safetytank · 9 hours
I think one of the kindest things you can do for people with various mental health struggles is just... let people back into your life after they've been absent for a while.
Making friends as an adult is so fucking hard already and isolating yourself from other people is a very common symptom of depression, anxiety, burnout, ocd, trauma, grief, etc. Which means that someone will do the hard work of recovery/healing and resurface back into a world where their previous friends have written them off because they stopped showing up.
So if you know someone where you're like "yeah we could have been better friends but they fell off the map a bit" and that person suddenly reaches out, or starts showing up to events even though you kind of forgot they were still in the group chat... well they may have been Going Through It and you don't actually have to punish them for their absence you can just be glad that they're back.
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safetytank · 13 hours
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Nothing to do, nowhere to go, Ollie Jones
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safetytank · 13 hours
since AAPI month is winding down here in the US I thought I'd recommend a few RPGs made by Asian designers that I've personally reviewed. Please consider throwing a few bucks to these folks, they're all working with some really fascinating stuff:
Moriah, by Kyle Tam
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A narrative, dark linear pathway about climbing a sacred mountain the prevent the gods' wrath from annihilating the world. Genuinely one of my favorite narrative voices in RPGs to this day. Horrifically violent and grim, but I think some of you sickos who like self-mutilation, human sacrifice, and imagery out of the binding of Isaac will dig it.
Navathem's End by Sinta Posadas and Pam Punzalan
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Taking elements from both PBTA and Blades in the Dark, Navathem's End is a beefy, beautifully illustrated fantasy game where players act as agents of an organization fighting against the consequences of the Gods. I really liked some of this game's unique twists on character advancement, I think this game is ripe for a long campaign if you're trying to shift your table away from D&D.
Spectres of Brocken by Aaron Lim
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Mech fantasy meets high school AU. Spectres of Brocken lets you establish rivalries and romances while in a military training academy, and then play them out on the battlefield after a timejump. I think Lim explicitly is basing this off of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but if you've ever imagined being stabbed by your high school crush in a spear-wielding death machine, you should read through this one!
Apocalypse Keys by Rae Nedjadi
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Hellboy meets Men in Black meets sad gay found family that'll eventually have to kill each other. Play as agents of the DIVISION that hunts down monsters threatening your world, while struggling to keep your own monstrous impulses in check. Perfect for monsterfuckers, as well as folks who thought Monster of the Week wasn't queer enough.
Ten Thousand Days for the Sword by Emily Zhu
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Emily Zhu is my favorite tabletop designer. Their prose is immaculate, their brain is enormous, and their design is out of this world. Play as wuxia warriors battling in a cyberpunky city, using hundreds of martial arts techniques (such as Horse and Turn into a Demon) to best rival factions. Genuinely such a cool and fascinating game, I played a small campaign of it and it was SO MUCH FUN, thanks in no small part to Zhu's phenomenal writing.
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safetytank · 15 hours
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safetytank · 15 hours
I’m sorry, but aren’t we collectively tired of all our clothes being made of polyester?
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safetytank · 1 day
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recreation of what i saw when my wife was high and really wanted me to deliver her a single oreo
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safetytank · 1 day
Good news everyone I have accidentally discovered the stupidest fucking conceivable way to make myself to do chores
It goes like this…..
My car: *low gas light on*
Me: I mean, I COULD stop at the gas station on the way home… OR! I could just NOT do that and deal with it tomorrow
Me: but what if I get stuck in a time loop starting tomorrow and every day I wake up and my car is on empty that would be so annoying
Me: uggghhh FINE I will stop at the gas station.
My sink: *has all my bowls and tea mugs in it*
Me: okay I don't actually care about this problem for tonight I am not planning on eating soup or tea
Me: …yeah but if i do end up being stuck in a time loop starting tomorrow it is going to SUCK to have only dirty tea cups in the morning forever
Me: uuuuughhhh okay clean sink it is
I hate this. My brain must have an extremely low opinion of me to even try it, and it worked.
But hey, I don't have to try to remember to leave 5 min early tomorrow for a gas run?
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safetytank · 1 day
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safetytank · 2 days
Everyone who plays around with Tarot cards long enough winds up with a “bad” card that they love. I just barely persuaded my husband not to get the Ten of Swords tattooed on his body; traditionally, it shows a corpse with ten swords stuck in their body and means “utter ruin,” but he thought that if it took ten swords to kill you, then you must have put up a pretty good fight.
honestly this is the most badass ten of swords interpretation i've ever heard.  i'm stealing this
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safetytank · 2 days
#actually the neat idea here is the inverse concept#A good artifact that retroactively gives people tragic backstories so they become heroes#There's a moral dilemma you don't hear often
Evil artifact that retroactively removes hero's tragic backstories so that they become normal people and never try to stop the Dark Lord.
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safetytank · 2 days
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Egon Schiele - Port of Trieste - 1907
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safetytank · 2 days
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Adult SSF Books with Prominent Queer Characters
Black Sun 
An Accident of Stars 
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet 
The Fifth Season 
The Devourers 
The Deep
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safetytank · 2 days
We done told Meemaw not to go on no more adventures. We said at her, "Listen, Meemaw, you are 83 goddamn years old and the doctor says you can't go on no more adventures, it's bad for your ticker." But she done got up her hauberk and that god-killin axe of hers and went right out there and fuckin died and now I gotta go back out there to the dragon's lair with the Staff of Resurrection after her ass *again*.
Weren't her heart or nuthin, tho. She got et by the dragon.
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safetytank · 2 days
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I only stopped for a minute in the sun, but now I've grown roots and my veins have become wires.
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safetytank · 2 days
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I decided to clean up an old comic of mine! A thirty something year old Tintin reflects on his childhood with Chang.
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safetytank · 2 days
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safetytank · 2 days
I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.
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