salamders ¡ 3 years
I’m in the middle of re-reading Frankenstein, and something I never quite realized before – even though I’ve seen it pointed out by others – is just how ineffectual Frankenstein is in dealing with anything.  He whines, and he moans, and laments his life, but he never does anything about it.
When he first brings his creation to life and flees in terror, he takes absolutely no action afterwards.  He doesn’t arm himself and resolve to return and kill the perceived monster he has birthed, he just wanders the streets until he goes home and hopes that it has gone away.  When he gets back and sees that it is gone from his apartment he doesn’t try to marshal a pursuit, he’s just happy that it’s gone and that’s it.  He gives absolutely no thought to what it may be doing out in the world, since it’s not his problem anymore.
When he learns that his brother has been murdered and their maid has been framed, he becomes convinced that the creature is responsible but he doesn’t tell anybody.  He doesn’t even make up a mundane story that bypasses bringing a creature to life, like saying that he made a personal enemy who is targeting his family and that is why Justine is being framed.  He just says that he believes her innocent but takes no action, and expects that to get her acquitted.  He even bemoans that he has it worse than Justine since even though she is executed his guilt is so hard to bear.
After Justine’s death he says he is considering suicide, but he resists because if he did so then there would be nobody to protect his family.  Except, again, he isn’t doing any protecting.  He still hasn’t told anybody the truth, nor has he made up that plausible mundane explanation to get them on their guard.  He doesn’t mount a watch at night or go about armed.  He takes no action.
He is so self-centered that all he talks about is how hard everybody else’s pain is on him, and so spoiled that he does absolutely nothing to resolve any situation.  He just seems to expect it to be worked out because he wants it so.
What a tool.
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salamders ¡ 3 years
Frankenstein’s monster being called just “Frankenstein” is actually poetic justice on a meta scale. Oh, so you’re going to reject your son/creation for fear of God and his hideousness?? You won’t give him a name and only call him “Creature”?? Well everyone forever is going to only remember him by your family name.
How’s that feel Victor?
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salamders ¡ 3 years
The Hollywood creation of "Castle Frankenstein" as the place where Victor creates the Creature is really a shame, as it prevents the wider public from knowing the hilarity of the fact that Victor made his fucked up homunculus in his student housing at the college in Ingolstadt. Imagine you're trying to get your bachelor's degree and the chem major down the hall has created a crime against god in his fucking dorm room AND THEN HE LEAVES IT THERE. The creature has to make his own damn way off campus somehow!!!
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salamders ¡ 3 years
the most unrealistic part of “frankenstein” is that nobody was attracted to the creature at all. are you telling me that he travelled all over europe and didn’t come across ONE monsterfucker???
he was eight feet tall with flowing black locks, he had enhanced speed and agility, and not only could he speak french but he knew how to use the word “thee”!!! and NOBODY debby ryan’d at the sight of him???? NOBODY was like “so what’s in his pants👀”???? NOBODY wanted to climb that fucker like a tree????? impossible!!!!!! i refuse to believe it!!!!!!
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salamders ¡ 3 years
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A Brown bear (Ursus arctos) eats watermelon whilst cooling itself down in a pool at the zoo in Rio de Janeiro, on January 9, 2013. AFP PHOTO/VANDERLEI ALMEIDA/AFP/Getty Images
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salamders ¡ 3 years
Unmute !
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salamders ¡ 3 years
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salamders ¡ 3 years
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salamders ¡ 3 years
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This has been bothering me
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salamders ¡ 3 years
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It’s uncommon, but some starfishes can be square due to a genetic abnormality, caused by different factors such as temperature or salinity variations.
But they are still  ✨ The Star  ✨
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Aunque no es comĂşn, las estrellas de mar pueden nacer cuadradas debido a una anomalĂ­a genĂŠtica causada por factores como cambios en la temperatura o salinidad del agua.
Pero siguen siendo ✨ La Estrella ✨ del lugar
Não Ê comum, mas a estrela do mar pode nascer quadrada devido a uma anormalidade genÊtica causada por fatores como mudanças na temperatura ou salinidade da ågua.
Mas eles ainda são a ✨ Estrela ✨ do lugar
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salamders ¡ 3 years
me, a stag beetle: *grabs you with my pincers and launches you 50 feet*
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salamders ¡ 3 years
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salamders ¡ 3 years
Kirishima: [trips on air]
Bakugo: Haha babe, you're so clumsy.
[later, when Kirishima's not around]
Bakugo, punching the air: Who do you think you are, who THE FUCK DO YOU THINK-
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salamders ¡ 3 years
bakugou, in his bed before falling asleep : so, i basically confessed to kirishima today
*earlier, in the afternoon*
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salamders ¡ 3 years
Kirishima justifying his friendship with Bakugou:
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salamders ¡ 3 years
Kirishima and Bakugou: *Making out in the kitchen*
Kaminari, who just wanted to get his eighth monster energy of the day from the fridge:
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salamders ¡ 3 years
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shoutout to all the krbk fics that are like this
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