saint-potter-x · 3 years
The One
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Requests are OPEN!
Pairings - Jake Peralta x reader
Requested - Yes - @darkquackson - Can u do #333 with Jake Peralta? They’ve always been something but he missed his chance and y/n gets a boyfriend. And after a while Y/N gets in a fight with said boyfriend or cheated on and seeks Jakes help late at night. Thank you and I love your writing style.
Prompts - 333 - “I want you to fight for me! That’s all I ever wanted!”
Jake Peralta taglist - @imjustassaneasyou,
Notes - Reuploaded because tumblr hate me
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If you were to ask anybody who knew you or Jake they would have all told you the same thing; you were head over heels in love, you and Jake were the one for each other. People were more surprised to find out you weren’t dating after taking one look at the two of you and coming to the conclusion that you had to be together, friends couldn’t possibly look at each other like that.
When people asked you what the deal was between you and Jake, you just smiled. It wasn’t a happy smile but rather a smile that showed how much you wanted things to change, a smile that said I fell for my best friend hard and there’s nothing that can be done. You gave them a smile and you told them he was your friend, he was your best friend, and that was the end of it.
There had always been something between you and Jake, something that always hinted towards feelings for each other, something that gave you a spark of hope that things could change but they never did.
Things never changed.
You and Jake had hit it off pretty much straight away when you’d first met, your first day on the job Jake came up to you with a to-go cup and a bright smile on his face. He stayed with you all day, helping you navigate everything. From then on you two had become such close friends, it was a friendship that everyone should have at least once, the type of friendship were you knew what the other was thinking, what they were going to do, it was the type of friendship were you could show up at each other’s door after a bad case and not have to say anything.
It was the type of friendship that made you realise you were falling in love.
You went on for months pretending that nothing had changed. Except now you couldn’t help but look at things from a new perspective, when Jake hugged you close for longer than what was considered socially acceptable, when Jake showed up at your door with a bag filled with your favourite take out, could these things just be friendly gestures or was there a chance Jake liked you too?
“I call Y/N!” Was the first thing you heard as the elevator doors opened into the precinct. You walked towards Holt’s office, leaning against the door frame but staying silent.
“You can’t just call Y/N.” Amy said as she rolled her eyes at Jake who was grinning up at her.
“Ha! I just did.” Jake shot back.
“Sir, Jake always picks Y/N.” Terry said looking towards Holt who tried to look bored of the group in front of him but looking closely you could see he was amused by the conversation topic.
“Perhaps we should just let Y/N pick who her partner is.” Holt said as he gestured to you. You smiled as you watched Jake’s head shoot around as he smiled brightly at you.
You looked at Jake and hated that the first thought in your head was could he like me. Rosa had told you the way you and Jake looked at each other wasn’t how friends should look at each other but you’d always brushed her off. Since realising your feelings for the detective you could help but question if she was right.
“Y/N!” Jake greeted, “You’ll be my partner won’t you?” The over exaggerated puppy dog eyes made your heart simultaneously ache and swell at the same time. You wished this was just some school girl crush that you could shake off but it wasn’t, it was real and you ached with how much you wanted this.
“Hmm,” You pondered, watching as Jake jutted his bottom lip out some more, “I suppose somebody has to be and I can put up with you better than most people can.” You joked, smiling as he laughed and made his way over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close.
“That’s my girl.” And oh, how you wished you were.
You frowned as you heard a knock on your door. It had been a long day at work, the case you’d spent weeks on had gotten nowhere and was now considered a cold case - telling the victim’s family had gone as well as expected. Now all you wanted to do was hide away from everything and everyone.
With a groan you got out of bed and headed to the front door.
“Hi.” Jake smiled sadly at you. Despite everything that had happened that day, you couldn’t help the small smile that spread across your face.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, opening the door wider.
“Thought you could use some company.” He told you and before you knew it you were being wrapped up tightly in Jake’s arms.
You couldn’t help but grip him just as tightly, cursing yourself as you did so. Being in Jake’s arms, wrapped tightly up in them like he could protect you from the world, made you feel safe. It was the safest you had felt in a long time and when he pulled away you immediately missed the warmth and comfort.
“Can I do anything?” He asked but you just shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak. “I can go, I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
“No, no,” You rushed out before you could stop yourself, “stay, please.” You pleaded, stepping aside so he could come in. The two of you headed to your bedroom, this wasn’t the first time one of you had shown up at the other’s house after midnight and it wasn’t the first time you’d shared a bed.
