“Mm,” he hummed in agreement, not bothering with words. He doubted that anything he said would be as intelligible as he might have liked; kissing Sally had the unique ability to weave his thoughts together in a way that nothing else could. Catching her attempt to shrug off her jacket, he grinned, drawing his arms back from where they were circled around her in order to push the fabric over her shoulder and down her arms. His mouth found hers again, lips working against hers languidly. 
the relief from the growing heat had been more potent than she was expecting, sending a chill down her spine, she curled reflexively into him. There was something different about kissing him and holding him that night, it was like electricity and the total absence of control. She knew she aught to be afraid of it or stop it somehow but she didn’t want to, it never even occurred to her to stop...
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“I know, I know. I just get so distracted by what I’m reading, I forget to pay attention to things like changes in the road so I end up falling.”
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“I suppose that’s reasonable enough...still, try to be mindful of your surroundings, it would be just awful if someone murdered or kidnapped you while you were distracted.”
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“Yeah, sure, I’m fine. Just a little tumble, nothing to worry about Miss Finkelstein.”
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“If you say so, you really aught to be more careful, you might cause an accident.”
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“Wait, wh-whoa!”
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“Are you all right?”
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Kat found herself getting more and more annoyed at the response, although she took a quick sip of her drink to cover it. Sally may have had a point, but in a way this felt too much like the same runaround Kat always got. ‘I’m too busy, this isn’t my area, I work with two much dark to understand the light’. It all came to the same thing. ‘I don’t care about this issue enough to try to be part of the solution, even when it is something that obviously affects me’. Maybe she was being slightly unfair and this really was how Sally saw the world, but in a way it didn’t matter. If this was handled badly, every single one of them was going to be punished for it, and Kat was getting tired of hearing from perfectly intelligent people say that they couldn’t handle the puzzle. 
“Heath I’ve spoken with before, I might see if I can speak with him again. And with the right interviewer, Rozalie could provide some useful quotes.” Kat pulled out a small notebook and jotted down a few notes, thinking of which reporter she could connect with each of them for maximum affect. If Sally was going to leave her to to do the work, she might as well get started as soon as possible - before anything happened to affect her own credibility among everyone else. “Thank you for the suggestions. And hopefully with a few hints dropped in the right places, I can get some groundwork laid in the muggle world. It’ll be worth something.”
“Of course,” she said with a sigh, she felt a little bad for having engaged in a conversation about action that she knew she couldn’t take part in. Her job was more than a job though, it was a vocation, bringing justice to those who couldn’t provide that justice for themselves, bringing closure to families and ridding the world of monsters. She simply didn’t have time for anything else and as usual, it caused frustration but this time in someone else and not just herself. Perhaps she took her job too seriously? Perhaps it consumed her too much? Of course she did and of course it consumed her...then again, how could it not?
“If...” she began, “for whatever reason, I find myself with fewer dead and missing bodies to deal with and more time on my hands, I would be happy to help...but I really do have little influence and as I said before, I’m not a very convincing person.”
Shit Talkers || Sally & Kat
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“And how do you plan on identifying them? The politically minded are not necessarily the ones with political power, and those two groups are separate from the ones that are going to tolerate us. Honestly we need to get some of the reputable reporters on our side - the news will either calm anxiety or incite panic and I don’t have contacts at every paper. Yet.” Maybe that was something she needed to start working on again. It was a concrete goal anyway.
Sally smiled, the dead sort of smile she usually did and shook her head, taking a sip of tea before putting the cup on the table. “I don’t plan on identifying anyone, she said, her voice becoming a little hallow, “this cause isn’t one I have any intention of actively participating in. I solve murders, I deal with monsters and monstrous things that monsters do. I’ve been looking into the darkness too long to pretend I’d be any good at influencing the world where light is. I can’t determine why a person would do something good, just why they would do bad things.” She sighed and turned to Kat, “it’s certainly a puzzle but not one that I’m equipped to be any use at solving, if I’m being honest, I think someone like you would be better for it. Besides, if I got distracted by it, I wouldn’t have the time I needed to solve the problems I am equipped to deal with.”
She turned away and took another sip of her tea, “I do think that media would be a good influence to harness, you’re right about that, in both the muggle and the magical world, it would be entirely necessary. Still, Elsa and Heath might be more receptive to the notion of letting the secret out and they’re growing in influence...whether they can be trusted or not, I have no idea...the Corona girl might have been a good force to access but I’m not sure that even her father is all that powerful, let alone the fact that she’s both foolish and reckless.” she grumbled taking a sip of tea before lowering it and chuckling, “you most certainly have your work cut out for you on this.” She might not have intended to actively aid in such an endeavor as outing the entire magical community but she had no problem with the notion of casually offering suggestions.
Shit Talkers || Sally & Kat
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“It was about a guy who slept for a super long time and when he woke up he had a huge beard and like there were flying cars and stuff.  I don’t know, it’s been a really long time since I heard the story.”
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“I see... that sounds interesting I suppose, although, there have been flying cars for quite awhile...I assume this Rip van Winkle was a muggle?”
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“The problem is getting anyone to even try positive action.” She sighed. While these separate worlds meant her separate lives were easier to hide, she could sacrifice a few things if it would stop the awful comments. She took another sip, draining her cup. “I don’t know. It’s all a big mess.”
“It really, truly is,” she said with a sigh, “I’m not much good at cleaning up this sort of mess,” she admitted, taking a sip of tea, “it’s difficult to say how it would even be done. Maybe the best course of action would be to empower those who do have a clue, the politically minded, those with that sort of power. accessing them might be the key.”
