saltsulphur · 2 years
Logged back into this account real quick to remind you that I'm no longer at this blog and you can find me at @avesrosales !
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saltsulphur · 2 years
I'm moving blogs! I'm switching my online presence in the community to a more witchcraft and occult studies focus as well, and you can find my new blog up at @avesrosales while this blog will be kept up for archival reasons!
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saltsulphur · 2 years
Breaking hiatus to say I just got back from seeing Ghost, Volbeat, and Twin Temple last night with my partner! We also managed to snag the Ghost/Volbeat and Twin Temple tour shirts while we were there
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saltsulphur · 2 years
@ demonolators; you bashing christians and christianity doesn't make you better or superior. you don't have to like christians and the followers of the religion to respect the religion. i am tired of seeing "edgy" demonolators who curse christianity just for the sake of it. it's disrespectful, stop it. be better. if you were offended by this blog you are apart of the issue.
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saltsulphur · 2 years
Hi! I came across your blog when looking into Luciferianism and saw a couple of your posts about how including Lilith into your practice would be cultural appropriation. What are your thoughts about Luciferianism as a whole?
Luciferianism itself is fine! The specifics of Luciferianism kind of depend on the person and to some people (even historically) it can be synonymous with Satanism its all just a matter of what you believe and what name you wish to use. I've known many kind Luciferians and there's even people such as myself that work with Lucifer but call themselves Satanists, etc.
I think what you might be implying and where the problem arises is when people worship Lucifer and Lilith as like a God and Goddess thing. The concept itself is a bit too Wiccan for me in terms of feeling the need to have a "masculine" and "feminine" (Wicca being both transphobic and racist as hell) on top of being appropriative. After all, who's to say Lucifer can't be both as is?
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saltsulphur · 2 years
Thank you all for sticking around through my hiatus. I'm going to pin this post to give anyone wondering where I've been the quick rundown of, well, where I've been.
The holidays, as with most people, are a tough time for me between the constant financial stress, past trauma, and more, but this past year and into this year has been exceptionally hard financially. To handle that stress, I decided to take a break from this blog and lessen my social media use to give myself space and also work on my art more.
To add to that, the week leading up to Christmas saw my partner's dad almost pass away. He was only able to get out of the hospital the day before after several days of treatment and being unconscious. Needless to say, everyone was extremely stressed out, but thankfully he's okay now.
All in all, I've been taking the time to take care of my mental health, work on art, enjoy games, and reassess / further explore my spirituality by paying attention to signs that I've had present in my life for quite a while that I've finally started listening to.
That said, I will still be on hiatus. If you would like to follow my blog that has everyday content on it that I'm still active on, you are free to follow @diabyssic. If you are part of the Satanists server, you're free to dm me, otherwise feel free to message me here or on my everyday blog.
I love and appreciate you all, and hope you have a wonderful 2022!
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saltsulphur · 2 years
Happy New Year to all of you!
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saltsulphur · 2 years
ah thank you so much that does make sense! i think i fall more towards theistic in that case! i applied to join the discord mentioned on your blog, but im so new to this i didnt know how to answer a few of the questions sorry!
It's okay, I'm glad I could help! The server has been a little dead lately because of the holidays and just life in general kinda making everyone busy, but I'll be sure to check the applications in a bit!
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saltsulphur · 2 years
hey there! could you explain your definition of the difference between theistic and atheistic satanism? thanks in advance if you choose to!!
It's relatively simple! Basically atheistic Satanists are atheists that follow Satan as an archetype of the Adversary, the one who turned against a cruel and unjust God for the sake of humanity. Some see this more philosophically while some strive to become their own kind of personal God (hail no one but thyself type thing, which can unfortunately lead to some rude and self-centered Satanists).
Theistic Satanists believe there is the existence of Satan and venerate him instead of directing veneration to exclusively themselves. Many see him as a guiding or father figure and less as a God to be worshipped.
Basically when atheistic Satanists say "Hail Satan" they mean themselves as God of their own path. When theistic Satanists say "Hail Satan" they mean Satan / Lucifer as lord / father / guide.
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saltsulphur · 2 years
If You Hail Satan, Come Correct
Woof.  I wanted to like The Satanic Temple and Lucien Greaves, but I randomly came across the real scoop on what low-down fash-friendly piles of shit they really are.  Representing myself as satanic, I feel the need to address this, and while I’m at it, help fix some of the harm they are doing in the world.
To start with, I need to make clear that I do not believe every member of TST is fascist or a scumbag.  Some just haven’t gotten the facts yet, and some who have feel too invested to acknowledge the truth.  To those of you who are good people, I hope you work things out.
But I also hope you can realize you don’t need TST and can represent Satan in your own ways.  There is absolutely nothing stopping you from walking away from TST en masse and starting your own Satanism.  Maybe it starts small, a facebook group or a twitter account, but it can turn into something just as big and certainly better.
Eugenics and Nazi Friendliness
I was ill-informed and had little idea that modern satanists were so cozy with antisemitism and nazism until I fell down this unfortunate rabbit hole.  What in the name of Hell is the point of rejecting Christ only to wallow in the shit ideals of his worst fanboys?
Lucien Greaves has made some half-assed apologies for antisemitic comments made on a radio show in 2003 as that came to light recently, and in the narrow context of that clip one could think of his comments as being more antitheist than antisemitic – he was saying jewish religious belief is his problem and jewish blood is not, in disagreement with the hosts of the radio show he was on.
