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(Static Noises) Hello Hello I am Sage the Writer I travel different dimensions writing the things I see in them and bringing these tales you you all like the ones you are about to read. Enjoy the ride my friends Sage the Writer signing off.
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Hunter Tales: Trolls
Chapter 1: One for the Money Morning time in a beautiful yet strangely quiet forest there were many trees of various sizes which resided in the lush greenery and each tree stretched far and wide to absorb the rays of sunlight. There was also a dried up six-foot-deep riverbed that stretched out towards the horizon. On the bottom of the river were stones, leaves and twigs and a man who walked along the inside of it. The man stood tall at six foot three, he had a lanky body but, every step he took caused the stones underneath his feet to be crushed his complexion was that of a cocoa bean, his pupils were amber and his hair was dreaded and reached past his shoulders. He held his hair together into a high pony tail with a piece of thick twine. He also wore a blue short sleeved t-shirt, a pair of black faded jeans that were held up by a white leather belt with a buckle of brass and a pair of black steeled toed combat boots. He had three long and jagged scars that went down across his right eye and ended at his chin, walking along the man looked at his surroundings in relative awe, a loud feral roar echoed throughout the quiet woods. The man stared down the path and squatted down into a runners start position then like a flash he ran down the river leaving behind him a path of glass. The man ran for a few seconds he stopped when the path dipped down to the bottom of a twenty-foot-deep dried lake bed that was in a complete circular shape. At the bottom was a creature of incredible muscular mass, it was ten feet long and stood on tree trunk sized legs and feet, it had long shaggy and dusty blue fur that covered it from head to toe the only place not covered by fur was the face which was red and skull like with eyes that were forest green with onyx irises. The creature had four massive arms with no hands, the bottom half of its mouth housed nine six-inch-long and sharp teeth that were covered in specs of dried blood the creature’s stomach growled loudly. The creature looked up and caught sight of the man it let out a high pitched screech as it beat its chest with all four arms. Dropping to the ground three twelve inch claws exited out of the stumps, the claws dug deeply into the ground as the creature arched its back unhinged its jaw and launch out a glob of green mucus toward him. The man ducked out of the way of the phlegm causing it to hit a low hanging branch it exploded and blocked the path in a green like web. The man looked back at the web and then at the creature and a smirk appeared on his face as his eyes glowed orange. He took a couple of steps back and ran out toward the cliffs’ edge. The creature not expecting that fired three globs of mucus at the man who leaped into the air to avoid the projectiles with his hands cupped at his side a soccer ball sized orange flame appeared in between his hands, “My turn.” said the man his voice deep and smooth he thrusted his hands forward and he unleashed a large pillar of fire that engulfed the creatures body. It let out a wail to as its body was turned to ash, once the wails and flames subsided he landed on the blackened lake bottom lithely, he stood up and the air around him started to distort once the distortion ended the entire scenery changed as the depth of the lake changed from twenty to six feet and a little grassy hill appeared in the middle of the area and sitting on top of the hill was a steel chest. He walked to the top of the hill and saw that the chest was locked with an iron pad lock and that there was only one path behind the hill, he stared at the chest he had no lock picks so, the man lifted his right leg high and brought the heel of his foot down hard on to the chest shattering the container upon contact littering the hilltop with tiny pieces of steel that glinted underneath the sun's rays. Among the pieces of steel there was a tiny corked vial of glowing blue liquid, he knelt down and picked up the vial. He turned it over in his left hand making the liquid slosh inside the glass. He popped the cork and downed the fluid in one gulp, a few seconds later he fell to his knees grunting in pain and his eyes started to flash quickly between blue and orange. He fell back on the hill half awake he watched the clouds float lazily by and with the sun high in the sky he closed his eyes and fell unconscious. He awoke later that night, the man stood up on shaky legs steadying himself he let out a yawn as he stretched his arms upward and he looked on his wrist and saw a pair of steel bracers that had one blue gemstone placed inside each of them, he looked over his newest accessories with a shrugged his shoulders he looked over at the pile of as that was once the creature. He walked towards pile and spotted something shiny within the ash. He brushed the ash away and spotted two orbs made of gold he grabbed the gold and placed them into his right pants pocket and continued on the path. A few hours later the night sky gradually became lighter as the man trudged slowly on. He looked around and noticed a small grove of trees that was in the middle of a field of grass and to his left was a small dock that had a couple of small fishing boats that were turned upside down on the bank of the river. Further up from the docks was a tiny dirt path that led off in the distance, the dirt path had fields of grass with little trees on either side and it had the faint smell of baked bread coming from it which caused the mans’ stomach to gurgle slightly. He looked down the path and he had been traversing for a day and his stomach growled louder. He stepped onto the docks and walked onto the dirt path to satiate his hunger, weariness, and curiosity as to what is making that delicious smell. A few minutes later the grassy path transformed into dense woods. Trees with bark as dark as night stood tall on both sides the branches intertwined with each-other creating a canopy that allowed no light to shine through. He exited out of from the tree canopy and entered into an open field that was surrounded by trees in the middle of the field bathed in sunlight was a modest stone cottage the bottom half of the dwelling was circular in shape and made of gray stone. The roof was made of red stone and was shaped like a hill, little puffs of black smoke exited from a brick and mortar chimney that sat on top of the roof. The closer he got to the house the more details he saw such as; two circular windows that had red cloth rags covering it, an oak wood door that was curved at the top with a brass knob, and an iron placard hanging from a nail by a piece of twine. The placard read, “Mrs. Brisbane's Inn.” He walked toward the door the man was prepared to knock when the sound of a lock disengaging caused him to stand up straight as the door opened to reveal a four foot four female who had blue fish like scales over her face and hands, her nose was straight and narrow and her lips were small and thin. She had jade colored eyes that seemed wide and expressive, along both sides of her neck were three slanted six-inch-long slits and she wore a red silk blouse that was tucked inside the waistband of a knee length polyester skirt. Clearing her throat, the man looked down. “Welcome traveler to Mrs. Brisbane’s inn. My name is Tatianna how may I help you?” she asked. The man looked at the short statured woman who stood before him his left brow raised in confusion, “Mrs. Brisbane?” he asked. Smirking at his question the woman shook her head, “No, I’m not Mrs. Brisbane I just work here like I said before my name is Tatianna. I’m a water Elf.” Said Tatianna as she extended her left hand in greeting he shook her hand and Tatianna stepped aside from the doorway to allow the man entry. He nodded cordially at her he ducked his head under the doorframe and stepped inside the tiny house. Looking around the shelter he took in every sight and smell of the hut. He realized that the roof of the hut was high up allowing him to stand to his full height. Along the wall on the left was a small two shelf bookcase filled with books of varying sizes and colors. On top of the shelf was the biggest book of all that had written on the spine of the tome in gold lettering was the title, “Dragon Nest: A Dragon Tale. Along the opposite wall was another two shelf bookcase, but this one was filled with steel framed pictures of an old fair skinned woman with kind eyes surrounded by two little boys, an old man and she was holding a shorter smiling Tatianna in her arms. He walked over toward the bookcase and he picked up the photo he showed it to her, “Is this her?” he asked Tatianna took the picture out of his hand and nodded as she placed