sakuraiwaga · 2 months
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 48: Bakura Completely Fails to Murder The One Person He Was Actually Supposed to Murder
Yo guys, this is the last episode of the season.
I know. How exactly do you resolve ANYTHING in one episode? The secret is, you don’t. Like…one thing did get resolved but it really seems like this was a 2 season storyline they were really banking on doing so well it would stretch into season 2 but, according to bro, this show got hella cancelled?
I can’t believe it. Finally. I’ve been joking about it for like a year but it actually happened.
Now my bro is full of spicy headcanons about this show and I decided to look up on Wikipedia to see what the hell happened between Season 2 and 3 for him to say this but I saw nothing about cancelling anything, but he’s pretty certain that this happened. So, I’m gonna open it up to all of you guys who know way more about this show than either of us to set it straight–was there cancellation drama between Season 2 and Season 3 or is bro just remembering history incorrectly?
Anyways, this show is obviously around for Season 3 but bro says it gets distracted and everyone has hinted that we get a really great filler arc that is most people’s absolutely favorite arc in the entire world. I’m honestly shocked I made it this far. But, lets first get into the episode.
This episode starts exactly where I wanted it to, with Tea realizing that she’s not only wandered into Bakura’s room, but that, from her perspective, it has made Bakura so freakin uncomfortable that he hella left.
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Like imagine with me that your on a High school trip and you’re with all your buddies but then there’s that one kid who is a friend, but you don’t know TOO well because he’s kind of awkward and also half a murderous ghost. Imagine he gets hella sick and then for some reason, you sleepwalk to his bedside, all draped across the sheets, and when you wake up he’s just…peaced right out of that entire awkward conversation that would have been.
Like…my reaction would have been completely the opposite of what Tea did.
Which was run straight to her somewhat-boyfriend Yugi Muto and tell him exactly what she just inadvertently did.
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Also, forgive me for this aside, but Yugi is like 16, so why is Yugi randomly kind of jacked all of a sudden? Is that little backpack he carries just full of lead?
Oh wait, yeah…necklace is solid gold. But even still like…this small boy shouldn’t appear this jacked. Like, I know a lot of preteen girls were into this show for the large selection of anime boys, but I prefer Yugi looking sort of like the human version of a Pekingese instead. Mostly because I’m an adult, I guess. Not that I never had a preteen anime boy crush phase, but we’re talking Tuxedo Mask, who was sort of developed to be a preteen anime boy crush. Like, Tuxedo Mask has literally no other reason to exist except to be a perfect husband who gets abducted a lot, but Yugi? Like..he sells cards, why’s he gotta grow up?
My bros current spicy headcanon is that he’s slowly becoming jacked because of being in the Shadow Realm so often, and that it beefs you up like when Goku goes to space and turns the gravity on super duper high, but sure bro, you do you. Bro’s got a spicy headcanon for every loophole this show throws at us. (and it is surprising which ones were actually correct and which were probably a fanfic he read in High School.)
(read more under the cut)
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 43: Tea Can Just Knock Over Joey Wheeler With Her Index Finger
Guys guys guys, my favorite Character is back. That’s right–the storyboarder!
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So this episode looked helllla nice for a Yugioh episode (again, this is Yugioh, it will win no awards.) It wasn’t as nice and fluid as the episode where they temporarily killed off Joey Wheeler, but I give it a good 2nd place.
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You can tell we’re getting to the climax of the season because they’re throwing down their most entertaining art people onto the screen, giving us about 5 zillion dutch angle fashion close-ups of Marik’s cabbage face, and a whole lot of zany and hard to very hard to draw fish-eye lens angles of Pharaoh.
Also, everyone wears flared bell-bottom pants now. New stylistic decision, as decided just now. Everyone in pants now has flares. Even if their pants are cargo pants. How very 00′s. (my pants were flares from like birth until 2006, it was a good trend, super comfy, bring it back.)
(read more under the cut)
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
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Welcome to the mind control club Aoi
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
Replying to ze-zir.
Deleting a netnavi means they won’t have any memory of what happened to them after that backup date. Some users feel that it’s almost disrespectful to bring back a deleted navi, instead making a new netnavi inspired by the old one. The anime still takes the fact that MegaMan is a netnavi that holds a human soul, so there is no way to restore him from a backup without also getting his soul to bind to a new body for a third time.
Third time meaning his human body (dead as an infant) and his second body gets deleted, third time being when Dr Hikari makes Rush to bring MegaMan back from the dead yet again, so if he gets deleted again that would be his third resurrection and fourth body/shell for his soul.
I don’t know what would creating Rush have to do with this topic, but the games, the anime and the manga all have separate universes. The anime and manga don’t follow the dead human being revived as a Net Navi idea. Even if the writers of the anime intended to hint that idea, it still doesn’t make sense because the anime never confirmed it, and probably never will. 
