sagarraut · 6 years
आम्हां घरीं धन (Wealth in our house)
आम्हां घरीं धन शब्दाचींच रत्नें ।
शब्दाचींच शस्त्रें यत्ने करूं ॥१॥
शब्दचि आमुच्या जिवाचें जीवन ।
शब्दें वांटूं धन जनलोकां ॥२॥
तुका म्हणे पहा शब्दचि हा देव ।
शब्देंचि गौरव पूजा करूं ॥३॥
- संत तुकाराम
Wealth in our house is gems of words only |
Would made weapons of only words with efforts ||1||
Only words are life of our soul |
Would share wealth through words to people || 2 ||
Tuka says, see word is the god |
Would do glory and worship by words only || 3 ||
- Originally written by sant Tukaram in Marathi.
Translated by Sagar Raut.
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sagarraut · 6 years
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Preprations here too, in solapur. After seeing your post @srbachchan sir, I thought I should go, see and capture.
|| गणपती बाप्पा मोरया ||
आणि हो पाऊसही आला थेंब थेंब...
Just before some minutes.
6:33 PM IST, Thursday, 26/07/2018.
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sagarraut · 6 years
DAY 3758
London , UK                July 5,  2018              Thu 10:34 PM, local
the word of the DAY .. that which gives liberty .. that which creates strength .. that which provides identity .. that which calms .. that which gives a voice .. that which delivers .. that which confides its confidence in its quietude .. a boon, an awakening, a sincere friend and the ultimate test of character .. within !
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.. the freedom to grow independent against the highest distant construct .. alone, facing the clouds of dark ominous rain ..
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… the freedom to fly without any inhibition .. in unrestricted company of multitudes ..
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.. and to be the one among many .. peaceful independent and instantly recognisable - not just by colour, but by the courage to look the other way .. when no one else does .. !!
Freedom comes too in unexpected quarters of connect .. to share, to speak out, to express without any restriction, to permit the insides to break open those sealed moral doors and be bolden by understanding and compassionate converse  ..
Freedom to bring to other and another, the unspoken desire of want and need .. to assist in any small way the destitution, or more perhaps .. asking not the reason, of want, but just giving ..
For .. they that receive may express reluctance, but the heart of the giver must feel the exuberance of given gift .. a hand to hold, a reassurance, a possible removal of ailments and conditions, unsaid but known  .. 
And curse be upon them that expect RETURN .. 
The ‘give’ is isolation .. a desired deliberate isolation .. any company would deflate and destroy it ..
Love and .. freedom !!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sagarraut · 6 years
आधी विंचू ठेचावे, नंतर पाण्यात जावे! अगदी सगळे!
~ सागर राऊत
३१/०५/२०१८, गुरुवार, ९:२० PM
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sagarraut · 7 years
Colours {रंग}
Colours are there to life, to mind, colours of emotions, subtle.
Colours to physical bodies, which are visible, stays there with emotions, with their aura. Just seeing them effects on mind, yes it does always. Their combinations gives different feels.
Can sometimes lift up mind, sometimes attract it, sometimes results in feeling of unwantedness.Its good if one can be deatched from any, which does not contributes in evolution, which can give malific effect.
Colours can bring different emotions, the light pink rose petals brings love, green leaves relaxes eyes and mind, the clear blue sky clears mind to extent and bring it to present and the exclusive colour on sky with sunset..!, often there I see many layers of colours (from rainbow), orange at maximum connects to the past and gives feeling to be with someone, the yellow layer gives presence of place, feeling to be at a beautiful, peaceful place in nature, other layers does other effects.
This is unending depiction!
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Ofcours the mentioned colours can give some more feeling(s), some different too.Every colour in the world, more precisely colour combination, resides there with a different kind of energy, with an ability to effect on surroundings, effect on humans may found same or similer or may vary from person to person.
Rangoli the art of colours, with different shapes, textures and colours, has power to create an ambience.
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- With pieces of flower petals and leaves.
Wonderful festival of colours होली/रंगपंचमी/धुळवड!
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Black and White, colours too, different but are, white containes all colours in it and black represents lack of colours, absence of all colours.
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In this picture, the ‘word’ itself expressing its need, to be 'complete’, as it will acquire colours, all colours, it will turn to colour of light, colour of peace.
Colours can lead us to light.
The arts, the nature, the love, buddhi (intelligence), the wisdom, friendship, happiness, wit, humor are colours of life.These colours brings light to life.