It was, however, the first time since you discovered your feelings for the man and this time instead of keeping some space between the two of you, Jake wrapped you up in his arms again.
You couldn’t help but melt into him and you pleaded with anyone who would listen for Jake to just make a move, give you a hint…anything.
“Come on, man, Y/N’s not gonna wait around forever.” Terry said one night as he, Charles and Jake were sat in the bar. The two men had been on Jake’s back for months now trying to get him to ask you out.
“Trust me, I want to but it’s not like that. She doesn’t feel that way about me.” Jake replied, a small frown on his face. He hated when the guys brought you up because it always reminded him that he couldn’t have you, no matter how much he wanted you, you were always just going to see him as a friend. He wasn’t going to ruin that friendship by telling you how he felt.
“She likes you, Jake!” Charles insisted but Jake just shook his head. He couldn’t have this conversation again, so without a word he left the bar ignoring the calls of his friends.
It hurt, only being able to have you as a friend. To hold you after a bad day but know there was nothing more than platonic feelings there, to not go home together after work and cook together, working like you were made for each other. Just being your friend was the worst but the thought of losing that friendship and you turning him down was too much for Jake so instead he smiled and continued to just be friends.
It had been months since you first realised you liked Jake and in that time you had given him so many chances to confess, for him to pull you into a kiss and say he felt the same way but that day never came.
Eventually you decided that you just had to give up because sooner or later this was going to destroy your friendship with Jake and that would break your heart.
“I have a date.” You told Rosa and Amy when the others left the break room. They immediately started talking and questioning you about it, both drawing the same incorrect conclusion.
“With Jake?” They asked together, Amy grinning at you whilst Rosa smirked. Both girls had been persistent that you and Jake were going to have a big romantic moment where you confessed your feelings and fell magically into your happily ever after.
“Finally, I always told you he was the one for you.” Amy continued as her smile grew. Any conversation where Jake came up, Amy had always insisted that Jake was ‘the one’.
Oh, how you wished he was.
Unfortunately this was life and people rarely got what they wanted.
“No.” You said, watching as their expressions changed immediately.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” Rosa asked, narrowing her eyes.
“I mean no. I told you Jake doesn’t like me the way I like him and I have to do something before this crush ruins our friendship. Trust me, if he liked me he would’ve done something a long time ago.” You said honestly. Jake was the type of person who went for what he wanted.
“Y/N…” Amy began but you shook your head, quickly cutting her off.
“No Amy, he had his chance and nothing happened. I can’t just sit around alone just because he doesn’t like me.” You said and with that you left the room and entered Holt’s office ready for your meeting.
In the two months you’d been dating Liam you had noticed that you had barely seen Jake. When he found out you had started dating Liam he smiled, it was a painfully obvious fake smile, and told you he was happy for you before disappearing for the rest of the day.
In those two months you’d only seen Jake for work purposes though he wasn’t partnered up with you anymore. If the group went to the bar and you tagged along Jake would make up some excuse so that he didn’t have to go, so eventually you just stopped going all together.
It hurt more than you wanted to admit that Jake hadn’t fought for you, there was a small part of you that hoped by dating somebody Jake would admit he liked you but instead of that happening he just avoided you and your friendship.
That’s not to say Liam wasn’t good, he was, but with him you just felt…fine but with Jake you felt safe, loved, cared for, you felt fireworks just from your fingers brushing and you felt fearless as you worked together.
As you were feeling this way, it shouldn’t have surprised you when the fight happened.
“I tried to ignore it, you know, pretend that my girlfriend wasn’t into some other guy but come on!” Liam yelled. The conversation that started the argument wasn’t great, you accidentally brought up Jake’s name when talking about work causing the man to explode.
“There is nothing between me and Jake!” You told him honestly, causing him to laugh bitterly.
“Oh please, don’t act like there is nothing happening there! Everyone can see it all over your face.” Liam continued to yell, continued to tell you how you and Jake were probably sneaking around behind his back, calling you every name under the sun.
Finally, after what felt like hours of having abuse shouted at you, you left, ignoring the words of disgust he shouted at your retreating figure.
It was late at night and Liam had picked you up so you had no way to get home and no money to call a cab. You sighed as you scrolled through your contacts and tried calling Terry but there was no answer. You knew Rosa and Amy were on a stakeout so they couldn’t help and Charles was busier than ever with his kid.
So, that just left Jake.
