sai-saici · 12 years
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Fake Animanga Confessions Presents: G Week Part Deux AKA Master Asia Week 
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sai-saici · 12 years
(( my blog is nsfw)) My name is peacpony a human...(( reachers into childhood )) didn't you tag along with domo?
Yup! Me and Bro kick some Dark Gundam butt from time to time! Nice to meet ya!
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sai-saici · 12 years
Oh! I see...
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Welp, can't say I've seen it around at the moment, what's it look like? Can't be too hard to lose a giant robot right? Aheheh!
ask-yui-ikari started following you
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Name’s Sai Saici! I’m Neo-China’s Gundam Fighter! Nice to meet you Miss!
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By the way… what brings you around here?
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sai-saici · 12 years
ask-yui-ikari started following you
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Name's Sai Saici! I'm Neo-China's Gundam Fighter! Nice to meet you Miss!
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By the way... what brings you around here?
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sai-saici · 12 years
askshinjixasuka started following you
Oh! Hey there!
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I'm Sai Saici! The Gundam Fighter for Neo-China! Nice to meet ya!
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sai-saici · 12 years
Hey! I look kinda funny! Haha!
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Sai Saici… as a Psyduck… Sai Duck I’m hilarious
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sai-saici · 12 years
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chellips started following you
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Hey there! Sai Saici here! I'm the Gundam Fighter for Neo China! Nice to meet ya!
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sai-saici · 12 years
Guess I'll reblog this to my rp blog too :P it was fun to record! :D
So Shannon wrote parody lyrics to “Rudolph the red nosed reindeer” that had a G Gundam theme and I couldn’t not record it, it’s a little sucky and a single take with some improv here and there but I’m kinda happy with how it turned out!
I might do more in future? 
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sai-saici · 12 years
"Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssss! G'day!" 
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"And Hellooooo to you too!" Sai giggled to himself making a hasty retreat.
Man it's boring having not much to do... had to cause some trouble! 
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sai-saici · 12 years
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"You betcha! Since I'm part of the Shuffle Alliance and all, I gotta help fight the Dark Gundam! I'm on the side of justice alright!" 
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kamenridercoleos started following you
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Hey there! I’m Sai Saici! The Gundam Fighter for Neo-China! Nice to meet ya!
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sai-saici · 12 years
OOC: I've been so inactive!
((AH! fjgndksl;jrglds;t I'm sorry people :P I've been swamped with schoolwork and I have like 3 drabbles still to write and nfjgkl;dhfi ytoui;rjgflhni yjh yeah I'm sorry, gonna try and get more active on here again! :P))
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sai-saici · 12 years
"Alright! Let's goooooooo!" Sai stood his ground confidently, ready to intercept or move away from his opponents next move. He held his stance in anticipation. 
Out in the mountains, a man was training, shattering boulders with the heels of his feet. This man, Shuuji Kurosu, is known as the Undefeated of the East…Yes, this man is none other than Master Asia, the pilot of the Master Gundam, teacher to Domon Kasshu, and the former King of Hearts!
“Ha ha ha! I still have it. It’s too bad I can’t locate Domon, or anyone willing to learn the secrets of Tohoufuhai…Or maybe I just haven’t found a proper disciple besides Domon!”
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sai-saici · 12 years
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kamenridercoleos started following you
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Hey there! I'm Sai Saici! The Gundam Fighter for Neo-China! Nice to meet ya!
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sai-saici · 12 years
MASTER POST OF ALL DRABBLES!! || Always Accepting! || Feel Free To Reblog And Add More!
Scream: My character has caused yours to scream out for some reason
Headache: How my character will take care of yours when they have a headache
Expecting: Our characters find out they are expecting a child together
Milkshake: Our characters will have to split a milkshake
Coffee: My character will be hyped up on coffee and pester yours
Graveyard: My character will visit your characters grave
Spectre: My character will be visited by your character's ghost or vice versa
Bleed: My character will injure your character
Dream: My character will have a dream about your character
Busted: Your character will catch mine doing something they shouldn't.
O Romeo: I will write my character missing/looking for yours.
O Juliet: I will write about my character's feelings for yours.
O Macbeth: I will write about how my character kills yours.
