sadlancetrash · 5 years
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ay, mamá, so many stars in cuba 💫
happy birthday lance!
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
Speak Low If You Speak Love 🌶
“Do you have a map? Cause I’m getting lost in your eyes,” Lance coos to the gorgeous blue-haired alien in front of him. He smiles as she giggles in response. He hears a groan behind him and turns to see Keith rolling his eyes. Lance frowns and turns back to the alien, only to see she’s been called away by someone else.
“Thanks, mullethead. You’re scaring away all the ladies,” Lance complains.
“You sure it isn’t your terrible pick up lines?” Keith quips. The nerve.
Lance scoffs. “Whatever, Keith! My pick up lines are great!”
“I don’t think those lines would work on anyone, Lance.”
“Oh yeah!?” Lance asks irately.
“Yeah,” Keith deadpans.
“Wanna bet?”
“Not really,” Keith says and walks away. Anger and an intense need to prove himself wells up in Lance’s chest.
“Fine! I don’t need a bet! I’ll show you anyway, mullet brains!” he calls after Keith.
Lance kicks at the ground and scowls. How is he going to show Keith that his pick up lines work if he hasn’t had a date in months? Hot air rushes from him as he releases a heavy sigh. An idea sparks in his mind, but it’s crazy. So, so crazy. Lance bites his lip as he considers and turns the idea over in his head. It is crazy, but it might just work…
The best way to show Keith how effective his pick up lines are is to use them… on Keith.
Keep reading
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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the boy drives you crazy for 4+ years and ur still weak for him
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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today only sketch (no time *sigh* )   
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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some vld drawings i made over the last month, bffs who are borderline too close to be just bffs 
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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some good bois
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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50 - Evil Lotor01
I am so sorry I didn’t update this for so long but my life has become a bit busy.
Anyway here you go. Keith shouldn’t have left Lance alone!! :O 
+ Masterpost +
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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lancey_lance started a live video. Watch it before it ends!
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
Side Effects pt. 314
“Y-You’re not supposed to eavesdrop on people, you asshole,” Lance managed to say, his words practically tumbling over each other.
Luis brought him into hug. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I know, I’m so sorry.” Luis hugged him until he was able to regain some type of slower rhythm to his breaths. “I was just… I didn’t think….” Luis sighed and pulled away, keeping his hands firm on Lance’s shoulders. “Don’t cry, manito. I’m sorry. This should’ve been something you told me when you were ready. We thought you were hiding a girlfriend, and I was just gonna tease you, I didn’t mean to….” He shook his head. “I’m so sorry, Lance. I won’t say anything, I promise.”
“Oh my God,” Lance breathed out. “Am I still invited to the wedding?”
Lance shook his head. “I thought you’d be mad, or…. I don’t know, I was scared you wouldn’t invite me, or… I don’t know, Luis, I was scared-”
“Ey, calmate. C’mon. Of course you’re invited. I need my best man there.” Lance stared at him with wide eyes. “I was… planning on asking differently, but hey. Obviously shit changes…. Partners in crime, right? Ride or die?”
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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How it should have been 
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
Side Effects pt 301
“Catch us up, man. Latest parties? What happened to that Nyla chick?”
“Nyma? What about her?” His brothers stared at him with confused expressions. “We’re friends.”
“With benefits,” Luis snorted.
“Oh, n-n-no!” Lance shook his head and laughed nervously. “No. That- that ended a while ago.”
Marco raised an eyebrow at him. “Did you go for someone else? Was she trying to be official or something?”
“Wh- no? No, I just… stopped. We’re not doing that anymore, we’re just friends. Really. No new fuck buddy or anything, just….” He shrugged and gestured pointlessly with his hands.
Marco and Luis looked at each other then at Lance. “Oh. Okay then. Cool,” Luis said.
They were awkwardly quiet until Veronica came back a few moments later. “What’s with the weird looks?” she asked.
“Lance has a girlfriend he’s not telling us about,” Marco supplied. Veronica choked on her water and spit it back into her cup.
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
Side Effects pt.300
“Man. It’s so crazy to think that we’re all… grown up, you know? Kids, marriage, college. Shit,” Lance mused, more to himself than anything.
