saintflandus · 6 years
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The Boondock Saints parallel: Elevator
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone
Hey, guys! I haven’t forgotten about you. I’ve just had a horrible case of writer’s block and can’t seem to decide which direction I want to take the story. I will do my darndest to update soon!
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone
I know it’s been so long since I’ve updated my fic, but I promise the next part is in the works. Look for Part 10 to be up by this weekend. Please forgive me for my long absence!! 
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saintflandus · 7 years
Is Day is Gone finished or is it still to be continued?
I'm so sorry for my hiatus. The next part is on its way!!
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saintflandus · 7 years
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saintflandus · 7 years
Hey I LOVED part 9 to day is gone, just wondering when part 10 will be out?? Xxx
I just started writing part 10. I am hoping to post it soon!!
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone - Part 9: Bruises
Ship: Reader and Daryl 
Synopsis: You are finally made aware of how Daryl feels about you, but you are unsure if that’s what you really want.
Rating: M
Warnings: Language and Violence
Word Count: 3,933 words
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while since I last posted. As promised, here is part 9! I hope you enjoy it!
You had been sitting in your cell with Daryl for a while. You could see a bruise forming on his jaw where you hit him, and you couldn’t help feel a little guilty for it. You reached up and touched the spot that was red and a little purple. “I’m so sorry for hitting you. I was just so angry at you for leaving.”
He smiled and held your hand against his face. You could feel your face growing warm, so you set your gun down and stood up. “We should probably help everyone with the Walkers outside.”
You felt his hand grab your wrist and spin you around. You looked into his eyes. “I was serious when I said I’m not going anywhere,” he said.
“Good. I can’t patch you up if you’re not around, Dixon.”
He smiled at you as you strapped your knife to your thigh and put your gun back in its holster. Mitch peered around the corner just as the two of you were getting ready to leave. “Rick needs to see you, Daryl,” he said.
Daryl grabbed your hand to take you with him. Your heart lurched in your chest at the immediate contact. Mitch stopped him. “I need to talk to Y/N before she heads out with you.”
He looked at you before you nodded. Mitch waited until Daryl was out of earshot before he spoke. “Now that he’s back, we need to make something clear.”
You sighed. “There’s nothing going on between Daryl and me.”
“Do you want there to be?”
The bluntness of his question caught you off guard. “Mitch…”
“No, Y/N, we need to talk about this.”
“I don’t know! That is the farthest thing from my mind. I’m just glad I found him. He is a good friend, and all I wanted was to know if he was safe.”
Mitch shook his head. “We need to address the elephant that’s been in the room since last week.”
You ran your hands through your hair. “I apologized for that, so why do we need to talk about it again.”
“When you say another man’s name during sex, it’s something we need to talk about.”
You shook your head. “What do you want me to do? Admit to it? I apologized for it and told you when you decide to grow up, I’ll be here. However, now I’m starting to wonder if I want to be here.”
You stormed out of your cell, past a Daryl who had been waiting for you at the front of the prison. At this rate, you didn’t care if he heard the whole discussion. “What are you doing out here?”
“I was waiting for you.”
“I didn’t ask you to, Daryl.” You said as you stormed out.
He waited for Mitch to appear before going to find Rick. “I knew you wouldn’t be far,” Mitch said when he approached Daryl.
“I told her I wasn’t going anywhere.”
Mitch sat down at the table next to him. “I was serious when I told you that if anything happens to her that I’d kill you. I’ve seen how you look at her, so I know you actually care about her. She deserves better than me.”
Daryl looked at Mitch. “We need to go help everyone outside,” he said, wanting to avoid any uncomfortable dialogue between them.
He forced Mitch to follow him as they rejoined the rest of the group. She was standing with Carol and Maggie as they stabbed Walkers through the fence. He couldn’t help but notice how sleek her body looked under the sun as it glistened off the sweat on her arms. Her tank top clung to her, revealing every curve and ripple in her muscles along her back.
“Are you just going to stare, Dixon, or are you going to help me?” she said.
He smiled and patted her side as he past her and helped her with the Walkers on the fence. Carol looked around Y/N and smiled at him. He shook his head, because he knew exactly why she was grinning. She only ever wanted Daryl to be happy, and she knew that Y/N could do that. He kept looking out of the corner of his eye at her as she would stab at them through the fence. “You keepin’ count?”
“I’m at 50, so you have some catching up to do.”
She laughed. It was the same laugh he had heard so long ago: more high pitched and feminine. They cleared the bulk of the Walkers away and he turned to her. “I have something for you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small Cherokee Rose.
She smiled when she grabbed it and placed the the bud on her nose. “Thank you, Daryl.”
“He wouldn’t come back until he found one,” Merle said from behind her. He threw an arm around her shoulders. “I don’t know what you’ve done to him, but he’d choose you over his dear brother now.”
She tried to shrug him off her, but he wouldn’t move.
“Let her go, Merle,” he said, noticing it was making Y/N uncomfortable.
Merle moved away from her. “I’m just trying to show her some love.”
Daryl stepped towards his brother. “Leave her alone.” He grabbed her and pulled her over to him, wrapping his arm around her waist to protect her from Merle.
He held his hands up and walked away. “Whatever you say, brother.”
Daryl let her go. “I’m sorry about that.”
She sighed and hugged him lightly on the side. “Thank you for stopping him.”
He let her go, and looked down at his feet. Avoiding her eye contact. “Why did you come back?”
Daryl looked up at her. He couldn’t lie to her, but he couldn’t admit the sole reason he returned was for her. He wasn’t sure where they stood with each other. After, she had left with Mitch. “Who’s going to protect your ass if I’m not here?”