But broaden that context just a little bit more, and things look much worse.  Why did he not rebuke the whole proceedings when his pals on the show went full sieg heil?  Why didn’t he bail?  Because he knew they were nazis going in, and he was OK with that.
The show itself was the “Might Is Right 24-Hour Radio Special” in honor of a new printing of racist / antisemitic book “Might is Right” – and Greaves (as “Doug Mesner”) was invited because he illustrated the book. Whatever terms or qualifiers he’s used for it (he had a site called “dysgenics” as late as 2018), Greaves has wholeheartedly endorsed eugenics on many occasions.  As recently as the founding of The Satanic Temple ten years after his appearance on that show, he was willingly associating with and involving the sieg heiling host of that very broadcast.
(Quick aside – the event hosts may or may not have identified as nazis and they didn’t actually say “sieg heil” but I don’t give an earthly shit about distinguishing between flavors of antisemite and the finer points of their ideologies.  Another guest on the show was prominent KKK figure Tom Metzger – in a segment of the show Greaves (Doug Misicko in the transcript) happily participated in.  Y’all are nazis; eat shit and die at your soonest convenience, thanks.)
Anyone who would oppose the hypocrisies and injustices of cultural christianity has to decide for theirself what they will propose in the wake of christianity’s defeat.  Because you’re not going to defeat xtianity at large, of course (only they can do that to themselves lol), but you are going to win some hearts and minds away from the pews and pulpits.  What are you giving them in exchange for what they’ve given up?
For some opposing xtianity is enough, like dictionary atheists who are iconoclasts without a care.  LaVey was in the pitiful thrall of Ayn Rand and his satanic bible owes its soul to her “objectivism.”  His Church of Satan and the satanic movement generally from that point on carried those values of cruelty and greed forward.  This was the movement from which Greaves emerged, only differing in that he was more fully atheistic than his predecessors.  Or maybe just more ableist.  From what I’ve seen, ableism was always his biggest hobbyhorse.
OK, greed as a value does seem to oppose the charity spoken of by Jesus, so satanic, right?  Wrong.  If we were just going to oppose xtianity as described in the bible, maybe.  But I don’t give a fuck about that.  I want to oppose xtianity as it is practiced in my culture, and all the harm it does – most of which is fueled by greed.  If you’re not doing that – fighting for the ability of people to enjoy life, fighting oppression – what’s the fucking point?
In their stances on gay rights and reproductive rights and religious freedom, The Satanic Temple has lured in thousands of progressive people – taken their time and money.  But was this truly deserved?  The organization is rotten at its core for the same reason the gnu atheist movement was: the founders centered ableism, the ability to feel superior to the “stupid” xtians, which is just about the quickest path to eugenics and nazism.
To this day, there are high ups within TST that have a history of consorting with nazi clowns like Mike Cernovich and Milo Yiannapolis.   TST have gone on record as being anti-antifa, and you know what you get when those antis zero out.
Reproductive Rights People Hate Them
Just because anti-abortion scumbags have had a great deal of success lately does not mean that the defenders of reproductive health have been failing at their jobs, only that fascists have been achieving horrific victories across the board.  But The Satanic Temple has opted to use that messaging to suck up activist dollars – to claim “We must accept the fact that traditional efforts to protect reproductive rights have failed.”
And what are they doing with the pro-abortion activist dollars?   They’re acting like $cientology in the way they veer between saying they’re a religion and denying that depending on what’s most advantageous in a given financial or legal situation, and not being at all transparent about where the money goes.
All these issues and more led some Satanists in my part of the country to rebel, to make public critique of the organization.  The law protects criticism of religious organizations, but they’re still suing for business harm – a business when it suits them, a religion when it doesn’t.  The apostates are just regular people facing tens of thousands of dollars in legal expenses they can’t afford.  It’s a SLAPP suit working as intended, and you can see why I might find that something worth fighting against.
Support the Queer Satanic Apostasy.  Help defend them against the SLAPP suit.
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saltsulphur · 2 years
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saltsulphur · 2 years
Hi! I came across your blog when looking into Luciferianism and saw a couple of your posts about how including Lilith into your practice would be cultural appropriation. What are your thoughts about Luciferianism as a whole?
Luciferianism itself is fine! The specifics of Luciferianism kind of depend on the person and to some people (even historically) it can be synonymous with Satanism its all just a matter of what you believe and what name you wish to use. I've known many kind Luciferians and there's even people such as myself that work with Lucifer but call themselves Satanists, etc.
I think what you might be implying and where the problem arises is when people worship Lucifer and Lilith as like a God and Goddess thing. The concept itself is a bit too Wiccan for me in terms of feeling the need to have a "masculine" and "feminine" (Wicca being both transphobic and racist as hell) on top of being appropriative. After all, who's to say Lucifer can't be both as is?
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saltsulphur · 2 years
I MIGHT have gotten a new laptop for the holidays (finally) and now to begin the long, arduous process of having to put every file i want to keep into folders to transfer over.
Luckily all of my books are already in folders
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saltsulphur · 2 years
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Statue based on Leonardo daVinci’s famous concept for artificial wings.
This is so fucking beautiful!
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saltsulphur · 2 years
Orange and pink for the ask game!
I dare you to beat me in Mario Kart I dare you
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saltsulphur · 2 years
coral xD
I actually used to own a sword! I don't anymore, but one day
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saltsulphur · 2 years
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