sageourplanetmeow · 2 days
Thanks a lot for the criticism. First to address the whole Disney thing, I mainly meant it as a joke and to be fair Disney did let it exist so fair enough. Also again lots of places have issues with lgbtq content so I probably shouldn’t have insinuated that Disney cancelling the owl house was automatically an act of homophobia that is also exclusive to them. I probably should have avoided letting my own suspicions allow me to accidentally act as if it is definitely the case that Disney cancelled the show due to there being queer representation. So thanks for pointing that out :>
Also yeah I think I did probably get lots of the characterisation wrong so thanks again for that, I’m not as obsessed with toh as I am with other shows so I’m not too good with that, it’s nice to have a different perspective.
I never realised that Amity just didn’t dye her hair either or that Camilla had just let her hair go natural by itself so again my bad. Another point, I COMPLETELY forgot about Amity, Willow and Hunter not being afraid of water or anything, my mind only remembered the bit in the finale where there’s rain and they’re hesitant to go touch it.
Also to clear up the Halloween bit (because now that I look back it’s badly phrased). I think it was definitely a perfect episode (in my opinion) and all I meant by there being more time was me wanting to see more of the characters cus I miss them.
Just saying, I completely agree with your point about Masha because that would certainly add lots of interest.
I think your point about a fashion episode granting Vee the chance to explore a new identity and shining a spotlight on Camilla’s financial struggles is fantastic.
Also your comments about the cinema ideas I had are completely fair, now that I look back at it I do think I was just giving in to the comedy aspect of it and not remembering the actual character.
About the fashion thing, I see your point, and I did take inspiration from MM’s comics for that and that one picture of Hunter in his grom suit (I forget when it was shown but oh well). I don’t know I think it would just be funny and to be fair I think his fashion style in the show is still very neat, just not your stereotypical fashionista style.
And you pointing out that their interests aren’t just Azura and Cosmic Frontier was helpful, perhaps in the arts and crafts episode Hunter could do wood carpeting to reflect on him carving palisman (I think he does that in the future but I’m not sure). Then he could carve flapjack because that would be sweet.
Overall, I agree with most of your critiques and you were respectful throughout so thanks a lot, it really helped give me a new perspective and better insight on the characters which I did kind of butcher in areas. I honestly only wrote it for fun randomly because I had these sorts of ideas brewing in my head for a while and I wanted to write it down and decided to post it, hence it’s not polished and is pretty rough. I missed out on character potential for sure as well as ensuring that the filler stuff actually contributed to the overall story at least somewhat, your point about the robotics episode helping building the portal is a great example of lost potential that you salvaged. Aka, thanks a lot and have a nice time, you made plenty of valid arguments.
I have ideas about what owl house S3 filler episodes would be like, because yes, we were robbed and yes I am repeating it even though it’s been said by everyone else already.
A fashion episode. Since ROTMNT had a whole episode with the turtles dressing up, why don’t the TOH cast do that since we saw a clip of that. Considering that Hunter is notoriously bad with fashion and @moringmark made a comic with Amity being horrified by Hunter’s fashion tastes which makes sense for her, I think they would have a good opportunity to build their character dynamics. I think it would also have them going to the hair salon with their hair cuts and getting their hair done, and they would have had to go to a random Halloween store in town to find fake human ears to stick them on. Of course them falling off would be a lingering threat. Of course Vee was just browsing the whole time so she has inspiration for what she was going to shape-shift into.
Movie night. They would watch a variety of things such as the Azura movies, since Lux and Amity love them, and Cosmic Frontier. Then I have a feeling that Willow would be all over nature documentaries, in particular ones centred around plants. In an episode before the episode where Luz returned to the human realm but in mirrors and phones, Vee was sitting with Camilla watching a documentary so maybe she also like nature documentaries, although she prefers the animal aspect, therefore getting to bond with Willow a bit. Camilla cries a bit from the nature documentaries and feels sentimental over the Azura movies cus Amity and Luz seem to be enjoying it so much and it reminds her a bit of Luz’s dad. She also withholds the urge to spill a bunch of facts about Cosmic Frontier and just reminisces about it.
