saixdarknessgone · 6 years
mun post
don’t care to read what I do outside tumblr, then...don’t read I guess
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photo taken by Alex Alvarez at Comic Con yesterday, I 'stole' this off the post he made.
Sweetie pie Dumpling, I had a blast yesterday at Comic Con. Finally being able to wear my suit at what she was meant to be for, cons! People loved her, children loved her, I made alots of people smile and laugh!! There was only one problem, there were 2 little girls that were really rough with her and even kept trying to pull on my ears and force my head off me. Even tried to look in her mouth at me. It fine if some kids aren't tricked by the suit, but that action was very rude on their part because other, younger children aren't going to know. The two girls had ended up chasing me away and running half way across the con before I gave up, ended up getting WAY over heated. My mom came over and shooed them away, but I had to take a long rest due to the fact. my mom has agreed at some point have a Fursuit 101 with me so she can learn to be a handler, for back-up purpose. Reason being is I was taking a break just before the issue and my sister was being my handler. My mom thought it fair to take over for a bit and let me sister and her friend have fun while I rested. Got a message from a friend where they were and wanted to meet them so my mom stepped in to be my handler, but I didn't go over my signs of distress with her so, that's how the kids got away with so much. I'm at fault for not telling my mom the signs of 'get the kids off', but the kids are also at fault for being rough and their parents just standing there watching when I was clearly trying to get them off. After I had ran away, they were still being rough while I was huffing and puffing, I was so hot and tired I had to break character and say 'not so rough!' and due to their rude actions I broke the magic because I felt like I was having a heat stork.
other then the 2 kids, I had fun and loved most of every moment of it!!
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
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you know me so well
i’m so fucking drunk x’D
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
Isa bust down the door and casually walks into the room and over to Lea. Pushes the red head over on the couch and then sits next to him while wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug and glares at everyone.
“You see dis boi....dis my boi...no one else...mine.” :L
I heard a rumor that Axel needs emergency hugs
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“….I need Isa….”
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
@wasoncetrappeddarkness and I have it that the papou that Riku tossed at Sora for him to ‘share with Kairi’ in the first game was actually his attempt at sharing it with Sora cause the stories about the fruit never specifically said you had to EAT the fruit
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
apologize for suddenly disappearing yesterday, I wanted to RP with my boyfriend because I don’t always get to. Then I had gone to my moms to have our nightly glass of wine before I came home to play pokemon to finish my theme team-
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
stepping off tumblr for a little bit-
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
that moment you REALLY want to play Monster Hunter World, but can’t, because the game and system to play it is with your boyfriend who lives 2 hours away...
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
side-blog added, trying to bring back another muse along side my Saix muse. Another muse I had and use to portray well, Riku from @was-once-trapped-darkness
side blog is @wasoncetrappeddarkness, it was just made so there are no posts yet. 
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
Was just looking at what I had in my likes because it been years from when I last looked. Seeing this broke my heart cause of the Xion my Saix DID adopt, and I miss her-
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
Alright, so everything has finally been updated and replaced with better newer stuff making the blog look better and not some...old shit-
with the finish of my new icon and being 3am I’m off-
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
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A soft chuckle escaped from Lea before he gasped from Isa pulling back to prevent the case. He puffed his cheeks before sticking his tongue out toward the other, as if that was going to get the redhead what he wanted.
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Isa couldn’t help but chuckle at Lea’s reaction to his pull back. “You still act like such a child some time, you do know of this correct?” He took his arm back that was being held hostage by the childish partner, but didn’t keep it away for long as he soon reached and put it around them to bring them closer to his own body. “I rather that not change still.” He added to, following his actions he had just done.
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“Yes I know that, you kind of remind me of that often” he teased, he whined a little bit like a puppy getting his toy taken away when Isa pulled his arm away. However the whining soon stopped as Lea was brought close to his partner. “I love you Isa~”
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“As I do love you as well, Lea. Always have, always will and will never stop to.”
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
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“Only thing I haven’t done, is spend more time with you” Lea whispered softly as he leaned into Isa a bit. He then leaned up to press a kiss to his beloved moon’s lips.
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“you know, that sounds like a sin to me. Thus we are both guilty of the crime, I suppose we should fix that, should we not?” Isa act as if he was going to allow Lea to kiss him but pulled back just a bit holding a hidden smirk trying to curl up, to tease his beloved sun a little bit longer; in sake of the ‘sin’.
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A soft chuckle escaped from Lea before he gasped from Isa pulling back to prevent the case. He puffed his cheeks before sticking his tongue out toward the other, as if that was going to get the redhead what he wanted.
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Isa couldn’t help but chuckle at Lea’s reaction to his pull back. “You still act like such a child some time, you do know of this correct?” He took his arm back that was being held hostage by the childish partner, but didn’t keep it away for long as he soon reached and put it around them to bring them closer to his own body. “I rather that not change still.” He added to, following his actions he had just done.
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
omfg i feel so out of character it been YEARS from the last time I RPed as reformed Isa...
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
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“Not like I’VE done anything lately that I’d regret later” Lea said before sliding right over to Isa and starting to hang off his husband’s arm.
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“That is rather good to hear, would hate to do something about it if you had done something that you would regret. We’ve both have had enough of that already I do believe.” Isa didn’t care that Lea was hanging on his arm, so long as he didn’t pull to hard or make him lose his balance.
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“Only thing I haven’t done, is spend more time with you” Lea whispered softly as he leaned into Isa a bit. He then leaned up to press a kiss to his beloved moon’s lips.
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“you know, that sounds like a sin to me. Thus we are both guilty of the crime, I suppose we should fix that, should we not?” Isa act as if he was going to allow Lea to kiss him but pulled back just a bit holding a hidden smirk trying to curl up, to tease his beloved sun a little bit longer; in sake of the ‘sin’.
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
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“Man everyone is getting touchy feely tonight, what is this? Revenge of the Sinday?”
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“Goes to prove, you shouldn’t do things you’ll just regret later. With a title like ‘SINday’.”
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“Not like I’VE done anything lately that I’d regret later” Lea said before sliding right over to Isa and starting to hang off his husband’s arm.
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“That is rather good to hear, would hate to do something about it if you had done something that you would regret. We’ve both have had enough of that already I do believe.” Isa didn’t care that Lea was hanging on his arm, so long as he didn’t pull to hard or make him lose his balance.
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
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“Man everyone is getting touchy feely tonight, what is this? Revenge of the Sinday?”
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“Goes to prove, you shouldn’t do things you’ll just regret later. With a title like ‘SINday’.”
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saixdarknessgone · 6 years
due to begging from my friend who also RPs as Lea/Axel that my muse is canon with. I am attempting to bring back the Isa muse I had a LONG time ago-
I have not fully returned but I am trying to get the muse back. It has been a long time and I have done many other muses and fandoms over the time I was away.
I remember how people really loved the way I portray Isa who was denorted and had his heart back. In the past that ‘popularity’ scared me because I the mun in real life tend to be a timid person and with so many messages back then coming in at me I got scared and basically hid under a rock for the past...how many years now?
Point is, I’m trying to come back because. 
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