it back on the shelf. “Yeah that’s her that was taken about fifty years ago.” Said Tatianna the man turned his head toward the sound of her voice with eyes wide as she sat cross legged on top of a large log desk. On top of the desk she sat between an oil lamp and a clay ink well with a white tipped quill placed inside of it. The light from the lamp casted her shadow across the back wall, reaching behind the desk with both hands she pulled out a pair of rectangular black framed glasses and a wooden clipboard with a few pieces of parchment clipped on it. She placed the eyewear on her face she uncrossed her legs and swung her legs as she placed the board on her lap, she reached over and pulled the feather out of the ink pot the tip of the quill coated in red. Staring at the man in front of her the lamps’ light casted a glare against her glass' lenses, “Name?” asked Tatianna as tiny droplets of the ink fell from the pen on to the paper. The man shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t have a name per say, I grew up in an orphanage where things like names were not allowed there until we were adopted.” He said Tatianna pursed her lips in thought and a smile appeared on her face, “Okay what did the children at the orphanage call you?” “Well, they called me many things but the one that actually stuck was the name Hunter.” He said with a thoughtful look on his face, writing his name down in beautiful cursive, she placed the feather back into the pot and she put her glasses and the clip board back behind the desk, “If you don't want to answer that’s okay but, why hunter?” he let out a small chuckle, “The orphanage cared for three hundred kids and the people that ran the orphanage hunted the creatures that lived in the forest to feed the children in their care. When they grew older the responsibility of the hunt went to the eldest child me.” Hunter said “Well you have arrived just in time I was just about to serve lunch.” Said Tatianna he put his hand over his mouth as he let out a massive yawn that caused her to chuckle in her hand he smirked embarrassed as he apologized for the gesture, “No need to apologize why don’t I show you to your room so you can rest up and whenever you wake up there will be food waiting.” Tatianna said as she got down from the desk and walked towards the entrance of the hut she opened the door and motioned for Hunter to follow her as they both exited the home. The two of them walked to the back of the hut and Hunter was met with the sight of a beautiful courtyard that was filled with an abundance of plants and in the middle of the yard was a giant tree with multi-colored bark and the top of the tree was filled with giant colorful flowers. Tatianna stopped a few feet from tree she reached into the pockets of her skirt and pulled out a diamond skull key. She knelt down and stuck the key into the ground she turned the key clockwise and the ground started to shift like a slide puzzle. The ground disappeared to reveal a long set of stairs that descended downward. Tatianna looked at Hunter and said, “That will be five gold pieces my good man.” Hunter nodded his head, reached into his pocket and handed her the gold orbs. Tatianna looked at the orb her eyes wide she nodded with a smile on her face, “This will do enjoy your stay.” Tatianna said she pocketed the orb into the breast pocket of her blouse and walked back toward the hut. Hunter stepped onto the first step and started his descent. Darkness surrounded him he snapped his fingers and a flame appeared on his right index. The fire illuminated the shadows around him he stood in front of a giant oak door that had swirls carved onto the surface. The swirls surround three giant red, green, and black gemstones and the door also had a steel handle. Hunter walked to the door and pulled it open inside was a very modest room that had no windows, in the middle of the room was a bear skin mat and a half lit candle. Hunter flicked his wrist and extinguished the flame. He walked over to the mat, laid down and went to sleep. He awoke a few hours later not in the underground room but in a white void, Hunter rubbed his eyes sleepily but was shocked to find that the steel armbands were no longer on his wrists. He stood up and looked around the emptiness, ‘What the hell is going on here?’ he thought just then the void started to ripple and transform the void into a large field. Hunter looked around the new area and spotted someone in the middle of the field Hunter smirked and jogged toward them in an attempt to find out what was going on. Once he got to the person he stopped short eyes wide with shock Hunter stood and stared at himself. He rose an eyebrow in confusion and the copy did the same, just then a distorted voice sounded out loudly, “Welcome to training, Your Highness.” Hunter jumped and dodged a punch from his copy landing safely a few feet away “Your highness… look I am not Royalty I’m a simple hunter here on a stroll.” The copy snapped its fingers and lifted his arms up to his waist and his hands where in a gun shape. Hunter stared at the display as the copy shot out a spray of fast water droplets from the tips of his fingers, Hunter he cartwheeled out of the way but, few hundred of the drops went through his clothes. Hunter placed his hand on his right side and winced, he looked at the copy with a tiny smirk. “ You must defeat the copy to control the element power held within the bracers Your Highness.” said the distorted voice Hunter looked around and his smile grew larger and he jumped high into the sky. Hunter floated high above the clouds and saw white all around him. ‘So I am still in the void good I wouldn't want to destroy a real field with what I'm going to do.' Hunter aimed his body downward his arms to his side and he dropped like a rock back to the field. Jets of fire shot from his hands and feet which boosted his speed ten fold he entered the field with a front flip and slapped his hands together. He extinguished the flames from his hands with a wall of fire. The flame wall scorched the ground as it came toward the copy. The copy pushed his arms forward and he launched a large tsunami from his hands and it collided with the fire wall filling the entire field in steam. Hunter jumped out of the steam into the sky again his entire body was then engulfed in flames. The steam dissipated and Hunter lifted his arms up and the flames converged on his hands and morphed into a giant sphere, he dropped his hands and launched the sphere at the copy. The imposter Hunter started to sweat as he saw the ball of fire, he took a deep breath and wiped his brow with his right hand and he squatted low to the ground. The sweat from his head morphed into a tiny orb that rapidly grew to the size of softball. Hunter two aimed the sphere at the incoming fire ball and he unleashed a powerful jet of water at the attack. The two attacks collided sending out shock waves that caused the ground to crack, Hunter two then started to push the ball back, Hunter's eyes started to glow and fire engulfed his arm Hunter balled his fist and punched out a giant flame fist. The flame fist collided with the ball the extra attack caused the imposter to break his attack and fall to his knees. The two attacks crashed into the field and left behind a field of flames, Hunter landed on the ground and the flames died down. The copy stood with half of its body gone and the other half with severe third degree burns on his arms,legs,and half of his chest. He fell to the ground and he turned to steam. Hunter awoke with a gasp he looked around and he was glad that he was back inside the room he sat up on the pallet and rubbed his eyes. The door to the room opened up and fire light filled the darkness Tatianna stood in the door a black oil lamp in her hands. “Oh, you're awake good. Whenever you're up come on and get some food.” Tatianna turned around and walked away. Hunter stood up and stretched he let out a yawn and Hunter started to bounce up and down on the tips of his toes before he followed Tatianna. He walked up the stairs and he opened the doors. He stepped out and took a huge breath of the cool night air. Tatianna sat on a chair next to a oak wood table that had a black cotton table cloth on top of it and on top of the table was a black cotton table cloth and on top of the cloth were two plates filled with food which included; a baked chicken thigh and breast, rice covered with sausage gravy, and a side of green beans. Next to both plates were two forks, two knives, and a huge gold lined glass chalices that were unadorned with amethyst around the rim and base and was filled with a violet liquid. Between the goblets of liquid was an unlit candle. Two giant maple wood chairs which were painted red were on opposite sides of the table. Tatianna sat on one of the chairs wearing a blue a-line dress that reached down to her ankles. She sat on the chair her back to him as he approached. Hunter snapped his fingers and he lit the wick of