sadlovatic · 7 years
With the holidays around the corner, I wanted to write you guys a little something special… I know the holiday season can be a tough time for anyone working through any kind of mental health issues and I just want all of you to know that you can get through this! There is nothing more important than self care and I hope each and every one of you carve out the time each and every day just for yourself. It can be as simple as going to get your nails done to buying yourself a little present :) You deserve it and so much more!
Love you guys!! Make sure to take care of YOU ❤️
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sadlovatic · 7 years
Which language do you want to learn?
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Here we go guys!! Starting to answer your questions here :)
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sadlovatic · 7 years
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Let’s cheers to another 25 years! (August 20th 1992)
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sadlovatic · 7 years
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Discography: Demi Lovato
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sadlovatic · 7 years
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“He may have been your father, boy. But he wasn’t your daddy.”
Rooker trying to make us all cry again by posting this on Facebook on Father’s Day.
Art by Andry Rajoelina 
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sadlovatic · 8 years
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sadlovatic · 8 years
I just supported Project "Home" on @ThunderclapIt // @projecthome2016
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sadlovatic · 9 years
Love Me, Daddy Imagine (Part 2)
Part 1
It had been three weeks since I walked out on Harry and I hadn’t heard from him once. I walked into my apartment after work, ready to put my feet up and eat my body weight in cereal while watching Skins. The amount of tv series I had watched during my heartbreak was ridiculous but it was the only thing I could think of to do. I had just sat down on the small red sofa when my roommate, Alec, walked into the living room. Alec had been my best friend for years and I had an amazing relationship with him. Life would be so much easier for me if he wasn’t gay because I would just marry him and be done with dating. Not that I would be dating anytime soon. “Right, that’s it!” he stood in front of me with his hands rested on the waistband of his designer jeans, a present from me since I’d come into a lot of money lately. “I am not letting you sit on this sofa for another night crying because Bella and Stefan broke up”. “Bella is from Twilight you doofus and I finished The Vampire Diaries four days ago, I’m onto teenage drug addicts that fuck each other and party now”. Alec nodded “I guess that’s an improvement…But that’s not my point! Get a shower and get dressed, we are going out and you are going to enjoy yourself”. I was about to protest but Alec stopped me before I could even speak “I mean it! You have an hour to get ready or I will drag you out in what you’re wearing now and waitress’ don’t look good in clubs!”.
After spending twenty minutes crying in the shower and then being dragged out by Alec who then proceeded to do my make up and get me dressed like a Barbie doll in less than half an hour, I was ready. Physically, not mentally. Alec was styling his thick brown hair into a quiff while I sat on my bed staring at my phone, waiting for a call that I knew I wouldn’t get. “Cab’s here, let’s go” Alec said as he straightened the collar of his burgundy shirt. He’d dressed me in a short black dress with white heels and curled my hair, making me look like a literal doll. But I didn’t care what I looked like, I just wanted a drink. “Where are we going?” I asked once we were in the cab, I hadn’t recognised the address Alec had given the driver. Alec looked at me with nervous eyes and took a deep breath before answering “Style”. I gasped and hit his arm as hard as I could with my clutch “Alec, what is wrong with you?! You know that that is one of Harry’s clubs!”. “Relax” he said as he squirmed away from me “Harry Styles is never seen in his own clubs and just think, if he happens to come across footage of you in one of his clubs he’ll regret what he’s lost and be miserable forever”. I eyed my best friend in thought “Okay, I kinda like the sound of him being miserable”. Alec smiled enthusiastically “See, I have good logic really and if at any point you feel like you want to leave, we’ll go get pizza and go home. But please, at least give this a try. For me?”. I exhaled in defeat “Fine, for you”.
The club was packed. I was surprised that we even managed to get in. Alec and I made a beeline for the bar and I ordered a double Jack and coke. I hadn’t had a drink in a while, it was one of Harry’s Don’ts.  As soon as the alcohol hit the back of my throat I felt a little better and suddenly Pitbull’s Fireball didn’t sound so bad, even though I despised Pitbull.  It only took Alec buying me three drinks to convince me to dance with him and I couldn’t help but laugh when he started busting out his terrible moves. A few minutes after we hit the dance floor, we were both dancing against random guys. I had no interest in mine, I didn’t even care to ask for his name. I just wanted to dance. And dance I did. The strangers hands were all over me and Alec’s comment about Harry seeing footage of me flashed into my mind. I hoped he could see that I didn’t give a shit about him, even if i did. I wanted him to be miserable and see what he’s missing. Four songs later, the alcohol was swimming through my veins and I was finally letting myself relax and have fun when I felt someone tug on my arm. I looked up to see a member of security frowning down at me “Come with me, ma’am”. “Hey!” I screeched when he started to pull me away from my dance partner “You can’t manhandle me, let go!”. “She’s legal!” Alec called loudly from behind me. I tried to struggle away from his grasp but he was too strong as he pulled me towards the main entrance. We were almost at the door when we suddenly turned left, down a long corridor. The music was getting quieter as I was dragged towards a large metal door. The security guard typed a code into the wall, opening the door in front of us and he placed me inside before shutting the door behind me. I banged on the door and screamed for the guy to come back “You can’t do this to me! I have rights!”. “Y/N”. Chills were sent through my body at the sound of that familiar voice. I turned and a small gasp escaped my mouth as I saw him, sat behind a large oak desk with a scotch in his hand and a murderous expression on his face. His name escaped my lips in a whisper “Harry”.