“Oh, you mean who was going to watch your back out there?”
She nudged his shoulder and smiled. She stabbed through the fence at a straggler before walking away with Maggie and Carol. He closed his eyes and sighed before he heard someone walk up behind him. “Daryl, just tell her,” Glenn said, “if you’re looking for a reason, just use this as an excuse!” He motioned to the dozens of undead surrounding their prison.
He grumbled and stuck his knife through the fence. “Oh, come on! You went back to her farm everyday for two months!”
“I can’t say anything, Glenn. She’s got Mitch!”
“Yeah, I don’t think that’s going to last. From what Maggie’s said, they’re having trouble in paradise.”
“What did he do?” He immediately grew angry.
Glenn smiled. “It’s not what he did. She screwed up, apparently.”
You took the guns back to the armory with Maggie and Carol to help with the inventory. How much ammunition was used? How much do they need to prepare for the inevitable fight between the Prison and Woodbury? You grabbed the composite notebook that housed all of the inventory information. Maggie and Carol set all the guns down, neatly so you could count. They were watching you intently. Maggie smiled as she leaned against the doorframe. “Nice to see Daryl’s back,” she said.
“I was worried about him being out there with his brother again. Afraid we might lose him,” Carol added.
You wrote down the number of rifles in your notebook. “I am never telling the two of you anything again. I told you he’s a friend and that was a mistake.”
“Doesn’t matter. Companionship is part of surviving.”
“I have one. He’s upstairs moping right now.”
Carol shook her head. “Because he knows.”
“Companionship is the farthest thing from my mind. I want to make sure my family is safe and that we have a warm meal and a place to sleep before I think about who the next person I’m going to fuck is. If it’s Daryl, well, when the time’s right, maybe I will. But until then, I’m going to keep doing my job.”
You closed the notebook and set it to the side. Carol and Maggie had both moved to the side as Daryl walked in. “Oh Sweet Jesus,” you said, “I hate both of you.”
“We’ll see you at dinner,” Maggie replied as she walked out with Carol.
You looked at him, ashamed. “I was seriously saying anything just for them to leave me alone,” you said.
He raised his eyebrow. “I talked with Glenn. He made me come down here.”
“I don’t know why they’re trying to ruin a great friendship with sex.”
He smiled. “I don’t think they’re the ones that brought that into the relationship.”
You grabbed a case of ammo and began counting through the boxes. “What’s gotten into you, Dixon?” This was not his normal brooding personality that you had grown accustomed to.
“Glenn told me something about you that made me come down here.” He grabbed your notebook and set it to the side. “He told me that you and Mitch are having problems.”
You looked at him, arms crossed. “We are always having problems.”
“So, then I have nothing to do with this current issue?”
Your eyes widened when you realized what he was referring to. All of the blood left your face as your stomach dropped. “I...I don’t...I’m going to kill Maggie.”
He laughed, a lot. You slapped his shoulder. “My pain is not for your amusement!” you exclaimed as you started to leave.
Daryl stopped you and grabbed your wrist. “I’m sorry.” He turned you to face him. “I came down here to tell you that I went back to your farm everyday for two months.”
“What?” You felt the blood and heat returning to your face.
“I don’t want to just be the next person you fuck. I want to be the one that takes care of you in this shit-hole of a world that we live in. Mitch took you to a settlement that cared for you. What did he do? What can he do in the real world? I know how to survive out here. I can keep you safe.”
You looked at him, stunned by his remarks. “Where is this coming from?” You asked.
He sighed. “Carol said if I didn't step up, it wouldn't be long before I lost you again.”
You put your hand on his arm. “I promise I don't plan on leaving anytime soon.” You looked down at his hand. “I looked for you every day for two months too. I tried my farm, the Greene’s farm, everywhere.”
“For the same reason you waited for me. We need each other, Daryl. We need companionship to stay sane in this world. If we don’t, we’ll die. We won’t survive. Despite that this is the farthest thing from anyone’s mind, we are only human. We can’t help who comes into our lives.”
You grazed over the bruise on his jaw. He didn’t wince at your touch, though you knew it had to be a little tender. You looked into his deep blue eyes, pupils dilating with each inch you moved closer to each other. His hands had moved to your sides as he held you in place; afraid to let you get any closer. You decided to let him make the next move. You could feel his hands shaking on your sides, and you wondered for a moment if he’d ever been this close to anyone before. Your curiosity was answered when he rapidly pulled you in for a short, but passionate kiss.
You backed away let out a soft laugh and smiled. “What?” he asked, letting go of you. You could see that you wounded his pride a little.
“What happened to my big bad biker who would barely speak six words to me because I was a nuisance?”
“Well, you are a nuisance, and I’m still a big bad biker.”
You smiled and kissed his cheek. “I’m not complaining. I like this Daryl too.”
He stared at you, more confused than ever. “Y/N,” he looked down. You were terrified of the next sentence that was going to come out of his mouth. You were confused by what all of this would mean now. You were conflicted. Was this something you really wanted or are you doing this to get back at Mitch? You liked Daryl, but was it merely as just a friend or was there something more? You never allowed yourself the time to think about things like this, because there was always a bigger picture to worry about.
“Daryl, I think we need to think about this before we make any rash decisions.”
“I have thought about this. The entire time I waited for you at your farm. The last time I saw you with Mitch at your home. I thought, how am I going to get her back here? I need to make sure she’s safe, but how can I do that if she’s not here?”
“Well, I need to think about it.”
