sadiemontrose · 5 hours
Cardiac arrest symptoms… who’s going to restart my tired heart? #roleplay #heartattack #cardiophile #playwithmyheartdaddy #fitgirlheart
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sadiemontrose · 11 days
Hehehe, this is cooooooool
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sadiemontrose · 12 days
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Such a need. Make my heart pound from the oxygen deprivation and feel me gasp and whimper against your hand as you play with my nipple, my heart hammering against your fingers.
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sadiemontrose · 12 days
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sadiemontrose · 2 months
Heyyyy, could some nice lady come and put their head on my chest and listen to my heartbeat, please? ~ thanks, love you
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sadiemontrose · 2 months
The heart is a personal thing.
No two hearts ever beat the same. The movements and sounds are just as unique to a person as their eyes and fingerprints.
Anyone can say "I love you."
Anyone can be physically intimate.
But only when you truly offer them your heart, to let them hear the true voice of your body and soul, can you say "They know me. They love me, inside and out."
After all, it's the contents of a package and not the pretty wrapping that one should appreciate.
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sadiemontrose · 2 months
My girlfriend's heartbeat is so slow and thumpy today, I love it so much.
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sadiemontrose · 3 months
just want to tie you up and listen to your heart beating for me while I grind on you (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
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sadiemontrose · 3 months
Holy shit, 337 followers?! Y'all spoil me ^^
I should return the favour and have a celebration post. Anything y'all want to see?
(Pls remember that I am a lesbian, will not show my entire face, or show any nudity on a public post.)
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sadiemontrose · 3 months
What turns you on about heartbeats?
that everyone’s sounds different and that your heart shows your real emotions. If your sad angry or nervous or happy you can tell and to me that turns me on 🤷🏻‍♂️ also listening to someone’s heartbeat is very intimate cause it’s literally their life so it’s something very personal.
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sadiemontrose · 4 months
when you place you hand on your chest feeling your heartbeat ever think about it stopping as you feel every heart beat thanks ..M.
Oh definitely. I think it would be kind of cool to feel it slow to a stop, but I get to stay conscious the whole time.
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sadiemontrose · 4 months
Random Cardio-Fantasy
Your heartbeat is incredibly visible and your heart is very strong. That's why you're sitting on a chair or laying on a medical bed, and can't move. You're with six or seven people (men, women or both), and there all here for that ball visibly pulsating hard against your chest. They could feel it, watch it, listen to it, maybe broadcast it through speakers. You don't know how far things will go for sure or where, but they clearly have no intent on ending you, or damaging you permanently. The question is, what is it that they're gonna start doing with you and your beating heart? And are you really liking this? Cause you think you are...
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sadiemontrose · 4 months
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sadiemontrose · 4 months
This ❤️ This sound right here.
Quick recording of my heart reacting to comments (yet again) because she seems to not want to slow down lol. Sorry about the background noise, she was so visible she kept pushing my mic off my chest and I had to reposition a lot <3
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sadiemontrose · 4 months
Is there a specific spot where your heartbeat feels hardest when you can feel it?
Tricuspid for sure! Especially when I get my hard skips & PVCs. She just slams against me for a split second.
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sadiemontrose · 4 months
I really enjoyed your visible heartbeat video. That's like my hb holy grail. What did you do to get it that way? Does it happen a lot or just sometimes?
Just sometimes! That was pretty crazy. There were some emotional factors but I had just run up the stairs, and I'm still throwing off PVCs so my heart is a tad funky at the moment. Glad you liked it!
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sadiemontrose · 4 months
I love denying that my heart is actually pounding even if someone can hear it
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