“Yeah, hard to think that 10 years ago you were trying to eat raw chiles so you could grow a moustache, huh?” Luis teased.
“That was your fault! You said it helped!”
“No te preocupes, manito, at least you didn’t wet the bed until you were seven,” Veronica said. Luis covered his face and threw a crumpled up napkin at Veronica.
“You wanna play dirty? Alright, then-”
Instead of catching up, they began reminiscing. All those moments in their childhood when they argued over the remote and didn’t hug because they swore they annoyed each other and taking the last pack of Gusher gummies was the worst thing they could do to each other. Veronica recalled when Lance would braid her hair for school. Marco remembered when Luis had first come home heartbroken over a girl. Luis remembered Lance’s first poetry journal. Lance remembered waking up to Marco putting money under his pillow for his tooth and pretending to still be asleep. They remembered arguments, like when Marco had cut a chunk of Veronica’s hair or when Luis punched Marco in the face in a fight for the first and last time, or when Lance got mad at Marco for coming home late and scaring Mami.
“God bless our parents,” Veronica said with a smile and a shake of her head. “We were a handful.” She wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood up. “Be right back.”
As soon as she was gone, Marco kicked his leg under the table. “Okay, you’ve got about three minutes to spill before she gets back.”
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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I like to think that Shiro is an over enthusiastic and supportive parent for all of his lil gay children 
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
@i-write-shakespeare-not-disney  this low key has a lovesick lance vibe
I can’t wait to sleep next to you. I can’t wait to lay in bed in the morning with you because we are comfortable together just being. I can’t wait for you to come home and just lean into me. I can’t wait for when we have a place together. I can’t wait to have casual kisses and have domesticity with you, whoever you are. I can’t wait.
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
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So I kinda wanna start writing fics again but idk. Anyone have any requests?
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sadlancetrash · 5 years
Side Effects pt.291
Lance nodded. “She wanted me to read to her.”
Coran nodded and shifted so he could face Lance better. “She also wanted you out of the room.” Lance frowned, staring at him in confusion. “That day, as soon as you’d left, she turned to me said, ‘Uncle you’ll have to help him.’” Lance started shaking his head stubbornly, his lip quivering as more tears gathered in his eyes. “She said, ‘Don’t let him be alone. Don’t let him forget-’ ah, what was it she’d said?” He thought for a second and smiled. “‘Don’t let him forget how big his heart can be.’” Coran sniffed and wiped at his eyes. “She knew you’d be conflicted the day you fell for someone new. But she said, whenever that happened, I was to tell you it was okay. Because she said anyone lucky enough to experience a taste of your love deserves the full experience. Like she had.”
Lance couldn’t stop gasping for breath. He hadn’t cried this badly since the day of her funeral. He couldn’t even talk, and he couldn’t stop shaking his head. Coran’s calloused hand settled over his own, keeping it from shaking.
“Your heart, and the way you feel things to the fullest is what’s made you a writer, my boy. And I know, just like Allura did, that your heart is big enough to fall in love with someone else without erasing her from it. You deserve to experience those things again, Lance. And this… person must be very special if you’re tearing yourself up this way. But you’ve done nothing wrong. You’ve done exactly what she hoped you would.”
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sadlancetrash · 6 years
Addiction VIII pt.63
After a while longer, Keith pulled away and started turning around. “Okay, okay, okay, I’m good. I’m ready.”
Lance stopped him with a hand on his torso. “Come on, babe. You know I like looking at you.” Keith rolled his eyes but laid on his back. “Be right back,” he promised with a quick kiss on the cheek.
Lance shuffled off him to fumble in his drawer again. Keith watched the curve of his back as he moved, counted the scatter freckles that created constellations on his shoulder blades, and reached out to lightly touch the dimples at the small of his back.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.
Lance looked back at him and gave him a shy smile. Keith liked how it looked on him. When Lance was embarrassed or shy, it made him seem a little more human. A little more realistic. And it made Keith feel special knowing he could get him to react that way.
“I didn’t think you could use the word beautiful for guys until you,” Lance whispered. He leaned over and kissed him softly, slowly.
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