morning had been spent combing through contacts with minute scrutiny, reaching out to his associates' acquaintances until the most remote thread to him could ever be made. which is how moriarty found himself sitting by his desk with a phone on his hand, neglecting his assistant as well as the clutter of paper &. heavy files on its surface. the lad even glanced at the professor at the cruel tone in his voice as he slowly pronounced his wishes to flay a man &. dump whatever remains at the parliament's front door as a gift, surely planting the seeds of incrimination on one of the politicians milverton had dancing on his palm.
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" flattery seems below you, miss. " he said, after a moment worth of silence. " now, i would appreciate it a great deal if you could handle this matter. "
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sacrligium ยท 5 months
&. ๐ซ๐ข๐ฏ๐š๐ฅ๐ฌ (๐ญ๐จ ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ?) ๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ.
(ย  variousย  dialogueย  promptsย  toย  sendย  toย  yourย  worstย  enemyย  (affectionate).ย  feelย  freeย  toย  changeย  howย  youย  seemย  fit.ย  )
โ› oh great, it's you again. โœ
โ› you? kill me? that's funny. โœ
โ› for being someone you hate, i'm sure on your mind a lot. โœ
โ› you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. โœ
โ› do us both a favor. stay away from me. โœ
โ› you really are an asshole, you know that? โœ
โ› i'm the asshole? what does that make you then? โœ
โ› sometimes i think you must hate me. โœ
โ› i thought you said you never wanted to see me again. โœ
โ› if you want me to go, then you have to tell me to leave. โœ
โ› well, someone's cranky today. โœ
โ› well, someone needs to shut the fuck up. โœ
โ› just stay out of my way. โœ
โ› of all the idiots in the world, i'm stuck with you. โœ
โ› what is it you want this time? โœ
โ› sometimes i wonder if you're in love with me. โœ
โ› do you honestly think this is easy for me? โœ
โ› why would i ever want to be friends with you? โœ
โ› can we please just talk? โœ
โ› there is nothing for us to talk about. โœ
โ› you can yell at me later. just let me help you. โœ
โ› touch me, and you're dead. โœ
โ› oh, so now you care? โœ
โ› there is something deeply wrong with you. โœ
โ› i know i'm the last person you probably want to see, but... โœ
โ› you don't think we could be friends, do you? โœ
โ› i'm tired of fighting against you. โœ
โ› don't pretend you give a shit about me. โœ
โ› you're an idiot, but... i trust you. โœ
โ› oh, don't be cute. โœ
โ› wait, did you just say that i'm cute? โœ
โ› we're not good for each other. โœ
โ› if i say yes, will you shut up? โœ
โ› don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? โœ
โ› maybe we should kiss just to break the tension. โœ
โ› i'm sorry i can't turn off my feelings as easily as you. โœ
โ› maybe there's a universe out there where we're friends. โœ
โ› how can you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time? โœ
โ› don't think this changes anything between us. โœ
โ› you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. โœ
โ› if you die, i'll kill you. โœ
โ› is that a challenge? โœ
โ› ah, so you're not heartless after all. โœ
โ› i don't think i've ever seen you smile. โœ
โ› you never cared about me, so why now? โœ
โ› why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? โœ
โ› i don't even remember why we started fighting. โœ
โ› i don't have time for distractions right now. โœ
โ› you're not as bad as everyone says you are. โœ
โ› enemies make the best lovers, you know. โœ
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sacrligium ยท 5 months
โ i wouldn't find the need to tell you 'i told you so' if you weren't so allergic to admitting i'm right. โž
โ there are better hills to die on but i find this one quite comfortable. โž
โ would you come with me please? i adore your company. โž
โ that's not the worst thing i've ever heard but it's certainly up there. โž
โ i would love to help you but i'm afraid i'm suffering from a terrible case of 'it's not my problem.' โž
โ could you just think about anyone other than yourself for once? โž
โ i'm not going to stand here and argue with you about how much you need to get some rest. if i find you passed out on the floor i'm leaving you there. โž
โ would you be a dear and shut the hell up. โž
โ i know i need help but i'm not quite ready to ask for it. โž
โ do you know where we're going or are we just trying to get lost now? โž
โ i have confided this in you, please do not betray that trust. โž
โ do you like it here? with me? โž
โ are you still happy? with me, i mean. with us. โž
โ i didn't lie, i simply presented a selective truth. โž
โ do you actually like spending time with me? because i feel like all you do is argue. โž
โ one of us will eventually have to have the strength to be honest with ourselves about each other. โž
โ i want to tell you something i just need a moment to figure out the right words. โž
โ if you were the religious type i would challenge god to win your devotion. โž
โ don't tell me to quit being melodramatic it's the only time i have any fun. โž
โ were you ever going to tell me or were you just going to make me guess what you're thinking and feeling. โž
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sacrligium ยท 6 months
i don't think anyone understands how utterly abhorring the director can be. she is very careful with details to the point of obsessing over them. nothing seems to be good enough, just tolerable. her perfectionism overflows in excess where she is not only hard on herself but twice as hard on others. this makes her a very harsh teacher &. a harsher woman. she is often criticised in her circle . . . something she cares naught for seeing as her students excel in the art. john himself was a dancer until an injury on his ankle impeded him to carry the activity. the director discarded him quickly as he became unfit for her purposes, forfeiting the boy entirely to the other practices, as she did to many others.