With a sigh you sat down on the sidewalk. Would Jake even answer the phone? Despite everything that had happened between the two of you, you genuinely believed he’d pick up if you called but there was a small part of you that still hesitated before shaking your head and pressing the call button.
You listen to the ringing for a long time, almost ready to give up before you heard Jake’s groggy voice through the phone.
“Y/N?” He asked, clearly just having woken up.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” You said quietly into the phone.
“It’s fine,” he assured, “is everything ok?” Those were the words that sent you over the edge and you barely managed to suppress a sob as tears fell down your cheeks.
“Um, yeah, no, I just, I-” Jake frowned as he heard another sob.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s ok. Just relax, Y/N/N, that’s it. What happened?” He asked after you’d calmed down a bit.
“Me and Liam we, um, got into a fight and he said some things,” Here you stopped to take a shaky breath, “I left.”
“I’m sorry Y/N/N.” He said, more sorry that you were so upset rather than you having broken up with the other man.
“This is your fault you know?” You laughed sadly into the phone, your emotions were all over the place right now and you knew you’d regret saying this tomorrow but you had too. “God, everyone always said we’d be perfect for each other, we were meant to be and you always laughed it off. I wanted you so damn badly Jake, you didn’t even fight for me. Even if you didn’t like me like that, you just let our friendship end. I wanted you to fight for me! That’s all I ever wanted!” You cried and Jake sat in bed with his mouth open as he registered your words.
The silence continued and you were about to hang up the phone when Jake replied.
“You like me?” He asked, stunned.
“You must have known.” Was your weak reply. Now it was out there, you finally admitting this secret, you felt light, you felt relieved. Even if Jake laughed at you, at least you’d said it.
“I would have fought so hard for you, Y/N/N, I, god, I like you so much. Every day I fall for you more and more, all I want, all I ever wanted from the day we met was you. You’re the one I want to dance around the kitchen with, you’re the one I want to take out, you’re the one who I want to lay on the couch with and talk about everything and nothing. It was always you, Y/N, and when you got with him, god, I knew then and there my chance was gone, I knew I’d blown it.” Jake admitted, surprised that he didn’t feel too nervous, he felt great, he felt confident. Even if too much time had passed at least he had said his piece.
“Jake?” You asked.
“Yeah Y/N/N?” Jake replied hesitantly.
“We’re both idiots.” Jake couldn’t help but laugh into the phone causing you to laugh too, the two of you were grinning like idiots.
“Where are you?” Jake asked and after he found out you weren’t too far away from him he offered to pick you up. With a shy smile you thanked him and hung up.
Soon enough you and Jake were sitting in his apartment.
“Listen, I know I’ve been a real jerk these last few months but seeing you with him…” Jake trailed off, turning away from you before continuing. “I’m really sorry. It wasn’t fair for me to take my feelings out on you, especially when I didn’t tell you how I felt.”
“I owe you an apology too-” You began but he quickly cut you off.
“No, you don’t. All you did was move on because I was too scared to say something.” Jake told you and whilst it was true you did feel guilty because this was a two way street and you could have told him how you felt.
“I was scared too.” You finally admitted after a few moments of silence causing Jake to smile shyly at you. With only a small amount of hesitation Jake reached over and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, causing you to smile and melt into the touch.
“No more being scared, yeah?” Jake whispered as he leaned closer.
“Sounds good.” You replied just as quietly and with that Jake softly connected your lips together. His hand moves from your cheek to cup the nape of your neck as you kiss him back. The kiss itself is gentle but it was like every cheesy cliche ever, you felt fireworks as he kissed you, your skin tingled pleasantly as you felt his fingers lightly grazing your skin.
Maybe Amy was right, you thought as Jake pulled away and rested his forehead against you, smiling softly at you, maybe Jake the one.