the candle “What’s with the formal set up?” Hunter asked before he occupied the empty chair, Tatianna stood up in her chair and gave a little curtsey “Welcome your highness congratulations on conquering the amazing water element, yahoo.” Tatianna said unenthused Hunter looked down at the bracers the metal and jewels shined from the flame. Hunter let out small chuckle “What makes you think that I'm a royal hell I'm not even a peasant I'm just a wandering hunter.” Tatianna stared at him with an eyebrow raised in suspicion “So, how did you unlock the chest that the bracers were in?” “I shattered it with a kick.” Hunter said, she smiled in relief she grabbed the shoulders of her dress and with deft movements she ripped off the attire, underneath she wore a pair of black sweats and a white tank. She chuckled “Good now to answer your earlier question I saw them when you walked in and then I felt the pulse of the bracers energy when you were asleep so I assumed you were the long awaited prince of prophecy.” Tatianna said she picked up the goblet in one hand and took a huge swig of the drink downing half of the contents before she slammed the glass down on the table. “What prophecy?” asked Hunter Tatianna took a bite of the roasted bird she chewed and swallowed, “ That's a long story but I will try to shortened it. The king and queen had a son, the son has a prophecy placed on him at birth that he will be the savior of the world by killing the troll leader. The child trains from before he could walk to prepare him for the trolls then suddenly poof the entire kingdom was razed to the ground and the trolls have been ruling ever since. I was head maid at the castle the day of the attack came. Me and the rest of the staff managed to escape and I got separated from the rest of the group and wound up finding this place. I would've left if the river didn't magically dam up.,” she said. Hunter placed an empty cup next to an empty plate and belched loudly he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stared at Tatianna with his hands under his chin. “I'll do it.” Hunter stood from his chair and he started to stretch. Tatianna stared at him in shock and confusion a few seconds passed and finally Tatianna asked “You'll do what?” Hunter stopped his stretches and hopped from side to side on the balls of his feet. “I'll take care of your troll problem.” Hunter said Tatianna jumped on the table and with lightning speed she appeared in front of him he looked down at her, “You'll get yourself killed if you try.” Tatianna said her arms crossed across her chest, “I doubt it but, your tale makes me want to help you to get you out of here and I get to fight creatures I've never seen before so I'm pretty excited and since you fed me such an exquisite meal I'll do it for free.” Hunter then vanished and he appeared at the bottom of the ravine with one last yawn he looked at the bracers on his arms and he continued on the path.
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Hunter Tales: Trolls
CHAPTER 2 : Hunt twice as hard A giant swarm of bats flew in between the low branches of trees. The bats produced a loud rhythmic sound that Hunter bobbed his head along to. Hunter started to sing a song with the sounds “Oh… I'm a hunter walking, hunting for some prey. I'm probably sure I'll be hunting, hunting all day.” The swarm flew off in the distance and the sound stopped abruptly. Hunter ran to investigate and stopped a few miles at the edge of a cliff that dipped down into a large dry thirty foot deep lake. Hunter stared eyes wide with shock at a giant troll that sat in the middle of the lake. The troll was almost covered from head to toe with long white fur except for massive pale hands and feet. The troll also had two large heads atop its massive frame. Hunter sized the creature up and a smirk appeared on his face ‘He's a big one, this might be fun.', he thought he took a huge step back and ran towards the edge. When he jumped off Hunter was hit in the gut and launched backwards into the wall. The creature slowly stood up at twenty foot tall and it let out a loud yawn. The heads looked around and when they spotted Hunter trapped in the wall it let out a roar and the hair that surrounded it's torso rose up and started to sway like snakes. Hunter eyes turned orange and a huge sphere of flame surrounded his body and grew massive. The creature was knocked down from heated rocks that were launched from Hunter’s attack he stood inside a massive hole and he stared at the downed troll. He shook his head and let out a sigh he jumped down out of the hole and landed safely on the ground. Hunter looked at the bracers and said, “Now how do I activate these?” The creature then sat up and two pale featureless faces stared at him and the creatures shoulders started to bounce up and down. Hunter rose one eyebrow up in confusion he lifted his foot off the ground and a high pitch cackle could be heard from the beast Hunter looked around and noticed the ground was covered with white fur that slithered about. Before he could react two of the strands from the ground impaled his hands he winced in pain and the hair then sunk into the ground bringing Hunter to his knees. The hair from the torso parted to reveal a large ring of cobalt eyeballs that surrounded a white and leathery underbelly. The eyes stared at Hunter and the parted hair wrapped around his entire body quickly brought him closer. The belly slowly opened up to reveal rows upon rows of giant shark like teeth the mouth started to drool dripping viscous red saliva onto the ground the hair detached from the creature’s torso and Hunter was dropped into the maw and the mouth closed shut. The giant troll sat back down and the hair fell back in place. Seconds later the troll started to groan in pain and then it's torso exploded in flames and viscera. Hunter jumped out in the midst of the flames as the creature fell back and he landed on the ground and snapped his fingers the gems started to glow, “I finally remembered what that copy did.” He turned around and the creature stood up with a giant hole in its torso the creature stood up and swayed from side to side. Hunter eyes turned orange and he held out his hands blades made of fire and water appeared before him. He grabbed the fire blade with his right hand and the water one with his left he got into a run position and took off in a sprint towards the troll. He ran under the creatures legs with the blades out at his sides. Hunter stood up and the blades disappeared the fur on the ground and on the creature suddenly turned gold and then the creature fell apart in tiny flakes of gold. The ground started to shake violently which caused Hunter to take a ready position spheres of fire and water around his fists. The ground where Hunter stood started to crumble and he jumped backwards and landed in front of the boulders. A giant metallic spherical dome arose from the ground. The machine let out a loud hiss and the dome dissolved away to reveal a white platform with a white podium on it. Hunter’s eyes returned to normal and the spheres vanished as he walked toward the dome when he got closer he saw that a wide black leather strap layed on it. The belt had six green gem stones on it and a gold buckle. Hunter picked it up and the console started to glow red and a holographic image of a middle age woman was projected onto the rock wall. The woman sat inside a small metal room on a podium the woman cleared her throat as sounds of roars and screams of terror were muffled. “Well this is it my child if you made it out alive I hope you return and save this kingdom from this horror as the prophecy foretold. If you do return the stone wielder belt will help. The black smith who created it said that you simply put it on and stomp any foot to activate and deactivate it.” She placed her left hand on the screen as tears started to well in the corners of her eyes then the feed shut off. Hunter put the belt around his waist and fastened the buckle he stepped off of the platform and stomped his right foot, the gems on the belt started to glow bright. He lifted his hands up and the boulders levitated a few feet from the ground he moved his hand back from side to side and the boulders swayed, Hunter sat the boulders back he sat down and lifted his hands up. A city wide portion of the ground that he sat on lifted out of the ground and levitated a few hundred feet out of the pit Hunter stood up and ran to the edge of platform and jumped off. He landed on the ground in a squat spider web cracks appeared beneath his feet the gems stopped glowing as he stood up and the platform exploded. The sun started to peak over the horizon and Hunter started to stretch and yawn as long gold string fell from the sky and it landed on top of Hunter's head. Hunter reached up and took it off his head he looked at the string with a quizzical expression he then tied it loosely around the belt and continued down the path whistling the tune of the bats.