Like for part 3?
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sadlovatic · 9 years
Love Me, Daddy Imagine (Part 1)
I sat on the bay window in Harry’s living room watching the rain splatter onto the windowsill outside as the sequins on my dress reflected from the moonlight. Harry was supposed to be here two hours ago to take me to one of his charity events and I hadn’t heard from him since this afternoon. Harry and I met two months ago at the cafe where I work and somehow, he became sugar daddy. I relied on him, I trusted him and I believed that he would always look after me. When I was younger, never in my wildest dreams did I think that this is what would become of my life. I had fallen in love with a man who spent thousands on me so he could fuck me. Well, truth be told, Harry hasn’t had sex with me in over a week and I had no idea why. With a deep breath, I got up from the small cushioned seat and made my way through the large house that was dimly lit. It was obvious that Harry wasn’t coming. I just wanted to change, go home and have a nice hot bath. Harry had never stood me up before and just lately his behaviour was getting stranger. Maybe he was seeing someone else. The thought rang through my mind and suddenly everything made sense. He wasn’t doing extra hours at work. I felt sick thinking about Harry with another woman and I knew that I was being ridiculous because of our agreement. From the beginning, Harry and I agreed that neither of us would grow feelings for one another and if we did then we had to stop what we were doing and go our separate ways. I had just changed into my jeans and hoodie when I heard laughter downstairs; Harry’s deep chuckle…and a woman’s cackle. I grabbed my handbag and slowly made my way downstairs, hoping to avoid whatever situation was going on right now. Oh, who was I kidding? Harry was fucking another woman and he’d completely forgotten about me. I had almost reached the door when I heard him say my name. “Y/N” Harry’s husky voice sent shivers down my spine and I turned around slowly. Harry looked amazing, as he always did, in a black suit and white shirt. His usually brown curly hair was pulled up into a bun and his pale green eyes were glistening from the lights above. He had a jawline that could cut butter and the most handsome face I was sure I would ever see. It was then that I noticed the beautiful blonde hanging off his arm in a red silk dress. It was suddenly clear to me that Harry had taken a different date to his event. “Harry, babe, who’s this?” The woman purred in a sickly voice. Harry stared at me for a few seconds with hard eyes and then looked down at his date “Just my maid, will you give me a minute?”. The hurt spread through my body quicker than anything I had ever experienced and I realised what was happening; I was being replaced. Without even so much as a warning. “Maid?” I spat harshly when the woman disappeared, there were tears brimming my eyes threatening to fall. Harry walked close to me and rolled his eyes “Don’t over react, baby. I can’t exactly explain our situation to everyone, can I?”. I took a deep breath and stepped backwards when he reached out for me “That woman was your date for tonight? You left me alone in a dress more expensive than my apartment so you could go fuck some woman that looks like Barbie on steroids?”. Harry’s expression turned harsh “Do not speak to me like that. You’re forgetting that I own you and I do not answer to you, you answer to me”. I shook my head “I can’t do this. I can’t wait here for you and then see you with other women. That wasn’t part of our agreement”. He smirked a little “Is my baby girl jealous of daddy’s new friend?”. My heart skipped at the change of direction the conversation had taken and I couldn’t form an answer. Harry took another step closer, causing my back to hit the wall as I retreated from him. In this close proximity I could smell the whiskey on his breath and the familiar smell of his musky cologne. “Does my baby girl need putting in her place?”. I almost said yes. I almost gave in to the temptation of touching him. Almost. “No. Your baby girl is leaving and you shouldn’t expect me back” I said quietly, sadly, as I shifted my gaze to the floor. “What?” Harry’s voice was barely above a whisper and he lifted my chin up gently with his long fingers “You’re leaving me?”. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and stared deep into his eyes “Our agreement was that if one of us had feelings for the other then we had to stop this. And I’m afraid it’s gone that far, da- Harry. I can’t watch you bring home other women because I love you. So I need to go”. Harry looked shocked by my confession and his eyes dropped “No, Y/N. You can’t love me”. I tried to ignore the stabbing sensation that pierced through my heart and I inhaled sharply “Well I do. I love you, daddy and I have to leave”. I stretched up onto my tiptoes and closed my eyes as I kissed his cheek softly. “Goodbye” I whispered before hurrying out the front door. The rain was still falling and by the time I reached his front gates, I was wet through. I decided to walk home instead of get a taxi. It wasn’t far and at least in the rain, no one would see me cry.
Like for a part 2?
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sadlovatic · 9 years
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sadlovatic · 9 years
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2013 was too wild
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sadlovatic · 9 years
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(via Read Dollhouse)
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sadlovatic · 9 years
Stürze wieder total ab.
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sadlovatic · 9 years
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sadlovatic · 9 years
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¡Salgan de mi cabeza!
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sadlovatic · 9 years
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I’m posting this so everybody knows depression, anxiety, and eating disorders can be invisible as oxygen until you find the body.
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sadlovatic · 9 years
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