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
hot take: Dum-E can lift mjolnir
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
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Requested by anon <3 Prompt: hey!! love ur joker imagines they are my favorite. can u do one where the reader is kidnapped and the joker is really worried? thanks
“And her?”   Amanda Waller was quiet at the question as her dark irises gazed at the last file. The two men beside her were eagerly waiting for an answer. Taking her time, the woman took a sip of her expensive drink, “(Name) (Lastname). One of the Joker’s many broken toys.” The men shared a look, but Amanda kept talking, “Schizophrenic. No powers. Seemingly no abilities either.” “Then what’s the point of her?” “To get the King to fall from his throne.” The men leaned in at her words, “We can use her to lure Gotham’s beloved clown prince and to lock him away for good.” “What about Harley Quinn?” “The Joker doesn’t care about Harley Quinn.” Amanda deadpanned, “He burned down half of Gotham in search for (Name). If we have her…we have him.” /// The Joker growled, pulling the trigger and watching in satisfaction as the mans brain splattered all over the room. He threw the gun down, motioning for his men to leave. Another dead end. Another day with not knowing where you are. He thought he hid you far and safe..But it turns out that the only place where he could keep you was by his side. To hell with Harley. To hell with Gotham. He will destroy this city if he needs to. “Stay put, pumpkin…” He murmured to himself, “daddy’s comin’ to get cha’.”
Requests are opened!
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
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When all you want is to be friends with Sev but Hogwarts Mystery insists on mutual hatred
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
Can’t wait to get wizard legal so I can get crunk with my boy Flitwick
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
Fang is a True Friend. He gave me a much needed energy point so I could finish mastering Wingardium Leviosa. Now that’s a Good Boy.
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
all i did was say i was looking forward to charms class and professor flitwick had to bring up my brother #rude
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
not trying to be too slutty or anything but why can’t i flirt with anyone???? flirting is so fun let me flirt
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
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Think about it.
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
When I answer every question correctly in Potions class and Snape just scowls at me:
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
Harry thought he had it bad, but I’ve been literally one day at Hogwarts and someone’s already trying to kill me
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
Drabble Night
From now until 12:00 p.m. MDT, I will answer every request with a small Drabble, so send in those requests and prompts!
Prompt List;
1: “ Give me a chance. ” 2: “ Not you again.. ” 3: “ Leave me alone. ” 4: “ I don’t love you anymore. ” 5: “ Why do you hate me? ” 6: “ I lost the baby. ” 7: “ I thought you loved me. ” 8: “ I don’t need you anymore. ” 9:“ I can’t believe you! ” 10: “ We cant keep this up forever. ” 11: “ You’re a monster. ” 12: “ I hate you. ” 13: “ Don’t leave me… ” 14: “ You’re a disappointment. ” 15: “ Don’t die on me– Please. ” 16: “ I never meant to hurt you. ” 17: “ Are you upset with me? ” 18: “ I wish I’d never met you. ” 19: “ I’m going to kill you! ” 20: “ Please don’t hurt me like this. ” 21: “ Thanks for nothing. ” 22: “ Don’t call this number again. “ 23: “ Why did you spare me? ” 24: “ You need to leave. ” 25: “ I’m sick. ” 26: “ I’m dying. ” 27: “ I wish I’d never met you. ” 28: “ I thought we were family!” 29: “ There was never an us. ” 30: “ So that’s it? It’s over? ” 31: “ I fucked up. ” 32: “ I came to say goodbye. ” 33:“ He’s dead because of you. ” 34: “ I don’t deserve to be loved. ” 35: “ About the baby… It’s yours. ”