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Hunter Tales: Trolls
Chapter 3 : Three, Two, One: The Hunt is still on. Hunter stopped at the mouth of a large pond in front of a large cliff that stood tall at six thousand feet. He let out a sharp whistle as he stared at it. He squatted low to the ground and took off with a sprint up the cliff's face. When he made it to the top he jumped and landed in front of a dilapidated log cabin. The cabin sunk down on the right side, there were deep and tiny holes on the logs and a red door hung loosely from the frame on rusty hinges. Hunter took a step forward and a loud shot rung and a fast projectile came toward him leaving a golf ball sized hole through the door. Hunter ducked out of the way of it he stayed low and looked at the cabin with apprehension. The door fell from the frame and a grey cloaked figure barrel rolled out of the tiny house aiming a slingshot at him. The hood of the cloak shadowed the person’s identity, Hunter tried to stand up but stopped as the figure fired another shot from the sling at his feet. The shot left a nice size crater behind curious he looked inside the hole and saw a tiny white pebble inside. The figure reached inside the chest pocket of the cloak and pulled out another pebble. They loaded it into the sling and took aim, “Those last two were warning shots you move again and this one goes between your eyes. Now who are you and what are you doing here?” asked the figure in a deep voice “My name, I go by many, but the elf at the Brisbane inn decided to call me Hunter and I am on a job from said elf to kill the threat here.”, he said. The figure lowered the weapon, and placed inside the chest pocket it removed the hood to reveal a dark skinned blind elf woman. She had a short afro, two large gold hoop earrings in both of her pointed ears, and she had a pair of bifocal glasses hanging around her neck from twine. Hunter stood up and watched her cautiously as she walked closer towards him. She grabbed his wrists and a smirk appeared on her face which only grew when her hands trailed down his body to feel the belt. She took a step back and let out a long relieved sigh, “I see it’s been twenty years since I felt my creations follow me.” She turned around and walked back toward the cabin she ducked underneath the door frame and disappeared into the house he followed soon after. He entered the cabin and saw the woman standing in front of a red brick furnace, an oak barrel sat in the middle of the room next to an anvil and on top of the anvil was a small sledgehammer. “Now for introductions my name is Laura Rosina and I was the blacksmith and inventor of the kingdom before the attack. I created the items you are currently wearing. ” she said. Hunter sat down and asked, “How… How did you harness elemental power.?” Laura turned and reached into the furnace she pulled out a small gray burlap sack that was tied closed by a piece of twine. He opened the bag and emptied its contents out on the ground before him. The sack contained ; a pair of talons, snake skin, and the skeletal remains of a fish. “Me and Tatianna used our elven magic to infuse the elemental attributes of those items into the gems in your belt and bracers.” He picked up the talons and inspected it, “What about the talons?” he asked. Laura let out a sigh and sat down she reached out and took the talons from his hand, “This I used to infused the element of air into a… I forget.” she placed the talons back on the ground, “Now since you are here let's get started.” Quick like a rabbit she jumped into a standing position, he looked at her with confusion “What are you talking about?” She smiled “I'm talking about me making you a weapon for your journey anything you want.” He reached into his pockets and removed the golden eyeball and he untied the string he reached out and placed the items into her hands, “Dealer's choice.” He said she nodded and placed the items on top of the barrel, Laura pointed toward the door, “You wait outside I work better alone.” Hunter stood up, bowed his head slightly and exited out of her workshop he walked to the edge of the cliff and sat down. He placed his hands on his knees, closed his eyes and started to meditate a few hours later Laura stepped out of the workshop with a burlap wrapped up and tied with twine. He stood up and walked over “So, how much do I owe you?” Laura shook her head, “It's on the house I want to help you in your mission.” Laura reached out with her left hand and grabbed Hunter’s wrist and placed the wrapped item in his hands. Hunter nodded and carefully removed the twine and burlap to reveal a pair of golden grappling gloves. Both of the gloves had an ankh symbol etched on to the metal surface, “So, What do you think?” she asked Hunter looked over the gloves and smiled Hunter stepped back and took a knee to her, “Thank you.” Laura chuckled lightly, “No thanks needed. Now on the other side of my cabin a few yards out are some giant walls that lead to the troll’s castle.” Hunter stood up, shook Laura's hand and then took off towards the shack in a sprint. With a single bound he cleared a hundred yards in two seconds he landed on the ground in a barrel roll and sprung to his feet in front of a giant set of oak wood doors that were flanked by giant white walls. Different images of trolls of many different sizes and shapes danced around images of people tied to poles with pain and anguish on there faces. “Halt!” yelled out a two high pitched voices the ground in front of the doors started crumble apart and a long two headed green snake like creature crawled out of the hole on eight giant spider legs it balanced itself on it's tail and looked down at Hunter. “Who? You?” said the thirty foot tall black eyed creature it sniffed the air and it stared at Hunter with hatred. The left and right head shouted respectively, “MURDERER! KILL!” the creature scurried toward him and head butted Hunter into the air from the end of it’s tail it launched a string of gray webbing at Hunter. Hunter stopped his accent his eyes glowing orange, a tiny flame appeared around his middle finger and he curled it underneath his thumb. Hunter flicked his finger and he unleashed a huge flame arrow that turned the web to ash and pinned the creature’s tail to the ground. The snake-spider let out a yell of pain as the flames of the arrow consumed it. Hunter landed with a barrel roll to his feet and stared at the anguished beast, “It's time to end this.” Hunter said he formed two flame swords in his hands and sprinted towards the creature. The creature stared to chuckle menacingly and it’s skin split open and Hunter's wind was sent bouncing across the ground from a tail whip. In a flash the creature constricted itself around his body Hunter freed himself by unleashing a giant explosion of flames which sent the snake-spider through the door and walls Hunter popped his neck and activated the belt and bracers and walked through the hole. He entered onto a long paved road that was made of human skeletons he looked forward and saw the creature surrounded by six million trolls all armed to the teeth and all staring at him snarling and gnashing their fangs. The creature toward over the others and asked “What? Do?” Hunter smirked and slammed his hands on the ground causing a giant explosion of steam to erupt from the ground. The steam died down revealing gold statues of every last troll Hunter stood up and jumped over the statues he landed in a squat on the other side and continued to walk. A few hundred yards away Hunter walked up to a path that on either side were twenty concrete pedestals that had metal bat sculptures on top of all them. Hunter walked on the road toward a giant crater filled with rubble and a giant throne made of bones. On the right side of the throne was a great sword made from gray tungsten in the middle of the sword was a giant white diamond. A tall pale skinned woman with neck length long matted brunette hair and lifeless eyes sat on the bone throne. She looked to be in her late twenties and was clad torso to toe in tungsten armor when she spotted Hunter she gripped the hilt of her blade the diamond lit up and she stood up she asked, “So! Are you to blame for killing my comrades?” Hunter nodded and with great speed she unleashed a giant vertical slash towards him. He jumped up and landed in the crater and aimed a finger gun at her he unleashed a fire hose blast of water at her. The water hit her in the chest knocking her into the throne two hundred thousand blocks of cement levitated from the ground and were launched at her she in a blink of an eye the bricks turned to dust and fell around her in a perfect circle. She stood in the middle with her blade on her shoulders “So you sure are flashy but now I must cut you.” In a blink of an eye she stood behind Hunter with her blade on her shoulders his body fell on the ground in fabulous gory fashion. The armor clad woman jumped backwards over the bloody chunks and stood in front of her throne. Just then a loud snap rung out and the pile of flesh exploded in flames the shockwave from the explosion knocked her through the bone throne. Her body skipped across the ground and she slammed back first on Hunter's torso the bracers and belt gone from his body. He wrapped his arms around her waist, picked her up and slammed her down on the ground with a German suplex. Hunter got to his feet and the woman sat up and asked her voice full of confusion and irritation, “How are you still alive I chopped you up what are you?” He shrugged and replied, “I don't know I just don't die that’s why I'm a hunter.” The woman shook her head, “No! That's not an answer what are you?!” Her lifeless eyes turned dark grey and in a graceful motion she removed his head from his body. His head fell to the ground and turned to ash and as his body fell flames shot out of his neck hole and a new head appeared which he