sadbutsoft · 6 months
I have an end-of-life patient to whom I spoke today. She burst out laughing and said, "It was all such fun. I just had so much fun." I wish this for everyone. I wish that we each would meet death laughing, with little regret and even less fear.
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sadbutsoft · 9 months
I feel like I’m too autistic for my job. Like i do not fit in and you can tell
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
Tell me a soft memory
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
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My cat watching the Care Bears cartoon
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
I’m so lonely
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
I desperately want to die. I’m just so lonely and miserable all the time. I haven’t not been sad since october. I’ve always been like this. I just want to not exist. I want the pain to stop.
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
Someone being patient with you is one of the softest forms of love
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
I’m at my best friends house and she just started playing genshin? And isn’t talking to me at all?? Idk I haven’t seen her since august but I don’t know if she even missed me… Why can’t we just hang out :(
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
i would. maybe like to be held. squished a bit. i'd make a great stress toy
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
"i forgive myself for what i did" and "i should not have done that" are two statements that can and should coexist. you can forgive yourself while holding yourself accountable. you can understand that you fucked up while also understanding that you're human.
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
More generally, if your partner has trouble orgasming but they’re still like enjoying whatever y’all are doing sexually can you please not make their inability to orgasm into a huge thing. I don’t mean not to be open to communication about how you can make it better for them, but having an existential crisis because you didn’t make them come is not going to help anything.
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
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I’ve been thinking about “you can’t pin joy like a moth” all day.
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
let love in. believe compliments. be vulnerable and soft-hearted. tell people you love that you love them. see beauty in everyday things. live life like you’re in a movie. don’t be afraid to begin again.
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
I'm sorry you had to bottle up all your feelings inside in order to function. I'm sorry that's what you had to do to survive in a time where stopping to take the time to feel and express them would have had severe consequences.
I'm proud of you for making it though that time, but I need you to stop suppressing your feelings now that you're here.
Your feelings are important. They are not bad. They are not here to hurt you. They're here to tell you what you're experiencing, and you need them. So take them out of their boxes, please. Use them.
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sadbutsoft · 2 years
and for my next trick i will fall in love !!
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sadbutsoft · 3 years
My roommate makes me fucking crazy. She says I’m not allowed to disagree with her but the second I voice an opinion she immediately puts it down. Maybe I can get my own apartment and she can just make her own trouble
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