One or two school episodes to focus on Luz. Aka her bullies if she has them, I mean she’s a neurodivergent bisexual kid who’s obsessed with witchcraft and draws weird stuff (glyphs and stuff from the demon realm) and also reads he Azura books and makes fan fictions, it’s an unfortunate reality. (Plus she does taxidermy). So we see her relationships with the students and the teachers and maybe her having to struggle to pretend like she knows what stuff Vee did with Masha when Vee was pretending to be her. Hence Masha starting to be a bit suspicious considering that Vee seems to bond with her quickly and feels familiar to her. Another thing, if Luz ever gets sick (which will be talked about later) Vee will shapeshift into Luz so she can get a little bit of education and so that she can bring Luz some of her work and all so she can spend time with Masha, plus she volunteers to because she likes school.
An arcade episode. Hunter and Gus go to some space one since it reminds them of Cosmic Frontier and Camilla lingers around them cus again she’s a secret nerd. Luz and Amity go to a magic combat game where you can customise your character, hence Luz spends a long time on hers and Amity helps her decide. Willow ends up acing all the sports games so she gets some alone time so we can see what she’s like by herself. They also all play Mario kart and they customise accordingly. Plus there’s this enclosed space at the arcade in my city and balls fall from the ceiling of it and fill it up as in plastic ball pit balls, and you need to put them in holes. I think Hunter would be a bit clumsy and Willow would ace it. Then Amity would have barely contained rage till it comes out and Luz is mildly shocked considering she’s usually so calm and composed. Willow takes a picture with Gus of Amity and they show it to her later.
THE BEACH EPISODE. The boiling sea means the witches are scared of the water. Luz is apprehensive for a split second cus she’s been in the demon realm for a while. Hunger is more scared since he sank into the ground in hollow mind so he goes with Willow to see the plants nearby that grow there, e.g. palm trees. So the two scale up walls and trees to pick leaves and fruit for Gus to collect as specimens since he joins them for a bit. Later they play volleyball together. However, Willow then goes to swim and encourages Hunger to join in. Luz and Amity just jump off stuff together and splash around plus they have a conversation with Camilla. Vee and Gus then decide to do something together so Vee writes down in Gus’ notebook for a bit but Gus ends up showing her how to do shorthand. Vee also sees Masha and they do stuff together and swim together a bit since Vee plucks up the courage to ask her if she wants to since Masha came alone after her friends were too busy.
An indoor trampoline park episode. Again Hunter, Willow and Gus do tricks and stuff like in grudgby and the two mention Cosmic Frontier so that they both nerd out about it to Willlow. Luz and Amity do stuff and Amity twists her ankle and gets scooped up by Luz as a throwback. Vee invites Masha to join them so she does stuff with her, I have a feeling Masha would like DnD and they both roleplay that they’re in DND as they run about in an obstacle course and jump into the soft trampoline thing from that really tall ledge like they’re escaping something by jumping into a river after a heist or something. They’d also climb like they’re on a cliff on the climbing walls. And they’d use the Tarot cards (I think that’s the name) to decide what they’d do as predictions and stuff. I dunno.
Sick day episode. Since Luz had that in one episode in one the witches are gonna get the common flu along with Luz and her mum. The witches are convinced it’s dramatically bad and is like the boiling isles version and how crazy it made Luz (I’m not sure if that’s what happened with Luz). In this one Vee would shapeshift into Luz to be at school and bring back her work plus cus she likes school as mentioned before.
Luz and Amity getting a dinner date and I dunno stuff like that.
The zoo episode. There will be the giraffe gag as was showed in S3 and they’ll run around and gave fun. Since I have gotten the theory that Vee might like animal stuff I think that she might volunteer at the zoo and therefore gives them special access to the behind the scenes. Camilla is at work in this home so she can’t chaperone them, therefore they get into more shenanigans. Luz stays around the bird section with Hunter as she looks at the owls and Hunter looks excitedly as the birds that look a bit like Flap Jack. Hunter however, gets especially obsessed over the wolves, Luz also says the snake fact with them shedding their skin and Amity looks at the cats and enjoys a cat cafe at the zoo. Gus looks at the chameleons and takes notes before taking notes of the humans themselves. Willow goes to the insect exhibit and looks at the insects, and chiefly the plants. They also accidentally robbed a gift shop.