then used to head butt the blade out of her hand. The sword landed few feet behind him and then he kicked her in the chest and launched her backward a few hundred feet she slid to a stop and stared at Hunter with a crazed look. Hunter took in a huge breath in and let it out slowly then his eyes turned orange. He snapped his fingers and stomped his feet and the skin on his waist and wrist glowed green and blue respectively. A few of the stone blocks levitated off the ground and started to melt he clenched his fist and the slag covered both of his arms up to his shoulders then turned to steam. Hunter slammed his hand on the ground and stood up then he flipped the bird to the woman. Her grey eyes showed anger and she sprinted at him Hunter watched her get closer and closer and tilted his head from side to side chuckling. With the blatant show of disrespect the woman let out a roar and lunged at him just then giant geyser of steam erupted from the ground and engulfed her melting the armor from her body. When the geyser subsided she fell to the ground soaked. She wore a leather tank top and pants that clung to her body she writhed in pain from the blisters on her exposed skin. She stood up her hair was wet singed and patchy and her face full of blisters. She layed on the ground flailing her arms trying and failing to hit Hunter the blisters started to pop and thousand white and green tendrils shot out from the pustules and it cocooned itself around her. The top of the shell exploded and a white and green striped creature that was two feet taller than Hunter stood inside the shell ankle deep in a slimy white and green liquid. It had three fingers on both hands and two toes on it’s feet. It had a great white shark fin on top of it's head, it’s eyes were glowing with grey energy, and it’s teeth were sharp and serrated like tiny saw blades. “To answer your early question I am the troll leader and I am your end.” It said in deep and raspy voice and in a blink it grabbed his neck tightly and lifted him up eye level. Hunter ignited one of his hands in flames and he brought it down across the wrist of the creature. It yelled in agony and fell to it’s knees and whimpered as it cradled it’s cauterized stump. Hunter landed on the ground on his feet and removed the hand from his throat and burnt it to ash. Three tiny holes opened up on each digit of the troll’s hand and tiny sharp needles poked out of the holes the troll pointed it toward him and fired a hailstorm of needles at him. Hunter performed a few backflips and dodged the fast moving projectiles. The creature ran toward Hunter with it’s hand balled into a fist. When it got close enough a long tendril of stone shot out of the ground and wrapped around it’s wrist and feet bringing the tall beast to it’s knees. Hunter lifted up his arms and chunks of stone enclosed around the troll's body leaving only the head exposed. It struggled and shouted expletives at him. Hunter walked closer to it and stopped in front of the captured troll. It started to gnash, snarl and bite at him “What the hell are you I killed you, you come back it makes no sense!” the troll yelled in frustration Hunter's eyes and arm started to glow brightly and two giant flaming wings exploded from his back and two water spikes formed on the back of his wrist. The troll's eyes widened in shock, “You're ….” It was quickly silenced as Hunter jammed his water spikes in it's temple the water entered the creature's body when his wings exploded and entered into the rock that surrounded the troll the rocks exploded in a pillar of flames and the creature yelled in agony. When the flames and screams subsided there was nothing left but a ring of liquid gold that surrounded a sphere of water that was enclosed around the armored lady. Her leather outfit was in tatters and on her left cheek was a faint scar. He lowered the sphere to the ground and snapped his fingers and the glow on his arms deactivated. The water around the woman dispersed and layed on the ground on her back coughing up water she rolled on to her stomach and she slowly stood up. Hunter walked over to help her up but she held up her hand and stopped him he took a step back and the lady got to her feet. She tilted her head to the right and tiny droplets of water splashed on the straps of her top. She looked around and she fell to her knees bawling loudly she looked at her shaking hands and she started to vomit. Hunter ran over and held her hair back as she barfed a few minutes later Hunter and the lady sat down on the ground sniffling. Hunter stood up and he held out his hand, she took his hand and he pulled her to her feet “Anything’s wrong?” he asked she nodded and said “It’s my fault.” “What’s your fault?” he asked she waved her hands around, “This if it wasn't for my pursuit of power none of this would've transpired.” “What happened here?” asked Hunter the lady chuckled “That's a long story but first my name’s Gwendolyn Elysium princess of this wrecked kingdom and I would like to thank you for killing the troll menace and saving my life.” She said with a curtsy Hunter waved his hands in front of face and said, “Don't mention it I was on a job anyway and when we fought I noticed something off when I didn't answer those questions.” “Yes I was possessed by the troll king on my eighteenth birthday my mother and father the king and queen had two children me and my little brother Atticus on his second birthday about sixty of the kingdom’s armed guards rushed inside the throne room with a woman who was complete covered from head to toe in a red shawl only a pair of red eyes were visible and she came with a prophecy that said that the trolls will rise and be defeated by a person of royal blood and his protector. When the woman was finished my mother and father started to ask her questions which were which one of their children were the savior. She pointed to the both of us and then she was escorted out of the throne room. So for a few years me and my brother trained to protect our kingdom and we received gifts from our parents for our training the gems, my armor, and my great sword with a note that read these will help in the future.” Gwendolyn looked at Hunter's glowing limbs and said “I see that the gems are in your body.” He looked over himself and chuckled “Yeah it happened when you chopped me into pieces.” She shook her head and said, “You are a strange man. Anyway while we trained our bodies and minds my father took a ferry to the blacksmith and were she infused the gems with elemental power and embed the diamond into the sword.” . Gwendolyn walked past Hunter toward her sword and she lifted the blade up with one hand and placed it on her shoulders she took a breath in and out before she finished “So on mine and my brothers eighteenth and sixth birthday respectively we were by the river we were both supposed to read a book about how the gems worked, I finished my huge book and started to lift weights while my brother read from two giant books. A few minutes into my session a three legged, flea ridden, and malnourished dog hobbled over to me it looked at me with lifeless eyes and spat a small drop of white and green phlegm on my arm. The mucus started to burrow itself in my skin painfully I dropped to my knees but I managed to tell my brother to run before I blacked out. When I came to I could only look on in horror as I slaughtered the entire kingdom.” The ground started to shake and a giant slimy muscled arm emerged from the shell and came down toward Hunter and Gwen. They both jumped out of the way as the hand crashed down onto the ground. Then a large white skinned green striped muscled creature emerged from the shell and it stood tall at thirty feet, “DIE!!!” The troll yelled. Gwen she launched herself at the troll with a gust of wind. She grabbed the blade with both hands and with a powerful slash she unleashed four tornados that surrounded the troll on either side. The tornados converged on the troll pulling pieces of it inside and shredding the slime unleashing a geyser of gold. The wind tunnels dispersed and the woman dropped her blade and fell to her knees tears started to stream down her face as she smiled, she turned her head to look at Hunter and said “I have to undo the damage the trolls did to the land.” “How are you going to do that.” She gripped the hilt of her blade and she stood up. “Come stand by me.” Hunter walked over and stood at her side. “Now I need you to float us up.” Hunter nodded and he lifted his hands up the skin on his waist glowed and a huge portion of the ground they were on levitated out of the ground and above the tree line. Over the horizon Hunter saw a wall of water that surrounded an of dead and living trees. “After the slaughter of my kingdom the king used my wind power to seal the island inside a barrier of water and since my brother escaped he set trolls at every place the bracer and belt was located at trying to tie up loose ends and rule.” She looked around and slapped the under side of the blade and the gem deactivated and the water quickly rushed in flooding the entire island. A large rumble sounded and from the water a giant tree sprouted from the drink, a few miles away from the tree a long serpent like creature appeared from the depth and let out a roar. Gwen smiled, “Laura and Tatianna made it out.” “You know them?” Gwen nodded “Yeah Tatianna was my maid and Laura crafted my armor and sword.” Hunter twitched his fingers and below them a two thousand foot tall watch tower was formed out of splintered trees and stone debris. He landed the chunk on top of the roof of the building “So is there anything else you need me to do?” He asked she shook her head, “No with those two's help this place will be just as it was.” Hunter nodded and then jumped off the tower into the raging water below. Gwen stared at his antic with a smile and shake of her head “What a strange, strange man.”
