sakuswritersblog · 1 month
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sakuswritersblog · 1 month
“Just remember that sometimes, the way you think about a person isn’t the way they actually are.”
— John Green, Paper Towns  (via perrfectly)
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sakuswritersblog · 2 months
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— unknown
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sakuswritersblog · 2 months
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Rita Dove, from “Voiceover“
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sakuswritersblog · 2 months
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mary oliver, upstream
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sakuswritersblog · 7 months
“Lately I’ve been feeling closer to you than I have in years. I don’t know why - nothing happened to tell me we’d stand a chance now, changed and all grown up. Nothing happened to indicate you wanted to see me again. So why have I found myself wondering what you were doing, dreaming up scenarios of us together? Snuggled up on the sofa, my head in the crook of your arm, asking you about your day. In the car, holding hands between the seats, singing along to the radio. I don’t have an answer. If we met again what would even happen? I don’t recall what it’s like to be awkward around you, walking on eggshells, my voice soft and small. That’s not who I am anymore. Would you even recognise me? At this point I regret to say there are things about you I don’t remember, like the sound of your laughter, or the way you smell and it hurts to feel this way about you. It’s like we’ve only ever lived inside a memory together until one day I could no longer tell the exact shade of your eyes and the feel of your hair between my fingers, and it was over, just like that. I became too forgetful and outgrew what I thought I knew about you. I’ve been making up reasons why you would randomly think of me and I came up empty. So maybe you’re not really closer after all - I’m only starting to forget you while my mind is so set on remembering that it brings you up every once in a while, just in case. Just in case the world shifts and our paths cross again and our pieces fit together once more.”
— inside a memory / n.j.
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sakuswritersblog · 11 months
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Trista Mateer, from The Dogs I Have Kissed
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sakuswritersblog · 11 months
"I always fall a little in love with everyone I meet," she said, a lazy half smile making its way to her lips. "How can you not fall in love while excavating souls and digging into hearts? How could anyone remain untouched? I fall a little in love with their humanness, a little in love with their scars, a little in love with their vulnerability. A few questions in, and I'm sinking into their story, falling in love with the lead."
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sakuswritersblog · 11 months
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
Love stains the heart
Always will
The way a water line leaves its mark on a boat
Try how you might to forget and move on
You may pull your vessel to dry land
The memories always remain
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
“Tell me darling, would you still love me If I told you about the monsters I need to sing to sleep every night? If you understood the way I need to tiptoe across my own mind so I can fall asleep before daylight? if you knew where the nightmares came from, if you saw my scarred soul, would being with me terrify you? If you knew the full extent of the damage they have done to me, would you stay, would you still want to?”
— Nikita Gill, Questions I Am Too Broken to Ask
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
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Un/love / Demi Ev.
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
this is what it’s like to love you.. It’s like being the last 2 people alive.. floating aimlessly through space.. watching galaxies drift by the window.. stars exploding to life and giving them names.. your laughter swept away by cosmic wind.. But it’s a lonely existence.. Your eyes full of emotion your lips can’t speak.. and everyday, you long to open the door of our spaceship and fly away.. Unaware of instant death that awaits you.. How long can I hold you in my arms until you outgrow them.. how long until I can no longer stop you from slipping out the door.. ..and you’re gone.. and I’m left alone surrounded by this ethereal but empty beauty.. everything we love is temporary.. everyone we know, minuscule in an infinite universe..
This is what it’s like to love you.. I choose to love you everyday.
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
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via weheartit
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
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Sylvia Plath, from The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath
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sakuswritersblog · 1 year
you don’t leave
when you go away
I swim in quiet oceans
tell you I’m okay
I cant stop my heart
From breaking all around you
I wanna wear you down
Turn granite into
something giving
turn a monolith
into sand
or anything
that would let me walk
a little further
Could you ever give me more?
I’m digging deep
And it keeps falling
back together
I’m digging deep
And I keep falling
back together
/ aimee wai
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