salonmciden · 5 years
salonmciden started following neonecrozma
A metallic gleam had glistened from underneath the sands of Melemele. One would have thought that it was a shard from a nearby volcano. In fact, the glass-like gleam would shift in the sunlight. Multiple colors upon black would glisten in iridescence as the weight of the being below would suddenly emerge from its depths.
Before the female’s feet, an array of sharp shards would peek up from the sand. It would rise. Rise. Rise more, until the sudden blackened body of the creature before her would hover before her. Sand dripping from either side of its body, the being’s ‘face’ would direct its attention right at her.
It seemed… very interested in her.
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The creature’s claw rose up. Almost with hesitation, and reaches out for the human. Claws opened, it froze in place. Its claw positioned downward, the tip of its razor sharp claw barely close to her chest, as if it were pointing at her heart.
Then, a sudden vibrating buzzed in her head. The ‘face’ of said creature lightened into a bright white, as if to s how that it, too, were alive.
A voice echoed inside of her mind. Not powerful, but not weak, either.
“You. I can feel your air. What is it that humans call you.”
     From below, the sensation of earth’s existence was probing an odd feeling in the lilac chief’s chest. Holding true to an ability would guide the woman before these isolated sands of MELEMELE. Pokemon scattered away...almost frightful of what lurks beneath these sands. It may be others whose presence was intimidating to the wild creatures but even she cannot be fooled. Only an outsider would provoke this response which makes a chief’s duty on high alert. No longer being protected nor standing in the sidelines, her devotion to Pokemon’s hearts would guide her. A want for healing ‘ this Pokemon ’, perhaps returning them back to their world, was her objective in the end. Why else become someone who was risking her life? A startled gasp escaped without taking notice to the sands below her feet were taking on a new form. Gloved hands pressed against her bosom, in preparation for who this creature shall be. Lilac irises gaze before the creature who seems attentive over the chief’s existence. ❛ Ah, you are---! ❜ ---------NECROZMA.
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     The name faintly whispered between the chief’s lips though hushes from a claw reaching out. No form of fear emits from the lilac woman’s body, not bothering to turn her back to them. The creature hadn’t the faintest intentions of malicious nor any to immediately lash her form. She could only stare until a voice echoed inside her mind...the buzzed noises most humans hear were being vocalized. Eyes enclose themselves, being mindful not to intrude any of his words until they ceased. Its voice was mildly strong though familiar to ULTRABEASTS who once spoken with the lilac chief. Nodding gently, she confirms understanding every fragment he asked though smiles reassuringly through her words. ❛ ...Everyone addresses me as ANABEL. Rest assure, I shall do you no harm...yes, you are ‘ one of them ’ who I was asked to pursuit. Does something trouble your heart? You may speak anything to me, for I am here to help you...no matter what others say. ❜
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salonmciden · 5 years
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         GIVING A PERSONAL AID IN HIS RECOVERY,   gloved fingers carefully wipe away the sweat from a hardworking victory. Those cuts and bruises weren’t best at convincing the   CHIEF   proper comfort nor ease her heart. Still, the subtle sounds coming from his wonderful partner are enough to persuade her------   POKEMON TELL NO LIES,   something the lilac woman understands when speaking with them. Hands try their best to keep a gentle pace as she soothes the cuts before applying medical aid. She won’t listen to disagreements of going this far...not when the chief is ‘  left behind  ’. Light hums escape to break away their silence, mostly wanting to ignore these protests. A stubborn investigator he was though something about it was admirable. Her own devotion into helping Pokemon already matches with a   JUSTICE MINDSET   for everyone’s sake. The cries of these creatures who originated from another place...yet he denies any assistance to putting them at ease. Wasn’t it both their task to deal with them, without the use of force? Sighing softly, eyes closed themselves as she finishes in bandaging up those injuries quite content at her work. There still lies some displeasure of remaining alone even if these   ULTRABEAST’S APPEARANCE   takes a toll of her energy somehow.
         GLOVED HANDS GRASP HER PARTNER’S TIGHTLY   almost frightened about what he might think about these thoughts.   ❛     It would help to assist you with the   ULTRABEASTS   than letting me stay behind...I worry for you, Looker. Won’t you permit me to accompany you next time? I assure you, I’m perfectly well to---     ❜
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salonmciden · 7 years
And sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in.
Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility (via books-n-quotes)
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salonmciden · 7 years
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salonmciden · 7 years
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salonmciden · 7 years
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salonmciden · 7 years
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          ALTHOUGH  THIS  WOMAN’S  TRUE  INTENTIONS   remain  unclear ,  mewtwo  can’t  sense  any  hostility  from  her ,  and  because  of  that  is  able  to  lower  his  guard  just  a  little  further  in  her  company .   funny ,  he’d  been  all  too  prepared  for  her  to  whip  out  one  of  her  pokemon  slaves  and  BATTLE  it  for  the  sake  of  his  health  and  quite  possibly  his  freedom  –  apparently  that  isn’t  the  case .  ANABEL ;   he'll  remember  that .    ❛ I  CANNOT  SAY  THE  SAME .  ❜   the  reply's  in  regard  to  her  comment  on  meeting .   a  bit  harsh ,  yeah  ,  but  there  isn’t  necessarily  a  reason  to  trust  her  yet .   her  words  may  come  out  gentle  and  sweet ,  but  it  doesn’t  mean  that  they’re  GENUINE .  this  supposed  gift  of  hers ,  however ,  interests  him .  hopes  that  she’s  unlike  the  majority .    ❛  –WHY  WOULD  A  HUMAN  CARE  TO  HELP  ME ? ❜
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     HEARING SUCH A HARSH TONE HADN’T AFFECTED HER   though retains a calming company before him. no malicious intents ever came from someone as the lilac woman. being mindful to keep a fair distance, she let   GLOVED HANDS CLAPSE EACH OTHER   while gazing over the unique pokemon. true his rarity would attract trainers but her ‘ nature as one ’ difers from the average ones. she rather befriend pokemon, let them do as they please ------ that alone is rewarding enough for a trainer instead of battling. there’s a great   DISCONNECTION SHE CARRIES   from losing that part of who she ‘ used to be ’. only her love for pokemon hadn’t changed. ❛   i desire to help you because pokemon are my dear friends, mewtwo. there’s nothing that would bring me   GREAT JOY   than to assist a pokemon who needs help.   ❜ her reply to his inquiry holds a genuine sentiment, letting a light smile appear. sadly enough, the lilac chief could hear all those ‘ distrusting ’ thoughts spiraling around his mind. they clashed together with the recollection of memories she heard. it nearly makes the woman break into tears but she’ll hold back to not confuse the psychic pokemon. ❛   although i can understand your   DISTRUST IN HUMANS   since they brought so much harm to you. two of my friends have also suffered under the hands of humans and it took them a while to grow comfortable around me.   ❜
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salonmciden · 7 years
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        ❛  MY  TROUBLED  HEART  … ?  ❜    maybe  she  can  sense  it .   interesting .    ❛  YOU’RE  NOT  WRONG  .  BUT …  HOW  DO  YOU  KNOW  ?  WHO  ARE  YOU ? ❜
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     ❛   ... ...   ❜   TO HER, THE HEARTS OF POKEMON   were as clear as the human language. she could sense their every thoughts --- happiness, sorrow, mellow, anything goes. it does put   HER OWN HEART IN DISTRESS   to hear the cries of pokemon and their turmoils. ❛   ... it may seem unlikely but ever since i was young, i could hear the hearts of pokemon. humans will hear ‘ growls or chirps ’ from them but to me ... it’s clear as speaking with any human. i would only entrust telling pokemon about this rare gift of mine --------- my name is anabel. i’m very grateful to meet you, mewtwo. if only there was a way to   EASE YOUR TROUBLED HEART   ... but i’m painfully aware it will be difficult.   ❜
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salonmciden · 7 years
MEWTWO / unmerciful.
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          ❛  DON’T  COME  ANY  CLOSER .  ❜
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     ❛   oh, you have no reason to   HOLD A STRONG GUARD   before me. i have no intentions on bringing harm before you, mewtwo. forgive me but your ‘ troubled heart ’ ... it drew me here --------- you must be hurting deeply.   ❜
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salonmciden · 7 years
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        hello!! it’s jazz again, and here with a remake of my POKEMON ANABEL RP BLOG from EMERALD/SUN AND MOON/ULTRA SUN AND MOON. to keep things a little short, i had to remake my anabel blog on account of getting a new laptop. when i tried to log into anabel’s account on my new one, any password that i used wasn’t it. i tried going to my email for her blog but as it turns out, my email was disabled. so i chose to go with the decision of remaking anabel since i don’t wish to abandon her and it’s been a long time. plus i miss the pokemon community too!! anyways, give this post a ❤ or ↻ if you want to continue interacting with me. personal blogs, don’t reblog.
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salonmciden · 7 years
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tag dump ( ships )
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salonmciden · 7 years
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tag dump ( verses )
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salonmciden · 7 years
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tag dump ( other things )
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salonmciden · 7 years
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tag dump ( aesthetics )
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salonmciden · 7 years
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tag dump ( the cast )
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