salam-ya-hussain · 6 years
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salam-ya-hussain · 7 years
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
This world is not a permanent place, it is a passage, a road on which you are passing. There are two kinds of people here: One is the kind of those who have sold their souls for eternal damnation, the other is of those who have purchased their souls and freed them from damnation.
Imam Ali (as), Nahul Balagha (via shukr-sabr-sadaqah)
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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[ 24 Shawwal 1437 ]
Majlis Al-Aazaa Held Inside Al-Askarian Holy Shrine to Commemorate Martyrdom of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq A.S
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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#Laylatul #Qadr in Masjid e #Kufa #Najaf
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
Be it known to you, my son, that you are created for the next world and not for this. You are born to die and not to live forever. Your stay in this world is transient. You live in a place which is subject to decay and destruction. It is a place where you will have to be busy getting ready for the next world. It is a road (to the next world) on which you are standing. Death is following you. You cannot run away from it. However hard you may try to avoid it, it is going to catch you sooner or later. Therefore, take care that it may not catch you unaware or when you are not prepared for it and when there is no chance left to repent the vices and sins committed and to undo the harm done by you.
Imam Ali’s (a) last will and letter to his sons, Nahj al-Balagha 
(via yaseeneducation)
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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Khatme Quran in Holy Shrine of Imam Ali [as] on 11 Ramadhan
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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A living, breathing, atmosphere; A piece of Paradise on Earth🌹 Decorated for the birthdays of the Prophet (pbuh) and Imam Sadiq (as) in a few days.
#🇮🇷 #imamreza #mashhad by __.msh http://ift.tt/1YBKdIm
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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[ 15 Ramadan 1437 ]
Quranic Session Inside Sayyidda Fatima Masooma [S.A] Holy Shrine.
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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[ The Atmosphere at Martyrdom Place of Ali Al-Asghar ]
برعم صيرته الشهادة عظيماً… عبد الله الرضيع الشهيد الشاهد #23Shaban1437
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
إِذَا رَأَيْتُمُ الْخَيْرَ فَسَارَعْتُمْ إِلَيْهِ وَإِذَا رَأَيْتُمُ الشَرَ فَتَبَاعَدْتُمْ عَنْهُ وكُنْتُمْ بِالطَاعَاتِ عَامِلِيْنَ وَفِي الْمَكَارِمِ مُتَنَافِسِيْنَ كُنْتُمْ مُحْسِنيْنَ فَائِزينَ If you have seen goodness and rushed towards it, and if you have seen evil and distanced yourselves from it, and with obedience you function, and in morality you compete, you are the beneficent winners
Imam Ali (AS)
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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Here… In this Place a Woman stood up in her Pure State of Freedom searching for the Remnants of her Soul that went Astray.
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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salam-ya-hussain · 8 years
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