36: “ I’m so in love with you. ” 37: “ Dance with me! ” 38: “ Isn’t this amazing? ” 39: “ I wish we could stay like this forever. ” 40: “ Will you marry me? ” 41: “ I’m pregnant. ” 42: “ I need a hug. ” 43: “ You’re special to me. ” 44: “ I’m going to keep you safe. ” 45: “ Do you trust me? ” 46: “ Can I kiss you right now? ” 47: “ You’re cute when you’re angry. ” 48: “ I’ve liked you for a while now. ” 49: “Let’s have a baby. ” 50: “ We’d make such a cute couple. ” 51: “ I want to take care of you. ” 52: “ Can we cuddle? ” 53: “ It’s lonely here without you. ” 54: “ I can’t stand the thought of losing you. ” 55: “ Shut up and kiss me already. ” 56: “ Are you flirting with me? ” 57: “ Is that my shirt? ” 58: “ How did we get here? ” 59: “ You own my heart. ” 60: “ You’d be a great dad. ” 61: “ You’d be a great mom. ” 62: “ I want to protect you. ” 63: “ Whats the matter? ” 64: “ You’re so beautiful. ” 65: “ Did you do something different with your hair? ” 66: “ Is that a new perfume? ” 67: “ Stop being so cute. ” 68: “ You’re making me blush! ” 69: “ You’re teasing me again… ” 70: “ This is why I fell in love with you. ” 71: “ You’re the best! ” 72: “ They’re going to love you, don’t worry! ” 73: “ Oh, Are you ticklish? ” 74: “ Of course I remembered! ” 75: “ You’re one hell of a girl. ” 76: “ You’re one hell of a guy. ” 77: “ Are you jealous? ” 78: “ Hold me and never let me go. ” 79: “ Stop hogging all the blankets! ” 80: “Let’s run away together. ”
90: “ Catch me if you can! ” 91: “ I’m fine. ” 92: “ Are you drunk? ” 93: “ Are you high? ” 94: “ We cant go in there… ” 95: “ Give it back! ” 96: “ Well this is just great. ” 97: “ Don’t touch me. ” 98: “ Not sure if you could tell, but I’m not exactly a people person. ” 99: “ This was fun— Let’s do it again sometime!” 100: “ I didn’t do it! ” 101: “ I did it… ” 102: “ I don’t remember that! ” 103: “ Well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ” 104: “ Get that thing away from me! ” 105: “ You owe me. ” 106: “ Do you believe in aliens? ” 107: “ Do you believe in ghosts? ” 108: “ Are you hitting on me? ” 109: “ Why are you naked? ” 110: “ You did what?! ” 111: “ You have… Superpowers? ” 112: “ Why are you bleeding? ” 113: “ Where did all these puppies come from?” 114: “ Don’t make me come over there myself! ” 115: “ That wasn’t funny. ” 116: “ This tastes horrible. ” 117: “ This is delicious! ” 118: “ Are you mad at me? ” 119: “ Stop ignoring me… ” 120: “ I love that show too! ” 121: “ Can I borrow that book of yours?” 122: “Let’s blow this joint. ” 123: “ Let me help you with that. ” 124: “ Take that back! ” 125: “ Wanna go see a movie with me? ” 126: “ No way, that’s so lame. ” 127: “ What are you listening to? ” 128: “ I brought you your coffee. ” 129: “ Don’t fuck this up. ” 130: “ Run! ” 131: “Let’s run away together. ” 132: “ I haven’t slept in four days… ” 133: “ Your turn to do the dishes. ” 134: “ Was I really that drunk? ” 135: “ Was I really that stoned? ” 136: “Give me back my phone! ” 137: “ You’re an asshole. ” 138: “ Are you cold? ” 139: “ This place gives me the creeps. ” 140: “ I swear my house is haunted. ” 141: “ Did you hear that? ” 142: “ It’s just your imagination. ” 143: “ Just how stupid do you think I am? ” 144: “ Stop being such a baby. ” 145: “ Go back to bed. ” 146: “ Are you okay? ” 147: “ I can take care of myself just fine.” 148: “ Thanks for helping me back there. ” 149: “ Since when have we ever been friends? ” 150: “ What on earth are you wearing? ” 151: “ I can’t feel my legs! ” 152: “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ” 153: “ Put me down! ” 154: “ There’s only one bed… ” 155: “ It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is… ” 156: “ How did I loose it? ” 157: “ I read your diary. ” 158: “ This is awkward. ” 159: “ Didn’t you read the sign? ” 160: “ Do you think you can teach me that? ”
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
60 Things Severus Snape Would Say
1. “Pity”
2. “How… unfortunate.”
3. “Good thing you’re not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.”
4. “It must be nice to be free from the burden of intelligence.”
5. “The next time I need an unsolicited and uninformed opinion, I’ll know where to go.”
6. “You have nothing to say, but you say it so loudly…”
7. “Your inferiority complex is justified.”
8. “It’s hard to get over yourself, isn’t it?”
9. “Is this what a relapse looks like?”
10. “Oh, I’m sorry-I didn’t realize that I was supposed to laugh.”
11. “Your mediocracy is unparalleled.”
12. “If you can’t pronounce it, don’t say it.”
13. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to use so many syllables.”
14. “If you were any smarter, I could teach you to play fetch.”
15. “We are not talking about this right now.”
16. “Give me a reason. I dare you.”
17. “I’ve had better conversations with portraits.”
18. “I’ve met squibs with more talent.”
19. “I also grab my forehead in pain when I think of you.”
20. “A flobberworm has more sense than you.”
21. “Here’s some polyjuice potion. Go turn into someone else.”
22. “Why are you so eager to die?”
23. “What, pray tell, do you think you’re doing?”
24. “You CANNOT put that potion in the microwave.”
25. “You have been used as a weapon for too long.”
26. “Love is not supposed to be easy.”
27. “I’m not good enough for you.”