These colours are constituents of beautiful life and also constituents of path of evolving, enriching, beautifying life.
Colours are constituents of path from dark to light.Colours are contituents of light.
~ Sagar Raut {सागर राऊत}.
【All images are clicked by myself.】
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sagarraut · 7 years
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कब तक में पाँव छूता रहूँगा और तू आशीर्वाद देता रहेगा?
आज कुछ और बोल लेते है..
कधीपर्यंत मी पाया पडत राहणार आणि तू आशीर्वाद देत राहणार?
आज आणखी काही बोलू..
Until when I would bow and you would bless?
Let’s talk something different today!
~ सागर राऊत {Sagar Raut}.
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sagarraut · 7 years
ऊँ गं गणपतये नमः ।।
Nice, I liked this post very much!👌
Nice pictures with @srbachchan 's words on them.
🙏 हुकूम.
DAY 3638
‘sun sun blue’ Jodhpur         Mar 9/10,  2018         Fri/Sat 12:50 AM
ॐ गुम गणपतिए नमः 
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in the early dawn of the quiet morning .. the deity at the door way to the work station is the blessing of divinity .. may he guard and protect us all .. 
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the rays of the day in this hemisphere .. be upon us before and after many others on the globe .. they do come , and come with the same intent  .. to bless us again with their brilliance .. for us for now ..
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.. there are many other Sun’s as well now discovered by revered scientists and astrologers that scan the skies and the beyond with satellites and telescopic wonder in designated remote locations all over the world .. some of which are housed within our shores .. in India .. in the Southern Hills .. in Ooty ..  actuality in name , Udhagamandalam .. guess the Brits found it too confusing and tongue twisting - they still do with many of our names - and settled for a convenient similar sounding name Ooty, during their colonial occupied days  ..
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and here is where work continues .. within the grandeur of this structure that amazes all and me on how it was constructed .. such brilliance .. such finesse .. such an architectural wonder ..
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.. it is a great tourist attraction .. and the facility has been geared up for their visits .. a recorded history of the Fort is designed as visitors walk through the many portals of this massive edifice .. music is provided too by local folk musicians .. nostalgic and cultural ..
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… which some enjoy with relish .. and some others , either merely express displeasure or .. find time for siesta .. 
… cute .. !!
It is another matter that as yours truly drives past them to the spot of the shoot .. the Rajasthani folk music suddenly alters course and drums up ..
“ ye dosti .. hum nahin todhenge  .. “
… cute .. !!
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.. but right in the middle of the several corridors of the Fort a memorial for Sayyed , a member of the armed forces that fought for Jodhpur, in the inter battles with Jaipur and Bikaner .. sacrificing his life .. and when the mighty fortress was to be made, his place where he was buried, his ‘mazaar’ was about to be dug away to make way for the many constructions .. the constructor apparently, or so the writing says, had a dream that night where the fallen Sayyed expressed remorse at his burial ground being raised .. the then Maharaja Man Singh on coming to know of this, disallowed the construction over his grave .. gave instructions to maintain it and allotted money for the cost of the prayers that were conducted each day .. that money to this day is maintained for the prayers .. and the structure remains as is ..
In its isolated presence does mankind ponder and stays still ..
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good night .. ‘hukum’ …
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3634
the Sun City, Jodhpur              Mar 5/6,  2018                Mon/Tue 1:31 AM 
Birthday - EF - Leela Sitahal       Tuesday, Mar 6, 2018 ….  it is a birthday for Ef Leela , and we wish her the very best .. happiness ever .. 
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In the confines of travel instrument .. the news, the sightings from above of the land beneath .. this land of ours .. a land so preserved by history and geographical exigencies .. our land .. our pride and glory .. 
There is a sense of belonging and home and possessiveness in the feeling of “this is my land” .. a security of place .. a personal private possession .. this be the land which is mine .. it has a ring about it , an association , a claim ..
There is a comfort in the land .. one that is a part of us .. one that protects us .. gives us space and bearing .. a destination, a home .. a shelter ..
There is always something that connects with ‘my land, my country’ .. 
.. and soon on the land of the Sun .. Jodhpur .. and here too after 49 years there seems to be some public interest .. strange .. !
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Confined now within the room of palatial proportions .. silent peaceful .. the summer bird squeaks , one heard, after decades of absence from Allahabad and New Delhi .. the sound of the bearings of summer .. nature’s MET Department .. the ‘koyel’ announcing the coming months of the heat and the change of season after Holi .. 