THE CINEMAAA. I know there’s already a movie night idea but ya know… they all watch an old movie that Luz’s grandparents on her dad’s side take them to watch. Cus I dunno they just visit and I wanna see them watch an old movie kinda like ‘Italian Job’, as an example. Or something with Charlie Chaplin but they probably wouldn’t be that old, those are just examples since we haven’t actually met them if they’re actually alive. There might be a horror movie alternatively and they all get spooked when there’s something that looks a bit like Belos, Hunter in particular shakes and ends up hugging Willow whilst everyone holds hands together (aka the whole group together). Or they watch a romance one and they jokingly tease Luz and Amity for being so cheesy I guess.
Robotics Club Episode. So here’s the context for why I randomly thought this up: I was sitting outside at break, a nice person in my friend group picked me up and yeeted me into robotics club with everyone else and now I’m there with zero experience or knowledge regarding coding. Now I need to reference @moringmark again, look this person just makes such good TOH content- I- I have to. Basically there was a comic with Luz making a vehicle with glyphs in the boiling isles so maybe she has a small amount of inspiration and experience with a robotics club in her town and it ends up being an activity she does with Amity since she is also quite techy due to her dad. Therefore, she can also get into thinking about combining human technology with abomination tech.
An arts and crafts day, everyone at the house is bored and are just scrolling on their phones so Camilla sets out arts and crafts stuff for them to do: Luz draws fanart and does some taxidermy; Gus makes a display and/or a poster/homemade fact book thing about human history and the stuff he’s learnt about the culture; Willow makes plant wreaths, daisy chains and plant sculptures as well as doing her best to paint some pots; this is where Hunter gets to work with a sewing machine and basically sews abominable outfits and a bunch of wolves onto said outfits; Amity creates a technological thing aka where there’s the whole thing with balls rolling down into different slides and triggering stuff but with abomination magic mixed in to help; and Vee makes a couple of character sheets and plot ideas for DND (look I’m gonna admit it, I wish I could figure out how to play it but I don’t know where to look so eh I have no idea).
A convention episode. Now, they’re all nerds, they should go to a comic con convention or something. They will do it and I’m making them do it. Luz and Amity will go to the very small area with one or two artists for the Azura book series where there’s a bunch of fellow fans dressed up as characters from the books showing off fanart and getting it signed. Gus and Hunter will go to Cosmic Frontier stuff and Willow will join with Luz and Amity. Vee does DND stuff with Masha and the rest of their friend group. Gus and Hunter find Camilla at a stall drawing commissions and selling merch for cosmic frontier which she was keeping hidden from them. (She hides various requests for NSFW). Due to the cosplayers, Hunter and Gus think about outfits for the future.
Pride March/Fayre Episode. This is how Luz gets her bi badge and how Camilla gets her LGBTQ+ support badge which was donating to a lgbtq+ charity. They all have fun, until Disney shows up as Belos and screams at them that they’re not the Disney brand.
A Halloween Episode. They showed us it but maybe if we got showed it with more time and then making their cosplays then that would be fun.
Vet Episode. Maybe it would be fun to see Camilla working at the vets but eh.
Cooking episode?
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sageourplanetmeow · 2 days
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Fae OC Whom I Can’t Name
I changed their design and I’m so glad because the old haircut… BLEH! I had to draw this with my finger and hence the lines are a bit wobbly. I changed the suit from the original one with a slightly different lapel, a different pattern and removing the bow tie so that I could replace it with the gem this and the ruffles. I also BARELY changed the shoes but I did that in my schoolbook so I need to get that book to share it. Initially I planned on giving them a monochrome green colour palette and damn am I so thankful to myself for managing to learn to tolerate other colours. As you can see they have mushroom earrings (hey, yeah, you, pretend that whoever made those earrings is really stupid and can’t mould a literal mushroom properly- yeah) to allude to fairy circles aka circles of mushrooms. Also have the mushroom tail. I don’t know how original that is I’m just hoping it is otherwise I’ll look really stupid for copying some DnD species- I say, having played DnD… because I never properly read the rules :D. The cracks are just there I guess and they have guw (however you spell it) but I didn’t draw that in this because I wasn’t sure what colour it would be. I’m concerned this looks too much like a tumblr s*xyman and/or a hazbin hotel character- damn my obsession with that show. Ok maybe making them less thin salvaged it. I dunno this is an antagonist and is a fae but you know the evil sort.
