saltedcaramela ยท 1 day
May your autumn be cozy, refreshing, and full of love.
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saltedcaramela ยท 1 day
the way i thought this was an ai voiceover at first because i forgot about this total sappery coming out of her mouth
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saltedcaramela ยท 2 days
Quick, I'm having a debate with my mom, so while the Europeans are asleep:
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saltedcaramela ยท 3 days
Tom and Daphne. <3
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saltedcaramela ยท 3 days
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saltedcaramela ยท 3 days
Iโ€™m starting to think the when I input my email to unsubscribe from trash I never signed up for, it actually subscribes me to other stuff. Orrr my email gets sold to other third parties๐Ÿ˜’
Why is it that the more Iโ€™m unsubscribing to spam emails, the more Iโ€™m getting?? Someone explain it like Iโ€™m 5?
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saltedcaramela ยท 3 days
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Turnu Monastery, Romania (by Alexandru Mazilu)
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saltedcaramela ยท 3 days
i love canceling plans. dear maria count me out
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saltedcaramela ยท 3 days
Why is it that the more Iโ€™m unsubscribing to spam emails, the more Iโ€™m getting?? Someone explain it like Iโ€™m 5?
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saltedcaramela ยท 4 days
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saltedcaramela ยท 5 days
I know racism has no borders nor boundaries, but based on what Iโ€™ve learned about the UK these past few years, this is most unsurprising. I hope she has better experiences in the future and mental health healing. And good for her for speaking out, I canโ€™t imagine it was easy, but if it helps lead to the changes she wants to see, hopefully others will join her.
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Death threats dawgโ€ฆ for fucking what?!! It's infuriating to read this and my heart goes out to Francesca for what she went through.
Even at the time, I thought that the support on the production side was lacking (or at the very least underwhelming) from the outside look in and it's devastating to know that she felt the same. I had hoped that despite appearances she was and felt protected.
This kind of racist and baseless backlash is sadly expected for POC creatives, and itโ€™s amplified a hundredfold when it involves a beloved IP traditionally associated with white characters. It's designed to intimidate and discourage POC from these opportunities. I admire her courage to keep pushing boundaries.
Iโ€™m torn because I often feel like if productions canโ€™t support POC creatives in a meaningful way, they should leave them the fuck alone. The repercussions and mental toll it can have on them is too fucking high. But then again, it does feel like it would mean letting the racist win. Itโ€™s fucked.
Thoughts and prayers to Francesca for real. I hope she gets everything her heart desire out of this industry.
โ€œI am not the first black Juliet, and I wonโ€™t be the last.โ€ LET IT BE KNOWN ๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ
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saltedcaramela ยท 5 days
1. Heโ€™s a little liar ๐Ÿ™‚
2. She legit answered Tom directly โ€œit worked for meโ€ ๐Ÿ™ƒ
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saltedcaramela ยท 6 days
Tom and Daphne on a golf date. <3
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saltedcaramela ยท 6 days
I read an AITA post a few weeks back about a woman who liked having snacks in the bath when she's had a long day (a result of residual trauma iirc - the bath was her safe space). Her brand new husband of three weeks, a man twice her age who had no job, made her pay all of his bills and do all housework, and spent all day every day gaming because he wanted to make it as a Twitch streamer, had always been fine with this; but, on the day in question, had whisked her bath snacks out of her hands as she was on her way to the bathroom and tried to bin them, telling her it was time to 'break her of that filthy habit in his home'. She told him if he ever actually paid anything towards the house she owns outright he might get a say, took her snacks back, and had her lovely bath. He was since giving her the silent treatment.
(Obviously the judgement was an avalanche of 'NTA and also he's abusing you', which she agreed with, and decided to kick him out, so happy ending.)
Anyway I told my husband about this and he was outraged. "I would never do that!" he told me, furious. "I would find it adorable if you had bath snacks!"
Since then, every time I try to have a bath (which I only do as a rare treat) after about ten minutes there has been an anxious scrabbling at the bathroom door.
"Elanor!" he says. "Do you have bath snacks? Do you need anything?"
My answer is irrelevant. He brings me wine and poptarts. Now I have bath snacks. I'm a bath snacks person. Last time he was literally sleeping on the sofa when I went for the bath. Somehow this still happened. I now have an eager bathroom butler. How did this happen. I have never been so decadent yet bewildered.
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saltedcaramela ยท 6 days
small new clip from an old interview
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saltedcaramela ยท 7 days
Because I donโ€™t let things go very easily, I had to go find it lol
And where Z is quoted about it
Destiny, have you noticed how all three actresses who played Spider-Man's love interest have started in tennis-themed films?
Haha yes! ๐Ÿ˜…
I think I joked about this on my blog a few weeks ago! ๐Ÿ˜…
I think Twitter even made a meme about it. How coincidental lol.
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saltedcaramela ยท 8 days
She handed the keys over immediately like I do when Iโ€™ve no intention of driving back ๐Ÿ˜‚
Zendaya talks about learning to drive in London!
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