“No, you don’t,” he said as he stormed out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
Daryl’s POV
He wasn’t sure if he was angry or if he was putting him his angry facade to protect himself. He was good at that; it was his usual defense mechanism that he’d use anytime he thought he’d get hurt. Daryl never allowed himself to be vulnerable. If he did, he would be dead. He stormed past Glenn and Mitch with his crossbow. Glenn jumped up and ran in front of him. “Woah. Where are you headed?”
Glenn looked around for help, but Mitch refused to stop packing his things. “Get out of my way.”
“No, Daryl. You can’t leave again.”
He sighed and grabbed Glenn by the shirt. “Move.”
“Daryl,” a voice behind him barked.
He turned around and saw Mitch standing there with his arms folded. Daryl sat down his crossbow and made his way towards him. He punched him in the nose before Glenn stopped him from doing it again. “What the fuck, man!” He shouted, grabbing his nose.
“Daryl!” she was standing behind both of them. “What the hell did you do that for?” she rushed to Mitch’s side and helped him stop the bleeding.
He huffed and grabbed his crossbow to leave. He was so angry, more at himself than anything. Daryl was walking fast to get out of this prison. Merle saw him storming and ran to catch up with him. “Time to get out of this joint, brother,” he grinned as he and Daryl walked across the field of the dead.
Daryl ignored him as he took stride after stride away from the prison. He shot a Walker straight through the eye, retrieved his bolt, and continued. Through his anger, he couldn’t help but count. “56, 57, 58, 59, 60.” He narrowed his eyebrows and shook the thought from his head. He shot another Walker. “61.” He could hear Merle grumbling about something. He was ignoring him until he heard him mention her name. Daryl stopped in his tracks and turned on his brother. “What was that?”
“I said I can’t blame you for choosing that fine piece of ass over your brother.”
Daryl grabbed Merle by the neck of his shirt. “If I ever hear you talk about her like that again, I’ll kill you myself. You may be my brother, but no one talks about her like that.”
Merle laughed. “Boy, she’s got you all sorts of whipped.”
He let go of Merle and continued walking. “Maybe I’m okay with it,” he mumbled.
“If you are, why are you out here then? You’ve threatened to kill me more than once over her.”
He shrugged off Merle’s statement and kept walking. “I don’t get it.”
“You don’t have to get it.”
The more Merle talked about her, the angrier Daryl got. He knew his brother was right; he was whipped. He continued taking his frustrations out on the undead as he continued to think about it. “What are you even doing out here?”
“I don’t know, Merle.”
“Then go back.”
“I can’t.” They were in the forest by now.
Merle reached for his shoulder and spun around. “I know what you’re afraid of. It’s the same reason you beat my ass the other day. Just go back inside!”
He heard a gunshot in the distance. Turning around, he saw her standing with a shotgun aimed at a Walker. There weren’t many left, and she took them out with ease. He looked at Merle before turning and continuing into the woods. “Daryl!” she exclaimed. He heard her cock the gun. “I will shoot you this time.”
He turned to face her, his face flushed red with embarrassment. “Well, nice to see you again,” Merle said with a grimace.
“Not the Dixon I’m interested in,” she said disgusted. She turned her attention back to Daryl. “What the hell are you doing?”
He didn’t answer.
“Mitch is in his cell, recovering from a possibly broken nose because of you. Now, get your ass back inside where we can talk.”
Daryl sighed. “He’ll be fine.”
She grew visibly angry at him. “Merle, give us some space,” she demanded. He threw his hand and prosthetic up in defeat. She looked around for Walkers, but Daryl had cleared the area of them. “Is this what it’s going to be like?”
“What?” He said, pissed.
“Every time we argue, are you just going to storm off?”
He smiled and looked at her. “No.”
“Then what are you doing?”
“I’m all sorts of fucked up, Y/N.”
“Well then you fit into this shitty world. All I want to do is to think about this. If this is something we are both serious about, then we can figure it out.”
He nodded. Despite his past, he knew that he didn’t want to lose whatever this is between them because of one of his tantrums. He followed her back to the prison, watching her back as he brought down a few Walkers, keeping her safe.
Your POV
Mitch had left several weeks before the attack on the prison that drove everyone in separate ways. He said he couldn’t stand to watch you with someone else and so he would “gracefully bow out.” You tried stopping him, but he insisted. Life was bliss after that, but it all ended when The Governor attacked and killed Hershel. Your family was stuck on the bus that had gotten out. You chose to stay and fight with Daryl. You refused to leave him, but that’s how you got separated. The first week outside of the prison resulted in you sleeping in cars and eating what berries and canned food you could find. You were alone, longing for your friends, your family, and Daryl. You both had a knack for finding each other, but this time you were actually afraid that you weren’t going to find him. You only hoped that he had seen the same signs you did and followed the maps. Terminus. A safe haven that could help reunite you with him.
One day, you left the train tracks to explore a small town. You had decided it was time to restock your supplies. You had come across a trio who had a similar idea: a beautiful hispanic woman and two men. You kept hearing them mention “the mission” several times as they scavenged a nearby convenience store. The woman noticed you first and drew her gun. You put your hands up in surrender. You explained that you had been separated from your group and that you had been alone for weeks. You ask for any information on your people, but sadly the three of them had never seen anyone from your group. Your heart sank, hoping for news of Daryl and your family. The red-headed man politely asked if you needed a ride up the tracks, as they were headed North anyway. You accepted the offer and stayed with them for a few days before finally parting ways.