Memories of childhood ..
But more than that after long a time to spend with the self .. what where and when .. thoughts playing about .. so much to do and so little time .. catch up on aspects of the work .. concern and care for the family and its comforts .. giving and attending to the vast family of the Ef .. dealing with their joys and sorrows and demanded attention ..
Response is an important ingredient in relations .. keep it going instantly or bear the brunt of angered complaint .. understandable of course .. 
a new environ .. a fresh surrounding .. shall be a while before one can adjust which side of the bed to get off from .. 
All of this and more - that sound of the high powered jet engines, taking off and landing .. good .. keeps one secure in its safety ..
Long hours of sleep now .. a late call tomorrow .. 
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Amitabh Bachchan
ps: the 90th Oscars on repeat .. errmm .. a bit disappointing
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sagarraut · 7 years
@srbachchan is a genius!
I think life is in creation, creativity, brilliant thoughts etcetera.
DAY 3632
Jalsa, Mumbai                      Mar 3,  2018                    Sat 11:07 PM         
Birthday - EF - Sanjay J Rajpurohit        Sunday, Mar 4, 2018 .. birthday happiness to you Sanjay Ef .. happiness always and love ..      
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they work on my face on my light on my make up on the angles for camera .. 
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they work on the writing and get it to be worked by me for corrections and suggestions ..
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I need to suggest changes to get the tone and graph and language right ..
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eventually .. it has approval from the intelligentsia that sits grim faced behind TV monitors, savouring the heaps of goodies that lie about randomly .. get into hushed discussions after each take .. come out with details that would require a microscope for its detection .. BUT .. they do .. for their job depends on those minor detailings and presentations to be considered in officious looking board rooms .. 
Creativity has ever faced such investigative delinquency  .. at the end, it all works out fine .. sentiments feelings neutral view points, democratic and just opinions .. all fall in line .. and never shall there be the abject rejection of it .. but a painting takes time to be done and greater more to be understood .. it has happened through the ages .. it shall continue in the now too ..
‘Madhushala’ written in 1933 .. yes 1933 .. 85 years ago .. still bears fruits of its brilliant thought and longevity .. yet when it was first demonstrated to resounding applause and encore at the Benares Hindu University in 1935, or there about, there were the nay sayers that brought threat, unsavoury proclamations, in times to come .. complaints were made to the Mahatma - Gandhi ji too .. 
“ there is this young man that is polluting the youth of the country by aggrandising the qualities of alcohol .. corrupting the young .. and must be stopped or arrested “ … they complained ..
The Mahatma , taken in by all the loud voices of dissent,  sent for my Father .. 
“ i wish to listen to what you have been writing ..” he addressed , when my Father was brought before him ..
he heard several verses from the recitation that day and spoke up ..
“but there is nothing objectionable in this ..?”
relieved,  my Father made a hasty exit from the great man’s presence, fearing if he did not, there could be a possibility of a change of mind .. haha   ..
one rather committed gentleman, announced grave consequences if my Father were to come as a guest to a Poetic Symposium that was to take place in his city ..
“if Bachchan enters my city, I shall shoot him .. !!” he announced ..
my Father’s first wife , who sadly passed away soon after their marriage, worried and anxious, warned her husband not to go  ..
“ don’t go” she pleaded .. “they will kill you, if you go ..”
my Father cynically smiled at her and retorted ..
“its good if they kill me - at least I shall die a martyr ..!!”
But yes .. the world is less forgiving now .. modern technology has given a voice to every 7.3 billion humanity ..  a voice, that is hungrily devoured by 800+ outlets of screen visual communication, in just one country alone - one that boasts of 1.25 billion of the 7.3 .. and when every 7th person in the Universe is an Indian and has a voice .. it resounds, and reverberates in the ‘whole country of the system, that is juxtapositioned by the haemoglobin in the atmosphere .. because there are hundreds of sophisticated rhetoricians who seem to be perpetually intoxicated by the exuberance of their own verbosity’ 
Damn ..! I had been dying to use this most telling observation for centuries .. and when I get an opportunity to use it .. it has lost its flavour  !!
c’est la vie ..
my sincere remembrances to the writers of ‘Jonah & the Whale’ .. i think that is where it first appeared .. i think .. or then to the Rt Hon Benjamin Disraeli, MP in the British Parliament in the 1800′s  … 
alright enough gyaan .. time for aaraam ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3630
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Mar ½,  2018                 Thu/Fri 1:42 AM
Birthday - EF - Gita Avinashi Patel  …. Laila Abdelkader … 
Rasha from Egypt         Friday, Mar 2, 2018 .. my love and wishes for this most important day in your lives my dearest Ef’s .. have a happy and wonderful day .. love
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there are no celebrations tomorrow, the day of the festival .. bereavement in the family keeps such events silent as mark of respect for a year from the passing..  but the sentiments of the festival in prayer do be done .. the burning of Holika ..