O Hero: I will write about my character mourning yours.
O Puck: I will write about my character pranking yours.
O Titiana: I will write about our characters sharing a night in bed or sharing a kiss. Specify.
O Oberon: I'll write about my character getting angry at yours over something they did.
Amuse Me: I will write a funny drabble about my character trying to cheer yours up.
Break Me: I will write an angsty drabble about our characters.
Call Me: I will write a drabble about my character asking for yours [be it at the brink of death/in a battlefield/knocking on the front door wounded, feel free to specify.]
Drink Me: I will write a drabble about my character taking shots with yours.
Enamor Me: I will write a fluffy drabble about my character trying to woo yours [be it out of the blue/Valentines Day,feel free to specify.]
Fight Me: I will write a drabble out my character fighting with/or against yours.
Get Me: I will write a drabble about my character saving yours.
Haunt Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character watching over yours [as a ghost, watching from a distance, or otherwise, feel free to specify.]
Invite Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character asking your character to
Join Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving your character an offer [be it a proposal for an alliance, asking them to join them in an activity (you can get dirty if you want), feel free to specify.]
Kill Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character killing yours.
Love Me: I’ll write a fluffy drabble about our characters.
Mourn Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character mourning your character’s death.
Nurse Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character healing yours.
Offer Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character giving yours a gift.
Paint Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character drawing a picture of yours [like one of your french girls~ be it painting them or drawing them, maybe offering a picture of them as a gift, feel free to specify.]
Quite Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character trying to calm yours down [be it from crying, from lashing out, feel free to specify.]
Remember Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character trying to get yours to remember them [be it from an accident, meeting them after years apart, feel free to specify.]
Shag Me: I’ll write a dirty drabble about our characters.
Tell Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character confessing something to yours [be it a love confession, a secret, feel free to specify.]
Unbind Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character freeing mine, or the other way around, or something among the lines [be it freeing them from jail, from handcuffs, from a trap, from a curse, feel free to specify.]
Value Me: I’ll write a drabble about my character telling yours how they feel about them.
Wed Me: I’ll write a drabble about our character under the subject of wedlock [be it my character proposing to yours, or marrying yours, feel free to specify.]
X Me: I will write whatever it is that you wish, [specify.]
Yahoo Me: I’ll write a drabble about our characters celebrating something [feel free to specify.]
Zip Me: I’ll write a drabble about your character dressing mine, or the other way around [this can also be used for shutting them up as well, but feel free to specify.]
Sleep: My character needs to stay at your character’s house for the night, or vise versa. Specify. (you can add any other special things that could happen!)
Drink: My character will call, text, or show up at your character’s house drunk. Specify which of the three.
Heal: My character will tend to your character’s wounds, or be at their side when they’re sick.
Confess: My character will speak their true feelings about your character. (or about a topic. you may choose.)
Death: My character’s reaction to your character dying.
Time: My character is running late! They are supposed to meet your character at ___________ (fill in the blank) or vise versa. Specify.
Protect: My character keeps yours safe from harm.
Kiss: My character kisses yours, or vise versa. Specify.
Dream: My character wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream with your character in it.
Run!: My character is chasing your character (or vise versa) OR both characters are being chased by ___________ (fill in the blank).
Sky: Our characters are stargazing.
Help: My character requests help from your character (be something silly or serious, you may decide.)
Gift: My character gives your character something special. Or vise versa. Specify.
I Do: I will write our characters as a married couple
Broken: I’ll write our characters breaking up or in an angsty scene.
« : memory from the past with your character
» : a future event my character would like to happen with them + yours [a daydream]
¿ : something my character would like to forget [specify in general or about yours]
☼ : A memory my character has with yours that they’ll never forget
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sai-saici · 12 years
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amuro-ray started following you
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"Hi there! I'm the Gundam Fighter for Neo-China, Sai Saici! Nice to meet ya!"
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sai-saici · 12 years
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"You could say that yeah! Nice to meet ya! Oh right, you mean that old Mister who trained Bro right? Yeah, Bro's mentioned him a few times, apparently he's a really strong warrior and stuff..."
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emiya-shirou started following you
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Heya! Sai Saici’s the name! Neo-China’s Gundam Fighter! Nice too meet ya!
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sai-saici · 12 years
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