Your goal was to make it to Terminus. Find a stationary group of people who could help you find everyone. A place where you could properly rest and eat. Wherever Daryl was you had to believe that he was alive and safe. He would find you, like he always did. If anyone could track you, it would be him. You started leaving obvious clues for him to following, hoping he was traveling in the same direction you were.
Days had passed and you began to grow weary. You were still following the train tracks to Terminus, but something caught your attention. You heard a baby crying in the woods. You marked the tracks with a piece of torn shirt so you knew which way you were headed as you left to investigate. You could hear the sounds of the Walkers drawing near as you made your way closer to the baby. You came upon Lizzie, Tyreese, Mika, and Judith. Soon after, Carol appeared with a hearty smile. She hugged you before leading everyone away and back to the tracks. Relieved, you started to cry. Carol wrapped an arm around you and whispered. “You’re safe with us now.”
“It’s been weeks since I’ve seen anyone I knew.”
“Don’t worry about that anymore. We are headed to Terminus. I feel that is the place everyone is headed to.”
You smiled. “I just need to find Daryl. I’m so lost without him.”
“As I’m sure he’s lost without you.”
You reached out for Judith. Tyreese happily handed her over to you. You bounced and cooed at the child to keep her calm while you walked. “I found a cabin not too far from here that we can stay in for a little while. We need to gain our strength back before continuing on,” Carol said.
You nodded as you held the child close. Your exhausting began taking over your body. Your fight to push forward until you reached the cabin was draining. As soon as Carol pointed it out, you headed straight for the house and found the nearest cushioned surface to sleep, which you did for the next two days.
Daryl’s POV
She was gone. Missing. Not only did he have Beth to watch out for, but he had to find her. The one thing he promised her, and he’d already fallen through on it. Every night he spent without her was a night of torment for him. He couldn’t sleep without her next to him, especially since he had no idea if she was safe. Daryl knew that she was completely capable of taking care of herself, but he couldn’t bare the thought of her doing it alone. Sometimes he would wake up in the  middle of the night reaching out for her, only to grasp at the air. Once Beth was taken, he was left alone. She kept him sane, reminded him that Y/N was out there searching for him. With her gone, all he could do was blame himself for everything that had happened. He should have protected her better. He should have stayed with Beth. The only thing left for him to do was to head for Terminus. Those had to be the people that took Beth, and he hoped that he’d find Y/N along the way. Alive.
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone Update
Hey guys! Part 9 is in the works and will be up soon!! I’ve turned up the heat quite a bit between the reader and Daryl.
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone: Part 8 - Not Without a Fight
Ship: Reader and Daryl 
Synopsis: After being rescued from Woodbury, you and Daryl come to realize there is more to your friendship than either of you are willing to admit.
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, Borderline Sexual Violence
Word Count: 3,296��words
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while since I last posted. As promised, here is part 8! I hope you enjoy it!
Your POV
You woke up in a dimly lit room tied to a chair facing Daryl. You looked around and saw nothing else. You were alone. “Daryl,” you whispered loudly. You didn’t want to attract anyone standing outside your room. “Daryl!”
He lifted his head up and looked at you. “Y/N,” he smiled.
“Don’t tell The Governor anything. You can’t trust him.”
He looked around the room. “Why would they put us in a room together?”
The Governor walked in. “Because, Daryl, if you don’t tell me what I need to know,” he walked over to you and grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head back, exposing your neck. He saw Daryl move uncomfortably in his chair as he watched The Governor get too close for comfort. “Where’s your camp?”
“Daryl, don’t!”
He yanked on your hair to shut you up. Daryl stared at you, not saying a word.
The Governor pulled the knife off his hip and placed the blade just above your breast where your shirt rested. “I’ll ask you one more time…Where is your group?”
“They escaped,” he said.
The Governor shook his head. With one swift movement of his knife, your shirt was cut open. Daryl shifted in his chair. The Governor’s hand found it’s way up your throat, cupping your chin. “It’s a shame he’ll have to watch,” he said.
“I’m going to kill you,” Daryl said.
He turned your chair so Daryl could see the both of you. “Not before I have my way with her.” The Governor kissed you roughly with his hand around your throat.
Daryl moved in his chair again, causing it to fall over. The Governor rolled his eyes and released you. He went to set him back up right; that’s when Daryl headbutted him square in the nose.  “Gah!” The Governor screamed, grabbing his nose. With his free hand, he punched him square in the jaw, busting his lip open. “You want her, you can have her. After the Walkers are done with her.”
He stormed out of the room to stop the bleeding. You turned your head and looked at Daryl who was spitting out blood. “Thank you. I was afraid he wouldn’t stop.”
“I don’t think he was going to,” Daryl replied. “Are you okay?”
“I think if I can get that whisky taste out of my mouth I will be fine,” you smiled.
Daryl wouldn’t look at you. “Good.”
“I drove by your group’s settlement today,” you said, “I’ve been looking for you since we left.”
He lifted his head and looked directly at you. “What about Mitch?”
You shook your head. “I think that’s done and over with.”
He smiled a weak smile and dropped his head.
“What?” You asked, mildly offended.
“You’re better without him,” he said shyly, “If he cared, you wouldn’t still be here.”
The Governor walked back in and cut your hands free. Mitch walked in and wrapped a jacket around you. Daryl looked at you, hair in his eyes. The pain filled his eyes; you could see he was worried about what they were going to do to you. You pulled your arm from Mitch’s grasp and ran to him. You knelt down and put your hands on his knees. “I’m going to get you out of here. Don’t worry about me, I’m going to be fine.” The Governor grabbed you by the arm and forced you to stand. “Daryl, don’t give him anything!” you exclaimed.