Shit Talkers || Sally & Kat
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“I feel like I could sleep for a hundred years… just like that story of that Rip van Winkle dude.”
“What was that story about again?”
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“I suppose that’s true…still I’m not sure how we could introduce it slowly. I mean, the sheer amount of effort that goes into keeping signs of magic off the internet must be astronomical, and now we have all these new muggles. I think, once again, the wizarding world has held on too long. If we don’t start allowing the release of information now, it will explode in a way we have no hope of controlling.” She knew Sally couldn’t affect the change entirely on her own, and neither could Kat, but she couldn’t keep it all to herself anymore.
“It would really be best if it all happened while at least some muggles still believed in magic and saw the wonder in it. Through possitive actions I’m sure we as a community could convince them not to murder us all at least,” she said with a smile. Not being murdered was certainly ideal.
Shit Talkers || Sally & Kat
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“Is it too much to hope that it will lead to the downfall of the statute of secrecy anyway?” Kat had her own reasons for wanting that gone - mostly based in the fact that she was tired of lying to her muggle friends. But it would be fun to show that her family’s ‘select gatherings’ were based on having magic, not actually business acumen, which would take away some of their mystique. She could do with some good news about now. 
“One can only hope,” she said with a wry smile, taking another sip of tea. The statute of secrecy hurt muggles she felt. It prevented effective police work and it caused the magical population a lot of unnecessary stress. Mostly, keeping the secret wasted a lot of resources...but still... “I think to do away with it entirely so quickly and in the fashion I fear it will transpire in...well, I don’t see that ending well.” The sudden existence of magic in the muggle world would doubtlessly result in global panic and suspicion, especially if it were exposed accidentally.
Shit Talkers || Sally & Kat
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There wasn’t really any sound reason to explain why those words could make his heart falter, but then again, what sound reason could explain the heart? He was acutely aware of everything - her eyes, her voice, the light pressure of her hands on his shoulders - and he was more than willing to get lost in all of it. In the two of them and nothing else.
“Did you?” He watched her with adoration, but also with something that reflected the building warmth in his chest. “We could always ignore that last part, hm? Life or death can be thrilling, but I think I would rather focus only on you, mon amour…” Ducking slightly, he pressed a kiss to her temple, and another at the corner of her mouth. When his lips hovered just above hers, he stopped, searching her eyes for a sign to stop. When he spoke, it was a whisper against her mouth, his tone teasing. “Unless you would rather life or death?”
She tilted her head up and closed the distance between her lips and his, breaking the contact before initiating it again with another kiss, “I would rather not spend too long thinking about death,” she said breathlessly. She was far more interested in life at the moment and the unexpected heat. She supposed what they said about body heat really was true, she found herself shrugging her shoulder out of her jacket...
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“I know you’re not.  I’m just saying that there is no ‘most effective way’.  It’s not going to happen.” He frowned, crossing his arms tightly to give himself the illusion of protection.  At first, Adam wasn’t quite sure how to answer her question.  Or rather, he had too many answers.  Still, his own feelings on that were a little complicated.  He didn’t know where he quite fell on that. “I don’t know,” he started, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders.  He thought a little more, hunching over–curling in on himself.  “It’s not that bad–at first.  People don’t bother you, because they’re afraid.  You’re alone, mostly.  It’s not so bad.  But then it gets lonely because everyone’s afraid of you and you’re always fucking alone.  And then you try to change but it never fucking works, because people are too scared to see the change.”  A pause.  “Then fear isn’t fear and it’s more just hatred, and people aren’t scared of you anymore.  They hate you.  And they don’t leave you alone, anymore.  They try to get rid of you.  And you’re still so fucking alone.  Just…always.”
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“I can understand that...but still, you aren’t alone. Rather, you aren’t alone in being alone. Quite a few of us are, for different reasons, some self inflicted and others not by choice...but life is like that and it doesn’t get easier but you can find ways to make the struggle worthwhile, provided of course that you’re willing to look.” She sighed, inspecting her nails, “then again what do I know, as for there being no “most effective way,” fuck off Adam, I’m the professional in this regard. It’ll be me who decides that there’s no “most effective way,” understood?”
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“I’m not vulnerable.  And self-serving or not, you can’t just change the way things are.  You’re not going to do a damned thing even if you actually tried.  That’s just the way things are.  Haven’t you noticed?”
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“I don’t intend to, I’m just trying to determine the most effective way to keep you from being killed. I have no interest in sparking a social change in the way werewolves are treated in society, I wouldn’t know how,” she sighed and her amusement with the situation began to fade, “what’s so bad about being feared anyway?”
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He was silent most of the rest of the walk. Sally had driven what he knew to be true into him and to be honest, he didn’t want to hear it at all. To pretend he knew nothing of the sort though, that Dash could do. But Vi did care a lot about him, he knew that, he cared a lot about her. She was his sister after all, he was worried something as bad as what had happened a few years back would haunt them again and Dash wasn’t ready for that. “Shut up” He told Sally, her words continued to echo in his head. He hated how right she was. “Just lock me in jail or send me to askaban or some shit I don’t fucking know.”
“You didn’t answer the question, so I’ll take that as a “yes but I refuse to grow a spine and face up to my issues, conquering them instead of being enslaved to them”“ she said simply, with little emotion as she continued to walk with him floating behind, “it also should be noted that you lack the authority to give me instructions Mr. Parr.”
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