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may this burning clear the environ of all evil and bring in the joys and happiness of what must be deserved .. may music and rhythm and dance be in prominence and about .. may the change in the harvest times and the weather, the on coming of the Summer be welcomed and celebrated .. all over ..
and may the blessings of the Almighty drive into us the motley coloured visions of the better and happy tomorrow ..
42 years of ‘Kabhi Kabhie’ .. the challenges of coming straight out of ‘Deewar’ the next day into the pristine and heavenly beauty of Kashmir and the renderings of romance and poetry and love .. daunting .. getting out of the harsh demeanour of the wronged son now violent and filed with fight to bring an avenge in his social thinking .. to the autumn leaves, the cold and luscious terrains of the Valley .. winter snow around and the poetry of the film in making and in circumstance .. actors are a species of some mettle ..!!
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it was the beginnings of a theme that most felt was a misdeed on the part of my acceptance .. it may have been .. but on hindsight , it has had greater recall than in its first release .. the cast, the production the ambience in Srinagar .. the Palace Hotel where some hundred of us lived and worked as family .. travelling all over the State by bus each morning , shooting the portions at most picturesque locales and back to the Hotel and evenings assembled at common places .. and the chatter of family and games of ‘antaakshari’ and more  .. everyone worked as a unit member .. a tradition that was always the norm with Yash ji .. it was ever a picnic .. with work as a secondary aside .. !!
the Hotel lawns and rooms were our sets .. the dresses out of our personal wardrobe .. everyone just chipping in .. such wonderful days in the October of Kashmir and later the snows of winter .. the litres of ‘eggflip’ consumed before setting out in the cold .. the warmth of the ‘angethi’ most common in the Kashmir winter .. the nights on the Dal lake and ‘donga’ parties .. ‘donga’ a special platformed boat - several tied together to form one large flotilla where the entire unit came aboard dined and wined and sang and rowed in the mist of the night climes .. such moments now just dreams and visions that we wonder shall ever be experienced again ..
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Raakhee ji .. just out for her first film after marriage to Gulzar .. Shashi ji and Chintu and Waheeda ji and Neetu .. an incredible ensemble .. a very rare occurrence … now an iconic statured creation loved and reminisced for years on end .. even right now …
some poems never leave you .. some verse be eternal .. some associations without end .. some descriptions beyond a describe ..
life should adorn us thus ..
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Amitabh Bachchan 
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3629
Jalsa, Mumbai                   Feb 28,  2018                   Wed 11:31 PM
“रहने को सदा देहर में ,आता नहीं कोई       
तुम जैसे गये , ऐसे भी जाता नहीं कोई”    
                                               ~ कैफ़ि आज़मी. 
देहर - means .. ‘the world’
to stay everlastingly in this world no one doth come 
but the way you went no one doth leave the way you went either
Kaifi Azmi, the eminent poet and writer, penned these words at the passing of another eminent artist, Guru Dutt .. Javed Akhtar sitting beside me at the funeral today, narrated them to me .. and felt they were appropriate for the moment too .. 
Sticks of sandal wood held precariously in hand  .. in turn they be laid by them that present themselves at still form .. gun fire in salute of state formality frightens the precincts of mourners .. three rounds .. symbolic .. white adorned folded palms .. a line of bereavement .. passers by in reverence .. a gentle embrace some .. some of soft reassurances .. head embarrassed down, in cheer of the mass collection about .. for them its a celebrity sighting .. for us a departure .. respect of the moment thrown out of fan window .. grace and dignity for departed an unheard culture for them .. value of life unknown ; or know to be unknown .. reverence for us ; irreverence for others .. no one taught them ; or perhaps did but never complied ..
here endeth the Lesson .. !!
get back … get back … just get back to love ..
mysterious ..  non understandable .. but it wasn’t put there for understanding .. it was there for love .. to get back to it .. simple .. does it require a Thesaurus ?