Mitch led you out of the room and closed the door behind you. “I’m so sorry,” he said.
You pulled your arm free and looked at him. “For what?”
“Daryl isn’t going to make it out of this. I begged for The Governor to let you go, and when I saw him come out of there with a bloody nose…”
“What is going to happen to him, Mitch?”
He didn’t answer. “Mitch!”
The door opened. “I’ve changed my mind,” The Governor said behind you.
Mitch’s eyes widened. “We made a deal! The archer for the girl!”
“Yeah. If it’s just him, that won’t make as big of a statement.”
The Governor grabbed you and started pushing you up the stairs. “Let go of me, you bastard!”
Daryl’s POV
“Let go of me, you bastard!” He heard her scream. “Mother fucker!” There was definitely a struggle happening outside of the door, and there was nothing he could do about it. He tried to free his hands from the rope binding them together, but it was no use. He felt the zipties on it. “Dammit,” he said under his breath.
He finally found her and got her back. Daryl looked around the room for anything to help release him. Soon, her voice had faded and she was gone. He kept pulling on the ropes and zip ties, trying to wear them down and break free, but it was no use. His head dropped as he accepted defeat. The Governor walked back in and sat in the chair across from him. “She’ll be more comfortable where she’s at now. We can talk more openly.”
Daryl glared at him. “What did you do to her?”
“Mitch had to run an errand for me, so I put her in a separate holding cell.”
He struggled against his restraints again. The Governor smiled and leaned in. “I’ll let her go if you tell me where your group is. I want to make sure they are not a threat to my settlement.”
“At the moment, they are, and if you don’t let her go, they’ll be an even bigger threat.”
The Governor stood up and walked around Daryl. “You know,” he began, “I am surprised. You’re picking a woman over your own brother.”
Daryl froze and looked over his shoulder at him. “Where’s Merle?”
“Contained. You'll see him later.”
A small man in glasses beckoned him to leave. He looked worried, and The Governor followed him out. Daryl was left to himself for the rest of the afternoon, eventually falling asleep due to boredom.
He was being led through a hallway blindfolded. He could hear a crowd of people as he got closer to wherever they were leading him. Daryl heard a door open as he was pushed through. The blindfold fell from his face. He squinted as he let his eyes adjust to the bright lights. He was surrounded by a large group of people. There was a cage at the other end of the makeshift arena full of Walkers. Next to the cage, chained by the ankle was Y/N. He froze in his tracks as he watched her struggle to free her leg. “Daryl!” she exclaimed as she continued to pull on the chain.
Daryl rushed to her side and grabbed the chain. He pulled, but his hands slipped and he fell into her. “They’re going to release those Walkers. Get me something to defend myself with.”
“I’m not leaving you chained up.”
Knives were thrown into the center. He rushed to grab them and then quickly returned to help her. The Governor silenced the crowd and beckoned his men to bring forth Merle and force him into the pit. “You wanted your brother, now you’ve got him.”
The town chants for Daryl and Merle’s death, but then The Governor raises his hands. “Merle, if you’re truly loyal to Woodbury, you’ll kill your brother.”
Daryl looked at Merle, who was shocked at the request. “You can’t ask me to do that,” Merle said.
The Governor sat back with his arms folded. “Merle,” Daryl started, “They’re going to kill both of us anyway. Look!” he pointed to the Walkers near Y/N.
Merle looked in that direction and then at the girl. He looked between Daryl and her. “Are you choosing her over me, brother?”
“What? Merle!”
“Okay, enough of this. Release them,” The Governor said.
The cage door opened and the Walkers slowly made their way out. Daryl looked back at his brother and then at Y/N. “Dammit,” he said, running to her side.
She was fending off two of the Walkers, holding one back while stabbing one in the head with the knife. He took one out with a swift punch to the temple, knocking it over. Its head landed on a rock, killing it instantly. He kicked the one she was holding back, pushing it to the ground. She knelt down and shoved her knife into the lock that was holding the chain on her leg. He stood in front of her as she tried to break free of her chain. Merle reluctantly walked over to help him as they fended off two more Walkers. Eventually, with the right amount of pressure and leverage, she was able to break the lock and free her foot from its grasp.  
Suddenly the area filled with smoke and there were gunshots. He grabbed Y/N’s hand and ran forward toward the shots. Rick and Maggie appeared through the smoke, beckoning the three of them to follow. Merle ran ahead and led them out of the city.
Your POV
The only thing you knew was that Daryl’s hand had a tight grip on your wrist. He was dragging you behind him as he followed his brother and Rick. You had forgotten for a moment that your family was still trapped in Woodbury, Once you reached the car that Glenn and Michonne were patiently waiting in. Glenn got out and stood in front of the door, blocking Merle from the car. “He’s not coming with us,”he said.
Daryl dropped your hand. “Of course he is.”
“I’m sorry, Daryl, but I can’t allow him to come back,” Rick added.
“Don’t ask me to leave him. I already did that once,” he replied, “I’ve spent all this time looking for my brother. I’m not leaving him behind again.”
Maggie walked over to Daryl and calmly added, “We can’t bring him. He’s caused too many problems in our group.”
Daryl looked at you and then back at the group. “Then I can’t come either.”
He turned to leave with Merle. “Daryl!” Rick called after him.
“Take care of Y/N and her family,” he said. Your heart skipped. Your family! “I swear if anything happens to her, you’ll have me to deal with.”
