sailoraku · 8 years
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sailoraku · 8 years
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I decided it’s been way too long since I’ve shown everyone my crew! There’s some new faces in the lineup (including 4 who haven’t even hit 80 yet) as well as some faces who got a makeover since I last posted them. I’ve tried to keep my characters from all looking the same, especially since I have most of the dyes in the game. No sense in using three dyes across 18 characters. I might give a few of them makeovers again and my under-80s will look different once they level up and get their final armors. Captions are on half of the pictures (it wouldn’t let me add all 18 as captionable pics), if you guys want to know anything about a specific character or have a request for my next post my ask box is always open.
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sailoraku · 8 years
@therealjacksepticeye I think I found out why this question showed up in your twitter comments. To be fair it was such a great conversation starter that you titled the episode after it.
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Thanks American Girl!
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sailoraku · 9 years
Aww man, I didn’t know Dwayna weapon skins went up to two tickets! I only needed 4 more for the collection and that would’ve given me 7 free tickets. All I would’ve needed was one more ticket after that and I would’ve completed the Bloody Prince weapon collection. So I spent $70 on gems, managed to get exactly 5 tickets (4 for the Dwayna weps and an extra for the 2 ticket cost of the Bloody Prince weps) and went to go buy them only to discover that I can only buy 2 Dwayna skins or two Bloody Prince skins but definitely can’t finish both collections. At least i got other cool stuff like 4-5 new finishers, a ton of minis and unidentified dyes, and a Glint’s Inspiration dye that I didn’t have before.
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sailoraku · 9 years
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So I forgot to tell everyone about my great luck with the mystic toilet a couple of weeks ago. I always have piles of dyes sitting around in my guild bank from dye packs from all the BL chests I always open. I decided I needed gold and I'd see what I could get from the toilet with 100 unique dyes (some being stacks of up to 4) so a total of maybe 200+ dyes. I went through all of my fine quality dyes and got quite a few masterworks so I figured what the heck, let's throw 4 masterworks in. I panicked and didn't get a screen until it was in my inventory but Zommoros had given me Celestial! And I had already had it unlocked so I put it on the tp. With such a huge profit I figured selling the remaining dyes wouldn't be necessary and I'd throw the rest in the toilet too. And as you can see I managed a second Celestial with 4 rares. With the almost 160 gold I earned I had enough to finally get an ancient wood logging node for my home instance. If only Zommoros loved me this much with mystic clovers and exotic weapons. Hell why not give me a precursor?!
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sailoraku · 9 years
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Time for the twins to start running their personal story! Fabio and Fatima are taking on the Jormag-worshiping Jotun with the help of Eir Stegalkin. The twins have a personal score to settle with Jormag and its servants for taking the life of their dear mother. Their journey together will continue as they search for a way to defeat the elder dragons.  My ask box is always open as usual. ~SailorAku.3524 [MILF] (with an appearance from mikmik121)
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sailoraku · 9 years
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And last but certainly not least: Fabio Stormbringer! He’s my most recent lvl 80 with a fun story behind him. My guildie mikmik121 wanted to make a handsome male norn (what we felt was a maybe impossible task) so I decided I’d give it a shot. Named Fabio (because aren’t the best heart throbs always named Fabio?) I went for less of a hulky hairy beast like most norn men and created this gorgeous hunk. We then decided to make yin-yang twins. Fabio would be heavy armor, her female norn Fatima would be light armor. Fabio would be black wings, abyss armor, and long black hair and Fatima would be white wings, celestial armor, and short white hair. Fabio would be soft-spoken and cunning and Fatima would be no nonsense and in your face. Both would be beautiful with a tragic past and both would have an awful tendency to show off their lovely chests, as you can see with Fabio’s armor choice. We united them with an epic last name of Stormbringer and sent them off into the world.  Both of us held off on touching the personal story until we hit 80 and our next step will be marathoning the story from beginning to end (since we chose all the same things we’ll just progress together without needing to replay anything) where we’ll finally face off against Zhaitan, just the two of us.
My ask box is always open to suggestions and questions! ~SailorAku.3524 [MILF]
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sailoraku · 9 years
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Second to last of my lvl 80s brings me to the second ele I made. After the truth bomb dropped that sylvari were Mordrem I decided to make an “evil” sylvari and thus was born Morganathiel. If I start to rp, Morganathiel will be one of my three rp characters. Mordrem daggers, the noble count outfit, and the black wings make up her current look (since we all know this is actually Fashion Wars, I have to walk them down the runway) with Midnight Fire dye to match the leaves that make up her hair. My ask box is open as usual! ~SailorAku.3524 [MILF]
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sailoraku · 9 years
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Grumpy cat ain’t got nothin’ on my charr guard Katt Shadowblade. I don’t have many charr because of how weird the armor looks on them, but the tier 3 heavy cultural doesn’t look too awful so I’ve stuck with it. I could’ve gotten really fancy with her dyes but it’s actually just Black and Wrath for some reason. I have a tendency to make my characters really dark with black/abyss/shadow abyss and the occasional red hue as an accent and Katt is no exception. If you’re noticing the accompanying posts are getting shorter and shorter as I post more and more of my lvl 80s, I’m really digging into characters I hardly use anymore who don’t have a whole lot of playtime or personality to them so there isn’t much to say. I need to think of a shorter way to sign off on my posts while still reminding people my ask box is open and letting them know my in-game contact info... Hit the ask box! ~SailorAku.3524 [MILF]  
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sailoraku · 9 years
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What could be better than an asuran mesmer? A PIRATE asuran mesmer! That’s exactly what Memillusia strives to be. Her mini which is currently off screen is even Mini Peggellegg the “Pirate” to match the theme.  She’s currently waiting on another mesmer to come along and port to the end of Font of Rhand so she can plant herself there for the rest of eternity (or at least until she gets the two collection items for Treasure Hunter from Rhendak). (Funny story, she missed one while I was typing this up.)  My ask box is open to screenshot suggestions and general questions, you can get ahold of my in-game through SailorAku.3524, guild tag [MILF] (Man I Love Farming) on Sorrow’s Furnace.