28. “Being scared doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human.”
29. “Giving up means that we let him win.”
30. “What kind of life are you living, if you let fear dominate your life?”
31. “They want you to be afraid. Do not give in.”
32. “Get. Out.”
33. “I lied.”
34. “Just tell me everything.”
35. “The closest thing I have ever felt to happiness was numbness.”
36. “That was an order.”
37. “Detention.”
38. “If you haven’t noticed, life isn’t fair.”
39. “Get behind me now.”
40. “How dare you…”
41. “Do. Not. Tempt. Me.”
42. “Don’t…”
43. “Don’t. Touch. Him.”
44. “No… you should not be here. It isn’t safe!”
45. “You’re putting yourself in danger!”
46. “You’re putting everyone in danger!”
47. “Go get help. Now.”
48. “I… I do not despise your presence.”
49. “Never trust a survivor until you find out what they did to survive.”
50. “For Merlin’s sake, pay attention!”
51. “You…. you make me feel something.”
52. “Don’t. Move.”
53. “Yes, but god never came, did he?”
54. “You’re possibly the worst person I’ve ever met.”
55. “I said to start a small fire!”
56. “Are you even listening?”
57. “I think I’d rather die.”
58. “This isn’t some game! This is war!”
59. “Please. I’m begging you.”
60. “Always.”
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
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Hey guys !! People like to joke that the only thing you really “learn” in school is how to memorize. As it turns out, that’s not even the case for most of us. If you go around the room and ask a handful of people how to memorize things quickly, most of them will probably tell you repetition.
Below are 9 steps that will help you memorize things quickly and start recalling..
1. Take a long hard look. If things leap out at you visually and stick well, you’re probably the type of person who collects information visually. If you see it, you can understand it. Ways that you find taking in information easier include:
Information on pictures, charts, or diagrams is much easier to remember than the same information presented to you verbal.
  You visualize things as you learn them, often looking into the distance as if you are “seeing” the information.
You create vivid images of information in your mind. When learning the Articles of the Constitution, you may envision yourself in the room with the Founding Fathers as they discussed them.
Your spatial skills are very strong: sizes, shapes, textures, angles, perspectives-these are all easy for you to grasp.
You’re able to “read” people by their body language, knowing what they’re really thinking, even as they say something else.
You’re very aware of your environment, and have a strong appreciation for aesthetics, art, and other visual media.
2. Sit in a peaceful environment. Go where there are no distractions, nothing that will visually catch your eye. Avoiding “shiny objects” will allow you to focus on what it is you need to memorize. That means no TV, open windows, or those cat clocks with the eyes that move back and forth.
3. Color code your information by type. For example, if you’re memorizing history notes, then color code them by dates or key people. George Washington is blue, Ben Franklin is orange, anything about the Revolution is red, King George is green, etc.
4. Go through each color-coded section, writing and rewriting each item down until you can successfully memorize it all. Writing each item down on a matching-color Post-It note will not only help cement this association in your mind, it will help with the next step too.
5. Place a Post-It or index card on a location you frequently visit, such as your locker or your bedroom door. Read it every time you pass by. Align your notes by color, vertically, and horizontally. by time.
6. Frequently write and rewrite the notes. When you go to your note board, look at an item, rewrite it on a fresh Post-It or card, and replace the existing one. If you are having particular difficulty with one of the existing notes, take the old note and put it somewhere else, where you will see it more often. Replace that one occasionally, too.
7. Find a partner to study with. Draw diagrams/graphs, write out explanations, and teach concepts to each other to help each of you better remember them.
8. Highlight the high points. Look for important of key words depending on what you have to memorize, highlight them, remember them, then try to memorize the rest. If reading online PDFs, make use of the highlighting function for key points. This helps your memory, as well as fast recovery of information when searching through the document again.
9. Move around. Pace around the room while studying and repeating the information to yourself. By walking around, you will use both your right and left brain and will memorize the material much easier.
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
Sirius: *runs into harry’s room* do you want to make 5 quid??
Sirius: i need you to take the blame
Remus: *shrieks from downstairs* Oh. My. God!
Harry: what did you do?!
Sirius: i can’t tell you. yes or no? no questions asked.
Remus: OH MY GOD!!!
Harry: make it 10!
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
harry’s scar never actually hurt, he was just taking one for the team and collapsing in exams so the others would get better grades
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saint-potter-x · 6 years
remus lupin deserves the world, but the world does not deserve remus lupin.
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