Before you knew it, Daryl and Merle disappeared into the forest. Rick punched the car door out of anger before opening it for you and Maggie to crawl into. You slid in and looked behind the car, hoping Daryl would come back, but as the car pulled away those chances diminished. You turned around and leaned your head on the seat and sighed. Maggie leaned over, “Mitch got your family out. The Governor had you heavily guarded after they separated you from Daryl, so he decided the best move was to get your family out first. They’re headed to the prison.”
She nodded. “He knew The Governor would go after them next, so he snuck them out while he was preoccupied.”
You smiled. Despite your current standings, he still was looking out for you. You leaned back and closed your eyes as the car made it’s way back to the prison. You thought of Daryl as he left with Merle. You grew upset with him the longer you thought about it. He abandoned you. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes, so you kept them closed as you hoped they wouldn’t spill over.
Daryl’s POV
The next morning, Daryl woke up, staring directly up at the sky. The guilt hit him hard. He left her behind; he abandoned his group - the people who have sacrificed the most for him since the world went to shit. The self loathing began to sink in as he continued to replay the night before.
“Get up,” Merle said.
He rolled over and grabbed his crossbow.
“It’s time to get movin’.”
Daryl dusted off his pants and slung his weapon over his shoulder. They continued trekking through the woods, unsure of what exactly they were looking for. He walked in silence, following Merle, letting his mind wander; it would always find its way back to her. The look of disappointment on her face stuck with him. He knew that he was letting her down, but he couldn’t leave his brother -- his family, his blood.
“Did you hear me?” Merle asked.
Daryl came out of his thoughts and looked at him. “No, sorry.”
“I said we need to find a car so we can get the hell out of here. We need to get as far away from The Governor as possible.”
He nodded and continued walking.
“You’re not still thinking of that girl, are you?” He grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around.
“No,” he said softly as he jerked away from Merle. “Let’s find a car and get out of here.”
“You are,” he laughed, “there can’t be anything special about her other than just a nice piece of ass.”
Daryl gritted his teeth together and ignored Merle.
“Did you hit that?”
He could feel his anger welling inside him. “Knock it off, Merle.”
Merle threw his arm around Daryl’s shoulders. “You did! She seems to get around; you, Mitch. Do you think she’d throw me a bone?”
He pushed Merle off him. “I said knock it off!” He walked faster so he was yards ahead of him. Soon he reached the road and started heading West, far away from the direction of the prison. Merle’s laughter died away as he walked faster, leaving him a good distance behind Daryl.
Your POV
You had made it to the prison a few days ago and managed to make a new home a few cells down from Carol. You had a cell to yourself as your family and Mitch lived in the ones next to you. Mitch decided to give you some space, unsure where you stood since everything that had happened in the last few days. He would occasionally come check on you or see if you needed anything, but for the most part he kept his distance. You still felt guilty for how you left things with him the day of the attack, but you had apologized and said your peace.
Early that morning you woke up to Judith’s crying. Rick had gone on another one of his nightly walks around the prison, which left her unattended. You walked over to the crying child and picked her up. Cooing at the crying baby, you rocked her back and forth trying to calm her. Carol approached you with a bottle and smiled. “She seems to like you,” she said.
“I think she will like anyone who gives her a bottle.”
“She adored Daryl the same way she adores you, though. She was his ‘Lil Ass Kicker.’”
You ignored the last comment and handed the baby to Carol. “I should take my post for the morning. I signed up for Morning Watch today, that way Maggie and Glenn can rest in their own beds.”
You walked out of the prison and into the courtyard. The sun had risen; it was going to be hot today. You unbuttoned your shirt and held it in your hands. You tank top was already starting to stick to your sweaty body from the Summer Georgia Humidity. You climbed the stairs and found a sleeping Maggie and Glenn. You nudged them with your foot and motioned for them to go to bed. The left quickly, leaving you alone in the tower. You walked out on the terrace and leaned against the railing. You had a clear shot on all sides of the grounds and the perimeter.
The morning passed into the afternoon, and you were sitting with your feet propped up on the rail when Maggie walked up. “I can relieve you if you want.”
“No, it’s fine. You and Glenn had a rough night,” you said with a wink.
She smiled. You both were looking toward the woods, past the fence, when you noticed something odd. You grabbed the binoculars, but by the time you were able to focus on it, it was too late. The gunshot struck Axle square in the head, and that’s when the storm of bullets took over. You and Maggie ducked down and quickly made your way down the stairs of the tower. You ran to Carol as Maggie ran inside to grab the guns. She quickly distributed to everyone and the gunfire continued. You took your aim carefully as you began to pick off The Governor’s men. Each shot was gut wrenching, because you knew most of the men fighting. They were all good people brainwashed into serving this psychopath, but now was war. You needed to save your new family. You were so focused on your targets you didn’t hear the truck barrel through your fences and releasing Walkers in the yard.
Quickly, you closed the gate to your second wall of defense as you waited for the rest of your group to return: Hershel, Rick, and Glenn. You saw Rick running out from under a bridge, taking out as many Walkers as he could, trying to make his way to safety. You and Maggie watched helplessly as you watched him struggle. You picked off as many as you could with your rifle, but it wasn’t helping much with the horde. Just when you thought it was too late for Rick, you saw through your scope a crossbow bolt strike a Walker in the back of the head. Daryl and Merle walked out of the woods and continued to slay undead as they approached. They soon made their way to the gate as you opened it to let them in. Maggie hugged Rick and then Daryl, thankful for their safety. You stood back with Carol as you watched them let Glenn and Hershel in. Merle stood off to the side, watching the spectacle, stabbing Walkers through the fence.