Truthfully, I’m prepared to abscond permanently from school and make an indie animated show with comics with my friends. YES IT WOULD BE A MUSICAL AND YES THE CHARACTERS WOULD REGULARLY HAVE FUNNY FRAMES! YES IT WOULD BE INSANELY QUEER MWAHAHAHAHHAH
I recently watched Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared and it literally describes the British educational system perfectly (I don’t know what it’s like in other countries so other people would have to say). Like the creative episode was literally just art. No hate whatsoever to our art teachers but why can’t we draw any cartoony stuff? As in the curriculum specifically discourages it. I mean art is literally meant to be creative so… eh? Kind of sad… also the love episode. That one I feel was more to do with society but that’s just me because my schools have never taught us about love. I dunno as an aro ace person I laughed so hard whilst watching it with my friends. Also the animation in that show is fantastic both in the YouTube series and the bbc series (I know it’s on channel 4 but meh whatever). I think red guy is probably my favourite character. Help the fact there’s him and then Allen from Smiling Friends who I find insanely funny and they’re both red. I don’t know I’ve only really watched clips of smiling friends but turns out it’s on channel 4 I think so I think I could watch it then.
One thing I can’t forgive Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared for… they coloured in the tiles at the end of the first episode- I FELT SO INFURIATED THAT I CURLED UP ON THE FLOOR AND STUFFED MY FACE UNDER MY BED! WRATH AND FURY WERE MY SOLE EMOTIONS!
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But seriously I love the animation in both these shows.
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sageourplanetmeow · 9 days
Indie Animations I Recommend
Haven’t posted in a while since, as I have said, my Apple Pencil broke and I haven’t been able to work on commissions or that one hazbin hotel animation… which I was actually getting through for once. Also I have fallen into a Varian And The Seven Kingdoms obsession.
Anyhow I shall now take the chance to share a couple indie animations I’ve watched/been watching recently possibly with a brief note about what kind of audience would enjoy it (might not be accurate I dunno)
First and foremost The Epilogue Of Endings which released approximately 12 hours ago as of when I’m writing this. And just before I summarise anything I just want to praise this pilot for HOW AMAZING IT IS DESPITE ITS SMALL BUDGET! The animation is fantastic and I swear something about it makes me so happy. The art style is also amazing (in my opinion) and suits the character designs perfectly. I love the character designs, just saying, and the voice acting is superb. I think my favourite designs from it are Blu (because I mean the mask and metal arms are pretty damn cool) and the ————. I won’t say who they are because the reveal is too good to miss, but you might be able to guess who I’m talking about if you’ve watched it.
Now to say what happens. This takes place after the sun ya know, goes. I think I’m probably the most interested by what exactly is going on with Mole but I think my favourite character thus far is Blu. I suggest you go watch it, it’s very cool. I think if you like Indie animation in general then this is a good pic due to its indie feel (positive). Also would suggest to people who enjoy slightly creepy media (it’s not that creepy in my opinion but it does feature the downfall of humanity and what happens after the sun dies so it’s slightly unsettling, it masters that feeling).
And here’s their Kickstarter
We also have Dreamworld which also has a season 2, I’m just linking the first one though so just so you know you can find the second season on the channel. As said by the creator, it borrows certain tropes/aspects from analogue horror and has animatronics. As it says up there it is a sci-fi horror series that is intended to be accessible to younger fans of the genre. Again, I love the story and the character designs. So far, my favourite character and character design belongs to THE Star Light. I’m starting to see a theme with me liking sun/moon/star themed animatronics. I mean this guy has a BOW TIE and a charming smile. If I wasn’t already dressing up as Varian for Halloween then I think I would’ve looked into trying to dress as Star Light.
The pilot hasn’t released but the animation from this teaser is SO GOOD! I’m excited to see the pilot. There’s also been music/songs released by them, I can’t remember if I’ve gotten around to listening to any but I fully intend on doing so.
I’m sorry but how is the animation this good with only one person animating it (I might’ve gotten that wrong). I find the character designs really cool and the art style is fun. They’re in space. The voice acting is good. Also just gonna say, they have merch.
This is Dungeon Flippers, a fantasy real-estate cartoon following Maulie, a manticore. (I copied and shortened down the description of the YouTube channel)
The animation is great and the voice acting is really good. The story is interesting and The Ace Of Wands Theme is a joy to listen to every time.