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Part 1 : Mythical Invasion On a planet in the near future in a galaxy far away. Was an orb quite similar to earth, the only difference was that it was slightly larger and under developed. It’s seas and river were molten lava and the skies were covered with obsidian smoke that constantly flowed out from the celestial body. Just then a tall creature with the body of a brown bear, clawed hands, and the head of a dire wolf jumped from the lava sea and landed on an ashen ground it shook it’s fur dry of slag, a giant scaly rat bubbled to the surface of the magma. It grabbed the pest by its tail and dragged the carcass up a trail that was marked with bones. The creature walked up a hill and stopped at the base of a tall burnt tree that was surrounded by piles and piles of bone. It sat down and sliced down the rat’s midsection splitting the carcass open and started to gorge itself on the rats insides, the smoke above started to churn and twist violently, there was a clap of thunder and tiny droplets of translucent multicolor liquid fell from the sky staining the ashen shore in color. The colored liquid on the ground started to bubble and converge at one spot a few feet away from the hill. All the liquid formed a giant chimera that had a red head, black body, and a green tail it looked around and smirked. “Hmm, this seems like a ideal planet to rule.,” said the Chimera in a feminine voice. The creature stared at the monstrosity with interest, it stood up and slowly walked down the hill. The chimera stared at the creature as it slowly approached her when it stopped the chimera looked down at beast, “Oh! Hello down there, my name is Sia. You must be my new servant, fetch me a meal will you I have traveled many light years and I am literally famished, chop chop.” The being looked up at her and slowly tilted it’s head from side to side. With a shrug of it’s massive shoulders it turned around and walked back towards the hill. Sia became visibly peeved at the blatant disrespect “Why you insolent little speck!” she yelled, puffed out her chest, and unleashed a large jet of fire out her maw covering the creature in orange flame. When the flames died down the creature jumped up and snatched Sia's left eye out. She let out a blood curdling scream as the creature landed safely on the ground with the eye on its claws, the sky opened up and a beam of light came down on the mythical beast. “Y…you bastard just you wait. I’m not the only monster you have to worry about your end is nigh.” There was an echo on her last word as she disappeared, the beast looked at the eyeball and it’s stomach grumbled it took a bite and blood splashed on his face. It’s eyes widen in satisfaction as it devoured the enormous orb in one gulp the creature fell to it’s knees and let out a powerful roar that caused the lava to move as the ground shook. A few seconds later the creature passed out sprawled at the base of the hill. A few moments later creature's eyes opened and it pushed itself off the ground scratching it’s belly. A flock of large four winged birds dived bombed out of the smoke clouds, their necks stretched out towards the lava. The fowls scooped the basalt into their giant beaks and drank it down. The creature stared at the flock and it’s stomach growled in hunger, it squatted low to the ground, leaped up and with lighting fast reflexes he snatched one of the birds out of the sky which caused the others to scatter back towards the clouds. The captured fowl chirped weakly as the creature had it’s foot firmly on its neck moving it’s foot slightly the creature snapped the bird’s neck. It grabbed the fowl by it’s wing and dragged it up the hill, sat down under the tree and devoured it whole. After it’s meal the creature layed on it’s back snoring loudly with a content smile on it’s maw. All of a sudden a large portion of the smoke clouds drifted down and floated above the sea of lava, the vapor then started to twist and turn until it materialized into a large black colored three yellow eyed griffin. “So this is the planet Sia chose…I see the potential.” he said in a low tone, it performed a few aerial loops when it landed it wings folded in it’s back. Just then a huge group of lava rats scurried quickly out of the molten sea and swarmed the griffin, the rodents scurried over the beast biting it all over, it's wings snapped open unleashing a powerful gust of wind. The griffin then took to the air knocking the pest away in every direction. A few of the rats landed on top of the hill a few minutes later the creature sat up with blood all over it's face it let out a huge audible yawn as it scratched it stood up scratching its torso. He spotted the creature as it walked down the hill covering its mouth stifling another yawn, “That must be the creature who injured Sia.” The Griffin puffed out it’s chest and let out a loud sound that was a mixture of a caw and a roar as it dived bombed towards the ground. The creature look up with it's head tilted to the side as the Griffin landed on the ground gracefully and stretched out it’s large wings making it’s large body an even bigger. “I am Samson cousin to Sia and I am here to get revenge…” the creature turned away and preceded to walk back towards the hill, Samson stared at the creature with a look of disbelief. ‘Sia was right this thing is a disrespectful little cretin.’ Samson got low to the ground his back end in the air and he suddenly pounced. He knocked the creature to the ground and started to peck it multiple times in it’s back. Samson jumped back from the being and licked Grey liquid from its beak. Samson smirked, “You taste delicious.” The body of the creature suddenly, vanished in ash particles shocking him momentarily. The creature appeared in the air and landed on Samson's back straddling him he dug his claws into Samson's back, blood oozed out Samson let out a yelp of pain he spread his wings open and like a flash he took off into the air bucking wildly. The creature dug it’s claws deeper into Samson's flesh and the creature pulled up which caused Samson to ascend higher and higher. The two beasts ended up inside the smoke cloud Samson thrashed around to and fro to knock the creature off his back. The creature removed one of it’s 8claws and stabbed it through Samson's head, the claws flexed and the creature ripped off Samson's head. The creature threw it’s head back and let out a roar of victory as the corpse started to drop, the creature kicked off Samson's body and landed on top of the hill and the body fell into the molten lava where it melted on contact. The creature unhinged it’s jaw and bit into the top of Samson’s skull with a quick yank it peeled the skin and muscles from the bone and with a powerful inhale it slurped the meat down it's gullet he walked