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sacrligium ยท 6 months
all muses have dogs or cats or both. yes, they will go john wick if you do anything to them?
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sacrligium ยท 6 months
( SC . ) the director ( alias . YULIYA MOROZOVA )
you would not know the winter bit you until you are fully consumed. no skin nor bone remains in this concrete landfill. the bedtime stories all say the same : the ones about hungry wolves with raging eyes ravishing all wanderers who were either too stupidly curious or blindly courageous to step into other territories. with luck, the only thing they would spit out would be the joke of a fool they met on the hunt. but, of course, she could thread the path by tip-toeing around the deadly traps that could awaken such barbarous beasts as if it were her own kind no less. should the matriarch appreciate the lack of casualties the visitor made along the way? she certainly does not seem surprised as the vacant white gaze remains stitched to the dancer on the stage, an exhausted silhouette trying to achieve the perfect pirouette beneath the spotlight.
" we are closed, my dear. " @4larm for natasha.
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sacrligium ยท 6 months
&. ๐š๐ง ๐š๐ฌ๐ฌ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ฆ๐ž๐ง๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐๐ข๐š๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž ๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ญ๐ฌ.
( this is basically just a very self indulgent list of various fluff, angst, and suggestive themed dialogue sentence starters. )
โ› i could keep you safe. theyโ€™re all afraid of me. โœ
โ› iโ€™m trying to fix your hair, so hold still. โœ
โ› your heart is beating so fast right now. โœ
โ› promise me youโ€™ll still be here when i wake up. โœ
โ› youโ€™re not as bad as everyone says you are. โœ
โ› i thought youโ€™d like some company. โœย 
โ› clean yourself up. you're getting blood all over the place. โœ
โ› here, give this a try and tell me what you think. โœ
โ› you can kiss me, you know. โœ
โ› come back to bed. โœ
โ› you look good like this. โœ
โ› working together again, itโ€™s just like old times. โœ
โ› how is it you always know what i need, huh? โœ
โ› youโ€™re lucky you got away with only a scratch. โœย 
โ› i canโ€™t imagine losing someone like that. iโ€™m sorry. โœ
โ› you know you can always talk to me. โœ
โ› the only one who gets to kill you, is me. โœ
โ› so, what do i owe this pleasure? โœ
โ› ah, so you arenโ€™t heartless after all. โœ
โ› may i have this dance? โœย 
โ› itโ€™s okay, you can touch me. i won't break. โœ
โ› enemies make the best lovers, you know. โœ
โ› hold still. this might sting a little. โœ
โ› we can't keep doing this. โœย 
โ› you look like you've got something to say. โœ
โ› just relax and let me take care of you. โœ
โ› thought youโ€™d be lighter without all that blood. โœ
โ› i had it under control. you didnโ€™t need to do that. โœ
โ› everything looks so beautiful from up here. โœ
โ› you treat all your ladies like this? โœ
โ› well? how do i look? โœ
โ› canโ€™t sleep? โœ
โ› do you mind if i smoke? โœ
โ› iโ€™m scared of ending up alone. โœ
โ› i donโ€™t think iโ€™ve ever seen you smile. โœ
โ› how long has it been since you've slept? โœ
โ› you are losing my interest, and thatโ€™s very dangerous. โœ
โ› iโ€™d suffer hell if youโ€™d tell me what youโ€™d do to me tonight. โœ
โ› you look really pretty right now. โœ
โ› iโ€™ve never cared for anyone the way i care for you. โœ
โ› iโ€™m not wearing any underwear. thought youโ€™d like to know. โœ
โ› just a few more stitches and youโ€™ll be as good as new. โœ
โ› iโ€™d say we make a pretty good team. โœ
โ› i want you to forget this ever happened. โœ
โ› i'm here for business โ€” not pleasure. โœ
โ› if i didn't know any better, i'd say you were jealous. โœ
โ› you'd look better down on your knees. โœ
โ› fine, keep acting like you hate me. โœ
โ› kiss me again. โœ
โ› are you asking me out on a date? โœ
โ› just sit there and look pretty and let me handle this. โœ
โ› you okay? caught you staring off into space again.ย โœ
โ› well, i do feel better now that you're here. โœ
โ› i'm not drunk enough for this. โœย 
โ› why is it whenever we see each other, youโ€™re covered in blood? โœ
โ› i was wrong about you. โœย 
โ› the first time i met you, i had no idea you'd mean this much. โœ
โ› you gonna be a good girl / boy for me? โœ
โ› iโ€™m not afraid of you. โœ
โ› books mean more to me than people anyway. โœ
โ› i just wanted to say thank you for protecting me. โœ
โ› how about a kiss goodnight? โœ
โ› i donโ€™t have time for distractions right now. โœ
โ› you shouldnโ€™t be out here by yourself. โœย 
โ› if i have to think about one more thing today, my head will explode. โœ
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sacrligium ยท 6 months
PROMPTS FROM JOHN WICK * ย assorted dialogue from the 2014 film
in that moment, i received some semblance of hope.