I don’t know how to describe the plot but lemme just… the animation deserves praise, it suits the vibe of the pilot and the character designs are amazing. Voice acting is also fun and I’d recommend this even if it’s just sea side/coast vibes you’re looking for.
This one is a YouTube channel that posts OC animatics and has posted Sundrop and Moondrop animations, just saying I think they drew the Sun and Moon Q&A comics soooo that was my introduction to their work.
Just watch this and you will see some PEAK animation.
Again, the animation is awesome.
And that’s where the video limit comes, alas, but check it out. It’s by Meppity and has some really good paper looking animation.
And this is where we have the indie animated stuff (I consider it that at least) centred around pre-existing shows.
I myself am looking forward to making my own indie animated stuff or comics (I haven’t really decided, I’m just working on different characters whilst also writing fanfics and drawing fan comics and other art stuff on top of art homework. YAY
Here is one… dated… animation I did a year ago which took me a while.
It’s for an OC, but with their old design. The new design has a satchel, otherwise nothing changed to be honest. I also have done another animation which was far more rough but it was me animating whilst seeing who would win the election so it’s political and not about any of my ocs or any actual characters. As I said, I already have another animation in the works for Alastor so I have to wait till my Apple Pencil gets fixed or replaced to continue working on it.
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sageourplanetmeow · 11 days
Dear Supporter,
I hope this message finds you and your family in good health. My name is Rakan Zaqout from Gaza.🍉 I am reaching out to seek your urgent help in spreading the word about our fundraising campaign. I lost both my home and my school, my parents lost their jobs too, due to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and we are facing catastrophic living conditions.💔
I kindly ask you to visit our campaign. Your support, whether through donating or sharing, will help us reach more people who can make a difference. Thank you for your continued support for the Palestinian cause. Your dedication brings us closer to freedom.🕊
Please note, our campaign has been verified by 90-ghost and aces-and-angels.☑
Good luck, with lots of sincerity I hope things look up :>
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sageourplanetmeow · 12 days
Hi .. hope you are doing well with beloved 🌹
iam motaz a nurse from Gaza .. married to fedaa a pediatrician .. father of 3 lovely children ..
writing to you these words with tearing eye and a heavy heart ..
‏. as it may be our last hope of survival !
it is not easy for me to ask for help from other but being a father of these lovely kids makes me very responsible for their safety and protection so i have to do any thing to keep them safe ..
we lost every thing because of this violent war !
Life here became unaffordale and unsafe for any human ..
please please help me carry my children to safety ..
i wish my words could explain even little abit of what i am carring in my heart
Vetted by 90-ghost
Please donate if you can and share widely 🆘🆘
1100 SEK = 100 dollars each (55 sek =5$)
will make a difference🙏🍉 be the one who saves us
Good luck, best wishes! :)
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sageourplanetmeow · 12 days
Hi there 👋,
My name is Mohammad, and I’m reaching out in a moment of desperate need. I’m a father of three young children living in Gaza, and we are caught in the midst of a catastrophic war. Our home is no longer a safe haven, and the future here seems increasingly uncertain. 💔
I’ve launched a fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $40,000 to relocate my family to a safer place where my children can grow up in peace and have a chance at a brighter future. 🕊️🇵🇸
Unfortunately, my previous fundraising efforts were abruptly halted when my account was terminated without explanation. However, I remain determined to keep fighting for my family’s safety and well-being. 🫶
If you could take a moment to read our story, consider donating, or simply share our campaign with others, it would make an incredible difference. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to safety and a new beginning. 🙏
Thank you for your time, compassion, and support. ❤
https://gofund.me/fd1faea2 🔗
Best wishes, I hope things get better!
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sageourplanetmeow · 25 days
Check it out dudes the animation is glorious and smooth.
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sageourplanetmeow · 1 month
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Molly Redesign
I’m kinda disappointed that (what seems to be) Molly is kinda… plain… I prefer her older designs, oh well.
I personally think it would make more sense to have more human-ish winners in heaven because I don’t think it would be overly pleasant to have your body completely changed.
Unless you’re a redeemed soul then I think it would make sense to still just look like a heavenly version of your hell form like Sir P.
The first photo is my Heaven Molly Redesign/her human design just minus the wings and halo.
Then we have Angel obviously and after that we have her and Angel at ~10 years old.
