I made a gif
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Heres the actual thing 馃槶
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Omg the crackhead has an design 鈥硷笍馃樆
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hes based off of my irl bestie
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Omg its the Bestie of Kel 馃槺
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And a crack head 馃槶
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Kel's birthday Bash! (An Or3o Clover Fanfic One-Shot Story)
It was a bright, sunny day, and young Kelsey Clover, or Kel for short, was happily walking with her older grandmother, Suzie, across the streets of their small-town home.
"Ay grandma? Why'd you want to bring me to the supermarket anyways?" Kel asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at her grandma," Well dear, I was thinking... you know how you haven't really had much of a birthday after what had happened?" Suzie asked. Kel thought about this for a moment...she never did actually had a birthday party in so many years.
"Uh, yea? Why do you ask?" Kel questioned, looking more confused. Suzie chuckled a bit to herself, it seemed Kel didn't really get what she was saying, " Well, I was thinking...I want to throw you a big birthday party today, my little melody maker!" She said, to which caused Kel's eyes to light up with excitement, "R...R-REALLY?!" Kelsey shouted, looking happy, Suzie simply just nodded. Kel then ran up to her grandmother, giving her a big hug, "Thank you SO much, grandma Suzie!" Kel squealed, joyfully. Suzie chuckled happily, patting Kel's head gently, "Your welcome, sugar... So, what do you want to get for your birthday?" Kel gave a thinking face to herself, stroking her small chin in a thinking matter, "Hm... let me think..." The young 13-year-old said to herself, trying to figure out what she wanted to get for her first ever birthday. She suddenly stopped and began to smell something in the air, a very delicious scent... Kel turned her head, noticing they was a small bakery in the market, filled with cakes, cookies and other sweets. This gave Kel an idea, "Hey grandmother? Do you think we could get me a cake for my birthday?" She asked her, " Oh course dear!" Suzie said, smiling down at her granddaughter happily. Kel smiled and walked towards the bakery in the local market in the town.
As they arrived at the bakery area of the local market, they both saw a tall man wearing a fancy white cap on his head, he seemed to be behind the counter, working on some pastries. Kel stared at them with a slightly excited look, feeling hungry. 'Man, those look tasty..' Kel thought to herself in her head, smiling. The tall man then noticed the two of them, turning around, "Oh, hey there ladies! What can I get you?" He said happily, in a polite male voice, "I'd like a cake for my granddaughter's birthday, please sir." Suzie said, to which the tall man behind the counter nodded. He suddenly noticed Kel was staring at the pastries with a hungry look, which caused him to chuckle a bit to himself. " Hey kid, you want one?" The baker man said, as he happily gave one of the pastries he made to Kel, which caused her to look a bit shocked.
After a few minutes, she smiled to herself, gladly accepting the pastry, "T-Thank you sir..." Kel softly said to the older man, smiling with a faint grin. He chuckled softly to himself, as he patted Kel's head gently, "No problem, kiddo." The baker man said happily, as he handed Suzie Kel's birthday cake, to which Kel happily grabbed a hold of it, holding it in her arms.
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Omg its the Bestie of Kel 馃槺
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And a crack head 馃槶
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I already made an character design if anyone is interested in seeing it 馃槶
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Also for now im going to work on character designs
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Hey Saki, have you ever thought about making a digital comic about how Kel met Ash? Maybe you should try that someday!
Uuuuu i havent but i think thats a great idea! And if i decide to do it it will be next week (since then my school ends)
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Lucky Clover date
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Part two of 'No! Too young.'
I have nothing to say but thank you for reading :)
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"Kel are you SURE you wanna do this? I mean, you are just too young and-" Kel stoped Dave and smiled "Dave. I'll be okay, i promise" Dave nodded and backed away
George and Brenda approached Kel slowly "Oh this reminds me of our first date! Do you remeber how you spilled water everywhere!" "Brenda stop embarassing me infront of Kel!" Oh, Kel was for sure gonna ask Brenda about that one later
"Well, i gotta scram! Bye-" George quickly gave Kel a bouquet of flowers "Here. So you'll have something to give them. Be safe and be yourself.. Also come back by eight, please."
Ash was waiting for Kel infront of the caffee then she spotted Kel running as fast as she can, the usual.