It could be that the writers originally thought this was gonna be the case since the anime came out after the first and second games were already public and it was meant to promote the third installment, hence the N-1 Grand Prix arc and Navi Customizer code easter eggs. Its like they decided to withdraw the dead brother idea at the last second and just made Rockman “feel” more human so that the audience would sympathize with Netto and show how much Rockman meant to him.
Gutsman gets deleted at some point if I remember correctly? Like early on when we first meet the small rich girl. Netto consoles his friend by saying “at least you have backup data of him…” I remember this line distinctly.
Gutsman has never been confirmed to be deleted except in the game and manga during the Numberman battles. If you are talking about the first episode where Fireman burns Gutsman, that was simply a log out because in the next episode we see Dekao restoring Gutsman’s arm, I mentioned this when talking about how backup datas are used to repair Navis.
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Log-out is the anime’s alternative to the games where Navis lose a Net Battle because they get deleted. This is to make the audience feel attached to the Navi characters because if they got deleted all the time we wouldn’t care too much about them. Instead, they made deletion the equivalent of death to a Navi. Logging out happens when the Navi is too tired or is damaged during a Net Battle and we’ve seen that the PET automatically recalls them when that happens.
The problem with deleted navis is that each PET can only have one Navi attached to it, so when a Navi goes dark you would need to buy another PET to make a new netnavi since the Dark Navi still out there is associated to the PET they originated from. There is apparently a way to officially “abandon” your Navi, but it’s extremely rare and considered very cruel to do this since it does not delete the netnavi. (in the manga I believe Aquaman and Iceman were Abandoned).
While Enzan could have abandoned Dark Protoman and made a new Navi, their bond is why he didn’t. He could have theoretically got Protoman back through a backup and let Dark Protoman stay out there, but that would mean that if they were able to save Dark Protoman there would be no PET for him to return to. And there would be two of him lol.
I like that idea of Navis being attached to their PETs, but the anime shows us that a Navi can change PETs, like when Count Zap took control over Roll and when Napalmman moved to Nenji’s PET in Stream. The game does show that abandoning Navis is possible and the manga wanted to make this idea clearer. In the anime, however, the Navi is the one that can abandon its operator since they are sentient and can easily go into any device that is connected to the internet regardless of what happens to the original PET. This would also explain the Navi prison, when a criminal is apprehended the PET is taken from them and disconnected from the net to stop it from escaping, even though I think the Navi prison is a silly idea, it is pretty funny.
Personally, I don’t like the Dark Blues arc or anything related to the Darkloids. In real life, a corrupted program means that it cannot be used anymore, but it can be fixed by someone who knows about programing, the problem was that Navis are free to go anywhere which made it impossible for Blues to be repaired at scilab which is a stupid idea the writers used to create more unnecessary drama in Axess. 
If a Navi was actually connected to its PET, then it would be possible for the operator to recall it or even delete it to prevent it from damaging the net, but I like to imagine that deleting a Navi would be like trying to kill Janet from “The Good Place.”
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Thus the Navi prison was created! XD
In the Anime they also make it clear that there are standardized netnavis and custom netnavis, so the security navis would not have had sentience in the same way that custom navis do. That’s why Netto was so excited to get Rockman- he originally had a standard Navi before that. That’s also why he doesn’t really have any emotional attachment to the generic Navi he had before.
That might be true, but there was an episode where Blues befriends two standard Navis that had personalities, so I guess Netto’s Navi just wasn’t given a personality?
Apparently Axess wanted to make Rockman more noble by refusing to delete any Navi, even though he did it many times with actual custom Navis. This is one of the many reasons why I dislike Axess, the writing inconsistencies that erased almost everything we learned in the first season.
Anyway, thanks for replying to my post, I appreciate the feedback and I always love to talk about the Rockman.EXE anime. You raised interesting points but sometimes the writing doesn’t answer questions, so its fun to fill in the blanks.
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
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The Megaman NT Warrior Fanclub Latinoamerica is done subbing the Beast + episodes in Spanish, there is just something about crazy eyes Phantom Rockman that just reminds me of Dark Rock.
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
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I’m currently subbing episode 8 in latin spanish, decided to take these cute shots of Roll-chan pounting.
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
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Asami and Noria in One-Punch Man (Vol. 22).
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sakuraiwaga · 2 years
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Asami and Noria in One-Punch Man (Vol. 23).
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
sonic adventure 2
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
If anyone ever questions my love for Da Party I'll just keep showing them this video 😂
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
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*cue in 80’s workout music* Gotta get fit to find the last cursed vault and my brother! 🏃🏽‍♀️
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
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Lets be real guys. We ALL want to be a prefect to have the chance to bathe with Bill 😏
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
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Oh sweet sweet Penny
Been a while :)
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
Merula: Your brother failed. Because you’re from a family of failures.
Me: How dare- wait, no. You’re probably onto something there.
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sakuraiwaga · 3 years
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Oh you mean…
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THIS MAP!?!?!?
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