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sageourplanetmeow · 1 month
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Hazbin Sona
I dunno I’m just going to use this whenever I wanna have a background character in any hazbin comics and stuff that I make or just generally. Not gonna do any self inserts I think though.
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sageourplanetmeow · 1 month
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Jazz Trio Week
(Platonic Rosie, Alastor and Mimzy prompts)
—> You can also write it as a ship or involve ships in some way! These are just prompts and you can go anywhere you want with them!
—> Bonus Prompt: Beach day/swimming pool
—> Bonus Prompt 2: Game Night/Movie Night
Also yup this is in my sketchbook because my Apple Pencil broke.
This is partially for me because these 3 are some of my favourite characters.
Again, you can do whatever you want with these prompts, it’s just for fun.
These prompts can be used for animation, art, fanfics, voice acting stuff etc…
Begin this whoever you want, I’d suggest since it’s a 7 day challenge to start next Monday but if you want to start it sooner or later than then, go ahead. I myself am going to start posting any art I do on Monday forwards.
Edit: Next next Monday :>
With that all being said, have fun!
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sageourplanetmeow · 1 month
I do kinda headcannon Alastor as being trans or agender or genderqueer… and this fanfic sells me on it. THE WRITING! THE ANGST! THE RELATABILITY! THE PARTS THAT MAKE ME LAUGH IT’S SUCH A MASTERPIECE! 
Go ahead and read it if you want to, or at least check out its description.
Also I like the title’s pun. :]
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sageourplanetmeow · 1 month
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The tags are everything I know. I am sharing this with every single one to try and spread the word.
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sageourplanetmeow · 1 month
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Vaggie Sketches
The one where she’s in the dress is supposed to be a future scene in a future Chaggie comic I shall do, stay tuned.
And the one on the right is supposed to be a random (not very well done) sketch of something that happens in my friend’s Husker fanfic called ‘The Father I Deserved’ on Quotev.
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sageourplanetmeow · 1 month
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YOU SNAKE! The Failed Funeral.
So, I was PLANNING on shading Vaggie in but… my Apple Pencil broke… I mourn its loss. Aka I’m going to just post some unfinished digital art and some art from my sketchbook aka more of my ocs. Plus some tadc art amongst other things that I don’t really do digitally that often.
~Part 1
~Part 2 (you’re here now)
Blurb: How did the failed funeral begin?
(By the way, once I get a replacement, we’ll be back on commissions and this comic, unless people are fine with me releasing the sketchbook versions (aka not unique colours, all normal pencil)
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sageourplanetmeow · 2 months
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Marinette Redesign
(I’m an ex fan but I still watch the show cus it’s funny and I like the ideas)
Also I have lots of screenshots which I find hilarious.
I dunno it’s just her design is a bit mid, not to say I did any better. There are other designs in the show that I like however. Also, the transformation music is banger.
And… credit must go to Marinette’s bedroom design, it’s cool.
Otherwise, I’m not big on stuff like the writing… meh…
I had more things with this design that I wanted to convey, but I didn’t get to, I might try again some time soon.
For example, I will add bags under her eyes because my girl is legit running around Paris at night and is stalking a guy and has also seen a future where she has died. I mean, how are you not tired?
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sageourplanetmeow · 2 months
Could you draw Della x Launchpad (DuckTales 2017) shippy art?
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This doesn’t look good because I don’t really like the ship, sorry, but I tried. I was low on ideas. Not to say I dislike the ship, just that I don’t dig it. Art people do for it is nice. I respect it. Just saying why the art isn’t as good as usual.
Ahem, so Della and Launchpad are on a honeymoon in the cloudslayer/sunchaser. Della takes a break and sleeps and Launchpad crashes it causing her to jump to action.
This can be read as platonic because again, I’m not really comfortable with portraying these two in a romantic relationship. Again, I respect the people who do ship them together.
To emphasise, I like their character dynamic and their characters.
(I’m just avoiding drama here 💀)
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sageourplanetmeow · 2 months
Hi! Can you draw me Dracula from castlevania (the only person, well vampire in the photo) wearing the top hat in the other image, and could u incorporate some of the last photos clothing design into his clothing? Sorry if this is complicated.
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I haven’t watched this before but this guy looks cool and this was a nice commission to do since it entailed combining different outfits and stuff.
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