Daryl sheepishly walked over to you. You stared at him, anger filling your eyes. Before he could get a single word out, you punched him square in the jaw and stormed into the jail. As you walked away, you knew you would forgive him eventually, but you needed to be infuriated with him for the moment. You sat on your bad and cleaned your gun. This and cleaning your knife was a great way for you to relieve stress. Everyone knew to leave you alone as you did this, however, Daryl wasn’t everyone. Within minutes, he was standing at your cell door leaning against the frame. “I’m sorry,” he said.
You looked up at him. His eyes peered straight into yours, pleading for you to forgive him. “How’s your jaw?”
He rubbed it. “Sore.”
“Good. Maybe next time you won’t throw a fit and leave.”
“I just needed to learn where my priorities were.”
You stopped what you were doing. “And did you?”
He nodded. “I did. I’m not going anywhere now.”
You smiled and went back to cleaning your gun. “Good. I’m up to 43 now,” you said.
“Well, I’m up to 44. Looks like we have a close race.”
Both of you knew that the other was lying, but this friendly competition helped to remind you of a much simpler and safer time. “Why did you come back?”
“Did you really think I was going to let you go?” he smiled and sat down next to you.
Your face flushed, remembering the time he spent wounded at your house. You had asked him the same question when he tried to leave. “Not without a fight,” you replied. You squeezed his hand and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for getting me out of there. I owe you everything.”
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saintflandus · 7 years
So… It’s man crush Monday huh? Wonder who I’ll choose….
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And my favourite gif for last…
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone Update
Hey, everyone! I will be updating Day is Gone this week. The next part is almost done!!
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saintflandus · 7 years
Americano: No hablo su Jesus Cristo Chapter 1
Ship: Chibs x OC
Word Count: 2,045 Words
Synopsis: Isadora White Dove Alvarez is the daughter of the late president of the Mayan MC. She blames SAMCRO for all of her problems and intends to make them feel her pain. Chibs grows worried for her safety.
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendos, Mentions of Death
A/N: This is my first crack at SoA fan fiction. I hope that I can capture their likeness and I don’t disappoint. If you haven’t already, read my preview first about what has inspired this piece and where I want to take the story. If you want to be tagged, please let me know!
She heard the growl of the motorcycles coming up the drive. “Cabrones,” she said under her breath as she started getting ready for the day. She knew the Sons were coming to collect their precious cargo. She hated MC’s, especially this one in particular. They were the reason her father, Mateo Alvarez, was murdered. During the time when SAMCRO and the Mayans were at war, her father was gunned down, leaving her Uncle Marcus to take the reins of his MC. Now she lived with her mother’s sister, her Aunt Dana White Feather, on the Wahewa Reservation. Her Uncle Charlie had made a deal with the Sons to supply them with ammunition for a fair price. She tried thinking of ways to thwart this deal, but her uncle ordered her to stand aside. He knew of her desire to hurt them in anyway she could without starting a war, so he did his best to keep her away from them any time they were on the reservation.
Keep reading
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saintflandus · 7 years
Hey, guys! I've got a new fic coming your way! Don't worry, Day is Gone is on it's way too!
First fic!!
I’m writing my first fan fic for this account. I will be posting the first part this weekend!
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saintflandus · 7 years
New Blog
Hey, everyone! I’ve started a Sons of Anarchy blog where I will be posting some fics for that fandom! I’ve already started on my first one! The blog is Men of Mayhem. The link is in my description!
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saintflandus · 7 years
Day is Gone: Part 7 - Found
Ship: Reader and Daryl (eventually)
Synopsis: You learn there’s a prison that is being occupied by a group of survivors, so you venture out there to check it out. You believe it’s Daryl’s group, and you make arrangements to leave Woodbury.
Rating: M
Word Count: 1,574 words
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while since I last posted. This part is pretty short, but I’ve already started on the next part. Obviously I’m going to start accelerating the relationship between the reader in Daryl, which you will see in the next part.
You couldn't shake the image from your head. The look Mitch gave you when you said Daryl’s name. He hadn't talked to you in two days, and it was killing you. You wanted to tell him it was an honest mistake, but the idea of Daryl flooded your head over and over again, making it less honest every time. You hadn't ever thought of Daryl like that, except for a few times. However, lately he was weighing on your mind. Mitch was sleeping on the couch and would come home late at night in order to avoid you. You didn’t love Mitch enough to cry, but you felt terrible for what this was doing to him.
The Governor had his men following you all day.  You were worried that Mitch told him you had been sneaking out, wasting resources looking for Daryl, but a small voice in your head told you that Mitch would never betray you. You were given a double shift at the gate that day, and then told to report immediately to your home once your shift was over. Tonight, you decided to wait for Mitch to come home and you would force him to talk to you. Once your double shift was over, you ran home to find something to eat. Much to your surprise, Mitch was waiting for you at the table. “Daryl is alive,” he said.
You froze in the doorway of the kitchen. It was the first time he’d spoken to you, and the first thing he chose to say was about Daryl. “Mitch…”
“We have two prisoners in captivity. Merle found them, and when they were left alone for a moment, I questioned them about Daryl.”
He rubbed his face and leaned against the table, resting both of his elbows. “I did it for you.”
You rushed to his side and grabbed his hands. “Thank you.”
Mitch refused to look at you. “Can we talk about the other night?” you asked in an attempt to get him to look you in the eyes.
“Maggie is one of the prisoners,” he ignored your question.
“Maggie? How is she a prisoner? You have to help her!”
“I’m sure after questioning, The Governor will let her go.”
You had a feeling in your gut that would be the last thing to happen. You didn’t trust that man as far as you could throw him, and you didn’t think he would let Maggie go. “Can you get me in to see her?”
