salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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We be negotiating. We be gamin' for gainssssss.
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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The outside area FINALLY looks filled in. Croc plushie acquired! Rare tiger, mouse toy, and a bamboo sugar-glider too!
Maybe I'll exchange the red for a green croc someday, but just having it is a HUGE achievement for me. ^u^
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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The fates are pointing and laughing.
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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The fates are pointing and laughing.
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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I told him it was overpaying. he said 'Accept. I don't care.'
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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So close. Yet so far.
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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The ritual has begun.
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
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salamandersanderaj · 1 year
Not gonna lie, I was preoccupied with other games and life, but I’m back with some epic updates!
First up! Swapped a short wrist I traded up for with a long-sought-after Mira!
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Next up! Got my blue coyote a friend! :D
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And the backroom is looking VERY full. Mint icecream has been acquired! I think all I wanted from the saber and direwolf collection is here. That's one goal checked off on my list!
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And last but not least, of course my luck is atrocious and I come back right after they drop some incredible new plushies. Missed the rare rabbit drop which I had a feeling would happen xD and then there was the Patterned Plushie Weekend that happened... I was so dissapointed to find that those plushies dropped just before I came back. Thankfully! All I had to do was say 'Looking for Autumn Coyote' in Coral Canyons, and some epic individual traded not one, BUT TWO of those patterned plushies for a phantom plush. What a godsend.
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That's it for now. Trading up is still a slog, getting rims is a pain, and maybe I'll stay active for longer this time? No promises. :')
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
Whoops. it has been a hot minute since I got back into this. December and the daily gifts always bring me back haha.
Here’s what I’ve got. Images under the cut!
First up, the rim to cb to db trade has been going! About to hit my next long collar. :D
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As for new plushies. I got myself a coyote by swapping it for the arctic wolf. I think I’ll try to trade for the crescent moon pattern if possible, but I’m pretty content with this as is.
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I also yoinked up the rare epic tiger plushie, not to be confused with the normal epic. ;)
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And I just had to decorate the year cake with my fluffy friends. How could I not?
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And last, but certainly not least, my back room is looking very crowded xD Still looking for that ice cream saber. someday T^T
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That’s about it right now. I will say some people still overpay a ton for the normal plushie variants in general. Like, I’ll just be vibing in the square, and then, boom, 4 cbs, and two rims offered for the tiara panda. I’m not going to deny that trade, cause stonks, but damn.
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
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traded for my red long
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
I don’t know who. I don’t know why. But someone traded their purple short wrist for a collar llama plushie.
I don’t have the screenshot I’m so shook. I though it was a joke, but they accepted the trade. And then they just… walked away.
Thank you, random stranger, for absolutely making my night!
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
Also real quick, blew some of the cbs I’d acquired on a certain collection in celebration :3c
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Look at them! They’re perfect!
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
Now this, does put a smile on my face.
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Last bit towards this account’s first solid, and my first exclusive plushie.
Done all with plushies and bargaining. What a journey it has been.
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
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salamandersanderaj · 2 years
Since this post is a few years old, I think it would be nice to have a little update.
The value of phantom plushies has decreased. The normal colors can go for a cb or 10-15 rims, however most can only be traded for a few rims at most. The tiara (pink), crown (gold), and spiked (black), still are highly valued and can be usually traded for 10 rims to a worn or pirate sword.
Now for some actual data on exactly how rare these guys drop.
There is around a 69% chance of not getting anything, and a rough estimate of 31% chance of getting a plushie.
Within that chance to get a plush, there is around a 3.9% chance of getting a rare plushie, with a very high odds of those being the jambassitor claw variants.
And a 0.0004 chance of getting a phantom, also know as, 0.04%.
This data is what I’ve gather thus far, and is not complete due to a small sample size. I hope to have a better conclusion later on, since I believe the tiara, crown, and spiked variants have an even lower chance of dropping within that percentage.
Cheers, and happy hunting! May the rng be ever in your favor and your pulls bountiful.
Phantom Plushie Guide
First actual post! Today I’ll go over how to collect the Phantom Plushies, what they’re worth, and how to get The Claw for your den.
First, the phantoms come in 10 variants, with 3 special variants:
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These plushies come from The Claw, a member item that was released in August 2011 as a Monthly Member Gift, and has never been released in stores.
The plushies themselves are quite rare from the claw, as it isn’t a phantom specific claw machine, unlike the den claws we have today. Instead, they are mixed in with all of the other animals. 
I’ve heard the best way to farm these is to place a weight on your space bar, so it always registered as being clicked. Sadly, I can’t do this because of the curve of my keyboard, but I did hold down the space bar for 5 minutes and out of the 15 plushies i got, only 2 were phantoms, and were the plain white variant.
The worth of these plushies is debatable, with some giving around 10 RIMs for a plain and up to 15 RIMs for a special variant. Some people have given decent, long spikes to get their hands on one of these plushies. So, as for worth, it’s pretty much whatever you would like for them, but they are at least a few RIMs.
As for the claw, it’s a bit tricky. Not many people have the claw, as it’s a much older item only given out during one month during 2011. Here’s what the claw looks like: 
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Thankfully, the claw can now be obtained through the Forgotten Desert, (that’s how I got my hands on one!) which is fairly easy if you know a good route or have some friends willing to farm it for a few hours with you. If you have a few items you’re willing to spare, though, trading shouldn’t be hard if you can find someone with it. If you need to get to one, I have one in my den. My username is: derpy03920, PM me if my den is locked and you’d like in.
Hope this helps someone!
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