over towards the downed tree and placed the skull by the roots. The organism let out a giant yawn as it rapidly blinked it’s eyes, the creature finally allowed it’s eyes to shut fully and layed down on top of the hill snoring loudly. PART 2: The Only King Sia stood in a dark room staring at a blank white screen slack jawed as she tried and failed to comprehend what she just witnessed. Suddenly from out of the darkness a giant broad sword went through her neck and her body instantly turned to stone and crumbled to pieces. A large clawed hand reached out and unleashed trillion upon trillion streaks of multicolored lightning at the screen. The blast created a swirling vortex and from the darkness stepped forth a giant bipedal dragon. The hydra had black scales that were flecked with gold all over his body a black leather sheath was on his hip and two giant black leathery wings extended from his back. The dragon tossed Sia's head up and swatted it through the vortex, he threw his head's back and let out a roar he quickly flew through the portal. The creature layed on the hill on it’s side staring out at the lava sea, the clouds split open and a bright beam of light shined onto the ground and Sia's stone head shattered on the ground coating the ground with rubble. Just then the clouds started to twist violently. The smoke then dispersed and a giant humongous vortex opened up in the sky and a giant clawed hand of the dragon shot out of the portal. The creature looked up and saw a figure looking down on him. The dragon flew down and stood face to face with the being, the dragon took a whiff of the air and scoffed, “You are the creature who caused the death of my kin.,” said the dragon. The creature looked at the dragon head on and tilted it’s head from right to left, the dragon turned around and walked toward the shore of the ashen beach. The dragon pulled out his blade and touched the tip of the sword to the lava, the slag then transformed into stone, the portal in the sky dissipated and the stars above glittered reflected of the stone, the dragon walked out and stood in the middle of the stone and yelled out “Oi! Lets get this over with.” The creature walked onto the giant stone slab and stood a few feet away from the winged beast, the vortex closed revealing trillions of twinkling stars. The dragon stuck his sword into the stone and he got into a fighting stance. “Now before we start the show I would like to introduce myself, name's Janson and you are?,” he asked the beast stared at him in confusion which caused him to chuckle. “That's rich Sia thought you were being rude… but you just don't understand me do you? Who cares I'm here for vengeance and that is what I’ll get.,” said Janson he quickly sprinted towards the creature and raised his right hand aiming to eviscerate it. The creature jumped back and dodged Janson's wild swipe and it countered with a swipe of its own. Janson blocked the strike and unfurled his wings, he grabbed the creature by it’s shoulders and flew off into space. Janson stared at the creature and a Cheshire grin appeared on his face, “I can't believe that something so weak killed Samson, so laughable!” Janson let out a roar of pain because the creature ran it’s claws through his torso and out of his back. Janson let go of it's shoulders, opened up his mouth and unleashed point blank jet of lightning knocking the creature’s claws from his torso and sending its body spiraling toward the planet. The creature cleaned the blood from it’s claws with it's tongue while flames covered its entire body. It's body went through the hilt crashed through the stone slab into the slag underneath. Janson touched his torso and winced as the wounds sealed back up he looked at the palm of his hand and smirked, ‘The little shit got in a hit, well at least the impact will kill it.' Just then a long tendril of lava wrapped tightly around his ankle and he was violently snatched back towards the planet. A giant crater was created as Janson was slammed onto the ground seconds later Janson flew out of the hole his entire form covered in ash. He stretched out his wings and loudly roared in anger his visage set in rage, “ Why won't you die show yourself!!!” Suddenly the creature appeared in front of him with a dire wolf head and a skinny but muscled body that was completely covered in thick black scales its clawed hand was now long fingers. Janson pointed at the creature as his rage was replaced with shock, “ H…how are you flying?” asked Janson the creature pointed a claw at him he pointed to him self the creature nodded it’s head and vanished it appeared in front of him and struck him with a flying knee under his jaw Janson's body flew back over the lava he unfurled his wings stopping himself from certain death. He stared at the creature with a sneer, his entire body started to glow as small bolts of lightning surrounded his form. Janson's body slowly stared to enlarge from his shoulders two different colored heads one red and one silver slithered from his shoulders, the heads licked their maws with long snake like tounges. The two heads stretched out and clasped their jaws onto the creatures shoulders and unleashed a giant surge of electricity that dropped it to its knees. Janson walked toward the creature the middle head had a wicked smile on its visage, the creature then grabbed both heads by their necks and with a tug he ripped the appendages from Janson’s shoulders. Janson let out a roar of pain as his blood oozed from his shoulder wounds, the creature knocked the lifeless heads from it’s shoulders, the nails on it’s hands transformed into claws which resembled needles. Janson got up and stared at the creature his eyes burned with rage he extended his wings and like a rocket he flew toward the creature. When Janson was a few inches from colliding with the creature it flipped over his body and landed on its back. The creature stabbed its needle claw into his back and was bucked off for its trouble, Janson turned around and saw as the creature landed safely on its feet he tried to take a step forward and realized that he couldn’t move. Janson looked down and saw that his feet were encased in stone and the stone slowly creeped up his legs, Janson struggled and struggled to move which only caused the rock to creep up his body quicker. Janson looked up at the creature and asked, “What the hell are you?” the creature lifted up its arms and thousands of lava tendrils shot out of the sea and landed on the ground between the two the lava dispersed and Janson started to chuckle as the rock encased his entire body freezing him in place with a smile on face then he because burned into the ground was a simple message ‘I AM KING.’ Janson then crumbled to pieces and the creature let out a powerful roar of victory and dominance for all to hear.