"Ash! I am, So sorry for being late! But here is this bouquet of flowers. Just for you.." Ash blushed slightly "Wow for me?.. Uhh umm thanks!" "Sooo wanna go in..?" Ash quickly nodded and followed Kel into the caffee
They sat at a table waiting for the waitress "So what can i get'cha? I see that you're a couple, we have the special ice coffe with heart shapped hearts for couples!" Ash fastly shook her head "My apologies but we're not an cou-" Kel cut her off "Yes... We will have the couple ice coffe." she said slowly "All righty then! I will be back with your orders soon!" The waitress said before leaving the two alone
Ash was blushing alot, "So what did you do for the weekend? I went fishing with my older brother.." "You look like a strawberry when your face is red! Ha!" Ash was blushing alot until she smirked "I can say the same for you." Kels face was now a faint red color
After some minutes of talking the waitress came with their drinks "Here honeys, now have fun!" She winked and left "She is oddly happy and energetic for a waitress here, they are usually grumpy and mean" "Yea i agree it's weird..." Kel added in
Ash gasped when they saw the heart shaped ice "It's so cute!" Kel giggled at her "I agree also," she took a sip of the ice coffee ",the ice coffe tastes, like, amazing!
It had been an hour since they first came, and right now they were talking about Kels dream of being an singer "Dude! You should go for it! You have such a great voice, singing is the best thing you can do!" Kel blushed "Awh, shucks Ash.. You don't really think so do you?" Ash took another slurp of their ice coffee before replying "Ofcourse i do! Wait how much is it?" Kel checked her phone "seven and twenty minutes" Ash had a dissapointed face as they took their last slurp of coffe "I gotta go then.." kel then nervously laughed "Yea i should too"
After they paid for the coffee they went outside infront of the caffee again, "This was such a great date and.. I know you are propably going to say no but... Ash Cooper, will you be my partner?.." Ash covered her mouth with her hands in shock before hugging Kel "Yes! I would love to" Ash pulled back and there was an akward silence before Ash quickly kissed Kels cheek "Uhmmm i gotta go! Bye! Love you.."
Kel waved at Ash, best day ever.
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Okay, what about Kel getting up the nerve to show some of her music to a group of friends? I know that it can take a lot of bravery to show your work to people so I'm wondering how she (and her ghost grandparents) would help her build up the courage.
I will get right into it tomorow since i saw this before going to sleep, good night!!! :)
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Also you can imagine them looking differently, i just see them looking like that lol
Some content before oart two (which is gonna come out tomorow or in two days)
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i decided to draw Ash aka Kels crush
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Also for the people who watched The owl house, Kel and Ash are gonna be kinda like Amity and Luz lol
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Some content before oart two (which is gonna come out tomorow or in two days)
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i decided to draw Ash aka Kels crush
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No! Too young.
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Request: ok so I KNOW i just requested but i had an idea. what if kel gets a huge crush on someone and george helps her out (maybe gets her to ask him out :flushed:). dave is very overprotective and so they bicker about it hehe
I had so much fun with this! Also i tried out something different with the pics, i hope you like it!!!! :) (also i just used they/them oronouns for the crush since i felt more comfortable doing that lol)
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Kel was sitting in her room, ok this is a-ok. You'll just ask them out on a date and then you just wait... Screw it! There's gotta be someone that can help me! Unless..
"GEORGEEEE!" Kel screamed as loudly as she can and George (the victim 馃槺) came flying to Kels room "Are. You. Okay?!" Kels sat there waiting for him to stop shouting and over-reacting
"Now that you are done i need your help, gosh this is so embarassing but i need help to asksomeoneout-" George stared at her confused "Can you speak a little slower musical kitten? I can't quite understand what you said-"
"I NEED HELP TO ASK SOMEONE OUT!" There was a moment of silence before George squeled like a teen girl "Oh my gosh! DAVE! BRENDA! CODE RED."
Brenda and Dave then came rushing to Kels room "So who's the lucky person?" Brenda asked as she winked "They're name is Ash" "Well they're gonna be ash very soon, that's for sure..." They all stared at Dave untill Kel spoke up "Not cool dude, not cool.."
Brenda then asked "So whatcha need help with? A makeover? Lessons on flirting? What else is there... Oh yea! Asking them out! Do you need help with that?" Kel shook her head yes slowly and akwardly
Dave quickly butted in "No! Too young. She is too young!" George glared at him "You are NOT gonna ruin this day for me! I'm seeing love bloom! One of my favourite things, SO SHUT UP."
After a little timeskip Kel was nervously staring at her phone "Do you plan on sending it thru staring at the phone or actually doing something?" Asked Dave rudely "First of all, rude. Second of all, i will actually message them now!"
"Okay, 'Dear Ash, i was wondering if you would like to hang out with me at the local caffee :)' " George looked at the phone proudly and then clapped "Okay we are out come on Brenda! Come on Dave. Especially you Dave."
The next day there was a reply 'ofcourse! Meet you tomorow at 6 pm. <3' Kel was blushing and giggling at her phone all day.
(Maybe you guys would like a part two 馃憖)
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ok so I KNOW i just requested but i had an idea. what if kel gets a huge crush on someone and george helps her out (maybe gets her to ask him out :flushed:). dave is very overprotective and so they bicker about it hehe
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