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sailoraku · 9 years
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A very underused character in my line up, Kahla Gearmind is my charr engi. You can tell how long it’s been since I really played her by the fact that she’s rocking wintersday weapons the last day of august. Her hodge-podge armor is at least using shadow purple so I must’ve been on her a little more recently than I let on. If I ever convince her to leave Divinity’s Reach she might make some appearances as she works on personal story or map completion. By now you should now the drill, my ask box is open, my in-game contact info is SailorAku.3524 and my guild is [MILF] (Man I Love Farming) on Sorrow’s Furnace.
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sailoraku · 9 years
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I’m surprised to find I actually only have one human who’s made it to lvl 80: my second necro Jacqueline Danielle. I knew I wanted at least one human so that I could unlock the cultural armor skins so I made this little beauty. She’s of course wearing tier 3 human cultural armor and wielding a shadow axe and shadow focus despite wearing Celestial dye.  Like my norn warrior Rayne she’s hanging out in Claypool in Queensdale. I had such an abundance of gathering tools that had piled up in my bank from characters that I had made, played, and deleted that I decided to grab all of the copper tools and farm a starter area until they ran out. She’s nowhere close to being done with that task (nor have I worked on it in a while because I don’t need tier 1 mats) Of course my ask box is always open to screenshot suggestions or general questions and you can find me in game at SailorAku.3524, guild tag [MILF] (Man I Love Farming)
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sailoraku · 9 years
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Allow me to introduce Rayne Blodhren! She’s one of two norn warriors that I’ve brought to lvl 80. She’s also my weaponsmith and armorsmith after leveling both to 500. I can never decide how I want her to look so she’s currently sporting temple armor with Celestial dye, the white wings, and a shadow hammer. Seeing as how she’s been the one making almost all of my ascended weaponry lately, I guess it’s only fair to make my next ascended a hammer for her. You’ll probably be seeing plenty of screens of Rayne in the future as I capture her crafting new ascendeds. For some reason she’s been hanging around Claypool in Queensdale as of late. My ask box is always open to screenshot suggestions and general questions and you can find me in game at SailorAku.3524, guild tag [MILF] (Man I Love Farming)
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sailoraku · 9 years
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On to the next lvl 80! My incredibly short asura -who I used to run greatsword with just because it was funny to watch her lug around a sword bigger than she was- is, as you can see, a ranger by the name of Dhillia. I just recently used her to unlock the last of the temple armor skins I needed so she’s rocking Rubicon armor until I get bored and put her cultural armor back on or something. Or I’ll probably at least switch the dyes from Shadow Yellow since it looks a little weird. Dhillia is the only one of my main crafters who isn’t a norn. I don’t know why I did that but she still needs to work on huntsman before I can say I’m done leveling my crafting disciplines. She’s only 433 for huntsman but is up to 500 for leatherworker. As I’ve said, my ask box is open to any screenshot suggestions or general questions and you can find me in game at SailorAku.3524, guild tag [MILF] (Man I Love Farming)
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sailoraku · 9 years
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Here’s the next lvl 80 character screenshot! My norn thief Kat Astriddottir (because my norn chars are always very unoriginally named I kinda just revamped a name I had already come up with for my main). I actually hardly use Kat for anything that involves combat, but she is however one of my many crafters. I have four of them (including my main Astrid) and I’ve just realized that all but one of them is a norn. Kat happens to be my lvl 400 chef and lvl 400 jeweler. I just recently went back and discovered every chef recipe I possibly could so I was kind of proud of that. As I’ve mentioned my ask box will be open to suggestions for screens and such. Find me in game SailorAku.3524, guild tag [MILF] (Man I Love Farming).
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sailoraku · 9 years
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I’m going to go ahead and post screens for all of my current lvl 80s and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me!  My second-in-command so to speak is my lovely Sylvari necro Gwedhiel Dhillia. Here she is rocking a full set of Daydreamer’s gear complete with outfit, wings, axe, and focus. I’m working on unlocking the Nightmare Court Regalia from TA for her to wear but until then I think I’ll stick to this look. As I’ve said, my ask box will be open to suggestions for screens or even general questions. Find me in game at SailorAku.3524, guild tag [MILF] (Man I Love Farming).
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sailoraku · 9 years
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Here’s the first of what I hope will be many guild wars 2 related posts.  I finally unlocked Shadow Abyss as a dye thanks to the sale on black lion keys a few days ago. I opened almost 80 chests and a single shadow dye kit dropped. I’ve opened so many and I didn’t really expect to get the most highly coveted dye from that kit right now. I also managed to get Celestial from an unidentified dye for my guidie mikmik121 so all in all those keys were worth the money. To celebrate, here’s a screenie of my main, the beautiful norn ele Astrid Katsdottir. If you have any requests for screenshots, my ask box will be open from here on out so if you wanna see what skins I have, what dyes I have, my achievements, a specific character from my account (I’ll get around to introducing them all), or anything else of the sort just shoot me an ask. If you wanna find me in game it’s SailorAku.3524 and my guild is [MILF] (Man I Love Farming) on Sorrow’s Furnace.
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