salfur · 1 hour
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Jenny Bloomfield. Cats in the Meadow.
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salfur · 2 hours
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Head hunter sketch
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salfur · 2 hours
ok very scary halloween story
I’m sitting at home, minding my own damn business when fucking Yorick (my personal skull, an old decoration that told jokes before it died a couple years ago) tells a fucking joke. Out of the blue. Not even a joke. “1…2…Boo!” He says cryptically, then he laughed and I fucking turned in my chair, pausing in my leisurely screening of Halloweentown 2 and drawing Hamlet. I put down my fucking tablet pen and go to Yorick’s spot on top of the microwave. He is silent, as skulls should properly be.
And I fucking turn him over
And I look at his fucking power switch even though I’m Positive this guy died years ago.
And It Wasn’t Even On Boys. It Wasn’t Even On.
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salfur · 2 hours
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salfur · 2 hours
Out of all the cool stuff that mythbusters ever shot on high speed camera, shooting a soccer ball at 60mph out of a truck traveling 60mph is one of my favorites
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Just look at it. It is the most perfect visual representation of Newton’s 2nd law of physics I’ve ever seen. The ball, which was shot out of a CANNON, drops straight down. Two equal and opposite velocities completely canceling each other out, leaving the soccer ball to drop to the earth with a net velocity of 0. Sir issac newton would be proud to tears of this gif.
And yet this “myth” is nothing more than basic physics at work. A 10 year old with an interest in science could have told us this is possible. 60mph in one direction minus 60mph the exact opposite direction is 0. Basic.
But what makes this so frieken cool is the fact that they went through all the trouble to actually demonstrate the invisible laws that govern the way our universe works. To get this shot both the soccer ball and the truck had to be moving at the exact same speed. Real world variables make that extremely difficult to pull off. It took them hundreds of attempts to get it right. They went through all that trouble to “prove” something we have known as fact for hundreds of years. And we get this amazing gif to watch as a result.
Mythbusters is incredible. Science is incredible. And the fact that this experiment in physics can be used in science classes for years and years to come to help children learn about physics is incredible.
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salfur · 2 hours
Okkkkkk so where is Chicken Miku?
Anon the way i dropped everything when i saw this
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(based on the Onagadori chicken breed)
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salfur · 2 hours
Y'all ever open a book on a new subject, read a little bit, and have to put it back so you can process the way in which your mind was just expanded?
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salfur · 2 hours
I broke a ramune bottle to get the marble out for my dragon.
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salfur · 2 hours
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salfur · 2 hours
Minecraft sea turtles, when bred, will always try to travel back to the beach where they themselves spawned in to lay their eggs. You can place turtle eggs in a chosen location and when they hatch they will consider that their home point to return to. With this, you could theoretically do messenger turtles with your friends by having turtles hatch at each of your home bases and then swapping turtles. If they want to get a message to you, they can breed your turtle and it will return to your base. The only thing is that you can’t actually attach anything to a turtle so the only thing you can actually message your friends would be turtle eggs on their lawn. Unless you changed the name of the turtle to reflect your message so a “CHECK YOUR DMS” could appear on your front yard which would be medieval considering there’s a chat feature in the game already. Plus the whole process would be so stupid in general and you would have to keep swapping turtles. I think people should do this however
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salfur · 2 hours
The thing is, when museums and cultural institutions or researchers adopt memes in a "How do you do, fellow kids" way, that's adorable like my grandma when she's misusing emojis. However when some megacorp does it to sell me evil products or some influencer is trying to get me to buy nonsense skincare mud or cyberpunk looking face masks or weightloss pills, I think that's evil incarnate and their name goes into the Death Note (very mindful, very demure)
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salfur · 13 hours
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salfur · 1 day
every day i have to wake up in a world where i was never given a rusted key by a fox that opens the door in my home that's always been locked, or inherited a sword made entirely of starlight from a distant relative, or been the subject of a prophecy that i will return magic to these shores, and honestly it's a huge fuckign bummer
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salfur · 1 day
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salfur · 1 day
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salfur · 1 day
noncon friendship
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salfur · 1 day
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cicadas :-) ⭐️
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