WORK .. is love .. get back to it .. give them that hath not deserved it yet .. justify the reason of its profession .. to perform to enact to deliver in creative compatibility to many .. ‘अनवरत समय की चक्की चलती जाती है ..’ what may have been saved for a better day or time give now .. deferred emotion gets deferred interest .. give in now .. not a big ask .. just give .. respond, reply, connect, embrace .. simplest .. the mildest of forms for the heaviest of effects .. try ..
drive past the world, as you drive .. the world lives, works, breathes, moves .. none are still .. they that have ended their stay do .. lay still .. the rest move .. move well .. perish would they if they did not .. yes ..’ आने के ही साथ जगत में  कहलाया जाने वाला ‘ .. so what ..? wait to go .. ? wait for it .. dress up the formality and wait at the door for the bell to ring  ..? why ..? .. step out , open the arms wide , feel the air , the nerves filling , the likeness to abide within .. no waiting .. doing before the waiting .. the wait shall come to all .. let it chase .. let it go by you .. increase the speed , overtake .. touch the tape before and be on podium 1st., .. the anthem and flag in rising .. the pride in nation .. in self .. in the bringing .. achievement .. such be victory ..
Life levels .. it shall now , ever, in all circumstances .. it needs to be attended to .. proxy roll calls shall fail .. presence is essential .. get out and find the way .. some way .. it shall weather vane you to destination .. envelope its fragrance and find its true flavour .. this is yours .. personal and individual .. ne’er shall it seek division .. it will if ignored .. hold it .. give it love .. 
.. and get back to it .. 
all the rituals that were needed for its essentials shall soon be over some day .. that is the strength of life’s vagaries .. it shall happen .. it will happen .. it must happen ..
how many other functions of life does one have the foresight of this lesson .. none .. just this .. celebrate it then .. be not grounded by its sudden emptiness .. searching for examples, shall be a never ending treasure hunt .. 
but yes .. in its honesty one does deal with a sudden heaviness .. of its presence and of its departure .. it shall ever .. trust me ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3628
Jalsa, Mumbai                   Feb 27,  2018                   Tue 11:32 PM
Get back .. get back .. just get back to love ..
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3625
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Feb 24/25,  2018                 Sat/Sun 1:27 AM
Ef Sheetal Bahl, Birthday      Sunday, Feb 25, 2018 ।। … greetings for your birthday Sheetal Ef .. love from us all ..
न जाने क्यूँ एक अजीब सी घबराहट हो रही है   !!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3627
Jalsa, Mumbai                   Feb 26,  2018                   Mon 11:18 PM
Get back to love .. it is the only sustainable  !!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3626
Jalsa, Mumbai                 Feb 25,  2018                 Sun 11:14 PM
Give love .. share love .. it is the ultimate emotion  !!
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sagarraut · 7 years
DAY 3625
Jalsa, Mumbai                  Feb 24/25,  2018                 Sat/Sun 1:27 AM
Ef Sheetal Bahl, Birthday      Sunday, Feb 25, 2018 ।। … greetings for your birthday Sheetal Ef .. love from us all ..
न जाने क्यूँ एक अजीब सी घबराहट हो रही है   !!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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sagarraut · 7 years
कविता -: 'मन'
मन कधी नाजुक तर कधी खंबीर अशी गोष्ट
आणि एका सेकंदात कोणत्याही ठिकाणी पोहचतं विदाऊट पोस्ट
कधी हसतं, कधी रडतं
कधी नाचतं, खेळतं
तर कधी घाबरतं
गंमत अशी जेव्हा घाबरतं
तेव्हा ते जास्त कळतं
कधी होतं पूर्ण बेभान
कधी गंभीर
तर कधी मोकळं छान
कधी बुडून जातं दुःखात
तर कधी भरारी घेतं उंच आकाशात
कधी खचतं, सोडून सर्व आशा पडतंही
पण आशेच्या नव्या किरणावर हळुहळु सावरतंही
अशा बलवान मनाचं नियंत्रण करणं
म्हणजे जणू वाऱ्याला मुठीत पकडणं
जपून ठेवायचं असतं
जसा न कोमजणाऱ्या फुलांचा गुच्छ
पुसुन सारा मळ
ठेवायचं असतं अगदी कोरं स्वच्छ
जर ठेवलं पकडून तर होतं अस्वस्थ
म्हणून पिंजऱ्यातून उडू द्यायचं गगनी मस्त
पण भरकटू नये म्हणून घालायची असते गस्त
सुटलं ताब्यातून तर आपल्यालाच करतं फस्त
- सागर राऊत
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