i can do this! please!
just checking up on an old friend.
i have a job for you.
they sure as fuck broke the mold with you.
be seeing you.
everything's got a price.
do i look civilized to you?
you look good. and here i'd feared you'd left this all behind.
how many do you have?
i've got that covered.
what are you really doing here?
get the fuck out of my sight.
i'll leave you be.
you've broken the rules.
i'd like to talk with him.
treat all your ladies like this?
i look retired.
you've lost weight.
noise complaint?
have you thought this through?
i'm not telling you shit.
people don't change. you know that.
how much for the car?
there's no rhyme or reason to this life.
where the fuck are you?
it was good. far better than i deserved.
we are cursed, you and i.
how may i be of service?
i'm sorry i can't be there for you.
are you here on business?
yeah. everything's fine.
don't blame yourself.
i'm sorry. my condolences.
to what do i owe the pleasure?
do you really wanna die here?
i once saw them kill three men in a bar with a pencil.
we live by a code.
i gave you an impossible task.
now that i have found my peace, find yours.
i know what you're thinking.
it's been a while. my condolences.
i can make this right.
they knew you're coming.
how do you plan that?
everything all right?
do you need anything for the pain?
so tell me, how was life on the other side?
it seems to be fate, or happenstance, or just bad fucking luck caused our paths to cross once again.
why don't you take the night off?
i'll leave you to it, then.
may i suggest a drink? bourbon, perhaps?
do you think you can scare me into opening this gate?
it's okay. let's go home.
my apologies. i was dealing with an uninvited guest.
you got out once.
people keep asking if i'm back and i haven't really had an answer.
who? that fucking nobody?
it won't matter.
so what sort of movement am i looking at?
you look terrible.
is the doctor in?
i apologize for calling you at this hour.
that's unwise, i assure you.
we were professionals. civilized.
you stole my car, and you killed my dog.
you working again?
i'll have to get back to you.
how good is your laundry?
you dip so much as a pinky back into this pond, you may well find something reaches out... and drags you back into its depths.
you will do nothing, because you can do nothing.
my god! how long has it been? four years?
i thought i'd let myself in.
are you scared of the fucking boogeyman? i'm not.
do i know you?
i'd like to make a dinner reservation for twelve.
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sacrligium ยท 6 months
okay, cleaned this blog. so consider this a fancy starter call *
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sacrligium ยท 2 years
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( ยป ) SACRLIGIUM . . .
a private multi-muse blog for characters & ocs primaliry from the JOHN WICK universe &. more. an in depth-study delving into some materials approached in HAGAKURE ( YAMAMOTO TSUNETOMO ) , GO RIN NO SHO - THE BOOK OF FIVE RINGS ( MIYAMOTO MUSASHI ) , THE ART OF WAR ( SUN TZU ) , THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS ( CAMUS ), ACD'S BOGGLING WORKS ON SHERLOCK HOLMES ( man is rolling on his grave right now ), with the influences of the great akira kurosawa [ SANSHIRO SUGATA ( 1943 ) ; STRAY DOG ( 1949 ) ; SEVEN SAMURAI ( 1954 ) ; YOJIMBO ( 1961 ) ] , kan shimozawa's ZATOICHI ( 1962 ) , john woo's THE KILLER ( 1989 ) , john boorman's POINT BLANK ( 1967 ) ; LE SAMOURAร ( 1967 ) ; LE CERCLE ROUGE ( 1970 ) & many other crime-drama , action-thriller & neo-noir films as well as the HITMAN FRANCHISE & THE GHOST OF TSUSHIMA ( games ) .
muse list below .
the elder . the highest seat gianna d'antonio . the camorra seat anastasia novikova . the bratva seat ( oc ) salvatore d'angelo . the 'ndrangheta seat ( oc )
the adjudicator . NYC
viggo tarasov . the bratva . NYC the director . the ruska . NYC + MINSK the bowery king . independent . the bowery . NYC
shimazu koji . manager of the OSAKA CONTINENTAL HOTEL shimazu akira . concierge of the OSAKA CONTINENTAL HOTEL sofia al-azwar . manager of the CASABLANCA CONTINENTAL HOTEL
cassian . gianna d'antonio's bodyguard . the camorra . ROME ares . santino d'antonio's bodyguard . the camorra . ROME sandra kovalevych . the odessa . TORONTO ( oc ) kirill drozdov . the bratva . the tarasovs . NYC the tracker / mr. nobody . freelance . UNKNOWN
sakai jin . the ghost . TSUSHIMA james moriarty . professor . DUBLIN + LONDON punchline . unknown . GOTHAM CITY roman sionis . sionis industries . GOTHAM CITY mario falcone . falcone crime family . GOTHAM CITY johnny silverhand . rockerboy . samurai . NIGHT CITY takemura goro . bodyguard . arasaka corporation . TOKYO v . mercenary . freelance . UNKNOWN
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