He shook his head. You leaned back in your chair and looked at him. “Mitch, I’m sorry about the other night. It’s not like I meant to do it.”
He shot a glare in your direction. “Then why did you? It sure sounded like you meant it.”
“Look, he’s been weighing on my mind lately…”
“That’s a terrible excuse, Y/N.”
“This is bullshit, Mitch. For years, YEARS, you strung me along while you went off on your little escapades, expecting me to be waiting for you when you grew homesick. Yeah, I pictured Daryl fucking me for a split second, and you know what, for the last two days I’ve felt terrible about it. But this is nothing compared to what you did to me for all those years. When you’re ready to grow up, I’ll be upstairs taking care of myself since you won’t do it.”
You stormed up to your room and slammed the door behind you.
Early the next morning, you leave to go to your post. You see two men standing at the gate waiting to be let out. It’s Merle and Martinez, one of The Governor’s men, packed for a short trip. You ducked behind a house near by and watched as they were let out. You took the back way, and ran back to your house. You hid a bag just outside of the back door in case of emergencies. You grabbed it and slipped out of the same spot in the wall that you always used. You knew Merle was going to find Daryl, and you didn’t want to miss it. You had to know where he was. You saw Merle and Martinez just outside the gate, climbing into a small car. Your car wasn’t parked far from them, but you had to give them a headstart before you tailed them.
You watched which way they turned before starting your car. They turned right. You followed, making sure to stay out of their line of sight. You drove for about a half hour before they turned down a gravel road. You stopped your car at its entrance and and peered down it. It was a large prison that was clearly inhabited. You smiled, because you knew you found him. There wasn’t any movement at all in the prison, but the building looked cleared of Walkers and fortified by fences and protection. There was a large garden full of produce, obviously kept up by Hershel. Knowing Maggie and someone else were being held captive, you imagined the majority of their group going to look for them. You turned your car back towards Woodbury so you could beat Merle and Martinez back.
Your entire drive you worried about Maggie. The Governor was always a shady person; his pleasant persona he portrayed to the other citizens of Woodbury was clearly a facade to you. He was hiding something; something that not even Mitch was privy to. The only reason you stayed was because you didn’t know where Daryl’s group was; so there was nowhere safe for your family to go. You knew they wouldn’t leave and go back home, but now that you found a place just as safe with people you trusted, you hoped they’d leave with you.
When you parked your car, Merle and Martinez were just turning on to the street. You ducked down into the seat as they drove by, praying they didn’t see you.  Quickly, you made your way  back to your house and began packing a bag. You had found him, and you intended to leave Woodbury for him. You hid your bag in your closet and immediately left to find your family. Your mother was inside her home cleaning some of the vegetables she picked up in the morning. She smiled at you when you entered. “Haven’t seen you in a few days,” she said.
“It’s time to leave, Mom.”
She put down the squash and dried her hands. “And where do you suppose we go? Home?”
“I found him. I found his group. They’re alive.”
“Y/N, there’s no way I will be able to convince your father to leave.”
You sighed and leaned against the doorframe in the kitchen. “I can’t stay here. The Governor scares the shit out of me. I don’t trust him, therefore I don’t feel like we are safe here.”
“We aren’t any safer out there.”
“They have their own place and it looks safer.”
“I know you’ve been looking for Daryl ever since we left, but we can’t risk it. Not with winter approaching.”
You walked over to her and grabbed her hands. “I need you to trust me, please. Pack a bag for you three. I’ll come get you tonight.”
She nodded. “When your father and brother get home, I’ll have them pack a bag.”
You heard an explosion and gunfire spread throughout the streets. You pulled the gun from your holster and opened the door. “Tonight, Mom!” you shouted as you headed towards the noise.
You heard shouting and shooting the closer you got. You aimed your gun through the smoke at what you believed to be Walkers, but then you saw them. Familiar faces shooting at The Governor’s men as they ran backwards out of the town; Maggie and Glenn in tow. You ran towards them, shooting at the guards who were trying to stop them. “Get them out of here!” you heard Rick shout.
“I’m not leaving until I find her!” you heard him reply. It was Daryl.
You couldn’t stop yourself from calling to him. “Daryl!”
He stepped out of the smoke and ash and saw you. The rest of the gang had disappeared through the destruction. He stood there in disbelief. Daryl stepped toward you, but you raised your gun and shot passed him. He turned to see a guard fall dead behind him. “Let’s go,” he said.
You shook your head. “I can’t leave my family. I’ll meet you later.”
“I’ll come back for your family.”
“I can’t, Daryl.”
“Is it Mitch?” he asked, looking around for him. “He told you I was dead, didn’t he?”
“I’m leaving tonight. I just need to get my family,” you replied, ignoring his questions. You were so distracted, you didn’t see the guard come up from behind Daryl and hit him with the butt of his gun; knocking him out cold. You fired your gun and ran to Daryl’s side, trying to force him to come to. You looked around for any sign of help, but you were surrounded by The Governor’s cronies. You saw Dave standing directly in front of you, gun pointed at your head. He kicked your small hand gun over to a nearby guard and ordered you to stand up. You looked around for Mitch, Andrea, someone who would be a familiar friendly face, but there was no one. You knew this was the end for both you and Daryl.
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saintflandus · 7 years
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saintflandus · 7 years
Fic Updates
Hey, everyone! I haven’t forgotten about the fics and the updates I have promised. I’ve been super busy finishing my own non-fan fics that those were kind of put on the back burner, but I am back and writing like a madwoman! 
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