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The cover of Firestorm
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    A five foot five female teen with a shaved head was running through a dense forest, the tree's branches intertwined with each other blocking any light from entering as the branches of the bushes swatted across her ankles leaving welts behind. She wore a hospital gown a smudged plastic wristband on her left wrist and a pair of  handcuffs were on her right.            She entered a field of tall grass that surrounded a very tall and wide tree, she walked over to it and sat down at its' base breathing heavily with beads of sweat falling from her brow. Just then the sound of rapid footfalls and overlapping voices was heard which caused the girl to lie flat on the ground concealing herself amidst the long stalks, she peeked between the grass and could barely make out the identities of sixty men who entered the clearing from the forest.           Each carried a loaded Taurus Model sixty-six point 357 Magnum Revolver tucked inside the waistband of their pants. Each man was of different ethnicities, ages, and shape and each man was clad in sky blue scrubs from head to toe. A lone man who had magenta eyes took a walkie out of the pockets of his pants he pressed the call button and spoke into the device. "Target spotted we have the girl surrounded what are your orders? Over," said the man the radio produce  a loud clicking sound before a low feminine responded, "Excellent capture her alive my ETA will be six minutes. Out."   The radio cut out and the man tossed the radio to the side where broke it in two as it hit the ground. The magenta man rose his hand up pointed toward the tree and yelled out, "Men advance!" Just then sixty more sky blue scrub clad men entered the clearing and joined the others as they started to move slowly toward the tree.The Girl started to whimper and whine loudly causing the group of one hundred and twenty men to stop in there advance, one of the men whose face was covered with long jagged scars scoffed with indignation and fired all six shots of his gun at the base of the tree silencing the cries.   The magenta eyed man grabbed the man's shoulder and turned him around, "What the hell!," the man yelled the scarred man snorted with a shrug of his shoulders, "Her whines were annoying me so I eliminated the annoyance.," he said in a matter of fact way the magenta eyed man took in a deep breath and let it out slowly just then very bright headlights casted the men's shadows against the woods.   The headlights belong to a rusty blue pickup truck that pulled up and stopped at the edge of the grass field. The truck's driver side door creaked opened and a seven foot tall shadowy feminine figure exited out of the truck. The woman features was covered in shadows the only thing visible was a pair of emerald green eyes,she had long bony fingers, she stood by the truck and she started to sniff the air. "Who fired their weapon?," she asked in a cheerfully deadpanned tone.   The men stepped aside leaving the scarred man to stare up into the tall woman's eyes. She stepped in front of the truck the headlights causing her shadow to loom over the area. She stared at the man her eyes smiling as she crossed her arms, "I'm sorry mistress it was crying and I shot at it to silence it that's the truth.," the man cried falling to his knees with his head touching the ground. The woman started to chuckle and the man lifted his head up smiling at her, his eyes went wide as a long shadowy tendril entered his chest.          Suddenly the man's body started to rapidly decomposed until nothing but a lifeless husk remained, the tendril then dispersed the man's body fell to the ground and immediately turned to dust. The woman looked at the rest of the men and pointed a bony digit toward the tree, "Recover the test and I swear if she is damaged I'll rip out your spines through your anuses now march.," she said.     The men quickly rushed towards the tree once they reached the tree they found six bullets lodged into the tree and no sign of the girl. A low growl caused the magenta eyed man to look up into the tree and two glowing rainbow colored eyes were staring back at him, instinctively the man reached for his weapon the eyes widened and in a blink of an eye the men, tree, and grass were incinerated to nothing by rainbow flames.     The flames died down a full moon glowed above its' beams revealing a smoky and ember filled area. In the middle of the ashen field was a six foot seven black furred black maned creature that was hunched over breathing heavily. The tall woman who also survived the attack started to clap slowly with smoke wafting from her body, "That...was...awesome! Just an excellent show.," the woman said walking closer and closer to the creature.      The tall woman stood behind the creature with a smiling with her eyes. The creature looked back at the woman in fear the woman smiled and said., "Don't look at me like that. I'm your friend I'm here to take you back home."  She reached out a bony hand, the creatures stared at the appendage with apprehension. A few seconds later two long black Caracal ears appeared in the mane.     The woman let out a long squeal just then the creature fell to the ground convulsing as a long black fur tail sprouted from its back, the creature stood up and looked over its lean cat like body and said "Wh...What the hell happened to me."  The woman clapped her hands in excitement "Yes it works, my serum works I've just created the world's first animal girl.," said the woman she placed her hand near her chest and a syringe full of dark yellow liquid.    "Well, Franny it's nighty night time.," the woman said lunging at her. Franny jumped back and got on all fours growling at her smoke started to slowly rise from her fur. The woman tossed the vial away and held out her right hand the shadows covering her body went toward her hand revealing a pale skinned lady with long luxurious hair and she had a tiny scar on her left cheek. In her hand she wielded a black short handle scythe. "See I tried to be nice and give you a sedative, so I could harvest your DNA without harming you. But now you gonna feel every piece of this.," she said with anger.      She tossed the scythe at Franny whose body then exploded in flames turning the blade into dust. The woman smirked, " This is truly outstanding. You are gaining control of your powers as we stand here.," the woman said she stood in a boxing stance and vanished. Franny looked around frantically trying to spot her; just then the woman's hands came from under the ground and pulled Franny into the ground to her neck.     A few hundred yard away the ground split apart spewing smoke and molten rock. Out of   the chasm four long white appendages about the size of two hundred football fields exploded out of it. The arms pushed up and the woman who was seven ft grew to over ninety feet and had four white arms on her back. The woman jumped ten feet up and the arms on her back started to rapidly spin causing her to hover off the ground.         Like a flash, white flames jetted out from her feet rocketing her towards Franny who was struggling in the hole. The woman landed, the arms on her back started to cover her entire body leaving nothing but her eyes and it gave her a four giant pointy horns on her head. The woman looked down at Franny as she struggled, " WELL I WOULD SAY THIS WAS FUN BUT I WOULD BE LYING. BUT I WON'T LET AN UPPITY EXPERIMENT STOP ME FROM CREATING A NEW RACE.," she said in a booming voice but with the same cheerful tone.        She jumped high into the air kicking up dust causing Franny to cough uncontrollably.  When the woman stopped she was in space hovering just above the planet, the horns on her head started to split up and cover her entire body in spikes. She then plummeted back to Earth going fast enough to break the sound barrier.         She landed on the ground with a giant explosion knocking over all the trees in the forest. The sounds of waves crashing against a shore was heard as a seagull flew overhead, at that moment the giant woman let out a yell of pain long streams of black blood dripped down her cheek. She placed her hand on her cheek she looked at the palm of her hand with a confused look. She let out a blood curdling scream as both of her achilles tendons were sliced.      She fell to the ground surrounded by a large puddle of blood as Franny sauntered closer to her licking the back of her left hand (which now sported twelve inch long rainbow colored claws) and rubbed it across a white wolf muzzle, with a flick of her wrist drops of blood landed in the pool on the ground. The woman stared at Franny with appreciation in her eyes.     The woman closed her fist and rose her arm high into the air she dropped her fist toward Franny. Franny vanished from sight and appeared in front of the woman the claws on her hand ignited in multi colored flames, she then vanished again and appeared standing behind her. The woman's eyes went black and her head  fell backwards and it landed on the ground with a thud creating a crater below it, as her body disintegrated to dust.    Franny jumped down into the crater and stared at the beheaded head, the eyes then glowed a dull green. The head started to cough loudly., "I'm still pretty peeved that you did this to me but, I can't help but be proud that a creation of mine is such a huge success. You did well Franny.," said, the woman. Franny scoffed and placed a clawed hand on the woman's head, "My name is Francine Ire.," she said as rainbow flames covered the head rendering it to nothing. Francine looked up into the night sky and she let out a powerful roar.           Francine's eyes rolled in the back of her head as she fell back and reverted to her normal self wearing nothing. A few hours later Francine awoke in a barn lying on top of a makeshift pallet made from cowhide and hay. Her body was covered with a long white silk robe that had a swirl design on it. Francine stood up from the cot looking around in the corner of the shed a black plastic tarp covered up something in the corner and the windows were boarded up. Just then the doors swung opened and a tall and bald disheveled man who had red scabbard attached to his waist from a yellow sash, who looked to be about fifty years of age entered.      The man's sudden appearance caused the young girl to drop down on all fours and her eyes flashed multi colored. The man put his hands up,"Whoa there stand up and calm it down I am only here to talk not fight.," said the man. The man placed the scabbard on the ground and sat down in front of her.     Francine looked at him warily before sat on her haunches her eyes turned back to normal. The man smirked, "Good, now my name is Tranks. What's your name," Tranks asked he held out his hand in a shaking position Francine slowly inched closer examining the outstretched appendage closely. After a few minutes Francine shook his hand, "My name is Francine."    Tranks smiled and he and Francine stood up, "Now Francine I am not the woman you fought but she is not the only thing that is doing experiments on children. But if you swear to help me save others such as yourself we can liberate them so what do you say." Francine looked at him and transformed into her animal girl form and nodded her head, "Let's do it.," said Francine.                                              
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